The Austin and Ally Movie🍒ra...

By lovinraura_

111K 2.6K 1.8K

A/N, Warning: this book is so old and I made it when I didn't know how to write properly, so it's kind of rid... More

staying over
she's Italian
The buzz
little secret
best friend my ass
death of me
on the road
I can't have you
Happy New Year!
burning hearts
good bye
when the Maranos find out
the premiere
I'm sorry
I'll get you back
frustratingly cute
missing him
baby shower
a little miracle
life with a baby
Wrong Lover
Wrong Lover/2


2.6K 82 69
By lovinraura_

Ik that rourtney is like DONE and over with, legit dead, but this video im 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Laura's pov:

Have you ever had your parents stare at you weirdly as if you grew another head?

I have!

(A/N Dora is shaking)

"Laur get that cookie dough for me" Ross looks at me and I nod finding the packet and giving it to him.

He smiled at me and opened it.

We were making Christmas cookies. But not just normal Christmas cookies ..Ross's Christmas cookies.

We placed the ingredients on the table and I put some music... a thing we always do. Music and food is a very good mix.. a messy one but fun.

Feels like old times.

"Alright" he put up the sleeves of his sweater showing his biceps and my eyes travelled up his arms.

And then I raised my head and met his eyes.

"What?" he chuckled looking at me with a smile.

"Nothing.. I'm just happy" I didn't even notice the giant grin on my face making me look stupid.

"Good" he smiled at me and kissed my forehead. His lips lingering there as I closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling.

"I think we run out of cookie cream and the market's very close to here if I'm not wrong so I'll go get that while you work on the mix alright?"


And with that he got his jacket and run out of the door.

My parents,Stormie and Mark were still staring at me.

I groaned "Just say it"

"What's happening? You guys have been cold to each other for days and before you went outside and now you're suddenly together again?" Stormie raised an eyebrow.

"We're not together" I roll my eyes "and we had kind of a.. misunderstanding and we figured it out with the help of Nessa, just now" I pointed outside.

"Well why didn't you tell me?"

"Because .." I sigh. I was going to kill Ross for letting me handle all the hard questions while he went out to buy some cookie cream like a small kid.

"Well we didn't want to ruin the joy surrounding the holidays but now that we're good again I guess we can enjoy it as well"

They nod and I sigh in relief.

One hour later Ross and I have finished baking the cookies and the kitchen looked like a mess, not because we don't know how to cook but with the music in the background you can't help dancing to it too... so yeah. We just finished a dance routine as well.

"Damn that was tiring" I was breathing heavely and my legs felt shaky.

Wow I must be very out of shape.

I walk to the couch and fall with my arms spread wide. I really needed a good work out.

But I really did feel sick as hell so it wouldn't be today.


No way.

"Oh, come on drama queen, it wasn't that exhausting" Ross chuckles entering the living room and I put my elbows on the couch, pulling myself up a bit.

"Easy for you to say Mister I've-been-dancing-since-I-was-five"

He rolled his eyes at me but smiled.. and then his expression changed to confusion.

"You look sick"

"I feel sick"

"You okay honey?" mom steals my attention and I turn my head. She was sitting on the couch right in front of the one with Stormie

"Yeah. Just tired"

"But you're not. Do you want me to make you something? Like soup orrr.. soup orrr.. a cup of tea maybe? Soup?" I raised an eyebrow at Ross.

"What? Sick people love soup"

"You're so blonde sometimes" I shake my head.

He sticks his tongue out at me ". .andddd childish" I add.

He rolls his eyes "Give me a break Ally"

I giggle.

"This is cute and all, but we're still a bit concerned here" I turn my head yet again to my mother and finally seat up, feeling a little light headed as well.

"Guess the cold caught up to me"

"Alright honey. I'll go make you something that will actually heal you " Stormie shots a look at her son and he rolls his eyes.

"You don't have to-"

"But I want to. Now if you excuse me" Stormie interrupts my mom and walks out.

Mom laughs and shakes her head.

"I'll go clean up. You stay here" Ross pecks my cheek and walks out the same way as Stormie.

My cheeks beat red as if I hadn't fucked the guy just last week.

My mom raises her eyebrows at me in question and I give her an awkward shrug not knowing what to say.

