My Master Skywalker - Book(2)

RogersSkywalkerR5er द्वारा

104K 2.4K 585

Book (2) Sequel to Falling For Skywalker! Skywalker Series. Raina Starlight is the daughter a Commander in t... अधिक

The New Republic
Weight of The Galaxy
The New Republic Consitution
First Padawan.
Together Again
The Balcony
Jedi Temple
Jedi Archives
First Mission
Growing Tension
Begining Of A New Order
The Corscant Festival Ball
The Chase
Letting Go
A Royal Birthday
Birthday Suprise
Tagged Again!
Star Wars Tag!!
Suprise Proposal
The Deal
Letting Him Go
Knighting Ceremony
The Search
A Feeling
The Truth
Pass On What You Have Learned
First Lesson
Royal Wedding
Visions and Negotiations
Wishes and Negotiations
Answers on Jaccu
Last Chance
Meeting Again
Return to Corscant
Pushed Away
No Longer Alone
What Are These Feelings?
Jedi Academy
Taken Back
Back On Endor
Late Nights
Beautiful Place
Trusting You
I Love You
Mysterious Presence
Back At It
Back Home
Telling Him and The Engagement
Making Plans
Our Secret Wedding

One Day Left

1.1K 34 11
RogersSkywalkerR5er द्वारा

Raina's POV.

It had been about a month since Raina had begun training Jacen and Luke had begun training Leia. Jacen was a fast learner and was very determined. She no longer felt so nervous about training him. Leia was learning fast as well, but she tended to put off learning, which bothered Luke.

As for Raina and Luke's relationship, Raina had tried to avoid being alone with him as much as possible. She was still inlove with him and wanted to get over her feelings. Though, no matter how much she tried she couldn't let go of her feelings. She just wish she could forget her feelings.

In other news Leia and Han's wedding was in a day. It seemed that the whole galaxy had come to Coruscant just to see the princess and the space pirate get married. Apparently Mon-Motha believed that the wedding would be a sign to the galaxy that the empires terror was over and that the future was bright.

Leia had decided she wanted to get married now, because it was winter time on Coruscant and it reminded her of her life on Alderaan. When she was young and her parents would tired of the palace life the family would retreat to their house in the snow covered mountains of Alderaan. Some of her favorite memories were of her families time there.

Raina had agreed to go with Leia today and look at Wedding dresses, while Jacen stayed behind at the temple and trained.

Raina and Leia walked into a small shop and told the woman what they were looking for.

She immediately lead the two over to some chairs. "I will be back in a moment."

Soon she came out and introduced a model who was wearing the first gown.

The model walked in front of Leia and Raina and after she was finished she stood beside the wall. The next model came in wearing a gown.

She stood next to the other model. Three more models came and walked in front of Raina and Leia.

After they were through Leia stood and looked over the dresses.

"I like the forth one. What do you think, Raina?" Leia asked.

Raina looked at the dress.

She smiled and nodded. "I think it'll look beautiful on you."

Leia smiled widely. "I'll take that one." She told the woman.

The woman smiled. "Let me take your measurements and then I'll get it for you."

After taking Lieas measurements she walked out of the room. Leia smiled and hugged Raina.

"Thank you so much for helping me. Your such a great friend."

Raina hugged Leia back.

They both broke the hug and smiled at each other.

"You would do the same for me." Raina's smile faded as she thought about what she had just said.

Leia frowned. "Raina is something wrong?"

She looked up at Leia. "What? No. Nothings wrong. Why?"

"Well, I can just sense that your feeling sad." Leia said. Raina looked down.

"It's nothing. Just. . ." She began, but stopped. She shook her head and gave a smile. ". . .it's nothing."

Leia touched Raina's arm. "Raina, you know if you ever need to talk. You can talk to me. I won't tell, Luke."

Raina looked at Leia warily. She sighed and sat back down. Leia sat back down as well.

