Manipulation (Sequel To Total...

By DijaMohd

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Sequel to Total Control This starts off with a new start for the reader. It's been almost five years since he... More

A New Begining
A Hesitant Introduction
A New Friend
Another Birthday
An Old 'Friend'
Stuck In A Loop
Not the Dark I remember pt. 1
Not the Dark I remember pt. 2
Back and Forth
Eye Opener
A/a AGAIN!!!!!!
Demon Business
Resolving Mistakes
Dark's Here
You Can't Run, nor Hide
Third Book

The Past catches up

1K 47 47
By DijaMohd

Mark POV

She held his arm with the blade in mid air. Before he or anyone could react, she spun him around and punched him in his face. Making him stumble away from me and his blade dropped on the floor with a clank. She stepped closer to me, that's when I saw her face had completely changed. Her beautiful brown eyes were no longer there, instead what filled it was a dark purple colour and a violet mist spewed from their corners. The sweet and kind expression always on her face was gone. All that was there was rage and hatred. I never expected to see someone so kind full of that much hate.

Her steps towards me became more and faster. I thought she was about to attack me, so I shut my eyes and turned my head. But the attack didn't go to me, but she had struck Anti. Releasing me from his grip.

"Baby doll" I heard Dark cry out to her. She snapped her head in his direction and started to walk towards him, each step father that the last. Before she reached him, she snatched his blade from the floor. I wanted to stop her from doing that. I know what it can do to a human. But she grabbed it and swung at him without as much as a struggle. She wielded it almost perfectly.

He dodged it just by the skin of his teeth, but ended up falling backwards again.
"Y/n!" I called out to her .She looked to me, almost like she was studying me for a moment.

"Dark! " Anti called out, she turned to his direction in a rush. Almost animalistically it looked like. She stared at him for a brief moment like she did with me and then looked at her hand, at the blade. Then slashed the blade at him. He tried to step back but was too slow and still caught him. Grazing across his chest, slitting his shirt and skin. The black blood seeped out on his pale skin. He seethed and as she was about to strike again, he disappeared from in front of her and next to Dark.

"You never mentioned that" Anti said to Dark, seemingly scolding him for leaving out a detail.
"I didn't think she's still like that"

"Baby doll, just give me the blade" Dark said, now talking to her.
"What, the blade? " she asked almost innocently, touching the tip of it with her index. It's the kind of gesture and tone of voice that gives you chills.
"Just give it here" Dark told, he didn't even sound scared. Not that I expected it from him, but I'll admit, I was.

She focused on him and I focused on her, watching her every move only because I didn't know what she could be thinking. This wasn't my y/n. She wasn't herself. She went closer to Dark but not close enough where he could reach her. Or do anything to her.

"You need to die" she growled and was about to strike at Dark with the blade but was stopped.

Anti appeared behind her and grabbed both of her arms,holding them against the sides of her body and since no one wasn't paying any attention to him, no one saw him coming.

Your POV

All I could feel was rage. I didn't know what I was doing or saying. I didn't even see normally. My vision was different. It was all vibrant colours. Everything looked different shades of indigo, except for three beings seeming to radiate a colour of their own. I couldn't tell what or who they were.

One was a bright red, it seemed to come out of him like flames. There was a being inside the flames, he looked to be human. He was on his knees and what looked to be like splotches of a different red on his face and arms and shoulders. When a voice called or a name, I turned towards it in a rush. Now seeing a dark green colour emitting from another being. Except it looked more of a mist than a flame. And the being inside it was far from human. It was distorted and it's limbs seemed to have protrusions. It was hideous, like something that belonged in hell.

I felt something in my hand, when I looked down, I saw a huge blade. It emitted some sort of black mist. It seemed familiar but I couldn't even think straight at the moment much less remember anything. All I knew is that I had a weapon and a monster stood in front of me.

Putting two and two together I slashed at it, catching it's skin slightly as it stepped back. I tried to strike it again but it vanished. I thought I killed it but I heard it's voice again.

I don't know what it was saying.

When I turned to the sound, I saw another. This one had a red as well, but it was darker. And radiated as a swirl of fire around it. And this one too wasn't anywhere close to being human. It seemed to have a different structure than anything I've seen. There were things on its head, like horn, though I wasn't sure. And something whipped around behind it.