"Holy shit I got that all on camera" me and mom both jump at the voice of Delly.

I sigh "When'd you get here?"

"Not important. What's important is that I've got my thumbnail for the next R5 tv"

My mouths hangs open" You wouldn't-"

"Oh but I would"

And that's my que to start chasing the girl as she laughs.

I don't succeed on jumping on her though. Maybe it's cus she's also very tall so her legs are longer and I'm feeling sick, that was a lost case.

After my failure at stopping Rydel for practically making the world think we were a couple, I was on the couch again. This time though, with some warm tea, clenching a book in my chest.

"..well why don't you sing one with Laura?"

At the mention of my name I look up to see Mamoo smiling at me.

I gave a smile back totally confused as to why she was looking at me.

Okay I was wrong, Mamoo's eyes weren't the only ones that were staring at me. The couple people in this room all were.

The boy I had a soft spot for, here included.

"What?" I furrowed my eyebrows and they laughed.

"Mamoo asked if you could sing a duet with Ross for her?" Rydel smiled at me.

"Of course" I shrugged "What song?"

"We'll pick after I get the guitar. You guys get the rest of the instruments" Ross winked and walked out as everyone sat up looking for their own instrument.

I hadn't ever sang for Mamoo. Well I was sure she'd seen me sing with Ross on Austin and Ally since she said she watched the show, but that was about it.

I played with the sleeve of my big sweater as I waited. The sweater was white and it said "Boy" in big bold letters. I was also wearing some black leggings and there was no bra needed. My hair was down. It was getting longer by day. It was now on shoulder length. I was very comfortable which set me with a good mood.

"Alright" Ross sat down beside me. The others weren't long to seat as well. Ellington had taken a single drum to his lap. Everyone ready to play.

Ross was wearing a white sweater as well and his usual ripped jeans that sat low on his waist. His shirt said "Girl"


Well Stormie is a big fan of matching clothes so she bought some unisex sweaters for us. We changed them for the fun of it so his said 'girl' and mine said 'boy' Me and Ross had just randomly went for the white sweaters today. No planning going into it.

It was weird how the boy could read my mind.

Well, guess he could read Riker's too, since they always seemed to match.

Ross stared at me "...Pick"

I thought for a moment.

"I have no idea"

"Well why don't you guys sing one of those duets you did on Austin and Ally? I want to hear one of those live" Mamoo smiled and I smiled back at her.

She was such a sweet person. All the Lynch's were. I was lucky.

"What do you say Laur? You can come to me?"

I smirked "Yes"

Ross started playing the tune by himself and my body immediately reacted. My skin filled with goose bumps. The only thing making noise was the tune.

His fingers tips touching the strings, the strings of my heart.

And then I got the microphone and took a deep breath.

"When you're on your own
Drowning alone
And you need a rope that can pull you in
Someone will throw it" I smiled at the familiar lyrics. The words made me feel weird and fuzzy.

"And when you're afraid
That you're gonna break
And you need a way to feel strong again
Someone will know it" Ross smiled at me.

"And even when it hurts the most
Try to have a little hope
That someone's gonna be there when you don't
When you don't" I closed my eyes singing with him.

"If you wanna cry, I'll be your shoulder
If you wanna laugh, I'll be your smile
If you wanna fly, I will be your sky
Anything you need that's what I'll be
You can come to me" I bit my lip. I almost felt.. giddy. I cross my legs and smile at him.

"You struggle inside
Losing your mind
Fighting and trying to be yourself
When somebody lets you" I wanted to laugh at loud like an idiot.

"Out in the cold
But no where to go
Feeling like no one could understand
Then somebody gets you"

"So take a breath and let it go
And try to have a little hope
'Cause someone's gonna be there when you don't
When you don't"

"If you wanna cry, I'll be your shoulder
If you wanna laugh, I'll be your smile
If you wanna fly, I will be your sky
Anything you need, that's what I'll be
You can come to me" my grin would of looked foolish without his grin staring back at me. It made me happy he was happy.

Music made us happy.

