Broken ( teen wolf fanfiction)

By Syd_ginger

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Skylar is a strange gardian.She has more power than a full grown alpha. But when she tells her most trusted h... More

The mission
Meeting Packs
Can't Trust Them
Back to this Hell Hole
Lacrosse Game
Testing Lydia
Deserve a Good Time
Peace Making
Stealth Mode
Jackson Troubles
Nightmares part 2
Show 'em whatchu got
Author's Note

Devil's Crotch

126 4 0
By Syd_ginger

Skylar Pov.

Stiles sat at the dining room table with his arms crossed over his chest. There was no way in hell I'm going to make him his lunch like a little kid. Nope. Not me. I'm not a babysitter. All I wanted was to teach this kid how to protect himself, but he just has to make a mess out of it. Derek came at my side, crossing his arms over his chest.

" No. I'm not going to do it." I repeated. Stiles scoffed.

" Look it won't take long. Plus you wouldn't have too, if you wouldn't have made me stay here." Stiles snapped. I let out a frustrated growl.

" Come on your wasting time."

" Well you better get cooking then." Stiles smirked.

" Whatever." I stomped towards the kitchen. With Derek following behind.God I hate humans.

" How do you deal with that?" I asked loudly so Stiles would hear.I glanced back at Derek, He smirked, looking amused.

" I heard that she-wolf!" Stiles called after us. I stopped in my tracks and let out a warning growl. I hate that term. It's just insulting. I know he's only human and doesn't know any better, but still. I should punch him. I turned and faced Stiles, glaring at him. " I usually just do this." Derek suddenly said. He walked over towards Stiles, who's eyes were bugging out of his head. He scooted his chair back as if her was going to run off, but he wasn't quick enough.

" No Derek, no don't."

Derek brought his hand back and smacked him in the back of the head. " Ahhh." Stiles squeaked in pain. He started over exaggerate and fell of the chair onto the floor, he started rolling around on the ground groaning. I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

" If it was me, I'd defiantly give you something to groan about. Man up." I turned and walked into the kitchen.

I looked around for the quickest and easiest thing to make. I found some Roman Noodles and decided it was the best option. I grabbed a pot and but some hot water in it.

I felt Derek's eyes on me,but I stayed focused on what I was doing. I walked over and set the pot on the already hot stove. I crossed my arms over my chest and watched the water start to bubble. I held in a sigh and glanced over at Derek. I met his bright green eyes that were filled with awe.

I stood there frozen. My heart started speeding up and my stomach got butterflies. He didn't break eye contact. In a blink of an eye, Derek stood only inches from my face. I gasped at how close he was and took a step back. My back smashed against the counter. His hands lightly traveled up my arms, giving me goosebumps as he did. My breath hitched in my throat.

I ddon't know how but Derek was able to take another step closer, our lips were only centimeters away from each other. His hips aligned perfectly with mine. My brain screamed at me to push him away but my body wanted him closer. I was surrounded by honeysuckles and the scent of rain, making me not able to think straight. 

" Hey can you hurry it up in there she-wolf! I'm starving in here!" Sties called from the other room. It seemed to snap Derek and I out of it.

 I pulled back my hands and Derek took a step backwards. A growl rumbled through Derek's chest. I looked up at him and his eyes flashed a bright red, his teeth began to grow to points. He turned and started stomping towards the dining room. Suddenly a brilliant and evil plan popped in my head. I quickly walked over to Derek and placed my hand on Derek's arm. I ignored the tingles that ran up and down my arm from the touch. Derek froze in his tracks and slowly turned towards me. He studied my face, his eyes were full of curiosity. 

" I have an idea." I whispered, I gave him an evil grin. Derek gave me a questioning look.

" Yeah! It's almost ready!" I called out to Stiles.

" Okay, can you get the noodles ready. I have to look for something." I turned to Derek and pointed to the stove. Derek just nodded. I climbed up on the counter and started searching through the cabinets. I know I saw it in here, when I was looking for cereal the other morning.

