Spurious [Sequel To Open Your...

Par wondersland

107K 3.9K 429

Spurious: not genuine, authentic, or true. [book 2] Plus

[1] Something New
[2] This Might Hurt?
[3] Second Chance
[4] Might Need Some More Help
[5] Awkward Ex Encounters
[6] Trackers On Everything
[7] Weird Dreams And Archaic Latin
[9] Grumpy Wolves Are Not Doctors
[10] Milkshakes And Kanimas
[11] Snitches Get Stitches
[12] Survival Skills And Supernatural Lizards
[13] The Truth Will...
[14] Nostalgia
[15] Creative Psychopath
[16] Advice From A Drunk Guy
[17] Sleep Is For The Weak
[18] Twenty Seconds Of Courage
[19] Eavesdroppers
[20] A Killer Hale Of A Day
[21] It's For...Anti Possession
[22] Lover Not A Fighter
[23] Therapeutic Therapy
[24] Complimenting Compliments

[8] Late Night Crime Fighting

4.4K 161 22
Par wondersland


Picking myself off of the floor, I immediately squint in order to adjust my sight to the darkness of the woods.

Moonlight is visable only through patches, if there are any, in the treeline above. Unfortunately the spot where I'm standing in has barely enough that it just adds more of an eerie atmosphere to my surroundings.

Alright no need to panic-- it's not like I just woke up in the middle of the night in some random part of the woods where I can most likely freeze to death.

The chill of the dirty floor beneath me quickly sinks its teeth onto every inch of my bare feet with each step. Guess I didn't get the memo to sleepwalk with at least socks on.

Why me, I mean, not that I'd wish this onto someone else, but it's not like I want to be here either. I'm not Jack Frost, I don't live for these type of situations.

The more lit up portions of the woods are an obvious route for me to choose until I hear something small snap nearby. Knowing Beacon Hills it's probably not just my imagination on over drive.

I turn my head to glance behind me, only to make contact with a thick tree branch. Pain fills my senses from seemingly every which way before I'm dragged into unconsciousness.


When I manage to open one eye I understandably expect to see a serial killer's basement, or on the off chance that I was lucky then the dark woods again.

Yet never in the handful of thoughts that my slowly waking brain thought of did I ever imagine a pair of familiar, green eyes to be the sight that I first see.

I lurch up with my hands out to defend myself. Unfortunately the only thing that truly happens it that my head collides with Derek's forehead. "Ow, what the heck is your skull plated with adamantium or something?!"

There's no doubt going to be a bump on my forehead playing the role of my partner in crime after this night. I glare up at Derek upon noticing that the pain from our collision is long gone for him.

He looks at me, blank expression to his face, as he reaches his hand out towards me. Almost instantly do I lean away all the while still pressing my hand to my forehead. There's no chance for me to ask where I'm at as another person enters the room.

"Isaac." I'm relieved to say the least to see the curly haired teen at the door.

I pause, taking a quick glance around to see that the place looks to be some type of abandoned subway station. Honestly where do people find these places?

After a quick run throug my sight settles back towards the teen. He grins at me, before looking towards Derek. I see him give a subtle nod before Isaac latches onto me in a hug.

My arms quickly wrap around him, in all truthfulness I don't trust Derek with three teens in his care. The main reason being that it's Derek Hale that's 'looking over them'. He already showed that he doesn't know crap about watching over teens with the fact that last time I saw Isaac, he was lying paralyzed on my front yard.

"Good to see you again, kid." I say as we pull apart from our hug. A throat clears out, a quick reminder that I'm not at some reunion. I painstakingly turn around to face the last possible person that I want to see right now.

"What were you doing laying around in the woods at this time." Derek's quick to add more. "Especially in that." His finger jabs in the direction of the matching batman t-shirt and pj bottoms that were no longer covered by what seemed like ten blankets that had been placed on me.

"Isn't it obvious, I was doing some late night crime fighting." I sarcastically retort, gesturing towards the logo on my shirt. He gives me an unamused glare making me roll my eyes.

"I slept walk." I reply. Apparently into headquarters of a grumpy faced werewolf.

"What happened to your forehead?" Isaac questions, taking a spot on the foot of the bed.

I reach my hand up, gingerly touching the lump at the edge of my hairline. If push comes to shove, I'll just tell everyone else that I tripped on my own feet or something.

"When I woke up I started walking, but it was too dark and I ran into a branch, which knocked me unconscious." I explain, keeping everything as brief as possible.