"Like a chain that never breaks
Like a truth that never bends
Like a glue that takes a broken heart and puts it back again
It's the feeling that you get
It's the moment that you know
That no matter what the future holds
You'll never be alone"

"If you wanna cry, I'll be your shoulder
If you wanna laugh, I'll be your smile
If you wanna fly, I will be your sky
Anything you need, that's what I'll be
If you wanna climb, I'll be your ladder
If you wanna run, I'll be your road
If you want a love, doesn't matter just,
Anything you need, that's what I'll be
You can come to me" we changed the lyrics as the same time.

Okay maybe he did read my mind. I raised my eyebrows in surprise and he seemed to be confused too.. but I closed my eyes, finishing the song.

"You can come to me,
Yeah" my voice almost falling in a whisper. There was a magnetic pull that wanted me to get close to Ross. The song was missing. It was missing something. It didn't feel complete.

The room fell silent and I opened my eyes.

"Kiss!" Ellington screamed suddenly making us all jump. We looked at him weirdly "Well that's how you end the song right?"

The crew started laughing as I put my hands in front of my heated face. I was giggling too but shaking my head in disapproval.

I knew that was what was missing.

I wasn't stupid.

We preformed that song two times, both were scripted and in both times we kissed. Well, not so much in the first one.

Still I couldn't help biting my lip at the thought of it.

When I pulled the palms of my hands from my face, my hair was all over my face.. obviously.

Ross leaned in and moved the strings behind my ears and I looked at him. Heart beat getting faster.

With just that little touch. It was terrifying how much he could effect me.

He looked at my lips.

Then he ...cracked a smile.

I slapped his chest "Stop teasing me!"

He laughed as I rolled my eyes and frustratingly paced into the kitchen for a glass of water to calm my nerves.

I stared at my reflection in the small mirror on the wall.

I was still flushed. There were too many emotions making their eway through me. It was overwhelming.

I shook my head and smiled.

Damn I have it bad.


Christmas day started.. well.. not in that much of a good note.

"Laur wake up! Vanessa already did. It's Christmas morning and we're opening presents!"

I groan.

It was Rydel. She was such an early bird, bet she woke up the whole family.. well Stormie was like that too, so I could see where it came from.

Doesn't mean I didn't hate every second of it.

"LAURA!" she jumped on my bed and I gasped

"OKAY OKAY I'M UP"I glared at her and she smiled innocently.

I rolled my eyes and sighted.

"Where's V?"


Just as she said that Vanessa came out of the bathroom.

"Morning sis. Merry Christmas"

I gave her a smile "Merry Christmas" and we did a group hug with Rydel too.

"Wait a sec. Laur why are you wearing your short shorts and tank top instead of the pjs I gave you last night for our tradition?"

I pressed my lips. I had been cought.

The Lynch's had a tradition. That was, matching cute pjs for everyone on Christmas morning and probably the rest of their day.

It wasn't that I wasn't a fan of them. But I did wear skimpy clothes, as we've already covered, for sleep.

"They made me feel uncomfortable" I shrugged.

"They're made of COTTON!" she looked at me like I was crazy. Hell maybe I was.

It was freezing outside and here I was standing exposing more skin that needed.

But hey, this was me. Good ol' Laura. Cali girl.

"I'll wear them when I walk downstairs"

She smiled, obviously satisfied with my answer.

My stomach hurt very bad since I woke up. It was just the most horrible feeling and I felt nauseous again.

Oh god. Don't tell me-


Christmas morning and I'm vomiting my guts out on the toilet while my sister held my hair.

Great way to start the day by the way.

After I was done I immediately started brushing my teeth.

"I'm worried about you. This sickness has been going on for a while" Vannesa started at me as I washed my face. Rydel nodded in agreement.

"It was just been four days Nessa. Don't be dramatic" I rolled my eyes and she shook her head.

"Hey girls Me-oh hey" Ross entered the room in his messed up morning hair and cute green pjs. They had santa hats on them. Guess that's the guys uniform.
Ours were white with cherry's on them.

He was looking at me up and down. That flirtatious smirk of his I knew too well, scanning my body.

I wasn't uncomfortable. I was used to it. Though it did feel inappropriate since my clothes were that as well.

"Are you done?" I groaned as the girls snickered in the back.

Ross meet my eyes. His expression pleased "Oh could keep going forever"

"I'm sure you would" I raised my eyebrows and started making the bed with the help of Vanessa.

