Game Changer

By ray_xo

741K 18.4K 6.3K

Sophie Cooper is part of the social Elites at Ridgevale High, being friends with them since freshman year. Th... More



4.8K 112 3
By ray_xo

This chapter describes the life of Thalia and Logan, two years after chapter 58 but before the epilogue.
Enjoy :)

He stares at the documents before him, scratching his chin before picking up a marker and highlighting the important parts. He sighs, leaning back in the chair and checking his watch. Logan has done enough for the day- even if his father thinks otherwise- so he decides to close his book and stand up. He's about to round the table and leave the office when his father walks in, tall and sturdy like Logan. They were basically identical; blonde hair, blue eyes. However, as much as Logan was a dick, his father was worse. They were rich due to dishonesty. Brent Ross was dishonest in almost everything; including his marriage.

Logan gulps, pausing his actions and giving his father a wry smile.
"Hello, father." He says in greeting, knowing full well that an interrogation was about to take place. Brent Ross doesn't respond happily, instead scowling at the closed book on the office desk.

"Where are you going?" His father inquires, eyeing him curiously.

Logan shrugs. "I'm just going out for lunch."

Brent Ross sighs with a shake of his head. "You have work to do."

Logan tries to keep his frustration at bay. How does his father not see that he is capable of doing work on his own? Logan is already a millionaire at the age of twenty. He doesn't need his father's guidance to make it through life.

"I am well aware of that, father. However, I have gotten enough work done." Logan explains, making sure that he's as polite as possible to his father to avoid his anger. Some would say that Logan was lucky. After all, he had all the wealth in the world. However, his father deprived him of much. Brent Ross had high expectations for his son, them often being too unrealistic. No wonder Logan was a cold and heartless man. He was molded and shaped into who he is by his father. He was told that feelings are irrelevant and that nobody should be able to control him; he controls everyone. His father was twisted but that's how he got where he was today.

"Alright then. Just remember that you-"

"-you have high expectations to live up to." Logan completes his father's sentence, mentally rolling his eyes. "I know. I'll have all the work done, don't worry."
Brent Ross purses his lips in response, moving out the way as Logan walks out of the office. Logan grabs his coat, running a hand through his blonde hair that needs a cut desperately. Once he's seated in the drivers seat of his Porsche, he realizes that he doesn't really have anyone to grab a coffee with. Actually, he has nobody. Courtney had stopped talking to him from the moment her secret was let out by Ashleigh Davis and he couldn't blame her. He used her to his own benefit when he should have supported her. After he found out she had a child while Dylan, he agreed to keep the secret if she would still be his girlfriend. That meant romantically too. He never forced her into anything but Courtney often gave into him when he suggested late night calls as she was afraid he would expose her if she didn't.

He would have.

Dating Courtney meant more popularity and power for himself which was exactly what he wanted. Dating her put him above the rest of the student body. He sighs and grabs his phone in his pocket. They may have not been a real couple but he did care about Courtney to a certain extent and he did like her to a certain extent, too. Even if it wasn't obvious. Logan goes through his list of contacts, pausing above a number he isn't quite sure he knows why he has. He chews on his lip in thought, indecisive as to what to do before he texts her, asking to meet at a nearby coffee shop. After he clicks send, he drives off while not being sure whether she'll come or not. If not, at least he can get a dosage of caffeine. Goodness knows he needs it.


The soft ping of her phone catches her attention and her little sister, in seventh grade, scowls as she watches 'Step Up'. Thalia picks up her phone, eyeing the illuminated screen. When she sees the name that pops up on it, her heart drops and her eyebrows scrunch together. She briefly reads the message before sighing and switching off the phone. She places it back on the desk in front of her where her varsity textbooks rest, opened with finger marks all over the pages from stressful nights of studying.

"Who is it?" Kathrine, her sister, asks from the couch. Thalia shrugs, picking up a pen and chewing on it as she reads her notes.

"Logan," She mumbles, feeling disappointed in herself that she's actually curious as to why he wants to meet up. Kathrine's eyebrows raise in surprise.

"What does he want?" She inquires further. Thalia snorts.

