
By Uniqueness_

235 35 3

At the age of 18, Rose decided to take her luggage, broken spirit, and a one-way plane ticket to California l... More

Author's Note and Disclaimers.
The Process.
The Interview.
Desperate Times, Calls for Desperate Measures.
Friend Basis.
Hit And Run Part I.
Hit And Run Part II.
Back To Normal.
The Date.
Solving the Issue One Step At A Time.
Here Comes The Past.

Mom's Visit.

24 3 0
By Uniqueness_

Xavier's POV

"That's good, well have a nice night." I ended. "You too." I smiled and walked back to my seat. Sasha waited for me to sit before asking questions. "So big brother, who was she?" she sipped her wine with widen eyes. "One of the women that I interviewed for my internship opening," I told. 

"She was very beautiful. I saw the way your face transformed when she left her table." "Sasha, what are you inferring? I'm not looking for anyone right now. Plus I don't date interns." I assured her. "Okay I get that, but the Lord knows I've been wanting to see my brother happy for the longest." "I am happy." "With a woman by your side. Ever since mom's been in the hospital you have been distant with the family." she reminded me. 

"I try not to be. I'm a busy man. I visit on some occasions." "Yes but I'm not around to check up on you so I figured God why not place a woman who can." "I have God and family to check up on me. What more can a man need?" I watched as she rolled her eyes lifting her menu to choose a dish. 

The waiter came no later and took our orders. The conversation was very dim and I could tell it was because she was upset. I sighed, "Okay Sasha, I understand your point but I'm not ready to get into a relationship right now. I already have a lot on my plate and dating isn't one of them." "I didn't say to date, just to find good company." 

"And if that company turns into dating?" "Then that's a blessing. If it doesn't let it develop into a warm friendship. Xavier, I just want you living a little. You are 23 years old with one of the largest Economic-Political Companies and I can't thank God enough for your accomplishments. But what's it like if you don't have someone to share it with?" 

"Here are your orders." the waiter interrupted. I watched as she placed both our appetizers and entrees in front of us. "Anything else, sir?" she questioned biting her lip. This world definitely needs a cleanse. "Just another bottle of Montoya Cabernet thank you." "Of course Mr. Pierce." she purred. Lord, take her. 

I could hear Sasha's obnoxious chuckles as she watched the waitress walk away. "She tried so hard, huh brother?" "Don't start. Hands." I ordered. Taking Sasha's hand I leaned in for prayer. "Dear Heavenly Father, we come here before you today to say thank you. Thank you for the blessings that you have given to us. Through the family and friends that you have placed within our lives, we give all the great and difficult moments to you. I ask that you bless the food that has been placed in front of us. Bless the people who took out their time to prepare it, and bless the people who ordered it and allow their stomachs to be filled with the food of life. May you continue to watch over the people who are less fortunate then we are and only pray that we continue to be grateful and show kindness towards anyone who walks in our direction. In the name of Jesus, we pray, amen." 

As Sasha and I dug in, I scrolled through my phone checking my emails for any new applications that Ashley sent. "No, what I tell you about being on your phone when you're with me?" she spatted yanking my phone. "Damn it, Sasha, no need to break it," I said. "Sorry not sorry," she mumbled through a mouth full of onion rings. 

"Ya nasty." I shook my head. We spent the next hour or so enjoying each other's company.  After the dinner, I went to visit her son Eric and her husband Williams. "It was nice seeing you too Eric." finally giving him a high five he could reach. "Uncle Xav, when are you coming back to see me?" he asked. "I don't know but soon buddy, and when I do I'll bring you a present." "Yayyy." he cheered hugging my leg. 

I chuckled lowering myself to give him a hug. "Get home safe Xavier, thanks for the dinner." Sasha smiled. "No problem sis, love you." I hugged her kissing her cheek. "Love you too." Dabbing up her husband, I waved goodbye as I exited her driveway. 

On my way, I took a detour to visit my mother. I brought her red roses, snickers, and her childhood blanket. I know the hospital isn't always the warmest so I'm upset that I didn't bring the blanket to her in the very beginning. As I drove I sent a prayer to God hoping that when I arrive she looks better than the last visit. 

My mother has been diagnosed with breast cancer for about five in a half months now. She gave birth to Amir and Alyssa and during the time of her breastfeeding, she noticed a change. Not only did her she breast show symptoms but she could no longer provide the nutrients for the twins. Causing her to find someone to nurse the babies as she went through the process of her cancer treatment. 

I haven't been the same since I found out about it. But of course, through difficult times that is where you lean on the Lord the most. I know He has been hearing my prayers because of how the situation is turning out. Mom has gone through two surgeries and the doctor said the last one will surely exceed the result of this disease. 

Pausing my thoughts, I grabbed all the items and locked my car. "Good Afternoon Mr. Pierce, how are you, sir?" Layla asked. "I'm great Layla, how was your day so far?" I smiled. "It's been alright, thanks to the Lord. "Amen to that." I followed her as she led me to my mother's room. I would've taken the keys but she noticed that my hands were full. 