He entered the bathroom "You vomited again?" He came out. His eyes going soft as he looked at me.

It probably smelled horrendous in there.
The boy doesn't miss a thing of his radar.

I did the bed and stared at him "Yup. Still sick"

He nodded but I could see he was concerned "Hey" I touched his shoulder "I'm okay. Seriously"

He gave me a heart dropping smile.

He looked down at me again "Now where are your traditional pjs? Not that I think these ones aren't better" he licked his lips.

"First of all, you're a pig. Second I'll wear them right now. So everybody hoppity hop out of my room"

"It's my room to-"

Vannesa's sentence was left in half as I closed the door on them.

"Mean" I hear her grumble and felt foot steps stompping away.

I snicked and took off my shorts, finally thinking I'd have my privacy when..

"Lau-" Ross's head popped out of the door and I gasped furrowing my eyebrows.

"Ross what the hell!"

"Merry Christmas" he smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"Merry Christmas" I grumbled and he closed the door laughing.

Which made me smile

Ross's pov:

Well I got my gift for Christmas didn't I?

Wouldn't mind a few other presents added to it though.

"Hey sweetie. Is Laura ready?" mom got out the cookies on the table and I nodded taking one.

"She'll be done in a minute"

She didn't let us eat cookies or anything sweet for breakfast, well.. ever...but we'd somehow convinced her to let us do it on Christmas morning anyway. Goes well with the opening of presents.

"Rydel what are you doing?" I laughed as she tried to keep, the two hyperactive puppies away from the presents and tree.

"What does it look like I'm doing? Help would be nice"

I stared at her "Yeah it would"

"Asshole" she grumbled.

"Rydel no swearing"

"Yes mom" Dells rolled her eyes.

She was a bit grumpy. Maybe because her sweet little boyfriend had left yesterday to spend his own holidays with his family.

"Laura finally! Merry Christmas!" Mom jumped when she saw Laura walking down the stairs with her pjs on.

"Merry Christmas!" she gave her a heart warming hug and decided to do that with everyone. Mammoo looked pretty pleased. The girl didn't know where to stop.

When my turn came I smirked at her "You look cute as hell"

And she did. I wasn't lying. The clothes the girls had gotten were in serie, so it was the same size fits all kind of thing.

That didn't happen with Laura. The pjs were a little big for such a small petite figure. Her sleeves dangling and she kept pulling them up, making me laugh.

" Ross .. I love your mom but I really hate these pjs" she whispered completely ignoring my comment.

I snickered and she slapped my chest. I jumped.

The girl had a hand though.

"Here let me help you little munchkin"

"If you're going to call me that, I'd rather help myself"

I rolled my eyes "Just come here"

She did and I pulled her sleeves up again, folding them tighter than she had. I moved on and did the same thing with the legs. It was kind of like dressing a child.

"Here you go" I smiled.

"Look, I know you're making fun of me in that head of yours, so stop it" she accused shooting me a glare and i cracked up.

After some second of me laughing my ass off she rolled her eyes and grinned back "I hate you"

I couldn't respond as I kept laughing. She started laughing as well... next thing you know, everyone was laughing for no apperant reason. It's like Rydel always said 'If Ross gets the giggles, we all get the giggles'

"Alright alright, present time!" Riker sat down by the tree as if he weren't more than 10 years old.

There was A LOT of presents this year, considering we were two families. You couldn't even see the poor tree.

But we started unwrapping anyway. We made a mess, but in the end we had a lot of items for ourselves.

I got some new clothes,new camera, a free trip to France for two and..

"Open mine, open mine!" Laura showed me the present she bought for me. I chuckled but worked my way around it to unwrap.

I ripped the wrapping paper and what she got was ... a book.

Our story

That was the title.


Sorry it took me so long to update. Haven't really had any time 😩

Also my life is slightly shittier atm cus cramps are KILLING ME. There's times like these I hate being a girl.

Holy shit while i was writing this thunder hit n I jumped (it's raining here) Guess mother nature was like "Suck it up bitch!"

Yeah okay I'm done I swear 😂

I'm tired (n feel like iv been stabbed) so imma get some sleep (cus like always it's the middle of the night 4 me n I have school tmr)


Have a good day/night!👐💕

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