The Force Between Us/Kylo Ren...

Galing kay _Cherokee_Rose_

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You and Kylo have always shared this strange bond through the force. Will it bring you together or will it te... Higit pa

The Jedi Temple
True Colors
What's the motive?
Mixed emotions
Canto Bight
Big Decisions
The Wedding
A New Enemy: The final chapter

The End Begins

3.1K 75 17
Galing kay _Cherokee_Rose_

You were woken up by an extremely loud noise the next morning and your friend Cora had basically kicked your door down, grabbing your arm to forcefully pull you out of bed.

"The base is under attack! It's the First Order! We've got to resist and fight back, Y/N!" Cora frantically yelled.

You didn't hesitate for a second and got dressed in your gear. Just as you were about to join Cora on your speedbike, a wave of intense force hit you with strong power and everything around you became almost silent.

You stood still, seeing not your previous surroundings, but the inside of a massive fleet. You felt weightless yet you felt as if you were on the ship itself.

Suddenly, your eyes fixated on a dark shadowy figure that emerged slowly from the shadows. You knew it had to be him. There was no questioning it.

And there he was looking right at you as if you could be touched if reached out to.

You kept your eyes fixated on him. Those same ebony eyes pierced your e/c ones. The eyes of a murderer.

Suddenly, you felt rage. You wanted nothing more than to hurt him like he'd hurt everyone back at the temple.

"It was you. . .wasn't it? Wasn't it!? Why didn't you kill me too?! Answer me!" You screamed, but he merely kept a straight face as he looked at you with, dare you say, guilt in his eyes?

And then, you felt yourself being pulled. Cora was screaming your name as you snapped out of your trance.

You'd never experienced something like that. Not for a long time at least.

"Are you out of your mind!?" Cora yelled, looking at you like you'd gone completely mad for yelling at the wall like that.

You didn't answer her. You only knew that this meant that he was close and you were going to find him and demand answers.

You weren't going to let him kill your teammates and everyone on Dathomir.

You easily knew that this planet had one of the biggest and most kept secret resistance bases on any planet in the galaxy and not only was The Order out to destroy everything, but you knew that they must've found you.

He was looking for you. . . specifically you.

"Cora, keep everyone safe okay!? I need to get into that ship." You couldn't stress that enough.

She tried to reason with you and tell you it was suicide but you were determined to give yourself up before anyone got killed. You couldn't let that happen.

You immediately jumped on your speederbike and dodged blasts that fired all around you from TIE-fighters. You made it and to your surprise there was one X-wing just waiting to be piloted.

You quickly powered the old girl up and sped up and out towards the Silencer. Something told you that's where he was now. He wasn't on Starkiller base, but you sensed that that was where you would be led to.

That same amount of force was pulling you towards him and showing you where to find him.

You blasted your way towards his ship. As soon as he found you, he ordered his entire fleet to cease.

He managed to somehow crack into your radio, signaling for you to follow him and if you did no further harm would persist. He ordered the rest of his fleet to cease back and before you knew it you were leaving your home, hoping that the Rebellion and your friends knew that you were not whatsoever abandoning them.

You needed answers. There was a definite connection between the two of you and you needed to know. So you complied and followed his command.

You felt uneasy but also angry and annoyed that you had constant eyes on you at all times from the other troopers hovering near you.

You were led to a bigger ship as you flew your x-wing into the landing zone and had troopers practically dragging you out of your aircraft.

You quickly snatched your arm away from one of the trooper's tight grips but were detained quickly as you felt your hands being grabbed and cuffed behind you.

You were made to follow General Hux, a pasty ginger man who apparently liked to smirk and sass a lot.

You wanted nothing more than to wipe that ugly smirk off of his face with your fists but there was nothing you could do at the moment, much to your distaste.

"Where are you taking me?" You asked, glaring at the man in front of you. He just blatantly ignored you at first but then let out a long sigh.

"You'll find out soon enough. Now shut your mouth or I'll have that tongue of yours cut off." He sneered, not once looking back.

Finally, you were brought to a holding cell. "Wait in here," said the trooper who had detained you as he shoved you inside before slamming the door closed.

You angrily kicked at the closed gate, wanting so badly just to get those stupid cuffs off and you honestly just wanted to know that your friends and fleet were safe and okay.

You waited for what felt like forever before he himself walked in, closing the door behind you both. The space was a bit cramped and you felt yourself back up against the wall as he started walking in your direction.

You felt his eyes on you. You felt them studying you like he was analyzing what you were or something.

"I know you didn't just bring me here to look at me. . ." you spat, breaking the tension.

You felt his hands snake around your waist. You flinched, breath hitching in your throat. He unclasped your cuffs as they fell to the floor.

"There is nothing you can do to make me think you'd be a threat to me," he finally spoke up. That was the first time you'd ever heard him speak.

His tone was deep and darkly inviting.
He was somehow drawing you in again. That magnetic force between the two of you was there once more, igniting that pull inside of you.

"Tell me who you are." He practically demanded, this time his voice was laced with a more venomous tone.

You felt if he knew your name, it'd all be over. "Why don't you know that already? I'm only one of the best resistance leaders in the galaxy." You felt a smirk on your lips.

You weren't going to let him intimidate you. You weren't going to give him any sort of satisfaction.

"Don't. Test. Me . . . don't get cocky either. I want to hear it from you," he growled, force pushing you up against the wall.

"Tell me, or it'll end badly for you." He said, clearly being serious.

You felt yourself losing air by the second as his use of the force was the most powerful thing you'd ever felt before.

"Y/N. . .it's Y/N." You choked out as he let go of you. You nearly collapsed onto the floor.

He looked down at you, his face expressionless.

That look scared you more than anything.

"Yes. . .I'm that girl you let live. So. . .why? Why didn't you kill me like you killed the others?" You said, your words becoming more angrier.

"Was it because of this. . .this force between us?! Tell me what this is!" You practically screamed, demanding something. Anything.

"I couldn't!" He exploded in rage. He had one hand on your throat, threatening to end you right then and there.

You felt tears sting your cheeks. Those same eyes stared back into yours. "Ben. . .that was your name, wasn't it?" You whispered. He squeezed harder at the mention of his former name.

"I left that name behind years ago! Don't you dare say it again!" He clenched his jaw, nearly choking the life from you.

You felt your life slipping away this time. He spared you only to kill you here and now. Was this how it ended?

Suddenly, all became silent as you closed your eyes. You focused solely on the force that was controlling you.

Without even trying you pushed Kylo back towards the wall with incredible gravity.

You coughed in a fit before finally gaining a rhythm back into your lungs. He eased up from the ground, staring at you with wide eyes.

You were just as wide eyed as he was. You had never used something like that. You thought you would never be able to fully harness it but you did.

He tried to force choke you once more, but you resisted. This time, you had complete control over him as you pushed him back against the wall.

You kept your hand up, using the force within you to keep him at bay. But nevertheless he was still a bit more powerful than you.

He forced you backwards into the opposite wall, chaining you back up before shutting the door on you.

You didn't say a word and blacked out from using too much of the force. What you didn't hear were those two words come out of Kylo's mouth towards General Hux, who was waiting just outside.

"Destroy Dathomir."

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