"Thank you, Layla." "Call me if you need anything," she informed. "Will do." Walking into the room, I watched as my mom was watching her favorite show. The Young and the Reckless. "Momma." I smiled. She was looking so beautifully radiant tonight. "Hi, baby boy." She cooed. Placing everything in the nearby chair, I went over to give her a hug. 

"Hold on now. I'm just about to see why Lily cheated on Cane." Rolling my eyes, I waited. "I knew it, her cheating ass didn't deserve him anyways," she swore. "Momma." I laughed. "What I'm grown, don't be looking at me with those eyes. Now come give me some sugar." I didn't think twice before being wrapped in the warmth and loving arms of my mother. 

"How you been?" "I've been great. Been having a blast in this hospital, nothing but sweet hospitality. Shoot they even call me momma here." she laughed. "You look great momma, I never seen you smile this hard." "Thank you, baby, the Lord has provided me strength through this journey. I can't thank Him enough for sticking with me. I got some news to tell you but not before  you talk about your life." 

"My life isn't all that important momma. I've been working, as usual, nothing new." "Did you find me a daughter in law?" "You too! Sasha has been up my nose asking me that. But no, I'm only focusing on God, family, and friends, and work." "I just want to see my baby get married so I can have some grandchildren. Is that too much to ask?" she shrugged. 

I rolled my eyes again. "Don't roll your eyes at me, now pass me those snickers." "What's the news?" "My surgery is set next month towards the end and although the doctor said my cancer will be gone there are still some warnings," she explained. "Warnings like what?" "There could be a chance that cancer doesn't leave completely or comes back." 

Don't get discouraged, Xavier. "So, what after the surgery I'm supposed to -- have faith. Proverbs 16:33 baby. I don't believe in no one's last words but Gods. I know He got me and He won't forsake me so I'm positive everything will be fine." I sighed in worry. "You right momma. I'll keep my head up for you and God." I promised. "Thank you, Xavier." 

I spend the next thirty minutes spending time and enjoying my mother's essential smile and attitude. I thank the Lord for giving her willpower today, it made my night more at ease. "So you found an intern yet?" "No momma, but I have one who I believe would fit the job." "I need a favor from you baby. And I'm not going to force you to do anything you don't want to, but you know Mrs. Jakson's daughter?" 

"Momma, I'm not marrying her." I sneered. "That's not what I was going to say, and sneer at me again boy you not too old to get popped. Anyways, she needs a job and she happens to be studying the same as you. I was wondering if you could give her the job for a couple of weeks." "You want me to just hand over the internship to Amanda. Just like that?" "Yea, I heard she got interviewed did she not?"

"Yea but momma no offense she has no respect. Half the time she was on her phone as I was asking questions." "I know baby, I be wanting to pop her sometimes and she not even my child. But this is Mrs. Jackson we talking about here. The woman who has been breastfeeding my kids and been with me since my diagnosis. Baby, she's been struggling financially and I just wanted her daughter to find a job that pays well for what she knows." 

"I can just hand her the money momma." "No baby, you know I don't like that. She not my child but I treat her like one. So she gets the same lessons that I taught you and the rest of my kids. Work for the money, you weren't raised with a silver spoon." "Yes, momma." "All I'm saying is think about it. For me okay?" "I will." I sighed. 

"Now get outta here, it's my feeding time and I gotta call your father in a few." I nodded. Before I left we said a prayer together, I hugged and kissed her. "Love you." "Love you too baby. Thank you for the gifts, you so loyal." she blew a kiss. 


Once I reached home, I was ready to email Ashley letting her congratulate Rose for receiving the internship. But then my mother came to mind, and although I don't believe Amanda deserves this internship I decided to give it to her for momma and Mrs. Jackson. She has been nothing but a blessing to the family and the twins absolutely adore her. 

I felt a gut feeling of despair for Rose. I admired her skills and she's only a Junior in college. Her dreams reflected me at her age and I want to be able to provide her the satisfaction of success. That's not all you want to provide her. Thanks, spirit, I appreciate your input I rolled my eyes. 

Before ending my night, I emailed Ashley about Amanda and even in the email, she said, "Are you sure Mr. Pierce? I think you made a typo for Rose." Haha very funny. But I wish that was the case. Sipping on my last cup of tea, I grabbed my bible flipping to one of my favorite narratives Job. This man lost his entire family and stayed faithful to the Lord. I want that ability. 

I can't bear the thought of losing my mother but my faith has been steady strong on the word ever since. I admire Job, he could've turned away from God but instead, he trusted him in the actions that were portrayed. He may not have understood why God did what he did, but in a way, we all don't know God's true intentions. At the end of the day, He's doing it to expand my faith and trust in him. 

Closing my reading with a prayer I was welcomed in bed with my dog Blade. "Good night boy."


Longest Chapter out of the first three! My fingers just kept typing! I'm starting to really like Xavier guys. But here's a glimpse of what he's going through. I hope you enjoyed it. 

Comment, Vote, Say Hi, inbox always open! 

The image of Xavier is attached in the beginning. 

Love you and God Bless! 

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