
By Uniqueness_

235 35 3

At the age of 18, Rose decided to take her luggage, broken spirit, and a one-way plane ticket to California l... More

Author's Note and Disclaimers.
The Process.
Mom's Visit.
Desperate Times, Calls for Desperate Measures.
Friend Basis.
Hit And Run Part I.
Hit And Run Part II.
Back To Normal.
The Date.
Solving the Issue One Step At A Time.
Here Comes The Past.

The Interview.

21 3 0
By Uniqueness_

I could see the tall EPC building as I made a right down the street. My confidence was still radiant, but as I passed each block my breathing began to tighten. Finally reaching into the parking lot, I found a parking spot at the first entrance. 

Locking my car I grabbed my phone, wallet, and portfolio walking into the building. The building itself welcomed you with a scent of success and vanilla. The furniture was very sophisticated and the people dressed as if they were millionaires. 

Huh...maybe this job isn't for me? Who am I kidding this is the dream job! Getting out of my thoughts, I walked up to the front desk. "Hi, can I help you?" she questioned. "Yes, I'm here for my 4:30 interview. My name is Ro-- "Rose Maria Kamson? Give me five minutes to see if Mr. Pierce is ready for you." 

I nodded spotting a seat in the room. Well, you're here. It's now or never. No need to feel nervous like mommy said, "God is with you." Before I knew it, Ashley called me up and gave me directions to the interview room. 

As I trailed down the hall, I opened the last door to my left and walked in. Inside was this tall, equally built, dark-skinned man, waiting for me to sit beside him. "Good Afternoon Ms. Kamson." he smiled. Perfect teeth. Perfect smile. Check. "Good Afternoon, Mr. Pierce," I replied. 

As I walked over to the seat, I didn't realize that one of my wedges got caught on my wide leg until I was leaning into the arms of my future boss. "Are you okay?" he said concerned. Oh my gosh...I did not just trip and have him catch me...! "Ye--s." I chocked. 

Finding the strength to lift myself up, I picked up my belongings and rapidly found the seat that I desperately sat in. "Would you like a cup of coffee?" he wondered. "Yes, please. Two sugars and half a cup of creamer." I stated. My eyes widen to see if I was supposed to make my own coffee, but I watched as he added the ingredients of what I insisted. 

I stayed quiet as he finished my cup and walked over to the table. Thanking him and taking the cup I sat it down in front of me. "So Ms. Kamson, before I even look over your application I need you to answer something for me." "Alright?" I hesitated. 

"What's your favorite entree at Cafe at Chez Panisse?" "I have never been there before." "Huh, okay if you get the job that's the first place we'll go to discuss your objective for this internship. Deal?" "Uh, deal." I agreed. "Now tell me about yourself." 

"I am 20 years old and currently an undergraduate at the University of Southern California. I live with two roommates in an apartment. I moved from Washington at the age of 18 to start my dream in the Economic-Political business." I watched as he nodded and listened to the information. 

"I'm sorry am I boring you?" I said before even thinking twice about my comment. He arched his brow and let out a chuckle. "No I was paying attention but if you think your introduction is too boring be my guess and spice it up." He offered. 

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that." "It's fine, you seem a bit anxious. I hope I don't seem too intimidating to you." "No no of course not...sigh... I've been looking for an internship for over three months and what you are doing is living my dream." I confessed. 

"You want to start your own company too?" "Yes! After college, that's what I want to pursue. Yea I also want to help people with their economic issues alongside getting involved in politics but I want to be my own boss. I want to be able to hire people who have the same mindset as me in making America stable for everyone." 

"Those are such inspiring dreams Ms. Kamson. I can't tell you how many people have come up to me today and said they would like this job for money, lust, or just to get their parents off their backs." I laughed. 

We continued our conversation and instead of the interview lasting 30 minutes, I was out in an hour. By the looks of the other interviewee's, I was envied by them. I myself didn't think I would survive. Once I fell into his arms I automatically thought it was over. I'm not the clumsy type but apparently, my outfits wanted to fail me today. 

"Have a nice day Ms. Kamson. I will call you in a few days to let you know if you got the job. If you do, you'll receive a letter in the mail explaining what happens from here." Ashley informed. "Thanks, Ashley, have a nice day too." 

Leaving the building, I walked to my car in the parking lot. I thought about the interview and through all the interview's that I've completed this one has got to be the most interesting. Mr. Pierce seemed to like me as a person and our conversation was surprisingly ongoing. 

