Love of a Raven

By StoryTellers17

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"W-why do you turn others away?" He asks me again, worried and slightly afraid in his voice. "Because they w... More

Chapter 1: My Raven's Name
Chapter 2: The Witch's Prophecy
Chapter 3: My Lonely Master
Chapter 4: Angelic Encounter
Chapter 5: Demonic Ways
Chapter 6: Deathly Visit
Chapter 7: Conflicts Emerge
Chapter 8: New Tastes
Chapter 9: Infuriating Stand
Chapter 10: Secret Exposed
Chapter 11: A Ball to Infiltrate
Chapter 12: Evasion of News
Chapter 13: Another Side
Chapter 14: Friendless
Chapter 15: Goodbye For Now
Chapter 16: Newly Family Members
Chapter 17: Two Halves of Myself
Chapter 18: Results of the Outcome
Chapter 19: Contract Development
Chapter 20: Better Left Unsaid
Chapter 21: Arguing in the Kitchen
Chapter 22: No Secrets Amongst Us
Chapter 23: Gathering Information
Chapter 24: Searching for Clues
Chapter 25: Deciphering the Truth
Chapter 26: Pleasant Envision
Chapter 27: Demonology Night
Chapter 28: Trust Must Be Earned
Chapter 29: There's Kindness in Hospitality
Chapter 30: Uncovering Hidden Secrets
Chapter 31: Magic and Its Unpredictability
Chapter 32: Limitations on the Body
Chapter 33: Meeting My Family
Chapter 35: Twice the Murder
Chapter 36: The Odds Against Me
Chapter 37: Bringing to Light a Mystery
Chapter 38: The Final Victim
Chapter 39: Choosing a Different Suspect
Chapter 40: A Step Forward
Chapter 41: Revelations Come with a Sacrifice
Chapter 42: The Death of One Too Many
Chapter 43: My Actions Can't Be Undone
Chapter 44: Persistent Visitors
Chapter 45: The Dark Truth
Chapter 46: Live On For All
Chapter 47: Rising from the Ashes

Chapter 34: My End of the Contract

126 4 0
By StoryTellers17

"You are telling me that she did die there, Dr. Phillips?" Galvin repeats the Dr. Phillip's earlier observations with his notebook and pen ready.

Galvin had decided that the first person we should interview is the police surgeon Dr. George Bagster Phillips who gave us a detailed examination of the body in the inquest. Before we came to see the doctor, we sat through the inquest and learned that there was a witness who have not only seen Chapman, but the person she was seeing at the time before her death. Galvin believes that this man could be the murderer and has stated that we will visit the witness once we have finished our business with Dr. Phillips.

"There was no blood trailing at the yard so I can say for certain that she was killed where she was found." Dr. Phillips confirms as he adds another spoonful of sugar into his coffee.

Currently, we were able to have this conversation in his lab. Galvin is sitting in front of him while I was sitting in the corner listening in on them and keeping watch for any other beings pretending to be humans. None were out of the ordinary.

"All right, and what about the fact that the murderer has some knowledge in either the medical or anatomical field? You were the one that said that he had those." Galvin ponders with a turn of his page.

"Yes, that's correct and I stand by it." Dr. Phillips declares, bringing a soft hum from Galvin.

"What makes you so certain that he has any sort of medical or anatomical background?" Galvin asks at the same time a loud ruckus erupts from the entrance. They must have brought in another intoxicated gentleman or lady. . .

"From the way he cut her throat! It takes a man with medical or anatomical expertise to have sliced out the reproductive organs in a single movement with a blade about six to eight inches!" The doctor enthusiastically praises while I had to stifle a chuckle. I highly doubt that our killer has any knowledge on either of the two fields.

Based on the inquest Galvin and I attended earlier, the coroner raise the possibility that the murder of Chapman was deliberate so as to obtain her uterus on the basis that an American had made inquiries at a London medical school for the purchase of such organs. Other experts dismiss the idea that the killer had surgical skills and have also suggested that the organs were removed by a mortuary staff who took advantage of bodies that had already been opened to extract organs that they could then sell as surgical specimens. Why would anyone purchase them is beyond my comprehension.

Just the mere thought of someone in possession of those organs has my blood running cold and it took everything in me not to retch my breakfast at the moment. Fortunately, I overheard Galvin thanking Dr. Phillips for his time which I use to indicate our leave. Standing, I went over to Galvin's side immediately and bid the doctor farewell.