I rummaged through the spice cabinet and I saw a bright red lid in the very back. I reached in and grabbed, it was exactly what I was looking for. The bottle of hot sauce was called the Devil's Crotch, I scoffed at the name. I looked over at Derek who had the bowl of noodles all ready to go. I held up the bottle to him and he grinned. I grabbed the bowl from his hands and poured a couple of drops of the sauce in the noodles.

I grabbed a dark plastic cup and filled it with water then poured a quarter of the bottle into the water. Oh this is going to be good. I grabbed a fork then brought the food out to Stiles. He grabbed he bowl and started shoveling the noodles into his mouth. He paused for a moment, his eyes turned to saucers and started watering, he let out a wheeze then fell from his chair. His face was hilarious! I had to cough to cover up a laugh.

" Something wrong there Stiles?" Derek smirked.

I couldn't hold my hard expression any longer and broke out a huge grin. This grin wasn't my cocky smirks or a smile full of knives. This was a genuine amused grin. Something I haven't done in a very long time. And it felt good. Sudden;y a rush of emotions that were bottled deep down started to surface. I haven't felt this happy and complete in years. And then it dawned on me, the old me was starting to surface. The old me where I was care free, easy going, unpredictable, spontaneous, and actually fun to be around.

The only person that I can think of that has the power to do this to me is the most beautiful person standing right next to me. I turned to Derek and watched him sit there and smile at Stiles's suffering. As if he sensed me staring he turned to me. His bright green eyes locked with mine. This time though I kept it, I sat there not even daring to turn away. Then it hit me, like a ton of bricks. He deserves better than me, and I don't deserve such a great guy like him.

Out of the corner of my eye Stiles started chugging his water. He gagged and threw the cup across the room sending water flying in every direction. He turned pale and ran to the kitchen looking like he was going to puke. I heard him stumbling and then the sink turn on.

He wouldn't even think twice of me if he found out about my past, and about me being a murderer. All the thoughts that all merged into one. We can never be together. The thought made my grin vanish into thin air. I felt my stone cold emotionless stare come back to the surface.

" Let's go check on him." I walked past him into the kitchen. Where Stiles has his face under the running water, drinking like his life depended on it. It's really not that bad. I don't know why he's freaking out. I walked over to him, grabbing the back of his shirt and pulling him off the sink. I turned the faucet off and turned to him, crossing my arms over my chest.

" Was that really necessary?!" Stiles screamed out angrily. I scoffed.

" Yeah it was. Since your a fragile human I can't make you learn respect like the others. Let's just say you got off easy." I paused studying his wet face and shirt.

" Now let's go get to work."  I ordered.


Stiles let out a grunt as I threw him down on his back. " No! You want to keep your forearms close to your chest and chin." I huffed in frustration. I pulled my fists up to demonstrate.

Stiles scrambled up off his ass and then whipped his sweaty forehead without saying anything. He hasn't said anything witty or sarcastic since we've started. I think he actually wants to learn something from this human training 101.

" Again." I ordered.

Stiles came at me again this time with a round house kick, aiming at my face. I dodged it then through a punch that he blocked with his forearm. Only giving about 25% of my effort I brought my leg up for a kick. Thinking he was going to dodge it, but instead he caught it. Then lifted it causing me to lose my balance and fall straight on my ass. Shocked, I looked up at Stiles who looked just as shocked as I was. A huge smile spread across his face.

" Woohhh!! I just took down a werewolf with supernatural strength!!! Yesss!!" Stiles screamed victoriously. He pumped his fists in the air. I sat there with my mouth hanging wide open, then looked over at Derek who looked like he was trying not to laugh. He had been  watching the whole training session, not saying a word. That's probably why I wasn't completely focused. I glared at him. Curse you and your stupid hotness. Then I glared up at Stiles.

" I was only giving little effort. I just let you win so you'd feel better about yourself." I argued. I pushed myself up off the floor.

" Noway! I kicked your werewolf ass!!" Stiles yelled excitedly puffing out his chest like he was a big shot. I growled.

