Possession ➸ Camren

By cabell0jauregui

721K 18.1K 11.9K

"Don't you get it, you're mine, the sooner you realise it the better." The first chapters are so bad but it w... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty one
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty Three
Fifty Four
Fifty Five
Fifty Six
Fifty Seven
Fifty Eight
Fifty Nine
Sixty One
Sixty Two
Sixty Three
Sixty Four
Sixty Five
Sixty Six
Sixty Seven
Sixty Eight
Seventy One
Seventy Two
Seventy Three
Seventy Four
Seventy Five
Seventy Six
Final Chapter

Sixty Nine

4.3K 110 81
By cabell0jauregui

Lauren was sat in the back of a car, her head resting against the window.

The glass was cold and every time they hit a bump in the road her head banged against it but she didn't move it away.

The drive was forty five minutes long in the direction they'd first came in. She'd been no longer that fifteen minutes away from the house the entire time.

Fifteen minutes.

Lauren was still slightly confused on how they'd found where she was. Apparently whilst they were searching the building the detectives had hacked into the computer system and found a small building being used to hold someone hostage. They'd had no proof it was Camila in there until they'd found her hoodie which proved it was her.

Lauren pulled the item of clothing closer, burying her face in it.

It smelt faintly like Camila and Lauren closed her eyes, pulling her knees up so her feet were on the chair.


She looked up at the voice and Normani sighed at the tear stains on her face.

"Well we can't have you saving your girl looking like this," She said softly, cupping her face and wiping her cheeks.

"Do you think we're too late?" Lauren asked shakily, her voice pitifuly helpless and Normani shook her head.

"Better late than never," She pointed out.

"Not if they've hurt her," Lauren argued and Normani covered her mouth with her hand.

"Don't think like that," She told her firmly and Lauren nodded.

Normani wrapped her arms around her from the side, pulling her head against her shoulder and kissing the top of it. Lauren sniffled, her chest still rising unevenly from crying.

She was still crying when Dinah picked her up, carrying her to the car and placing her in her seat. She didn't know when she stopped, probably when she ran out of tears.

"Listen here Lauren. If you do anything stupid that puts you at risk I'm handcuffing you to me," Nick warned as they got closer.

Lauren didn't reply and Normani spoke for her. "She's not gonna," She assured him, nudging Lauren. The Latina nodded in answer and Normani smiled. "Everything's gonna be fine Nick. We aren't stupid."

"It's not you I'm worried about," Nick shot a pointed  at the green-eyes girl who chose to ignore it.

"Lauren's not gonna do anything stupid. We promise."

That promise lasted not even an hour.

It was about twenty minutes later when the car finally pulled up. They were about five minutes away from the road, the only thing visible being a small building that looked like it had been empty for years.

It was average size, although Lauren had been told that there was a large unground attached to it by tunnels and passageways.

They had no idea which part Camila was being held in but due to the fact that no lights were on, she was guessing it was the underground part.

There were no cars besides there's, no noise, no sound of any human activity whatsoever.

"Are you sure it's here?" Lauren questioned doubtfully as they pulled up, face smashed against the glass as she squinted her eyes to try and see something.


"Yeah, this is the place. It's been owned by The Society for years," Nick informed them, turning around to face them. "Nothing stupid Jauregui, you hear me?"

Lauren only nodded, swallowing as she tried to get rid of the dry feeling in her mouth. Why the fuck was she so scared? She'd been on worse missions than this before. What was so different?"


Camila was different.

She'd always been different.

"Do we have a plan?" Normani asked, holding onto Lauren's hand tightly.

"Based on the fact that we know nothing? No. Anyone could be in there, armed or not. We have no idea," Nick informed them and Lauren gulped nervously.

That sounded bad. Like, really bad.

"The detectives are trying to get some more information about the place," Nick continued, "until then we do nothing."

"We can't just wait!" Lauren exclaimed, finally speaking up.

"Lo, don't be an idiot," Dinah shook her head, chiming into the conversation as well.

"It's Camila! She could be hurt! She could be-be dead for all we know!" Lauren stated incredulously.