The two inhuman things stood from the floor where they were. They started to speak but it was like I couldn't hear what they were saying. Or couldn't even understand it. Then after a few words, the red one looked straight at me.
He said something and outstretched his hand to me. His eyes glanced at he blade. I lifted it and touched the tip and asked him.
"What, the blade? "

I stared at him, watching exactly what he is. There was no doubt he was evil. And so was the other, no being can be like those two and not have don't horrible things.

"You need to die"

I tried to strike him down, but something held me down. It felt like a weight all around me, but I knew it was the other.

Mark POV

She thrashed around in Anti's grip and screamed out, as if it was hurting her. Dark quickly grabbed her hand and ripped the blade away from her.
As soon as he did, her head hung and she stopped moving. The only movement was her steady breathing.

Dark tilted his head downwards to look at her. He loved some hair that fell in front of her face.
"Baby doll" she muttered something but I couldn't hear her, and apparently nor did they.
"What was that? "

She responded with her normal sweet voice
"I..said..." She took a breath and then we heard it again, loud and clear.
"Don't call me that!! "
Dark was kicked back and her head flew back, hitting Anti and causing him to release her.

"Fuck! " Anti yelled out, holding his nose.
"It'll heal" Dark commented, getting to his side as y/n stood in front of me.
"Still fuckin hurts" he complained.
Dark ignored him and looked to y/n, he tried pleading with her but she disregarded him.
"We can take her"
"Don't hurt her" Dark commanded.
"We'll deal with Mark later " he added.

She seemed to tense even more than what she was when he said that.
"Mark? Leave Mark! " she snared.
They didn't respond. Anti disappeared and Dark started towards her.
"I'm sorry Baby Doll " he said and swung a hand at her, to which she dodged. But he didn't really intend to hit her, he got just close enough to grab her and throw her from being in front of me. She stumbled away and Anti came in front of her.

I was so wrapped with he unbelievable sight that I almost didn't realise Dark was coming for my ass.
He snatched for my neck but I managed to come to my senses just in time and roll out of the way.

He grabbed my leg and dragged me back to under him. I tried struggling but he was even stronger than before. I didn't even understand how that was even possible. His hand wrapped around my neck as mine clasped around his. Trying to pry it away. I felt my airways closing in.
"I'll get her back and this time you won't be a problem"
He snarled at me, I released one of my hands from around his and pinched him in his face. His head only jerked to the side and he turned back to me with a grimace. A low growl emitted from his throat.

"Always the face" he growled.

I punched him again and then again and again and again but that time his hand caught mine. And a punch that felt like it would fracture my skull followed. He hit me again and his other hand released my neck. But I'd really rather that than the punches.

He continued to work until we heard a shriek from across the room. He stopped momentarily looking to Anti and her. I took the opportunity and kicked him off of me. Well, I tried to. He was thrown off of his balance over me and ended up landing on top of me.

He turned back to me but didn't get to land another blow as the side of his head was hit with what looked like a lamp stand.
And the force behind it sent his tumbling off of me. The sight was somewhat relieving and terrifying.

She looked like that rage filled and almost demonic girl with a long steel rod, which was in fact a lamp stand, which looked to be broken off the foot of it. She pulled me away from near Dark and across from Anti and him. I seethed in pain as she dragged me across the floor. I had seen that Anti was in a small pile of rubble, like he had crashed into a few things that broke around him.

He two demons stood to their feet and face us. I pulled myself up from the floor, hobbling a bit as I did so and trying to keep stable on my feet.
"There's to point in this Baby Doll. Just give in, you can't fight us both! " Dark declared. She snarled at them and a sudden purple smoke enwrapped her hands. Making me jump slightly. It covered the steel lamp stand completely. A rattling was heard and a clank of metal on the floors. When the smoke dropped, it revealed a shining steel chain in her hands. One end of it had a sharp curved blade. And there were three inch spikes protruding out of the links. Which fit in between her fingers perfectly.

"Leave us alone! " she yelled.
They both ignored her warning and Dark nodded to Anti. At that, he wound up his hand as if to throw something at us. And he did, a ball of green liquid, which was no doubt acid. She shoved me out of the way, making me fall to the ground again as she dodged it as well. Letting it splatter the wall.