" Don't call me that." I snapped putting my hands on my hips. I am not in the mood for any type of disrespect. I lost a little control and suddenly some of my dominance rolled off of me, then onto Stiles. Since he was only human he could sense the tension rise in the air, but it wouldn't really affect him as much as it would to one of my pack members.

' Okay okay." Stiles finally stopped celebrating and put his hands up in surrender. Derek suddenly walked up to me.

" How do you do that?" he asked. Both of the guys' eyes were filled with curiosity. I frowned at the both of them.

"Do what?" I asked confused. It made me forget about the anger and gather my power back under control.

" Make the room feel like there's no oxygen in it? Or like that thing you did to Riley the other day?" Stiles answered. Derek just nodded, not taking his eyes off of me.

" It's my dominance. We can radiate if off of our bodies to another wolf. It's what determines our rank in the pack.The stronger it is the higher the rank. It helps is to sort of keep the lower ranked wolves at bay. The alphas and betas use it the most. If one of them gets disrespectful or out of control, we use it to control them, remind them where their loyalties lie. " I explained.

Derek frowned at me. " When you say Alphas and Betas, you mean?"  

" We have alphas like werewolves. Their the strongest and our leaders." I paused making sure he was following. Derek nodded for me to continue. " But Betas aren't the same thing. For your kind being a beta just means your normal standard, your just a pack member." I paused again giving him a look asking if i'm right.

" Yeah your some what right." He answered.

" With guardians betas are like the second in command. They are the most cunning, smartest, most strategic. Betas are the alpha's number one go to wolf. And omega for werewolves means a lone wolf, but for us it just means a normal standard wolf, we even refer the omega as the weakest of the pack." I explained.

" What about the alpha female? What does she do? Cause I've watched you guys closely and I've seen the way you guys are sort of paired with each other. " Stiles blurted.

I tensed a little as he asked the question. I noticed that Derek did too.  I might be the alpha female, but not for long. Whoever Emmett gets mated with, she will be the new alpha female. It stings a little whenever I think about it. I was born to be an alpha. The keepers are just afraid that if i become and alpha, I'll use my power against them.

" Yeah, your right. We are paired with each other. The alpha female, she keeps the alpha male calm and she mostly keeps the pack in check." I answered.

" What about the full moon? Is it easier to control?" Stiles asked. I glared at him.

" We are not werewolves. We hate being called werewolves, it's just insulting." I snapped. I small growl erupted through the room. It made Stiles jump and made me wince. Sorry, I mouthed at Derek. Suddenly Stiles got a very frightening look on his face. I looked at him confused. A scary grin crawled up on his face. I don't like the looks of that.

" I need you to do something for me real quick." Stiles said sweetly. I groaned.  


 I should not have agreed to this. Oh my god this is just humiliating. I glanced over at Derek who didn't look to happy about this either. I wouldn't if I were him wither, Stiles is just being insulting. I turned back to Stiles who was walking in circles around me. He stopped in his tracks, looking down at something.

" Whoa! Look at the size of her paws! They are like twice the size of my hands! And these claws could defiantly do some damage." Stiles lifted my paw in his hands, comparing the two. " I just don't see a normal teenage girl turn into such a big creature." Oh god Stiles

I let out a warning growl and pulled my paw away. I don't know how long I'm going to last doing this. it's honestly just wasting time. We should be doing more training not comparing the physical features of two different kinds of supernatural wolves. Suddenly before I could do anything Stiles rushed over to my muzzle. He grabbed my top lip and pulled it up, exposing my canines.

" Look at these teeth. They beat werewolf fangs by a landslide." Stiles said in amazement.

Okay that's enough. I can't take it anymore. I shook him off, then lunged at him, snarling. He jumped a few steps back. " Hey you said I could examine you." Stiles wined. Yeah, but I had no idea it would be like this! I let out an annoyed huff then shook my ruff.

" Okay just one more thing I wanna do, then I'm done." Stiles said as he started walking towards me.

