Trapped In Edolas

By Queen-Mystwalker

12K 435 151

After the seven time skip on Tenrou Island, Grand Magic Games, and the Eclipse Door. The whole gang was in th... More

Chapter 1: Arrived
Chapter 2: Different
Chapter 3: Information
Chapter 4: Unexpected Turns
Chapter 5: Order
Chapter 6: Fever
Chapter 7: Scared
Chapter 8: Fight
Chapter 9: Confusion
Chapter 10: Goal Settings
Chapter 11: Erased
Chapter 12: Pregnancy
Chapter 14: Awakened
Chapter 15: Morning Awake Up Call
Chapter 16: Catching Up
Chapter 17: Change of Events
Chapter 18: As you wish

Chapter 13: Everything

646 16 9
By Queen-Mystwalker

I'm so sorry for the wait guys. Things were getting rough with my family and I just found out I need to get surgery done so I'm sorry for the wait please forgive me.

Erza Knightwalker's Pov:

The moment of truth has come. My king is going to regain his memories. My king is been suffering under depression lately and this is the only way to make him happy again.

I should have never agreed with the council about the decision. But they thought it would be best that he didn't remember Earthland. I hated them enough as it was so, I thought it would be the best. But what I didn't know, is that once that happened he didn't remember what it meant to be happy. Since all his happy memories were in Earthland that ruined his entire life for the past.

However he'll regain every since memory he lost.

"Where are we?" Scarlet asked.

"This is the science lab and we just need to hook him into a machine and he'll be alright. We need to strap these wires on to him. These contain his old memories we kept them in case of and emergency." I replied.

"So we just strap this onto his head?" Lily asked.

"Yes, he will gain his memories and will help you go back to wherever you came from." I teased.

"Okay then, so what are we waiting for?" Natsu asked as he held all the wires.

After taping and gluing this onto his head we finally finished and gently set him down onto the table. I looked at my king with sad eyes. This is all my fault. All those years of misery because of me, I just hope he'll forgive me, he deserves so much more.

"Let's get the machine started." I started.

I went back into the mechanical room and began pressing buttons, however something went wrong and a red but was flashing like crazy.

"What's going on?" Scarlet asked.

"He's awake. He needs to be asleep." I said.

Mystogan's Pov:

I begin to awaken from my sleep as I heard a bunch of noise. I cracked my eyes open and noticed that light was staring down at me. Begin to think that I was going to go to heaven, however it's far too easy. I gently touched my head only to find that it was very sticky and there were wires attached to me which made me start to panic dramatically.

I begin screaming my head off for help and soon my captain came in and I was overjoyed to see her.

"What's happening, my Erza?" I asked.

"Shhh! Calm down my precious king. There is no need to fear." She tried to calm me down.

"What's going on? Why am I in some mechanical device? Why are there things struck to my head? Why is my hair so sticky?!?" I panicked.

"Your regaining your memories." She said.

My eyes widened with fear and panic.

"What?!? Why?!" I asked.

"Because you deserve to know them. The Council removed seven years from your mind away from you. They thought it would be best to do so. I agreed with that but that was a mistake because you begin to get miserable and depressed. You were so happy you have your memories. I am returning them to you."

"I don't want to remember them they are horrible memories!!" I cried out.

"They're wonderful memories. The council is lying to you right in the face. They don't want you to have these memories, but you need them. If you had them again you will be happy and you know some of the things you never knew. You were came close to having a baby."

"I had a baby?" I questioned.

"Well, it was a miscarriage, but I'll let you in a little secrets." I leaned down towards his ear and whispered for Scarlet and the others did hear. "You're not a virgin."

He gasped loudly.

"I'm not a virgin!!??" He shouted out.

I mentally slapped myself. I whispered for nobody would hear me but it's in the case in the situation. Scarlet and the others are laughing in the background.

"No, your not a virgin. But it couldn't happened."

"See? That's why want to forget everything. I don't want to remember anything horrible. Counselors right you're not memories I wish to have."

"My king, this is your body correct?" I asked him and he nodded. You should be in charge I want you want to do with your body. You have such lovely memories and we had a relationship you have such wonderful friends and I know that somewhere out there we will be together again, but you have to take your memories back, because I want you to remember all the happy moments we had together." She said.

"I'll remember we had love?" I asked.

She nodded.

I sighed and nodded my head.

"I'll get the procedure done. I keep my mind I want to remember stuff from my past real stuff." I said.

"Good choice." She gently kissed my head and I leaned back and closed my eyes fall asleep.

Several hours later

It was dark and cold as I ruse of my stance.

"I remember everything."

To be continued

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