My Luna

By KahnaKahn

83.1K 1.9K 309

"Get out." A voice suddenly boomed coming down the stairs, Rachel. What is she doing here? I thought Hunte... More

Mark Me
Who are you?
Mate Bond
Pending Heat
Author's Note
Book Completed
Tears of Blood
Alpha Conrad
Good Bye
Internal Battle
On no Man's Land
My Luna


4.7K 99 23
By KahnaKahn


The weekend was long and I wish I could say i had a very busy day but that'd be a total lie. My weekend consist of watching movies and binging on ice cream.

Hunter had been calling me non stop. He should know, how dare he ditch me for a skank. Isn't it bros before hoes. I get that they have been friends even before I came along but can't he see she's just another dumb bimbo. Hunter can do so much better than her. All I want is what's best for him even if it means killing the bitch off.

Hell if he wants a girlfriend I'd find him one. I know plenty of nice girls out there.

Walking down the school corridor I froze when I saw Hunter's arm wrapped around Rachel. He stop to stare at me and for a split second his eyes were full on black but now they are not. 'I don't believe it.' My inner voice spoke.

Slowly going up to them, "Yo, how's it feel to be old?" I smiled ignoring Rachel.

Hunter just looked at me like he grew two heads. "Hunt..." I called out. A nick name i had given him.

He turned his attention to Rachel, "Let's go babe." Grabbing her hand, I watch them walked down the hall.

Well that was rude. I know I haven't spoken to him all weekend but I was venting.

Throughout the day Hunter did a good job avoiding me.

I thought I would let him cool himself off.

Hunter and I don't have classes together. He is two years older than me, making me 16. It's a shame. I thought it'd be fun being in the same class that way I can play keep away with that hoe he calls a girlfriend.

Dragging my feet to my empty home, I lazily plopped on my sofa. It was quiet. It's been quiet for years now. Though Hunter and I would chill at my place I am use to the silence. At least I don't have someone telling me when to be home or to do chores.

With nothing to do I decided to head down to the club. On a school night. Time to get smash although considering I don't remember ever getting trash though I tried.

So here I am at my usually hang out spot. The smell of beer, sweat, and hot sex lingered in the air.

People were either playing pool, having a drinking match, or dry humping each other. As for me I grabbed a whole bottle of jack daniel and down the whole thing in one go.

"Hey sexy." I turned to my right to find a brunette bimbo smiling at me.

If it weren't for her slutty outfit she might've earn a compliment from me.

"Piss off." I took another drink. Who knew I was that angry.

"Oh what crawled up your sexy ass." Her words slurred. She was drunk, thankfully I was not.

She then trailed her fingers up my arms, when a man who looked like the size of a gorilla stomped towards me jerking me away from the brunette, "Are you hitting on my girl?"

Okay, why is it always the men's fault. If a girl talks to him, it's the guys fault for even looking.

"I have no interest in ugly bitches." I spat. I saw his jaw tick as my eyes traveled up to his freakishly large face and tall frame. I gulped. I shouldn't have said anything and just walk away. "I'm sorry...." I timidly said. I know I can hold my own, I mean Hunter and I wrestle a lot but when a man four times your size looks down on you, you need to learn to walk away.

"I should bash your pretty little face in."

I trembled, I am quite fond of my face and wish not for it to get bruised. "Um...your girl is lovely..."

"Are you saying you're in love with my girl?"

What? "No, I mean...I...I...." I stuttered.

Soon I found my self crouching on the floor. He just threw me a sucker punch. Fuck that hurt. It felt like my face was flattened by a bull dozer. I could feel my tears threatening to spill but I held it in. I don't even think he used all his might, he probably held back for my sake...awe how sweet. Note the sarcasm.

Today was not my day. Being temperamental as I was, and seeing as I was already bent over, I used my whole body and rammed into him head first. Course he never falter. Damn brick wall.

"Um....this isn't fair. You are much bigger than me..." I was hoping to stall and hopefully this Sasquatch has brains, "You're girlfriend here is the one that flirted with me."

"Are you calling me a liar boy?"

"" Fuck this shit. My whole face hurt like hell. I just hope he isn't as hard down there and before I could think any more I kicked him between his legs and fled that place.

I ran not looking behind me. Finally out of harms way I stopped by the nearest convenience store looking in a mirror. My eyes were already starting to swell and bruised.

I had to cover it up before school tomorrow. My poor face. Buying a concealer that woman use, I practiced how to applied it once I got home. Good thing I have a knowledge for women makeup.