I can honestly say I think I got this job in the bag. Reversing my car I decided to drive to Friendly's. I always get ice cream when I feel like I've accomplished something or to destress my thoughts. On the way there, I called my parents to let them know how it went. 

I was reminded of my mom's constant prayers within the day, making sure that the Lord gave me strength and a peace of mind during the interview. And honestly, I feel like the prayer that I did also gave me confidence and reassurance in getting the job. Although I looked like a complete fool for tripping over my own pants, he didn't seem to mind it. 

"Can I have a nut over caramel sundae please?" Finding a seat in the shop, I enjoyed my sundae checking my emails. This day was good.


"Do you want to go out to eat with me and Chris?" Stephanie asked. "Sure, where do you guys plan on going?" "This new restaurant that just opened a couple of blocks from here. I don't really feel like cooking tonight." "Alright, give me ten minutes to change." 

Throwing on a goto outfit, I left the apartment trailing behind Steph. When we reached the restaurant it was semi-formal. Good thing, I put on a black maxi dress. Walking to a table of three we began to order. I ordered barbeque wings as my appetizer and steak with mash potatoes and string beans as an entree. 

I'm a fat being so I'll also be eating off my friend's plate as well. "So how was it?" "It was very embarrassing but I survived," I told. "You fell didn't you?" Chris said. "Wait a...how did you know?" "I figured, your not the type to fall but those wide pants were looking mighty devious." "You saw me before I left and didn't wish me luck. Some friend you are." 

"I saw you once you entered the car, wasn't trying to make you late." "Point taken." "So how was Mr. Pierce?" Stephanie wondered. "What about him?" "Was he friendly? Hot? Rude? Hot? Successful? And oh yea ho--  "Hot? Girl, he was hot but I'm not looking for anyone right now. I just really need this internship." I laughed. 

"So when you fell was it on your face or...?" "Chris! Be more sensitive!" "I fell in his arms," I revealed. I watched as both of their piece of wing fell on their plate. "You did what now?" "He didn't let me touch the floor. He got to me just in time before my face splatted on his glossy floor panels." 

"Oh, my cheese! So your boss held you?!" "Held me for dear life? Yes, Steph he did." As the conversation continued, each of our entrees came shortly after. The night enlightened with the waves of laughter and enjoyment of each other's company. I wish Mariah was here with us but I bet she's having a blast in Paris. 

"Can I have a caramel cheesecake please?" "Can I have a chocolate fondue filled cake please."  "I would like a créme bruleé please." "Coming right up." The waiter said. "So we're all sharing our desserts right?" I wondered. "Yes fatty." Stephanie giggled. 

As we engaged in another conversation, I didn't notice that Mr. Pierce walked in with a guest. "Isn't that Mr. Pierce Rose?" Stephanie pointed out. Turning around I see a beautiful woman by his side. Of course, he's not single Rose, he's a freaking business millionaire. 

"Yea it actually is. Are we done, guys?" I concluded. "Yup, taking my dessert to go," Chris commented. "Alrighty let's go." I tried my best to avoid him and not ruin his date. I wouldn't want his girlfriend or wife questioning how he knew me. Although he literally just met me because of a simple interview. 

I was so close to exiting the restaurant until I heard, "Ms. Kamson! Funny seeing you here." "Same Mr. Pierce, how are you?" I smiled. "Great, quick question how's the food here?" "Not too shabby, I ordered something simple but I think you'll like the menu." "Thanks, I'll take your word for it. How are you?" "I'm good just finished the night with some friends." "That's good, well have a nice night." "You too." He smiled going back to his seat. 

Exiting the restaurant I entered Stephanie's car and we reached the apartment in less than fifteen minutes. We said our goodbyes to Chris and departed our ways. I could feel a compliment coming on. "He's even hotter in person." Stephanie purred. "Yea and he has a girlfriend." I reminded her. "I don't think that's his girlfriend, the woman looked similar to him. Had about some of the same features." 

"So I'm guessing sister?" "Bingo." "Well, whoever she was I hope she didn't take it personally that he came up to me and said hey." "I doubt Rose, he was just being polite." "I guess." "Come on, let's call Mariah and tell her the news." "Alright but this time you dial the call." 


Second Chapter Fini! I hope you guys enjoyed it. I know what you're thinking, it's a bit boring. Sorry not sorry, I don't want to rush into the plot yet so you'll have to bare with the bore. 

Comment, Vote, and Say Hi! 

Love you and God Bless! 

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