I looked to her to see if she was ok, but I didn't see her. All I saw was a blur go towards Anti. She seemed to just appear in front of him with how fast she moved. He was taken aback, and since his hand was still outstretched, she wrapped the chain around his wrist, the spikes sticking through his flesh. He yelled out in pain and tried to use his other hand. But was failed when she wrapped that one as well. Dark stepped up to help Anti but she kicked him back. While she was looking at Dark, to make sure he doesn't get up and sneak up on her, Anti's hands started to glow green. I was about to warn her, as it was aimed right at her, but she pulled his hands away from facing her and towards Dark, who was just getting to his feet. Anti had already released the ball of acid before he could know that he had fired at Dark. As soon as Dark got to his feet, it hit him and sent him to the wall. Burning a hole in his shirt and searing his skin. He screamed out with agony.

"Dark, fuck! " Anti swore. Y/n wrung the chains around his hands. He seethed in the pain it caused. She stared at him for a second and smiled. I was creeped out, and with good reason, even Anti looked worried. His eyes almost begged her to release him. Which was very strange to see.

She didn't heed him, only tightened her grip on the chain and tugged slightly. He winced and she grinned. Then ripped the chain in opposite directions, straightening the chain from the coils around his wrists. And in the process, severing his hands from them. He yelled out in absolute agony as he stumbled away from her. Fumbling over his own two feet and falling on his ass. He stared at his hands as they overflowed with black blood, spilling onto the floor.

"Anti! " Dark called out and got to his feet quickly. Y/n turned back to him swiftly as he was heading straight for her. She whipped the chain towards him, he stepped back one, just avoiding the blade slashing his face. But wasn't as fast as he needed to be and still ended up with the blade grazing over his cheek. Making a small yet defined cut. At first the slice seemed to hold nothing, but a sleek black trail lined the cut after a few seconds.

He glared at her momentarily then made a grasp for the chain. But she had already swing it back into her hands. There was a light chuckle from him and he disappeared in a black cloud of smoke. My eyes scanned the room to see where he had went. I looked to Anti, whose hands were still pouring blood and he desperately tried to make a seal around the severed wrists with whatever he could make for himself.

Dark didn't appear by him, I looked again to y/n who was doing that same as me. Her eyes scanned all around her, but as soon as her back was turned to a certain direction, I saw it. I saw a bit of black lingering behind her, becoming more and more. I warned her while trying to get to her as fast I could.
"Y/n, look out. Behind you! " but it was like she didn't understand what I was saying. As if the words I spoke made no sense at all.

I was just almost to her when he snatched around her, grabbing her hands. He pulled her hands up across her chest and held them tightly. She struggled against him, I still continued to her, in hopes to get him to release her. But with her struggling, and the chain jerking in all different directions with every movement, it caught my shoulder when she tried to jerk Dark off of her.

One of the spike stuck into my shoulder, and as quickly as it embedded in my flesh, it was ripped out as well. The pain which it caused seemed to infect my entire arm. Burning and convulsing rapidly almost. Like nothing I've ever felt. I stumbled back a bit and felt my body crash into something which in turn fell and broke. I don't know what it was.

I clutched my shoulder and peered back to her. She had managed to get the blade under her foot, edge downward against the floorboards. She kick it upwards, past her head and in the perfect angle to stick into Dark's shoulder,right near the collarbone. He groaned through his teeth, gritting them down against each other. But didn't let her go. She swung her head back, hitting his nose, making it bleed. His grip was still on her but seemed to loosen slightly. She did it again and that when his grasp on her faltered. He stumbled back a bit and her eyes locked onto me, she glanced at my impaled shoulder and was coming towards me. But was lulled back.

Dark had gripped the chain, puncturing one of his hands and then pulling it along with her. He grabbed her, wrapping one hand around her waist when she tried to run back to me. He ripped the chain out of her hands, making the spikes cut across her hands, and threw it aside.
She trashed against his hold, trying to get away. I started towards them but halted when there was an agonizing scream, which was not hers. I looked to see Anti was the one screaming, and his used-to-be hands glowed green, quickly firing a ball of it towards me. It was mixed with black, assumably his blood. I tried to Dodge out of the way, but was too slow. It hit me and threw me back against a wall, making me tumble to the ground again. This time with even more pain than before. Whatever that was, tore through and tattered my shirt and ripped small holes along my jeans.

Anti groaned from across the room and dropped on his side on the floor, covering his hands with an green mist and clutching them to his sides. Dark only glanced at him and tried his best to hold y/n steady.
"Calm down y/n" he struggled to say against her resisting.
She didn't respond, only sort of yelled at him.
"Come back to me Baby Doll" she froze all movements at those words. Her eyes were fixed straight and she remained steady in his arms

"I thought it was 'Doll' " she said back at him. It was as if those words made her see something she wasn't able to see, or remember, before.