Did they really expect her to just sit and do nothing whilst Camila was so close?

"Don't you dare Lauren," Nick growled but the Latina wasn't listening as she unbuckled her seatbelt, jumping out on the car.

She could hear Normani shouting after her and the sound of footsteps but she was way ahead of them, running as fast as she possibly could. She'd made that mistake the first time and she wasn't about to make it again.

The door to the building was unlocked to her surprise, no guards, no cameras, no nothing. If she was thinking straight she'd probably be more suspicious of it but she wasn't thinking at all.

She blindly ran for the stairs she could make out in the corner of the room, barely touching each step as she flew down them.

Underground looked even more unused than the top.

The stairs led onto a passageway that had no rooms coming off it. It went on for several meters before there was a turn at the end.

Lauren paused, waiting to see if she could hear footsteps and when she couldn't, continued making her way through the maze.

The tunnels seemed to go on forever, finally coming to the end of one only to find it led onto another one. 

She was running for ten minutes before she realised that she'd been led in a big circle. She came to a holt, chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath and she cursed herself for being so stupid.

"Fuck, come on," She muttered, tugging on her hair frustratedly. "There's got to be something."

She refused to believe that they'd got her hope up for there to be nothing here. There had to be something.

Breathe Lauren, she thought, trying to calm herself down, figure something out.

She found herself retracing her steps, this time walking so she could catch her breathe and see anything that she might have missed anything before. What kind of idiot wouldn't bring a flashlight with them?

She still couldn't hear footsteps and decided that the person following her had either also got lost or had decided to let her reckless ass fend for herself.

She didn't blame them. She'd ran off without any kind of weapon or self-defence item so she was helpless right now.

She was broke from her thoughts when she saw a door on one of the walls. It was dark and easy to miss in the dark which was probably why she ran past it.

She pushed it open, revealing a room in complete darkness. She fumbled around, finding a light switch on the wall and flicking it on.

Her eyes immediately closed at the sudden brightness and she waited a few moments before opening them again.

Lauren's heart was hammering in her chest as she looked around the room frantically, both with nerves as fear. The room was quite big, there was an door on the opposite wall and some chairs scattered around.

And Lauren could have sobbed because there was Camila, hanging by her wrists from some rope so she was forced to stand on her tiptoes, her feet barely on the ground.

Lauren didn't see anything else about her because she flew forward, tacking the girl into a hug.

Camila was there and alive and they could get out of here.

They could go home.

"Are you okay?" Lauren asked frantically, pulling back to look at her. Camila nodded rapidly in response and Lauren looked up at the rope. "I'm gonna get you out of here. You're gonna be okay."

Lauren really regretted not bringing a knife or anything because the rope was impossible to undo. She tried consistently for five minutes, each time with no success.

"No no no. It's got to work!" She declared desperately, feeling the tears burn her eyes.

"I'm disappointed Lauren. The Society's best member and it's taken you this long to find her."

The voice made Lauren's blood run cold.

"Did you really think I wouldn't find out, Mija?"

Lauren took in a shaky breath before turning around to face her father.

"How long have you known?" Her voice was dry and sounded terrified. Which she was.

"Since one of your friends came and informed me about your... guest. What's his name? Justin?"

And it suddenly felt like the building came crashing down and the weight of the world was crushing Lauren's chest. So heavy she couldn't breathe. And then the tears started to fall down her cheeks and she couldn't stop them no matter how hard she tried.

"Let her go."

She tried to sound strong but her voice wobbled and it came off as more of a plead.

"You know the rules Lauren. And you disobeyed them," He said and Lauren turned back around to Camila, frantically trying to untie the rope.

That was until she felt a gun being pressed against the back of her head.

"Don't," He growled and Lauren froze for a second before continuing. The click of the gun was the response he gave.

"Stop it Lauren! Listen to him," Camila pleaded, her own eyes filling with tears. "She's stopping, please don't hurt her."

Out of her peripheral vision Lauren could make out three men walk in. Two of them grabbed her from behind and she felt her father let her go, although one of the men still held a gun to her temple.

She followed her dad with her eyes as he walks towards her girlfriend, pausing beside her.