"It's just. . .remember when I told that master's and padawan are forbidden to have romantic relationships?" She asked.

Leia nodded, then a smile grew on her face. "Wait. Are you and Luke-?"

Raina cut her off by shaking her head. "No. We're not and that's what's wrong." She confessed.

"You mean even though your both Jedi now, you still can't be together?" Leia asked.

"Yes and no."

"What do you mean?"

Raina sighed and felt the sadness in her heart growing.

"I mean that yes most Jedi can be together, but Luke doesn't believe he is one of those Jedi." She explained.

Leia looked to the side and realization came over her. She looked back to Raina.

"You mean to tell me that Luke believes he can never have a romantic relationship of any kind?! Even marriage?!" Raina looked across the room and nodded.

"I'm afraid so."

She felt Leia's emotion spike.

"That's crazy! Why would he think that?" She raised her voice.

"Because after I had that vision years ago he believes that it could actually happen."

Leia scoffed. "But Vader's dead!"

"He believes the vision was more of an example than the exact future. He also thinks that I'm a stronger Jedi than him, so I can have a romantic relationship, but he can't ."

Leia gave an angry laugh. "I never thought Luke would be so stupid!" Leia exclaimed.

Raina sighed. "I wouldn't say he's being stupid, but-"

"Yes he is, Raina! He's being completely and utterly stupid!" Leia exclaimed.
"I know my brother and I know that he would never turn to the Dark Side. Not after all he's been through. He has so much light in him. . .theres no possible way he would turn!" She said.

Raina nodded. "I know, and now that I've given some more thought to the situation and have been able to experience first hand almost loosing him. . . I know I would never be able to turn to the Dark Side. And sense Luke is much stronger than I am I do not believe he would ever be able to turn, even if my life was at stake." Raina told Leia.

"Have you talked to Luke about this?" Leia asked.

"I have, but all he does is apologize, tell me how much cared about me and wants to be with me, then tells me why he can't. Why it's impossible for us to ever be together." Raina said, in sadness.
"I've tried to tell him that he's wrong. That he wouldn't turn, but he doesn't trust himself. He's too afraid that if the situation presents itself that his love for me will be too strong for him to resist."

Leia shook her head. "I'm so sorry, Raina." She consoled her.

"What's worse is that we tried to just be friends, but it didn't work. Every time we were alone something would happen that would compromise the situation. After it happened multiple times Luke decided it would be better that we only have a professional relationship from now on."

"So you two aren't even friends anymore?"

"No. We aren't. And I won't lie to you it's been hard. So hard actually that I finally decided it we be best if I just avoided him, even though I want nothing more than to be with him all the time." Raina's told Leia with tears threatening.

Leia put her hand on Raina's. Raina sniffled and let a tear fall.

"You don't how much I wish I could just forget my feels for him. Sometimes I've even wished that I could forget about him all together. Then I would at least be able to go on with my life without feeling pain every time I see him or feel that he is near." Raina cried.

Leia stood and brought Raina up with her. She enveloped her in a hug.

"Oh, Raina. I'm so so sorry."

After a few moments Raina got herself together and wiped away her tears.

"I'm sorry. It's just been a lot."

Leia nodded. "I know and there's nothing to be sorry about. Now I understand why the wedding has been such a sensitive subject for you."

Before Raina could respond the woman came back. She brought a box that held Leia's wedding dress inside. "Here you go, Your Highness."

Leia smiled warmly and pulled away from Raina. "Thank you so much. I hope you will be able to make it to the wedding."

The seamstress smile widely. "Oh yes! Thank you, Your Highness! I will make sure to be there!"

"Good. I hope to see you there. I'll send you the credits later today. Good day to you." Leia said as a farewell.

"Good day, Your Highness. Good day, Jedi Starlight."

Luke's POV.

Luke left the temple and headed to the palace. He was going to spend the evening on the Falcon with Han and Chewie. Lando was also supposed to be flying down for the wedding as well.