He extended his hand out as if he was actually going to pet me. Oh hell no. That is one thing I will never EVER let someone do to me. I am not a dog, I'm a fierce warrior and predator. I growled flashing all my teeth with my hackles raised. Stiles still didn't get the memo and kept coming. I let out another menacing growl, and then let out a warning bark. Someone's got to teach him not to pet wild animals.

" Um Stiles, I don't think you should do that." Derek warned. At least there was another smart person in the room. Once Stiles fingers were in range I snapped at them. Making Stiles quickly retreat. I shifted back. I put my hands on my hips scolding Stiles.

" Didn't someone ever teach you not to pet wild animals?" I teased.

" No, they said go ahead and shoot it, then bring it to dinner." Stiles shot back. I growled in response.

"Hey, do you guys go crazy on the full moons?" Stiles blurted. " No." I snapped.

" We are not werewolves Stiles."  God when am I going o get that through his thick bald head of his?

Stiles scoffed in disbelief. " So you don't even get any urges, the feeling of you needing to tare something into bloody shreds? Not at all under the full moon?" I sighed. "No. But I'm starting to get some urges right now." My teeth began to lengthen and a flashed them at Stiles. I heard Derek chuckle behind him.

I shifted and began to stalk towards Stiles. Letting a low growl rumble through my chest. I snarled, as I was getting closer. Stiles took a couple steps back.

" Wait Skylar, what are you doing?" Stiles gulped. I slammed my paw on his chest, knocking him on the floor. I opened my mouth right by his face, showing him all of my teeth.

" Come on Sky. Stop scaring the poor human, he looks like he's about to wet his pants." Emmett's voice filled the room. I snapped my head at the door and watched as Everyone piled back into the room. All of them laughing as they notice me on top of Stiles. I shifted back into my human form, still hovering over Stiles with my right hand on his chest.

" Awe, looks like our fun is over." I pouted.

" Get off of me." Stiles wined. I stood up and walked away from Stiles. As I passed Derek, he gave me an amused smirk.

" Okay now let's do wolf form." Emmett ordered.

" Brittney and Jessica go first." Emmett called out. Both of the girls walked up to the middle of the mat.

Both of them shifted and shook their ruffs. Brittney had such a beautiful coat. It was a pure snow white, and it contrasted beautifully with her big dark brown eyes. I see why Emmett chose them as partners, they are very close in size. Brittney was just a little bit bigger. Suddenly Riley walked up to me with a stone cold expression on his face.

" I need to ask you something. How will the werewolves spar? They can't pin them down by the neck like we do." I thought for a moment, I pictured what they look like, their lethal physical features. They can't pin the throat with their teeth like we do. They still have human shaped mouths.

" They can just pin each other with their claws." I suggested. Riley nodded. " That could work." He turned and walked away mumbling a thanks. As the two girls just started to circle each other, my stomach began making dying whale sounds. I need to eat, I'm starving. I turned and walked towards the door.


We've been going at it for hours now. Blood started covering the mats. Riley and Zack just finished their session. They shifted back to their human forms. Riley had gashed on his sides and back and Zack had wounds all over is neck and leg. Before they walk away from each other they bite their wrists and letting the other drink some of their blood, healing the damage that they've done to their pack mate.

" Okay, let's have Scott and Issac go now." Emmett demanded. I rolled my eyes at how demanding he could be. 

" Hey Sky!" Brittney called, she ran over to me after giving Tyler a kiss.

" Come help me make some dinner. These guys eat so much I can't make it all alone." I couldn't even answer her before she grabbed my arm and pulled me away. We jogged down the stairs into the kitchen. Brittney went straight for the fridge while I searched for something in the cabinets.

" Yeah I don't think we have anything that will feed so many people and with such huge appetites." I turned from the cabinets facing Brittney. " Whoa." I almost ran into a big walking pile of steaks. I took some of the steaks from her arms, helping her out.

" Thanks." She smiled and we set all the food on the counters.

" Where did you find these? I havn't found anything really good to eat around here." I asked amazed.

" Yeah I know we don't have great choices around here, so I went to the store his afternoon when we went out for lunch. " Brittney explained.

" Nice thinking, but we don't have a grill to cook then with." I looked around the kitchen.