"Don't touch her," Lauren snapped, feeling the gun be pushed harder into her head at her words.

"You're gonna get hurt Lauren, shut up!" Camila exclaimed, fully crying by now.

"She's smart Mija, you should listen to her," Mike told her. "You're just like your mother. You don't follow the rules. You saw what happened when you break the rules."

"It's not her fault. Please let her go. I broke the rules, not her," Lauren said desperately, feeling the tears drip down her neck.

"She's a Cabello, Lauren. The daughter of Alejandro Cabello. Their entire family's corrupt," Mike spat the name like it was venomous.

"Not her. Please, I'm begging. Don't hurt her," Lauren cried before spurting out, "do it to me. Punish me instead, it's my fault."

"No! No Lauren. Stop. No no no," Camila started struggling frantically, pulling against the rope and flailing around.

"Oh, my foolish daughter. You don't get it. This is punishing you," Mike smiled at her as Camila stopped fighting, closing her eyes and sobbing hysterically, murmuring the same 'oh my god' over and over again.

Lauren wasn't getting it. She was this close to being shot for fighting for her and she still wasn't stopping. She needed her to stop fighting for her

"Camila, look at me. Look at me," Lauren coaxed and the brunette opened her eyes warily, "I'm okay baby. Don't cry over me, I'm okay."

She felt her father's eyes glancing between them before he spoke, "cut her down."

And in one swift movement the ropes holding Camila up were cut and the Latina collapsed to the floor as her legs and arms have way. Lauren yanked out of the grip, rushing towards the brunette and pulling her onto her feet and into her arms.

"I'm so sorry Camila. I'm so so sorry," She whispered into her hair. The younger girl was relying solely on Lauren to keep her up and Lauren pulled her head to her chest, burying her face into her hair and crying.

Camila was still sobbing hysterically, clinging to Lauren like her life depended on it. "You're so stupid Lauren! Why would you do that? You're such an idiot."

Lauren ignored it, looking up to her father desperately. "Please don't hurt her. Please. Let her go."

"I have to finish off the job you were meant to do months back," Mike said nonchalantly and Lauren clung to Camila tighter. 

"No! She won't tell anyone. Please stop," She cried, knotting her fingers into Camila's hair. "She's not like us. You're gonna kill her. Please sto-op it."

"We can't have her exposing us. It's our life, Lauren,"  He emphasised.

"She won't tell. I promise, she won't tell anyone," Lauren declared desperately.

"That's not how things work Lauren. You say that and she'll say that and then she'll tell everyone and we'll all end up in prison," He told her before adding, "she's not like us Lauren. She's just gonna keep getting hurt."

"I'll break up with her," Lauren blurted out, "I'll never see her again. Just let her go."

Camila let out another stifled cry at the situation and Lauren rubbed her back, kissing her neck softly.

No one could say anything else because the door opened and one of the men Lauren recognised from earlier came in.

So he did follow her.

He couldn't say anything because the minute he was in sight a bullet was shot through his skull.

Camila let out a strangled gasp and Lauren turned them around so it was herself with her back to her father, not Camila. 

"It's okay. Shh, I'm not gonna let you get hurt. Listen to me, I'm gonna make sure you're okay," Lauren whispered, kissing her temple.

"I think," Mike trailed off when Camila's sobbing had finally calmed down, "they need separating."

And then Lauren felt two men grabbing her arms and pulling her away from Camila. Mike grabbed her arm so she didn't fall down, causing Camila to stiffen.

"Don't touch her!" Lauren exclaimed through her tears, trying to pull away. Her father lifted the gun in her direction and Camila shook her head frantically.

"It's okay. He's not hurting me Lo. I'm okay, I promise," She reassured her, giving her what she hoped was a soothing smile.

Mike shoved her in the direction of the other man roughly, causing her to stumble. He caught her, wrapping his arms around her and pinning her to him. The gun was pointed towards her and Lauren saw her girlfriend freeze.

"No! Don't hurt her. Leave her alone!" Lauren shouted feebly, tugging her arms fruitlessly.

A fist connecting with her face silenced her.