Luke walked up to the Falcon and saw that the ramp was up.

"Hey! Han! It's me, Luke!" He shouted.

Soon the ramp lowered.

Luke walked up and was greeted by Han. "Hey, kid."

"Hey, Han. Where's Chewbacca?" Luke asked.

"He's in the main hold with Lando." He answered.

Luke smiled. "Lando's here already?" He asked.

"Yeah, he got in about an hour ago." Han answered as they walked into the main hold.

Chewie and Lando were seated at the table talking. Chewie said something humors and made Lando laugh. Luke smiled at the two. Lando saw Han enter from the corner of his eye and looked over.

He smiled widely as soon as he saw Luke.

"Hey look whose here!"

Luke smiled and greeted Lando and Chewie. The three sat down at the table, while Han sat in a chair by the entrance.

"So, Luke how's it going? I haven't seen or heard from you in forever."

"It's going well. Raina and I have begun training new Jedi and have repaired and refurbished he Jedi temple here on Coruscant." Luke reported happily.

Lando nodded and smiled. "So how is   Starlight? Luke looked to the side and then nodded.

"Good. She uh, completed her training a couple months ago and is now training a padawan of her own." Luke answered.

"But what about you, Lando? What have you been up to?"

The three talked for a while, until Luke noticed Han step out of the room. Luke dismissed himself and walked out into the hall. Han was no where in sight. He walked into the cockpit to find Han sitting in the pilots seat, slouched down, staring ahead out the window. Luke could feel Han's nervousness. He walked over and sat down in the co-pilots seat.

When Han noticed him he straightened up in his chair and cleared his throat.

"Hey, Luke. What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Well,. . ." Luke sat down and clasped his hands together. "I was sort of curious as to what you were doing in here. You know it's rude to leave your own bachelor party." Luke told his friend.

Han looked at Luke. "Well number one: I haven't left, I'm right here. And two: I just wanted to get away from the crowd."

Luke chuckled. "What crowd? It's just Chewie, Lando and me."

Han looked away from Luke and shifted in his seat. Luke sighed knowing why he had wanted to get away from the "crowd."

"Look, Han. I know what's going on."

Han turned back to Luke with a questioning look.

"Your nervous and your having second thoughts. It's normal. Every groom tends to feel this way the day before his wedding." Luke assured him.

Han breathed a disbelieving laugh. "Sure. And you would know that because. . .?"

Luke hesitated, knowing Han was right.

"Your right. Your right. I wouldn't, but I've heard it's normal." Luke gave in.

Han scoffed and shook his head.

"What is it that is bothering you so much about getting married may I ask?"

Han sighed.

Luke watched him cautiously.

"Is it Leia?"

Han's head snapped to Luke. "No! Leia has nothing to do with this."

Luke secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then what is it?"

Han leaned back in his seat and sighed. "It's just. . .I've always been free. To what I want. Go where I want, when I want to. . ." He began.

Luke nodded beginning to understand.

". . ., but after the wedding it's over. This part of my life is through, and what will I be giving it up for? To have power, wealth, life in a palace, stuck here in this hive of politics and galactic affairs, being watched every second of everyday as if you were in a glass cage on display for the whole galaxy to see?" Han asked.
"No. No, Luke. I don't want to live that way. I live the way I want, where I want, and be able to have a private life with my wife and family. That's all. Maybe find some small planet to settle down on like. . .I don't know. . . Tatooine even."

"Tatooine? Why there? What would you do?" Luke asked in utter disbelief.

"I-I don't know, kid. Maybe buy some land and start a Moister Farm? Anything to get as far away from the political ring as we can."

Luke looked at Han incredulously. "You don't know the first thing about Moisture Farming." He said finding part of Han's confession humorous.

"And another thing, I know you, Han. After you'd been grounded about six months you'd be itching to fly off that rock and move on. Your not the settling down, Farming type, Han. Your the enjoy it and move on kind." Luke reminded.