He nods his head, seeming to already know the very latter of the story. Then again, I'm sure if someone you live with came in with an unconscious body they'd at the very least explain what they knew.

"You should lock your door so you don't walk around and bother people." Derek speaks the words with a certain edge to them.

"Don't worry I will, especially if I end up around here." I fire back, narrowing my eyes at him. Not wanting to be anywhere near here...wherever here is, I swing my legs over the side of the bed and stand.

Unfortunately my legs are still asleep, so I end up letting out a small breath of pain. Isaac is thankfully quick to get up and help me back down on the bed.

"Stay still or you'll hurt yourself again." Derek instructs. Making me pull a face at how much of a bossy alpha he is.

"Like you would care." I mumble out before I can stop myself. The room goes into a awkward silence, making me clear my throat and look down at my arms. They have a few small cuts here and there, but it looks like someone already cleaned them.

My eyes glance down towards my bandaged left hand, making me shift it under my other hand to make it less prominent then it's trying to seem at the moment.

"Do you remember what happened?" Isaac question fills the previously empty air. I'm not to sure of he did it to relieve the obvious tension or of he's actually curious.

I shake my head, but give him a reassuring smile. I don't want him to worry about me having nightmares and wandering around in my sleep. The only thing I want to do right now is just head off.

I hear Derek move from his spot. "Isaac you have school tomorrow."

Isaac nods once before looking towards me. He leans in for another hug before saying. "Try not to kill each other." I can't help but smile as he pulls away. I watch him leave before pinching the bridge of my nose.

I'm going to need a coffee mixed with redbull to stay awake at work.

"I know you remember what happened." Derek speaks up, breaking the short silence. Not wanting to stick around I get up, slowly this time, and sit on the edge of the bed.

"It's really none of your concern." I state simply before placing both my bare feet on the ground. I slowly stand up, only to have a hand wrap around my upper arm and help me the rest of the way.

"I'm leaving and I kinda need my arm." I try to wiggle my arm out of his grip. Darn werewolf strength.

With his firm grip still on my arm, he starts to lead me out of the building. I keep quite as we make it to the stairs, it's not exactly like I even know what to say right now anyway.

"Wait here while I go get my keys." He doesn't wait for a response before walking off.

I mentally scoff, does he honestly think I'm just going to wait around because he told me to? He's not my mom or my alpha either.

With a small pivot of my feet, I trudge up the wooden steps in a hurry. Just as I reach the doorknob, a hand grabs onto my shoulder.

I glare up at Derek, wishing to be able to trip him down the stairs. He moves me aside and opens the door, waiting for me to step outside before shutting it close. "Didn't I say to wait at the bottom of the stairs."

"Didn't I say it's none of your concern." I mimic back in his same serious tone. Except I use a bunch of annoyed hand movements to go along with my sentence.

"Why are you acting like the innocent one when you were helping Peter out and leading us in the wrong direction." He says pointedly.

I throw my hands up and start to make weird hand gestures as if I was choking him. If I did this infront of any other person I'm sure they would have looked at me strangely and backed away, thinking I was clinically insane or something.

"I didn't want to help him!" I yell back, angry at the thought of him believing that I was doing it out of my free will. "Your psychotic uncle threatened my family if I didn't help him and kept my mouth shut."

"No offense, but he was crazy and it's safe to say that I hate him." I look around as if he'll pop out at any moment. Knowing how precise he was with his plans I wouldn't put it against him to find a way back.

"Especially when I found out that he was the one who killed her." I mumble offhandedly. But yeah, when there's a werewolf with super hearing around nothing is a 'mumble'.

He's quick to let the question slip out of his mouth, "Who are you talking about?"

I breath oit through my nose, contemplating on whether or not I should tell him. On one hand it's none of his business but on the other hand...it kinda is.

After some thinking I decided to answer truthfully.

"Laura, your sister, she was a pretty good friend of mine back in highschool." I fiddle with my fingers before meeting his gaze. She was one of the first people in school not to--" I stop myself, suddenly quite uncomfortable with talking about that time.

Lets just say that my freshman year in highschool definitely was not a good one.

"So yeah, I truthfully hate Peter just as much as everyone else does." I rub my hands up and down my arms, trying to get rid of the goosebumps. I'm not entirely sure if it's from the cold or from the fact that I'm having weird nightmares slash hallucinations about someone who should be dead.