"Lauren! No!" Camila cried, struggling, "don't hurt her! Please don't hurt her."

"She said to punish her instead. Shut up," Mike commanded, waving the gun at her.

"Camz, it's okay. Please be quiet," Lauren nearly begged as she felt the fist connect with her stomach.

"Don't hurt her," Camila sobbed bitterly, pulling at the man's arm weakly.

"If she doesn't shut up I'll make her," Mike threatened, facing Lauren.

It was obvious she was about to get a beating. She'd seen what happened when people broke the rules and she knew he wasn't going to take it easy on her. She also knew that Camila was going to get hurt as well if she wasn't quiet.

"Don't you dare do anything stupid Camila," Lauren warned the brunette who had ignored her father's threat.

She couldn't say anything else because she was she was the thrown to the floor and the air was knocked out of her chest.

Throughout the duration of the beating she couldn't focus on anything but Camila's screams and begs for them to stop. She was waiting for the sound of the gun being fired but it never came. Just punch after punch.

"You're hurting her! Stop! Stop it!" Camila was half wild with fear, her voice shrill as she thrashed around, kicking anything she could.

And Lauren was yelling for Camila to shut up; to stop arguing because it would result in her being hurt but she was pretty sure Camila couldn't even hear over herself.

The brunette finally pulled away, collapsing to the floor and scrambling to Lauren only to receive a kick that sent her across the room. She landed on the floor in a heap, her head colliding with the stones and she was suddenly seeing stars.

Lauren knew she had to help her but she couldn't force her body to move, she couldn't do anything but lay on the floor, her chest heaving as she tried to catch a breath.

She was useless.

Eventually she heard the faint sound of her father's voice and the men moved away from her. Camila clambered onto all fours, shakily crawling over and collapsing in front of Lauren.

"Oh Lauren. Oh my god," Camila sobbed, cupping her face in her hands.

"I'm okay. Don't cry my love," Lauren whispered hoarsely, forcing herself up into a sitting a position. Her face wasn't too bad - she could tell she'd have a few bruises but nothing too severe. It was her stomach where she'd been hit and kicked repeatedly.

But that didn't matter now.

Camila mattered and they had to get out of there.

She climbed onto her feet, pulling Camila up after her and trying to ignore the way her body cried out at the action. She could take a beating, she'd had more than enough of them, but Camila hadn't and the girl was shaking violently, now even wobblier on her feet than before.

Lauren found herself staring at the bloody mess on Camila's head, matted in her hair. Lauren pulled her into a hug before turning to her father.

"Let her go," She pleaded. When her father didn't speak she found herself crying out helplessly, "she's hurt!"

"This is what happens when you break the rules Lauren! People get hurt! She wouldn't even be in this mess if it wasn't for you!" He shouted, causing Camila to cry harder.

"You're scaring her!" Lauren exclaimed, rubbing her thumb over the back of Camila's neck in an attempt to soothe her. "She needs help. Please let us go."

"I don't want to do this Lauren. I didn't want to have to kill you. But you know what happens when you break the rules," He said and Lauren held Camila tighter.

"Not her! She's not done anything wrong. Please don't hurt her," Lauren cried desperately. The gun was pointed in her direction and she pushed Camila behind her.

They both ducked down as a gun shot rang through the room, eliciting a scream from Camila. Lauren opened her eyes after a few seconds, just in time to see her father fall to the floor with red staining his shirt.

Just in time to see a bullet go through Nick's chested from where he was now stood in the doorway as another shot was fired.

"Nick!" Lauren sobbed as she stood back up, her hand flying to her mouth, "no. Oh god, no."

Camila clambered onto her feet and Lauren took her face in her hands.

"Go. Go outside to the others. You need to run," She instructed firmly, "you hear me Camila? Run as fast as you can, okay?"

"No! Lauren. I can't," Camila cried, "please come with me. I don't want to leave you."

"I'm gonna come right after you. I need to help him," Lauren's voice was wobbly but she tried to keep it calm. "Go, okay? I'll be there soon, I promise."

Camila planted a chaste kiss to her lips before leaving the room, walking right past the men who were trying to save her father.

