By Ambrophobia

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/ˈlo͝orΙ™d/ (of a description) presented in vividly shocking or sensational terms, especially giving explicit... More

Chapter 1: V I C T O R I A
Chapter 2: T Y S O N
Chapter 3: V I C T O R I A
Chapter 4: V I C T O R I A
Chapter 5: T Y S O N
Chapter 6: T Y S O N
Chapter 7: V I C T O R I A
Chapter 8: V I C T O R I A
Chapter 9: V I C T O R I A
Chapter 10: V I C T O R I A
Chapter 11: T Y S O N
Chapter 12: V I C T O R I A
Chapter 14: T Y S O N
Chapter 15: V I C T O R I A
Chapter 16: T Y S O N
Chapter 17: V I C T O R I A
Chapter 18: V I C T O R I A
Chapter 19: T Y S O N
Chapter 20: V I C T O R I A
Chapter 21: T Y S O N
Chapter 22: V I C T O R I A
Chapter 23: V I C T O R I A
Chapter 24: T Y S O N
Chapter 25: V I C T O R I A
Chapter 26: T Y S O N
Chapter 27: V I C T O R I A
Chapter 28: V I C T O R I A
Chapter 29: T Y S O N
Chapter 30: V I C T O R I A
Epilogue: T Y S O N
a u t h o r 's n o t e
βœ” e p i g r a m;
βœ”p r e v i e w;
βœ” p r o l o g u e;
Act I : Foolhardy
βœ” c h a p t e r 1;
βœ” c h a p t e r 2;
βœ” c h a p t e r 3;
βœ” c h a p t e r 4;
βœ” c h a p t e r 5;
βœ” c h a p t e r 6;
βœ” c h a p t e r 7;
βœ” c h a p t e r 8;
βœ” c h a p t e r 9;
what should have been:

Chapter 13: V I C T O R I A

813 23 1
By Ambrophobia

It was past midnight, but my phone has not stopped ringing and I was tempted to just close my phone, but I was waiting for Nana to call me back. I was waiting for anyone in my family to just call me and assure me that my choices were right.

A series of texts from Kenny, Marty, the Bucks, and even Kazuchika Okada had sent me a text regarding where I was. Then there was calls that ranged from Kenny, to Marty, and almost every single member of the Bullet Club and some of the CHAOS. I didn't respond to any of them. I was just too overwhelmed with what I was feeling to talk to anyone.

I tried closing my eyes but immediately jolted at the sound of furious knocking on my door. I turned back to my clock to see it was already 12:30am. What senile person would knock on the door at midnight?

I slipped on oversized shirt before dashing towards the persistent knocking on the door. Opening the door, I stumbled upon the sight of an overly panting Kenny Omega with a bruises cheek.

"What the hell happened to you?" I questioned pulling him inside my apartment before someone sees either of us.

He didn't respond, instead pulling me into a kiss that just took the breath out of me.

"I was so worried about you, Princess."

He pulled away and I looked up at him. His eyes dull and red, and for some reason it was as if he was crying. I cupped his cheeks and he leaned into my hands. The prickling sensation of his beard against the palm of my hands was so assuring. It gave me a sense of him, still being himself.

"What happened?"

"Why did you run away?"

I kept silent. It's not my place. Should I tell him that I was jealous of the girl he dated before me? Just thinking about my reasoning made it clearer that it was stupid. I was wrong in every sense of the word. I've realized it the moment I saw him go all the way here just for me.

"I wasn't feeling good." I muttered trying to pull away from him, but his hold on me was too strong for me.

"The only time I've seen you act like this was when I kissed you for the first time and when the Bucks began prying in your business. Now I want to know which Kota did so I can justify the fist fight I had with him."

"You had a fight with Kota?"

He didn't respond and I had to slap him in the back of the head. He was making things worse than it really is. I continued it by punching him on the chest, he was stupid. He was just so stupid to ruin his career for someone like me. Damn him, damn him for being like this to me. For making me feel things, I knew I shouldn't.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I questioned. "What the bloody hell is wrong with you?!"

"Someone pissed my girlfriend off and you don't expect me to just let it go."

I just stared at him disbelief he was capable of saying so stupid, all for me.

"It doesn't matter what he said. What would NJPW think of this? What would they think of you, what would they think of me? I haven't even signed with them until my non-compete clause is over but here you are causing trouble for the both of us."

He wrapped his arms around me but I pushed away from him. He was so stupid to sacrifice his own career for someone like me. This was exactly what Nana was talking about, I was happy with how everything was, but why was he making things more complicated.

"You need to understand that I don't give a damn about my career right now. If they pull me out now, they're missing a great opportunity but I can still go elsewhere. What I can't accept is someone pissing you off. What's even worse is you are pissed at me for beating someone off for pissing you off."

"God damn it Kenny! I don't need anyone fighting for me. I've been all on my own from the moment I decided to leave my family. I've been all on my own to fight every single battle inside and outside the bloody ring."

"You don't need to be alone anymore."

"I want to be alone. Especially now." I eyed him, daring him to think otherwise.


Bile rose to my chest. He looks so dejected and I'm the only one to blame for it. I watched him turn back towards the door. I knew I was acting like a Class bitch, but I needed to do this. I need to build the walls. The walls I knew was slowly crumbling because of him.