Before heading to bed I popped two aspirin for the throbbing pain on my face.

It's been a week since that little incident at the club. And a week since Hunter has been ignoring me. Well he also glares at me too. What crawled up his ass?

People kept giving me looks. I don't know if its from pity or anger that I was the one who put Hunter in a foul mood. Lately his anger has been increasing. No one know how to handle him. Even the teachers are scared of him.

Wow I guess when you turn 18 you start PMSing everywhere. Rachel can't even get him to calm down.

Getting fed up with his sour attitude I stomped towards Hunter at his locker I grabbed him by the collar and holding him up against the wall, "What the hell is your problem dude? You're not pissy just because I didn't answer any of your phone calls last week?"

I heard him growl, "Did you just growl at me?"

Hunter pushed me back, "Don't you ever grab me again." He raised his voice this time grabbing attention from the nearby students.

"What the hell Hunter? What the hell is your problem?"

"My problem is you!" He shouted not caring about where we are.

"What the hell did I do, Hunter everyone is afraid of you."

In frustration, he ran his fingers through his hair, something he does when he's stressed.

I pushed him back which made him even more shock than angry. He was caught off guard at the fact I had the courage to push him at this state.

He towered over me, his height looming at 6ft 4 inches of all muscle that seems to protrude his very god like frame. No wonder the girls go crazy over him.

As for me, a mere 5ft 2 inches in height.

Soon I felt a punch towards my guts. What the hell? First my face now my gut.

I couldn't cry, I wouldn't cry. Looking back at him I saw the hurt in his eyes maybe guilt of what he realize he just did.

Fuck it, I can take him, I charged at him, fist in the air. We were both throwing punches, well it was mainly me while he dodged. I got one or two punch but he didn't even try to punch me back. He did held me in place though that is until we heard an authoritative voice.

"What is going on here?" The principal boomed making the students who were watching in fascination scatter.

"Mr. Logan and Mr. Smith my office now."


Hunter (POV)

This whole week I hadn't made the effort to speak to TY, in fact I avoided him.

I was a dick, I felt like a dick.

Even more so when TY confronted me. He had the nerve to disrespect me in front of my fellow pack none the less so I did what I had to do, "Don't you ever grab me again." I growled.

Before I knew it I had punch him. What the hell did I do? My wolf wimpered that I had hurt our mate but at the same time he felt he needed to stand his ground. There he was crouching down gasping for air trying not to cry. I could tell, no I could feel what he was feeling, pain. I wanted to run up to him and comfort him but my stupid pride wouldn't let me. This is your fault. My wolf Tray scolded me. If you only accepted him... 'Shut up.' I interrupted him, he's a guy... Girl or guy he's still our mate. Fuck I hate when my wolf is right. I gazed upon TY who still in pain. Being mates we could feel what the other person is feeling. But since he is nothing more than human it is different. However if he was wolf he'd still have to wait till he or she was 18 in order to feel what their mate is feeling as well. Unless both mate makes physical contact then that's a whole different story. Thank the moon goddess he was after all human.

As I was lost in thought he charged at me. I was a bit surprised he had the courage to do so. He threw punches, I let him hit me a few times considering I felt guilty for hitting him in the first place and dodging him as well while holding him down. I felt the sparks as I held him. His scent had engulf my senses.

I admit this pass week I let my anger take over. Upset at the fact my mate is a guy but when he touch me my anger diminished. His touch sooth and calmed me down.

That is until I heard the principal. So now we are both here in his office.

Good thing the principal is in my pack and a good friend of my fathers. In fact this whole school is run by wolves. A bit surprising really that the only human who turns out to be my mate goes to a wolf school.

"In light of recent events Mr. Smith you are suspended for 3 weeks."

"3 weeks, why only me, he started it." TY pointed at me.

"Want to make it 4?"

TY became silent after that.

"Okay then you both may leave."

Out in the office Rachel ran up towards me.

"Hunter baby."  Rachel strolled up next to me clutching on my arm.

Ignoring TY, I turned towards Rachel and planted a wet one on her face before going down on one knee, "Rachel, would you marry me?"  Okay not the ideal I would peg to propose to her but hey what ever get's the job done right. And usually us wolves don't need to be married just fully mated but in the eyes of humans we put on a show.

"Yes."  Rachel squealed.

I picked her up kissing her all the while glaring at TY.

TY glared at me, "Hunter do what ever you want because I don't give a damn about you. I promise you, this is the biggest mistake you will ever know." Just like that our three year friendship had ended all because I couldn't accept the fact that TY was my mate.

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