Lauren paid them no attention as she rushed towards Nick, immediately trying to save him.

Camila couldn't see through her tears by the time she finally got out of the building.

She heard shouting and could make out the group of girls stood not too far away.

"Camila!" She heard Dinah's familiar voice and ran as fast as she possibly could in the direction of it, throwing herself into her arms when she was close enough.

And she was lifted off her feet as she was pulled into Dinah's arms, feeling another pair that she soon recognised to be Normani's wrap around her from behind. She buried her face in Dinah's shoulder, wrapping her arms around her neck and sobbing.

"You scared us so much Mila," Dinah whispered as she placed the girl back on her feet.

"Lauren's in there and they've got gu-uns," Camila cried, resting her head on Dinah's chest sideways.

She could hear the murmur of concerned voices and Normani stroked her hair reassuringly as they spoke.

"I'm going too!" She heard Lucy chime in.

"No!" Vero protested, shaking her head and grabbing onto to her arm.

"It's Lauren, Vero. I have to help," Lucy emphasised, pulling her arm away before jogging after the men who'd already started walking. Vero went to run after her but was stopped by Keana.

Camila didn't pay attention after that. She could hear people talking softly, feeling Normani and Dinah gently examining her head for injuries.

That was until the sound of gunshots were heard.

They blended together with Camila's heart wrenching screams.

"Nooo! Lauren!" Camila felt like she was under water. She felt a weight on her chest that was crushing her and everything sounded muffled and distant as she flew forward, only to crash into Normani. "She's in there. No no no."

"Okay, it's okay," Normani soothed, holding her tightly to stop her escaping. She felt Camila collapse against her chest, clutching her jumper in her firsts.

The gunshots kept coming. One after another. Sometimes there would be a pause but then another set would start again and the familiar sound rung through the air.

They drowned out the sound of Camila's sobs, of Vero's shouts, of the panicked yells by men Camila didn't recognise. She could faintly hear Normani saying something to Dinah but couldn't make out the words.

She was just watching over Normani's shoulder, waiting for someone to come out of the building. Waiting for Lauren.

It felt like years before she could make out faint figures running out of the building. She pulled away from Normani, wiping her eyes.

And then she could see the familiar wild black hair and she was running forward as fast as her legs could take her. She didn't stop until she was in Lauren's arms, the older girl lifting her off her feet and knotting her fingers in her hair.

"You scared me so much. I thought you were dead! Never do that again," Camila sobbed into her shoulder.

"I'm so sorry. Oh my god, I'm so glad you're okay," Lauren breathed out, wrapping her legs around her waist and holding her head to her chest.

"I was so scared," Camila choked out, one hand on the back of Lauren's head and the other her neck.

"You're safe now. I'm not gonna let anyone else hurt you. I was so worried baby," Lauren murmured.

"I'm sca-ared," Camila cried, her chest heaving.

"I know. You don't have to be scared, I'm right here. Nothing else will happen to you," Lauren assured her as she starting walking to the others, rubbing her thumb over Camila's scalp.

When they got there Camila was placed on her feet, Lauren's arms wrapping around her tightly to stop her falling over. Camila whimpered and Lauren pressed her lips to the top of her head. "I've got you Camz, I'm right here."

"You're such an idiot Lauren," Normani spoke up as she eyed the already forming bruises. Lauren ignored her as she slid off her leather jacket, helping Camila into it because the girl's body was trembling violently.

Lucy made her way towards them and a now crying Vero flew into her arms. "You're such an ass Lucy. Don't do that ever again!"

And normally Lauren would laugh in agreement but Camila was crying something indistinguishable, looking at Lauren helplessly.

"What's wrong Camz? Hey, can you please tell me so I can help?" Lauren questioned and Camila pointed to the blood stain on her shirt. Lauren's face softened and she pulled Camila into a hug, "no baby. That's not mine, it's okay. I'm not hurt."

"You are. I-I saw them," Camila sobbed, "I sa-aw and couldn't help."

"No, god Camila. You didn't have to help. Don't be so silly," Lauren whispered into her hair.

