My Master Skywalker - Book(2)

By RogersSkywalkerR5er

106K 2.4K 585

Book (2) Sequel to Falling For Skywalker! Skywalker Series. Raina Starlight is the daughter a Commander in t... More

The New Republic
Weight of The Galaxy
The New Republic Consitution
First Padawan.
Together Again
The Balcony
Jedi Temple
Jedi Archives
First Mission
Growing Tension
Begining Of A New Order
The Corscant Festival Ball
The Chase
Letting Go
A Royal Birthday
Birthday Suprise
Tagged Again!
Star Wars Tag!!
Suprise Proposal
The Deal
Letting Him Go
Knighting Ceremony
The Search
A Feeling
The Truth
Pass On What You Have Learned
First Lesson
One Day Left
Visions and Negotiations
Wishes and Negotiations
Answers on Jaccu
Last Chance
Meeting Again
Return to Corscant
Pushed Away
No Longer Alone
What Are These Feelings?
Jedi Academy
Taken Back
Back On Endor
Late Nights
Beautiful Place
Trusting You
I Love You
Mysterious Presence
Back At It
Back Home
Telling Him and The Engagement
Making Plans
Our Secret Wedding

Royal Wedding

1.4K 38 7
By RogersSkywalkerR5er

Raina's POV.

It was the day of the wedding. Raina was in her room at the temple getting ready. Leia had asked her to be her Maid of Honor and had bought her a beautiful blue dress.

Raina put it on and looked in the mirror. It was gorgeous.

Raina walked out of her dorm and headed down to the main hall to meet Luke and Jacen. Luke and Jacen were both waiting in dress suits. Luke wore his military dress suit and Jacen a regular suit. As soon as she walked up to them both men stopped talking and gawked at her. Raina immediately felt uncomfortable sense her padawan was now staring at her. She cleared her throat making both of them snap out of their trances.

"Are we ready to go?" She asked Luke.

He cleared his throat and nodded. "We are. Shall we?" He stretched his arm out towards the doors.

Raina nodded and walked ahead of them both. While walking out she accidentally picked up on her pubescent padawan's thoughts. Raina halted. She then continued walking as if nothing had happened.

'Mind your thoughts my young padawan.' She scolded Jacen through the Force.

She soon heard a bang and turned to see that Jacen had run into the door. Luke was helping him up.

"Are you okay?" He asked Jacen.

"Yeah, yeah I'm uh, fine. Thank you Master Skywalker."

Raina stifled a laugh and rolled her eyes.

Once they got to the palace Raina headed upstairs to find Leia, while Luke and Jacen went to get Han. Raina knocked on Leia's door.

"Come in!"

Raina walked in to find Leia sitting at her mirror putting on a necklace. Leia looked at Raina in the mirror and turned around.

"Oh, Raina! I'm so glad to see you!" She exclaimed.

She got up from her chair.

"Everything going wrong. This dress is too big and the veil is too long and I can't find my ceremonial tiara. Oh it's just all messed up!" She cried. 

Raina breathed a laugh. "Oh my- Leia don't be so nervous! You look beautiful!" Raina assured her as she looked around the room.

There under the wedding dress box was her tiara. Raina picked it up and handed it to Leia. "And here's your tiara, right over there under some boxes. See there's no reason to panic."

Leia sighed in relief and put it on her head. Raina helped her position it.

Leia sighed. "Thank you. I guess it's just. . ."

"Pre-wedding jitters?" Raina asked.

Leia smiled sheepishly and nodded. "I guess so."

Raina took Leia's hands and looked at her. "Leia, you look gorgeous, your dress is beautiful, the throne room is decorated beautifully, everyone in the galaxy has turned out for your special day and Han, the love of your life is waiting for you."

Leia nodded closing her eyes. "It just seems that something always goes wrong in these situations. I just wish I could have a calm uneventful wedding."

Raina laughed. "When have our lives ever been uneventful?"

Leia chuckled tiredly.

"Look, no matter what happens, at the end of the day your going to be Mrs. Solo. Okay? No matter what. Even if no one shows up. Even if all your decorations and flowers are destroyed. . .at the end of the day your still going to be Han's wife."

Leia smiled at Raina. "Thank you. Thank you, Raina. Your the greatest friend in the galaxy."

The two hugged. Raina pulled away and giggled.

"Alright, enough of that. Now let's get you to your wedding."

Raina walked with Leia down the stairs. They came to the throne room doors and were met by a tall slider woman with long wavy violet hair, wearing a silver dress.

Leia ran up to her. "Amilyn!"

"Leia!" Amilyn exclaimed, smiling widely.

They hugged.

"I'm so glad you came!" Leia smiled.

"You really think I would miss my friend's wedding?"

