Chapter 26: T Y S O N

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"You could have said no."


"Oh my God, Kenny. My father is going to tear you a new hole. I don't even know what that Camilla would do to you."


"I can't let you see how much a circus my family could be. I embarrassed of what my family would say about you."

"Princess, you don't need—"

"I don't want you running away from me because of them."

And I just had to stop her there. I placed both my hands on top of her shoulders. She placed every burden on her shoulders and it was only time that I should ease them up. I smiled realizing she had halted in her rambling and simply stared at me. Her teeth biting onto her lips.

"I got this." I assured her with a wink.

I knew it was a lie, I didn't get it. I was nervous beyond belief. What Victoria was fearing was the total opposite of what I feared. What if they don't like me? I was a weird kid from Winnipeg with an addiction for video games and the Japanese culture. I didn't even finish college for crying out loud.

"Mega Man. Whatever you promised Nana and Baba, we can break it. It's fine if we don't go to the family just yet."

I don't know why but the more she assured me it was fine not to go, the more I wanted. And somehow, the faster I get this over with, the faster everything would go back to the way it was.


"Last time I checked, I have the free will to choose who I date and don't."

Venom. I have never heard such venom come out of Victoria's lips. She had been malicious towards me because of me reeling her up, but I had never heard her so vicious just because of a simple question from her step-mother.

"Francheska." And this was the third time her father, whom insisted I simply called him Charles, admonished her for her tone.

I took a sip of my water. Dinner with Victoria—Francheska, as everyone had been calling her, and her family was awkward. Her brothers Will and Harry had been hard on me, but I couldn't blame them. They were two protective brothers. Her grandmother seemed satisfied with having me here after our little talk back in the hospital. Her grandfather seemed amused seeing me here. Her father and step-mother was a completely different story.

Camilla was, in simple terms, a total bitch to me. She had been scrutinizing me from the moment I walked inside the palace to the way I ate dinner alongside them. She was not investigating me and by the way, her questions had been, she had done some research a little too good.

"There is nothing wrong with Tyson being bisexual."

And my sexuality was currently placed under scrutiny.


"It's your highness." She interrupted and it took a lot in me not to give her knee to the face. Someone sounds too entitled.

"If you are worried about me cheating on Victoria with either a man or a woman, that won't be the case. I love her too much to even hurt her like that."

I felt her hand hold onto my own. Smiling I looked at her. This was what she was so worried about. She wasn't worried about me embarrassing her in front of her family, but rather the other way around. And right now, I come face to face with the real reason why she didn't want me to see her family. It's because of her evil step-mother, as she had called when we arrived the palace.

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