"They got me. An-and I'm hurt and scared and-and there were guns and they're dead," Camila knotted her fingers into her hair as she rambled hysterically, "they're dead Lauren. And you're hurt too and I-I ca-an't."

She sunk to the floor but Lauren caught her, pulling her back up and cupping her face. She connected their lips gently, kissing her softly and ignoring how her lips tasted of tears and copper. Camila let out a mix of a cry and a breath at the contact, allowing the kiss to provide some condolence.

Because Lauren was there and they were okay and she was safe again.

She didn't have to be scared anymore.

So why did she feel so fucking scared?

"I'm so glad you're here," Lauren murmured, stroking her thumb across Camila's cheek, "I love you so so much."

"I love you too. Don't let me go ever again," Camila pleaded desperately and Lauren nodded rapidly, wrapping her in her arms tightly.

"I won't. God, I'm never leaving you alone again. I'm so sorry," Lauren told her, holding her head to her shoulder.

Loud murmurings broke out around them and Lauren looked up, finally paying attention to them.

"What's happening?" She asked, turning to Normani.

"They're going to check it over and move the bodies," Normani trailed off quietly towards the end and Lauren nodded.

It was the first gunshot that caused Camila to freeze.

"It's okay Camz, they're just checking," Lauren was quick to inform her but Camila stumbled backwards, bringing her hands to cover her ears.

She looked like a dear in headlights.

It was the second gunshot that caused a scream to leave her mouth, loud and terrified. Lauren rushed forwards, pulling her into her arms. Camila was thrashing wildly, her fists hitting Lauren's shoulders; her body twisting frantically. She still screaming as Lauren lifted her up and carried her to the car. They sat in the back seats, Lauren leant against the door with her legs bent so Camila could sit between them, straddling the older girl with bent legs.

"You're okay. Trust me Camz, nothings gonna happen to you," Lauren told her, cupping her face with one hand. "Do you trust me?" She murmured lowly and Camila nodded, "you aren't gonna get hurt anymore, I promise.

The brunette had burst into a fresh set of panicked sobs - beyond hysterical. Her hands subconsciously found their way under Lauren's t-shirt, resting on her back as she leant against her so their stomachs were pressed together.

"It's okay baby, please don't cry," Lauren begged as Camila buried her face in her shoulder. She heard the door open and looked up to see Normani offering them a blanket and a bottle of water. Lauren took them gratefully and Normani sent them a small smile before closing the door.

Lauren wrapped the blanket around Camila's shoulders, hoping it would warm her up a bit because she was shivering nonstop.

"I've got you Camz, it's okay. You're okay," She murmured, kissing her forehead and letting her lips rest there. Camila didn't reply, instead leaning her head against Lauren's chest sideways and focusing on the sound of her heartbeat.

Another gunshot rang out and Camila flinched violently. Lauren ran her fingers through her hair soothingly, using her other hand to drum a steady pattern on her back.

Lauren ended up humming to try and drown out the sounds of guns being fired. It seemed to work because Camila stopped crying, just occasionally sniffling.

"Do you want some water?" Lauren questioned softly but Camila shook her head. She'd moved her hands so one was by her side and the other was holding onto Lauren's t-shirt collar loosely. "I love you, I've got you."

Silence fell between them after that, the only sound being Camila's shaky breathing.

It was about five minutes later when Normani climbed in the car, closing the door behind her.

"They're coming," She told her simply and Lauren nodded.

"Did you tell the others to leave?" She asked quietly.

"Yeah. Keana's still here though with Shawn, they're with Dinah," Normani informed her. Lauren raised a knowing eyebrow and Normani nodded before specifying, "she was fine until the guns."

Camila let out a whimper and Lauren kissed her forehead, rubbing her back. "Everything's gonna be okay baby, you're gonna be okay."

Camila didn't respond so Lauren took it as a sign that she didn't want to talk, instead turning to Normani. They were talking about something she couldn't make out due to the fact everything sounded like she was underwater. She didn't mind thought because she could hear Lauren's voice and focusing on it was soothing her.

That was until the sound of sirens were heard.