"He wants to meet up," She mutters, writing down an equation on her scrap paper. Kathrine gasps.


Thalia snorts. "Beats me."

"Are you going to go?" Her younger sister continues pestering her. Thalia looks up at her sister in annoyance.

"I'm looking after you."

Kathrine lets out a loud cackle, shaking her head at her sister.
"Oh, c'mon, Thaly. We both know you're using that as an excuse not to see him."

Thalia lets out an annoyed sigh, not only frustrated that her sister is pestering her but rather because she's actually right; she is only using that as an excuse.
"Just drop it, Kat." Thalia scorns and Kathrine holds her hands up in surrender before looking back at the TV. Thalia tries to continue her psychology assignment but can't stop her eyes from drifting to her cellphone. What if Logan has news about Dylan? She shouldn't care about him but she still does. You can't just forget about someone you used to love whether they have a wife or not. A child or not. She purses her lips, trying to control her itching hands.

However, she gives in, grabbing her phone from the desk and standing up. She snatches her car keys and Kathrine smirks smugly at her. Thalia rolls her eyes, throwing her long black hair into a ponytail.

"Don't open the door for anyone." Thalia informs her sister from the front door. "And I swear to the fucking universe, if you invite friends over Kat I will not hesitate to shit on you."
Kathrine laughs, her melodic voice floating around the room. Thalia rolls her eyes, climbing into the car and driving to the café. When she parks her car, she doesn't immediately climb out but rather stares at her steering wheel. She should be at home studying, not talking to Logan Ross willingly.

She sighs, climbing out the car and into the coffee shop. The air conditioning hits her skin in the building and she relishes in the coolness. Miami is too hot for her liking. She spots a head of blonde hair at a corner booth, taking a sip of his coffee. Her throat begins to close up and she has the urge to run back to her car and go home.

Because in all honesty, what is she doing here?

Before she can do that however, Logan turns around and their eyes instantly connect, sending a rush of panic through her body. His blue eyes penetrate through her and she thinks back to all the times he caused her sorrow. Damnit he was an absolute idiot. A fucking prick if you asked her.

However, Logan can't stop himself from admiring how beautiful she is. She still looks exactly the same as she did in high school, only more grown up and mature. She worked hard to get to varsity. In fact, she gave up her feelings and happiness to get there. She had walked in on Dylan and Courtney making out. She had never felt heartache like that before; finding out that the one person she loved was actually cheating on her. She was going to tell him she loved him that day, but he already loved someone else. She remembers running out the house with tears streaming down her face and her heart crushed into a million pieces. Not only was he lying to her the whole time but he was actually messing around with the one girl she despised; Courtney Smith.

She was going to expose their relationship, tell everyone, but they had pitched her a deal that she couldn't object to. If she kept quiet they would give her enough money to pay her tuition fees. She sure needed it knowing her mother would never be able to pay for it on her own. Her mother had an average job of being a waitress, barely able to afford to sustain all of them. She needed to attend varsity if she wanted to get somewhere in life. But they also had a condition; she had to pretend to date Dylan.

She would never admit it but she didn't find that condition horrible, in fact, it was the opposite. That way she could've at least spent more time with Dylan even if it meant meaningless kisses and useless words. It's difficult to understand that the one person who you thought cared so much about you, is actually a cheating liar. She didn't want to believe it but it was the truth.

She doesn't realize that she's standing awkwardly by the doorway until Logan cracks her a smile and she remembers where she is. She moves her feet to the seat opposite him and sits down. Logan smiles at her when they're finally in speaking distance but she doesn't reciprocate the action.
Instead she asks: "What do you want, Logan?"

Logan frowns, not really shocked that Thalia is so blunt considering she's always been this way but rather because he doesn't even know what made him call her. Logan wasn't expecting her to be pleased to see him but he was hoping it would go better than this. He swipes his tongue over his lips.

"What? Can't a friend call another for a drink?" He asks, cocking his head to the side. Thalia scoffs, leaning back in her chair. She shakes her head at him. Was he crazy?