" Yeah behind you." Brittney said. She didn't even bother looking back at me. I turned around and by the stove was a sliver little portable grill that still had the price tag on it.

" Wow you really thought ahead." I muttered.

" What out I'm gonna start it up." Brittney called. I scooted out of her way. She put her hand over the bars. " Wow this thing heats up fast." She talked to herself. She always does that when she's really focused on doing something. Still the same old Brittney. I hopped up on the counter and watched as Brittney rubbed some spices and BBQ sauce on the steaks and put some on the grill.

Some things just don't change. When we were younger, when we spent the night at each other's houses we would always cook our own dinner and make a huge dessert. Well Brittney was the main chef, i was the one who go the ingredients and watched. We were the best of friends back then, we were the type of best friends that had inside jokes that nobody got.

We laughed at the most random things, but as we got older and older our duties and responsibilities began to grow. I had to go through alpha training and got distant when my family died. i never talked to anyone unless i was spoken too. I  mostly just went out in the woods and hunted all alone, tried to track Kate down. I even went into town a few times.

" Remember when we would cook together?" Brittney suddenly blurted, drawing me out of my thoughts. I chuckled.

" I was actually just thinking that." I laughed. Brittney let out a laugh.

" And when we would dress in over sized shirts and high socks, sliding on the wood floor singing in wooden spoons. Like in the old movies." Brittney laughed as she flipped a steak.

" I totally forgot about that! We had so much fun before we had duties." I shook my head in disbelief. We did lots of cliche things in out past. Brittney paused, a very scary grin creeps up on her face. I just watched her, scared to ask what she was thinking.

" You know we can still have fun. So what if we're older and have duties, we haven't slid on a wooden floor for quite a while." Brittney finally looked at me with joy filled eyes begging me. I jumped off the counter and stood up straight.

" What? Now?" Brittney nodded, her grin never leaving her face. I shook my head violently.

" No. No way!"

" Come on Sky, I know you want too deep down. U know i can see right through that cold shell you built around yourself." She waved her finger in my face.

" Stop it." I slapped her finger away. " Cheesy much?" I laughed.

" Oh shut up. You know what I mean. Come on Sky, no one is around, just on song. Pleeaaase." She gave me her big brown puppy dog eyes. They still have effect after all this time. If she was in her wolf form she would have had her ears flattened with her tail between her legs whining like a little puppy.  I have never bee able to say no to her. I let out a groan.

Brittney squealed and jumped up and down like a kid on Christmas morning. She grabbed my arm pulling me out of the kitchen and up the stairs. " What about the food?" The smell of the steaks were  beginning to make my mouth water.

" Their fine I just flipped them. Come on lets go to the guys' rooms  and find a shirt to wear!" Brittney squealed in excitement.

She dragged me into Tyler's room, it was nice and tidy. I sat on the bed and watched as Brittney tore open the closet she grabbed shirts and threw them on the floor. I could have sworn I saw a glimpse of some girly underwear at the bottom of the closet. She held up a red plaid shirt to her chest. I nodded in improvement.

"Okay now we just have to find you a shirt that will look good on you." Brittney threw her shirt at me to hold.

We haven't found a shirt that Brittney thinks is worthy to sing a song in. We are just wasting time, if Brittney wants to do this we have to do it quick before everyone comes down to eat. I let out a groan as we searched Emmett's closet. We trashed almost every guy's room. I let out a groan.

" Lets just get a shirt and go, they are going to come down to eat soon. And we haven't even finished cooking either."  I complained.

" No." she answered firmly. " We have to find the perfect shirt." I sighed.

" Well there's one guy's closet we haven't checked yet."

I opened the bedroom door and the scent of honeysuckles and rain washed over my senses. A siver ran down my spine as I walked straight to Derek's closet. I looked through the neatly hanging shirts. Trying not to make a mess like we did with the other rooms. One shirt appealed to me more than the others. If this wan't it, then I don't know what is. I held the shirt to my chest and turned to face Brittney. She took one look and flashed a bright smile.

" Perfect."


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