Lauren wasn't allowed with Camila in the ambulance.

It wasn't a shock, she'd figured she wouldn't be allowed to. Camila, on the other hand, never and was screaming for Lauren the entire time until they drove away.

Someone had moved the bodies from inside so it was just her father. Well, she assumed that was who was left anyway. She didn't really know.

She was sat in the back of a police car, a blanket wrapped around her shoulders as they interviewed her. She knew the story off by heart. They'd practiced it the minute they started searching for Camila. It was their escape plan.

It went like this: Lauren knew of Camila when they were kids. They weren't friends but they weren't enemies. Her father had always been obsessed with work, they weren't close. She became suspicious of him a few days ago when she saw him sneak out in the night so gathered a few friends and followed him here. And the rest happened from there.

She couldn't care less if the bought it, she just wanted Camila to be okay.

Normani, Keana and Shawn had all been interviewed as well, they'd kindly skipped Dinah because she was beyond terrified. It was probably a good thing considering she was yet to speak.

She could hear several people talking, although she couldn't make out much of it.

"Okay. You can go home now, we'll be in touch," A woman told her.

When Lauren didn't move, she felt Normani grab her elbow and help her up. They walked back to their cars where the other three were waiting. She was wrapped into the older girl's arms, resting her chin on her shoulder.

"I'm going to the hospital," Lauren stated and Normani nodded.

"I'm going too."

Lauren was a mess. Or so Normani decided.

She was pacing up and down the hospital hallway anxiously, chewing on her nails. Her t-shirt was splattered with blood, bruises had already formed on the visible parts of her and her face was streaked with tears.

She'd been pacing for nearly twenty minutes now.

They were all there.

Normani was trying her best to coax Dinah into talking but the girl was point blank refusing; Lucy was sat on a plastic chair, Vero on her lap with her face buried in her neck; Alexa and Keana had gone to get some spare clothes from Normani's car for Lauren to change into.

They couldn't stay for long, only until the police came because otherwise it would look suspicious, but they weren't coming for at least another thirty minutes.

"Mani," Lucy spoke up softly and the said girl looked to the Latina, "is, is her dad...?"

Normani nodded in answer and Lucy let out a breath, pressing her lips against Vero's temple.

Alexa and Keana came into view, the latter handing Normani some clothes.

"Lo," The African-American called, "wanna come to the bathroom and get changed."

Lauren - with some persuading from Lucy - nodded in agreement and Normani climbed off of Dinah's lap, causing the blonde to look up at her.

And Normani was really glad she'd learnt to read her girlfriend all those years ago because otherwise this would make everything so much harder.

"You too baby, you've got blood on you too," Normani smiled softly, taking her hand and pulling her up. Together they walked to the bathroom which was empty considering it was the middle of the night.

Normani handed them their clothes, thankful she always kept a spare pair in her car for Dinah and herself.

"God Lauren, you're so stupid," Normani whispered when she saw the mess that was Lauren's stomach.

"I know," Lauren muttered in agreement, pulling the clean t-shirt over her head. Dinah did the same, frowning at Lauren's injuries. "I'm fine Dinah, they don't hurt."

Her tone was sharp and Normani took Dinah's hand in her own, squeezing it reassuringly.

"Let's go back, they might have some news," She said, gathering the bloodied clothes and shoving them in a bag that she slung over her shoulder.

They did have news.

They got back just as the doctor stepped out of the room, turning to face the girls as they gathered together.

"She's stable now. She's lost quite a bit of blood and had a concussion which did lead to a seizure," He started off and Lauren suddenly felt her mouth go dry.

"B-but she's okay, right? She's okay now?" She questioned frantically.

"She's stable. We lost her for a minute but she's okay now," He confirmed and Lauren felt sick to her stomach at the words.

She flatlined. She died. Her heart stopped.

"Can I see her?" Lauren managed to croak out.

"You can but you should know that she's in a coma."

Lauren stopped listening after that. He continued to talk, rambling on about stuff that she didn't understand and wasn't interested in anyway.

She was in a coma.

Her heart had stopped.

Her girlfriend was falling apart and there was nothing she could do to help.

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