"Oh--um, thanks for you know...not letting me turn into an ice sculpture." I thank, shifting from one foot to the other. He nods in response, making me nod back before realizing that I didn't really need to.

I let out a tired yawn as I stare down at my bare feet. The soft mint color greatly contrasting the dead leaf filled floor. Lets just hope that I don't lose a toe from this late night crime fighting adventure. Something in the back of my head tells me that Stiles would somehow convince me to keep it in a freezer though.

A heavy object suddenly falls on my shoulders, making me let out a panicked batlike shriek of somesorts. My heart stops trying to plow through my chest, as I notice that it's just a jacket that Derek put on me, and not something trying to pull me into tartarus.

He gestures towards his car before making his way over to the driver's side. Choice number one, freeze out here like captain america. Or option number two take a most definite awkward car ride.

My eyes narrow at the sleek black car before I start walking over towards it. Alright I can do this, just don't try to make small talk about the weather or whatnot and everything should be alright. I start to zip up the jacket--not because it's his--or because I want to...it's big so I have to unless I want it to fall.

Dang it, if it wasn't for my family...okay and the hobbit movie coming out, I would have just met my icey fate in the woods of Beacon Hills. Even just saying it in my head makes it sound all poetic and deep.

I fumble with the handle for a few seconds before finally managing to open the door. Looks like I'm already off to a good start, note the sarcasm. I step inside, only to bump my head on the ceiling of the car and curse under my breath, before shutting the door behind me.

I'm definitely going to have to check to see if I have a concussion from all the hits to my head.

The car ride was filled with a lot of...odd tension, almost to the point were I thought it would suffocate me. Not just in  exaggerating either. I had to cough afew times, but it was those moments were you want to but you can't so you kinda just have to hold them in and suffer on the inside.

He finally pulls up to the front of my house and turns off the car.

"I don't know if I should be angry at you for having used me, or angry that you never apologized for it." I start as I unbuckle the seatbelt. As much as I know it would be easier to just ignore him and the problem all together, I know I need to get everything off my chest sooner then later. Not to mention the fact that I think I have the right to know why he did everything in the first place.

"Just, just trust me that it was for a good reason." He states with out any further explanation. I feel my anger start to simmer from him just saying that so easily.

"Trust? I can't just hand you my trust, Derek. In fact you've done plenty to add to my list as to why I shouldn't trust you." I shake my head and look down at my bandaged hand.

"I was in the hospital for a week, so I think you had plenty of time to go earn some trust, or at the very least go check that I was okay." I respond frustrated as I turn to look at him.

He matches my heated stare with one of his really good poker faces, not even blinking abnormally once. It honestly doesn't surprise me because I'm sure he's gotten or given a lot worse glares then whatever I can muster up.

"Everyday I waited to see if you would walk through that hospital room door. And if you weren't ready to explain, then at the very least be there to show me that you felt bad for what you did." I finish, blinking back the angry tears as he faces forward in his seat again.

He stays quiet eyes focused on his hands that are clutched tightly on the steering wheel. The majority of me wants to reach over and slap, hit, punch, or do something to get some reaction out of him. But sometimes being calm in a situation where someone expects you to yell and go ballistic over, grabs their attention more.

He's too stubborn and power hungry right now to see through what he's done. And there goes the small part of me always trying to come up with excuses for him.

"If you're not going to say anything to me, then don't expect me not to be hurt or angry with you." I retort.

I let out a heavy sigh, running my good hand down my face. "Look, I understand that you're not one for heart to heart talks because of all that you've had to go through." I pause, thinking for a few seconds of what to say to get the message across to him.

"What I'm getting at is that, anger and pushing people away never does much good for anyone, all it does is ruin the opportunity of you ever being happy."

Not wasting another moment I exit the car.




Yes I know I'm a horrible person who deserves to be thrown in a fiery lava pit of doom for not updating in like a month. But it's not my fault that I took so long...it was my god forsaken procrastination that made me take so long with editing OYE.

Not much changed expect for the fact that Claire had been helping Peter out, obviously it wasn't by choice for her. You'll be fine even if you don't go back and read the new version of it, I promise there won't be something out of the blue new like her being some other supernatural thing.

I did however figure out a schedule to be able to update this and my other story on a weekly bases. Cause trust me when I say that school is a major pain in my arse this semester. Anyway, I'll be updating either every Friday or Saturday depending on when I finish up the chapter.

On the side note is anyone watching Gotham or Red Band Society, they're pretty good shows.


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