'Didn't she tell me to never call her Doll ' I thought to myself.

Dark didn't respond to that, but I saw the look in his face. Maybe the pain was getting to my head and naming me see things, but I swear it was the look of regret.
"Come back to me, I'll leave him alone if it's what you want. Just come back to me" he said with a wary voice then wrapped both hands around her waist, as if hugging her.

"Come back" he muttered again. To say I was baffled at the sight would be an understatement. The things I've seen him do, the most horrific and traumatizing things I've seen him do. It was unbelievable to see this.

"You threatened them" she said bluntly.
"You hurt her" her voice rose a little, showing a bit of anger.
"You killed him!" Her voice rose more, almost shouting at him.
"You put me through HELL! " she yelled.

Out of nowhere, a purple smoke knocked Dark backwards, all the way to the other side of the room. And crashing into the wall before falling on top of Anti. Both demons groaned in pain. I looked back to y/n to see her hands emitting that purple smoke.
She locked her eyes on them, more specifically, Dark.

He rolled off if Anti and stood to his feet, taking easy steps towards her. Repeatedly asking her to calm down.
All of which was ignored.

Once he was close enough to touch her, he tried to. She grabbed his hand and twisted it, then another blast of smoke flung him back to Anti again, who was just trying to get up.
"Baby Doll" Dark tried pleading while getting to his feet, but it only made her angrier.
"Don't call me that! " she shouted at him. He took a step back, as if he was surprised. It wasn't only when I looked at her, I saw why he had that look. Every knife was now around y/n, levitating and directed at Dark and Anti, along with shards of glass.
She looked hell bent on killing them, or at least hurting them severely.

Anti stepped behind Dark and said to him in just over a mutter, but I heard him just barely.
"Let's go, she's not coming back yet"
"No! I'm not leaving. I have to bring her back"
"Dark, she can kill you" Anti said and it made me wonder if her was just saying that or could she really.
He hooked his arm on Dark's, since he had no actual hands. Which his wrists now looked to be clotted immensely. Dark jerked his hand away, making Anti seethe a bit.

"Y/n, please" he said to her.
She looked to be enraged at him.
"Leave me alone! " she yelled and all that pointed at them charged. Just as it reached them, Anti wrapped his arms around Dark's neck from behind and they both vanished into a green mist.

The knives stuck into the wall and the shards shattered into pieces to the floor as it hit it.

My eyes darted to y/n, her eyes were closed and she heaved a breath. Her hands stopped emitting the smoke and she looked less enraged.
"Y/n" I said softly, she looked at me with half open eyes, now looking drained.
"..Mark.. " she replied just above a whisper before crumbling to the ground.

"Y/n! " I hauled myself up and went towards her. Sitting down and half pulling her unto my lap.
"Come on, open your eyes. Say something" I begged, shaking her slightly.
"Please, say something " she just remained looking lifeless.
"No, y/n" I cried, holding her tightly, hugging her close to me. I rocked her gently in my arms. Crating softly, begging with all my might for her to be ok.

"Say something" I pleaded, my voice breaking in the middle of it.
"M-mark..." I heard her say softly. A wave of relief washed over me.
"Yeah, I'm here. I'm here" I said, sniffling, trying to contain my crying.
"Mark.. " she said again
"Yeah" I answered.
"I can't breathe " she told me and I released her.
"I'm so sorry" she chuckled at me.

"You're alive" she said
"Because of you, thank you" I told her with a gracious smile. She glanced at my shoulder, seeing the impaled flesh.
"It's fine" I said to her.

We remained silent for a short time before she muttered
"I should've told you the truth"
"What? What are you talking about? And what happened there just now? " I asked, entirely confused at what I saw.

"I guess I have some explaining to do" she said with a small chuckle.

Yes, yes, I know I promised this chapter a very long time now. Sadly I haven't been having the best of days recently. And I'll admit, it's not that I didn't have time, it's just I was feeling well. Not in a sick kind of way but in a, y'know, sad kind of way.

You guys don't need to worry about me tho. And about me forcing myself to write. I love writing, it's kinda like my happy place. So only when I know that I can put out a good enough chapter, I'll put one out.

But, I want to get another chapter out before the holidays end. And that will be the last chapter, of this book. Most likely.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed, more to come soon, but until then, BYYEE!!

A voice calls out in the blackness of nothingness "Unedited" the word echoes through the void.

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