Leia looked back at Raina. "Oh! Raina, this is my very good friend, Amilyn Holdo. We met each other when I first began serving in the galactic senate." She explained.
"And Amilyn this is my good friend Raina. She was the one who protected me on my mission to bring Obi-Wan Kenobi back to Alderaan. We've been good friends ever since."

Raina smiled.
"It's nice to meet you Amilyn."

Amilyn smiled back. "And you."

"Well now that my maid of honor and my bridesmaid are here we can begin." Leia said.

"I'll let them know."

Raina opened her mind up and contacted Luke. 'We're ready whenever.'

Luke answered back. "Alright. I'll let them know. I'll be down there in a second."

Luke and Lando were Han's groomsmen, while Chewbacca was Han's best man. Luke was also going to walk Leia down the isle, being her last of kin.

"Luke's on his way." She told Leia.

Leia nodded.

Soon Luke came walking through the doors. He smiled as soon as he saw his sister. They both hugged. When he pulled away he looked her over, holding her hands in his. "You look beautiful, Leia. Your parents would be so proud. And so would our mother." Luke told her obviously not wanting to bring up their father to Leia.

Leia smiled lovingly at her brother. Tears threatened to fall from her eyes.

"Oh, Luke. Thank you."

He smiled warmly at her and kissed her cheek.

"Shall we?" He asked offering his arm to her.

She smiled and took it. "We shall."

The doors opened and the music started. Both Amilyn and Raina walked out first. They both came to stand in the front. Finally Luke and Leia came down the isle. Han watched in excitement and in awe as his fiancé came towards him.

Han wore his Rebel dress uniform and looked quite dashing.

Luke finally brought Leia to the front and placed her hand in Han's. Han took it as if her hand was made of glass. Luke then went to go stand beside Lando.

After saying their vows  Jacen handed the rings to Han and Leia. Han placed a ring on Leia's left hand.

Leia placed a golden band on Han's left hand. Raina began to feel her eyes tear up as she watched the two. How she wished she could have this one day, but she would never be able to. Raina pushed away her thoughts and put on a forced smile as she watched the couple.

Finally the clergy member announced Han and Leia united as husband and wife for all eternity. Han smiled widely. He grabbed Leia, dipped her and kissed her good and hard. The crowd applauded, while their friends laughed.

Raina then glanced at Luke to find he was already looking at her. She turned her eyes away.

Leia and Han walked back down the isle. Then Lando lead Amilyn. And Luke awkwardly offered his arm to Raina. She took it and they walked out of the throne room.

The reception was held in the large dining and ball room of the palace. The cake was huge, the food was from all over the galaxy and the music was magnificent. Perfect for the occasion.
Many politicians and military officers and officials went up to Han and Leia and gave them their wishes.

Later on after cutting the cake Luke got up from the long table and got everyone's attention.

"If I could have everyone's attention, please!"

The guests became quiet.

"I would like to say a few words."

Luke turned to look at Leia.

"Leia, I know we didn't grow up together and we both have very different lives, but I believe the Force brought us back together for a few reasons. Those reasons being that we are brother and sister, and because when we're together we are stronger than we are alone.
I also believe that the Force brings two people together who can love each other and become life long partners. I believe you and Han were brought together for that same reason. You two are stronger when you are together, then when you're without each other. No matter what comes your way in your new life never forget that." He told them.

"To Han and Leia." Luke raised his glass.

Raina raised hers feeling moved by Luke's words, yet also feeling hurt. If he believed that how could he not believe it for himself?

Everyone else raised their glasses as well. 

"To Han and Leia." They all repeated.

Once Luke sat back down Leia kissed his cheek. "Thank you."

"Your welcome." He smiled.

"Hey, your worship." Han said teasingly. "May I have this dance?"

She giggled. "Of course you may."

Han and Leia got up and began to dance, leaving Raina and Luke alone. Raina and Luke watched as Leia and Han floated contently around the ball room.

Raina began to remember the time she and Luke had danced at the festival ball. She sat emotionless as she remembered back to that evening. The feeling of his hand on her waist and her hand in his. The feeling of floating as he held her close. How she began to get lost in the deep blue ocean of his eyes.

Raina looked down and closed her eyes. Sighing she pushed back the memories and emotions she was feeling. She couldn't let herself feel theses emotions only to be brought back to reality once again a and find that it was all just a wishful fairytale.

Soon the music changed to something lively. Raina looked over at Jacen who was watching Han and Leia with a happy grin. Raina quickly thought of an idea.

"Hey, Jacen?"

"Yes, Master?" He asked.

"How would you like to dance with me?" She asked.

He paused. "What?"

"Yeah. I haven't danced in a long time and I would really like to. Plus I'm sure you've never danced before at an affair like this. Come on it'll be fun." She smiled.

"Would it be appropriate?" He asked.