Han stared at Luke in thought. He sighed and looked down. He knew Luke was right.

Luke sighed. "Han, Leia is not going to make you give up your life on the Falcon. You know, she may never admit it, but she's grown to love this old ship too. So have I."

Han smiled and looked up at the Falcon's ceiling and around the cabin. "She's got a lot of memories in her, huh kid?"

Luke chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, she does. And she's still got a lot more to make."

Han looked down.

"Han. Don't look at your marriage to Leia as the end. Look at it as a beginning. A beginning of your new life together. There's still a lot more adventures to go on, and this ship is going to a part of all them, I assure you."

Han nodded, a hint of smile appeared on his lips. He was amused by something.

"What? What is it?" Luke asked.

Han looked over at Luke with a large grin. "Your something, kid. Every time I talk to you it seems you've become more and more of a man. Now your giving me advice when just two years ago it would have been the other way around."

Luke smiled warmly at his soon to be brother in-law. "Thanks, Han. It means a lot to hear you say that."

Han nodded. "Anytime, Luke."

"And I'm glad your finally recognizing that I'm no longer a teenager anymore. Thanks for that by the way." Luke joked.

"Well, if you wouldn't have acted so wide eyed and immature I would have recognized it years ago."

Luke chuckled. It was true. He had been very wide eyed when he was younger. He had matured pretty fast over the last couple years.

"Can't argue with you there."

"You know, your going to make one lucky girl very happy one day. I mean you've already got all of this figured out. She won't have to worry about you ever getting cold feet." He told Luke.

Luke looked down. His face was saddened. He felt Han watching him so he tried to put on a fake smile.

"Luke? Hey kid, you okay?" Han asked obviously noticing Luke's forced smile.

Luke forced a warm grin and nodded. "Yeah. Yeah. I'm fine. It's just uh, I don't uh, plan. . .on. . .getting married any time soon." He told Han awkwardly. "Or um, ever. . .for that matter." Luke confessed solemnly.

Han gaped at Luke. "What?! Your kidding right?" He asked.

Luke looked at him and shook his head. "No. No, I'm actually being quite serious."

Han scoffed. "Why in the world would a kid like you ever swear off marriage?!"

Luke sighed. "It's complicated, okay? I just don't believe that having a romantic relationship is the right thing for me. It would be a huge distraction from my duties as a Jedi and it could even be dangerous." Luke explained.

"How in the world could falling in love be dangerous?" Han asked him.

"Because. . .if the woman you love is in danger, if her life is being threatened then your love for her can be used as a weakness against you. In my case. . .I could be tempted to. . .turn to the Dark Side." Luke confessed.

"To save her life?" Han asked.

Luke nodded stiffly. "Yes, I'm afraid so."

"Oh come on, Luke! You can't be serious! You would never turn to the Dark Side! I know you, Leia knows you and Raina knows you. You've never shown any hints of the Dark Side."

Luke sighed. "Han, I was told that I am just like my father before he turned. That means I have the same weaknesses as he did. Now I don't know what made him turn, but I know my weaknesses and if there's any chance that it could be the one to have made my father turn. . .I don't want to take that risk." Luke said.

"Your not your father, Luke. You were stronger than him. Leia told me." Han tried to reason with him.

Luke shook his head. "I know what Leia told you, but the truth is that I was tempted to turn. Very tempted. It took something shocking to jolt me out of the rage I was in. If I would ever get to that point again I worry that there would be no stopping me."

Han shook his head. "Luke you can't be afraid of every possibility. Anything can happen. You know that."

"I do, but I also know that my father fell to the Dark Side because of attachments. Again I don't know what attachments exactly, but history tends to repeat itself and I want to try and prevent my family history ever repeating itself again." Luke said.

Han shook his head and got up out of the chair. "Whatever, kid. And this is why I'll never stop calling you that." He mumbled walking out of the cabin.

Luke got up and sighed. No one seemed to understand.

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