He turned and the hope was back. But here I was trying to crush the last ounce of it.

"If you even dare try to compromise my career, I won't hesitate in breaking up with you."

He blinked nodding before turning on his heels and walking out of my place. Making sure to slam the door in the process. I just jumped at the impact before locking behind him. I don't need this. I don't need someone to just sprung into my life and change every single thing I've always thought I've believed in.

Then I felt it. The tears. The tears I vowed never to shed again. I was crying because it was painful to see him walk away. It was painful to have him walk away with a heavy heart because of what I said. I feel so helpless with what I really want.

I've always been sure with my life. But with him. Why does everything feel so uncertain?

"Help me, Mum." I whispered into the air knowing that I would never receive and answer I'd ever hope for in my life.


"Shouldn't you be with Kenny right now?"

"Shouldn't you be doing a legitimate storyline instead of the bullshit WWE places on you?"

Finn Balor couldn't help but smile as he took a good look at me. As soon as Kenny left my apartment a few days ago, I took an almost seventeen hour flight from Japan to Orlando, Florida just to get away from everyone. Including Kenny. But what I didn't expect was stumbling at Finn Balor who lives close by to the area.

"Touché, Love." He smirked taking a sip of his cup of soda.

My eyes lingering at Cracker Barrel. For someone reason, after my numerous of misadventures with Marty and his gang, I had grown a liking for this place and it wasn't funny anymore.

"You know how it is, Devitt." I muttered ignoring several people that possibly recognized the two of us. It didn't help the matter that he was still contracted to WWE, while I had made a rather controversial exit myself.

"Ignore them."

I turned my gaze back towards one of only few people left in WWE that I trusted. Everyone in the business was practically dead to me. After what they said about me, it was just the right decision. I knew who I trusted to have my back through thick and thin.

"I'm worried more about what the big guys would think about you being in the same space as me."

"I prefer talking to you right now and lose my job than not talk to you and lose my job in a couple of months anyways."

I snorted realizing the abyss of Fergal Devitt's career in WWE. The injury had halted the momentum that had come to him. He should have been in the same level of recognition as AJ Styles, but because he wasn't as tall as everyone, he wasn't the ideal height the McMahons wanted. He would never succeed as long as there was a mold.

"Why don't you go back to Japan?"

"I trust WWE. I trust Triple H to give me another chance when the time comes."

I couldn't help myself from snorting at his statement. For as long as Vince McMahon was in charge that would never happen. I doubt it would ever change even with Hunter in charge. I just stopped believing when I walked away from them and they painted me as the bad guy.

"Learn from me, Devitt."

"I just don't want to give up on them. Not just yet."

This was one of the few things I love/hate about this man. He was far too optimistic about everyone. No matter how horrible anyone could be, he would always see right through it. See the better of anyone, me, included. WWE doesn't deserve someone like him, someone as talented and good-hearted as him. He should be preserved and never tarnished like WWE was so famously known to do.

"So when?"

"I'll know."

I shook my head giving up in ever hearing him say something negative about the company. My eyes turned back around and almost spit out my drink at the sight of Adam Cole with Kyle O'Reilly and Bobby Fish. I couldn't pass the opportunity as I called them over.

"Cole, get your arse right here!"

Three heads jerked towards us and the Panama Playboy broke into his infamous cocky smile. Just the idea of pissing the Elite somehow came to mind. All three men approached our table. All three passing me around for a hug before shaking hands with Finn.

"Holy shit, Kenny will be shitting bullets with you dating Balor."

I punched Cole in the arm before turning towards Finn knowingly. It would never happen. As much as I love Finn as a friend, our relationship was just as friends. Nothing more and nothing less. I would do anything just for him, I've done so in the past, and I wouldn't hesitate to do it all over again if he asks me to. I knew Finn would do the very same for me. He was my Marty in WWE.

"Shouldn't you be dead?" I asked.

"I ask that myself sometimes." He smirked wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "You know what would be awesome? We should take a picture. Tell the Bucks that you're not only a Queen of Submission but you're also the Queen of the Dead."

The idea somehow made me burst out laughing. This man did not fear the consequence. I shook my head and nodded.

"But I'll post it in my social media. I don't want you ending up like Jimmy Jacobs."

I pulled out my phone. Handing it to Bobby as I pulled both Finn and Adam on each of my side.

"You kiss one cheek and I'll kiss the other." Adam instructed and I sent Bobby a wink knowingly he needed to take more than just one picture.

As I felt two lips on either side of my cheeks, Bobby had taken the picture and I suddenly jerked my head back having both men share a smooch in the process. Everyone shared a laughed besides the two men that unintentionally shared a kiss.

"Yeah. Yeah. It's not like its's either of our first time." Adam muttered messing with my hair making me pout.

"Well, with me starting to tour around the world for possible promotions, I need something to satisfy me when I'm alone." I teased.

"You're starting to negotiate with companies?"

I shrugged. It was still something I wasn't so sure about doing. A small part of me wanted to do the same thing Cody did. I wanted to just test the waters, but another part of me wanted to just be in ROH and NJPW. But after everything that happened in WWE, I needed to create a name for myself once again before I try myself in such a company willing to take me back.

"I want to just weigh in my choices for now." I shrugged. "WWE didn't give me a really good image when I left."

"So where are you heading first?"


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