Raina laughed. "Jacen, we're friends, and the Order isn't so formal that Jedi can't have fun anymore. Come on."

He smiled and laughed. "Alright."

They both stood and walked onto the floor. They were soon flying around the dance floor laughing and having a great time.

Luke's POV.

Luke watched as his sister danced with her new husband. He smiled at how happy they both looked. Soon a sadness began to hover over Luke as he began to think of how he would never be able to have all that they do and will have.

He glanced over at Raina. The only woman he had ever loved. She was watching Han and Leia, emotionlessly.

Luke looked back at Han and Leia. He remembered when he had held Raina that close to himself and lead her around the dance floor. Or eventually lead her around the dance floor. She had, like usual, started out by leading him and teaching him. It was only later on when he finally took the lead. That had been his first and only time he had ever danced.

Sense then he had made a vow that he would never dance with any woman again unless it was Raina. Which meant he would most likely never dance again. Of course he would have to dance with Leia, but she didn't count. She wasn't any other woman. She was his sister.

Luke sighed and looked down. Why had he fallen inlove? Luke squeezed his eyes shut. No. He couldn't think that way anymore. He wouldn't. He couldn't love Raina. Not anymore. It was too dangerous for both of them. No. He couldn't and wouldn't love her.

Soon the music became quite bouncy. Han and Leia were still dancing.

Luke looked over and saw Raina and Jacen getting up from the table. They headed towards the dance floor and began to dance to the music, both laughing and having a wonderful time.

Luke was surprised that Raina would take such an action. And to dance with her own publicly known padawan, showed great self confidence. It was just Raina having fun with a kid. It was as if she were being a kid again. She didn't seem to be one to let go and be her true self. Well, at least not anymore.

When Luke had first met her and when they became close friends she was less business and more fun, but over the years, especially after she began her training, she became more and more serious.

Watching Raina dance with Jacen made him miss the old Raina he used to know. He silently wished she would come back, yet he knew she wouldn't. At least not around him. Not after all he had put her though. Not after she had just told him a few weeks ago that she was trying to move on by obviously avoiding him completely. She had hardly talked to him the whole month.

Luke sighed once again and looked down. Luke looked back up and scanned the floor for Han and Leia. There they were having the time of their lives. Han did look quite tired, though. Luke decided to take the opportunity to ask Leia to dance.

He stepped out onto the floor and tapped Han's shoulder. Han turned around and smiled at Luke.

"May I?" Luke asked.

Han nodded and handed Leia to Luke.

"Sure, I need to rest anyway." He said a little out of breath from the last two songs.

Leia giggled.

"Have fun!" Han called as he walked to the table.

Luke chuckled and turned to Leia who was looking at him skeptically.

"What?" He asked as he positioned himself to dance.

"Luke? Are you sure about this?" She asked.

Luke smiled in amusement. "Leia, of course. I have to dance with my sister on her wedding day. I'm sure I would get arrested or something if I didn't." He joked.

She breathed a laugh and shook her head.

"Plus I've danced before." He added.

"Yes. Once. During a slow song at the festival ball and I'm almost certain that you didn't really have any idea what you were doing then."

Luke scoffed. "Wha-Of course I knew what I was-"

Leia raised an eyebrow at him. "Really? That's not what I saw. If I remember correctly I saw Raina teaching you and then after a little bit you were finally able to take the lead." She reminded her brother.

Luke hesitated. It seemed Raina always tended to come up in conversation.

He cleared his throat. "Well, I got the hang of it. I'm sure this won't be any worse."

"Are you sure? It's pretty fast for a beginner." She warned.

He chuckled. "I think I'll live. Remember I've been through much worse trials before than just trying to make it through a dance, Leia."

Leia sighed and smiled at her brother knowing she wouldn't win.

"Fine, but if you step on my wedding dress your right hand won't be the only part of you that's prosthetic." She warned.

Luke roared with laughter as he took his sister into his arms and began dancing.

The two of them joked around, having a blast. Whenever Luke would mess up she would make a snide teasing comment and he'd make one right back. It was strange how they're relationship over the years had gone from friends to fully committed brother and sister. It was wonderful.

After the party Leia and Han said their goodbyes and took off in the Falcon for Corellia where Han had decided to spend their honeymoon. Of course he had asked Leia before hand, and she willing agreed sense she had always wanted to visit before. And when Han told her of it's beautiful snow covered mountains. She had immediately fallen inlove with the idea.

Meanwhile Luke, Jacen, and Raina all went back to the temple. Raina and Luke said not a word to one another like usual and went straight to their rooms.

Luke like usual, laid awake in bed until the early hours of the morning thinking about Raina. Or more like trying not to, since she was all that was on his mind. He wondered if he would ever be able to get over his feelings. For now he would just have to deny them. Maybe if he did it enough he would soon forget his feelings.

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