"We aren't friends, Ross." She states but she doesn't find herself standing up and leaving the shop. Instead, she finds herself getting more comfortable in her seat. Logan chuckles, the sound coming from deep within in his chest.

"Still that same Thalia Garcia; blunt and filterless."

Thalia's lips quirk into a small smile, her eyes twinkling.
"Still that same Logan Ross; charming and delusional."

Logan smirks, taking a sip of his coffee with a smirk before placing it back down on the table.
"So, tell me, how is college going?" Logan begins and Thalia orders a cup of chai tea before answering his question.

"It's everything I dreamed of." She responds honestly. Logan smiles, generally happy for her. He knew how much Dylan and Courtney being together affected Thalia.

"And how is it being a millionaire so young?" She smirks. Logan laughs, amused at her question.


Thalia snorts. "Obviously."

They speak for a little while longer before Logan asks for the bill. He slaps a ten dollar note on the table to pay for both of their drinks but Thalia pushes it back into his hand.

"What are you doing?"

Logan looks at her in confusion, what his intention was being pretty clear. "Paying for the bill?"

Thalia shakes her head. "I can pay for myself. I'm not that broke, Logan." She scorns and Logan rolls his eyes, handing the money to the waiter and receiving change.

"I didn't say that, Garcia. Perhaps you should stop jumping to unnecessary conclusions." He chastises, earning a scowl from Thalia. He chuckles again as they stand up and begin their walk to the parking lot, Thalia thinking about how much nicer Logan has become. Sure, he still has that same authoritative aura surrounding him and he still works his charms like a second nature but he just seems a lot less cold and stoic. When they arrive beside her black Polo, Thalia turns around to face Logan again.

"Thank you for the coffee. It was nice." Thalia smiles.

"The coffee or seeing me?" Logan presses and Thalia rolls her eyes.

"The coffee obviously."

Logan chuckles and Thalia does too, wishing that things were easier in life. If only she had enough money she would do things like this more often. But her sister and mother were a priority that she wasn't willing to change. The two of them stare at each other intensely; Logan wondering how he never noticed her subtle beauty while Thalia racks her brain for a reason as to why she even came here in the first place. She hated Logan Ross. Still does.

Logan takes a step forward, and Thalia's eyes widen. He slowly reaches for her hand and tugs her forward, not breaking eye contact once. Thalia's breathing quickens and she finds herself panicking. She can't do this with Logan Ross. Not with the boy who she's disliked all her life. However, she doesn't find herself pushing him away.

He pulls her closer and Thalia looks up at blue- almost surreal looking- eyes, hers vulnerable and raw. Logan leans closer to her ear and whispers, "My dad is out for a meeting. Come over?" He suggests.

Thalia gulps, knowing full well that she'll probably do something she regrets if she goes to the Ross' mansion alone with Logan. Yet she nods meekly, Logan pulling back with an innocent smile before unlocking his car with his keys. He then snakes an arm around her waist, pulling their bodies together. He leans in and presses a kiss against her lips, Thalia melting in his grasp. She tries to ignore the butterflies in her stomach but she has no luck. Logan breaks the kiss, sending her a wink and dragging her to his car.

Thalia knows what's install for her at Logan's house and she knows she shouldn't be on the way there. However, call it a sick and twisted satisfaction, but the fact that she's messing around with the boy that Dylan- the boy she once loved- despises, gives her a sense of victory and pride.

And maybe, just maybe, she also wants a potential lover.

There you have it! Thalia loved Dylan but he was already in love with Courtney:( That must suck.
I hope you enjoyed reading about them and understand all the deals that they made.

This is the last chapter and step of our journey so Game Changer is officially complete.

I love you all so much. Thank for everything! 💗

I would also like to inform you that I will be taking Game Changer down on the 15th of January due to editing purposes. Like I said before, I would really like to fix this book up and edit it thoroughly. As soon as it is edited, it will be back up for new readers to enjoy :)
I do have ideas for a new book but I want to completely finish with GC before I start on it. So it might be a while for you to hear from me again. Rest assured, I'm not leaving Wattpad and I will soon be starting a new book so don't unfollow or forget about me :)


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