"Who is next on our list of people to speak with?" I question immediately after we left the building. A few carriages came our way and I flag one down which one stopped in front of me.

"Up next is a Mrs. Elizabeth Long, the last person to see Chapman alive before her untimely death." Galvin answers as I help him up on the carriage.

Once he was inside, I climbed in after him and took my seat across from him. Galvin gave the man our destination, the carriage taking off at full speed, then looks down at his notebook. Quite possibly reviewing his notes on either the interview he has conducted or of what he heard about Mrs. Long from the inquest. I heard that she last saw the victim with a client, but that was all she said. She didn't give a full description of the client which is what Galvin intends to find out himself.

The carriage ride wasn't long. We arrived at 29 Hanbury Street, Spitalfields, the last place Mrs. Long saw Chapman alive. I stepped out of the carriage and paid the driver. When I turn to look at Galvin, I find him standing by the backyard and shifting his head every few seconds. I didn't interrupt him for a couple of minutes because he was too enthralled with the street and there was still no sign of Mrs. Long around.

"May I ask what in your god's name are you doing?" I declare as my contractor scribbles something into his notebook.

"I'm jotting down what I see. The inquest didn't describe the scene of the crime so well and if I write what I see, it might help me see what happened here two nights ago." Galvin responds without removing his eyes from his notebook.

"That might actually be of help. But, do we not have someone to interview?" I remind as he finishes writing and tucks his notebook into his jacket.

"Quite right, Garrick. However, I arranged it here so that I can get another visual of how she last saw Chapman." Galvin informs while he looks behind me. "Here she comes."

Sure enough, when I turned back, there was an elderly woman approaching us. Her eyes were glued to the cobblestones until she stepped in front of us and took a quick glance. She scanned me over first then went to Galvin, her eyes maintaining a bit of confusion. However, she wasted no time in asking, "Which of you is the fellow Galvin Rickman?"

"That would be me, Mrs. Long. We spoke earlier at the inquest?" Galvin replies and takes a step towards her with his right arm raised. "I'm Galvin Rickman and this is my partner, Garrick Gastrell."

"Good day to you both." She greets, shaking his hand, while I nod my head to her.

"You claim to be the last person to see Chapman alive and with someone. Could you describe the person that was with Chapman?" Galvin begins, taking out his pen and notebook once again.

"Alright. At about 5:30 am, I saw her with a man just beyond here. He was over forty, a little taller than Chapman, with dark hair and of foreign, 'shabby-genteel' appearance. He was wearing a deer-stalker hat and a dark overcoat." She recalls as Galvin scribbles down everything into his notebook.

"Thank you very much. Garrick, could you confirm it? Like how you did with Lechmere?" Galvin requests which took me a bit by surprised.

"You want me to do what?" I question, my voice not hiding the confusion I feel, and look over at him.

"You heard me clearly. Don't make me order it." Galvin practically hisses, but has not bothered to meet my gaze.

As a demon contracted to someone, I would need to have a order to do what he asks of me. However, an exception to this is playing the part we were given by our contractors. Since I have been assigned to be a sort of guard for him and just recently his partner, I do not necessarily need to be given an order. Otherwise, it will anger him.

With a sigh, I walk up to the old woman and give her a smile to calm her nerves. My left eye dilates as I stare down at her and say, "Did you told us everything about the gentleman that was with Chapman?"

"I. . . I forgot one other thing. . ." She answers in a trance like state, her eyes becoming glassy and vague.

"Yes? What is it?" I prompt, though I did not have to wait long.

"I overheard him talking to her. . . He said to her, 'Will you?' But I do not know what he implied with that. . . Whatever it was, Chapman replied 'yes' to him. But that was all I heard." She continues, however, I am not sure if that was at all helpful.

Anything could have been said before Mrs. Long eavesdropped on them. In addition to that, why would the killer talk to his victim? Could it be the lack of alcohol in her system? Probably, the other women were intoxicated so they would not have been aware of the danger they were in. If that is the case, the killer needed to charm her if he wanted to take her somewhere isolated.

"How can we be certain of that? I don't remember it being mentioned during the inquest. For all we know, you might have mistaken the two people." I question to which she shakes her head.

"It is her. I know because I remember hearing the clock on the Black Eagle Brewery, Brick Lane, strike the half hour just as I had turned onto the street." Mrs. Long protests while I listen to the steady beating of her heart. It did not pick up speed nor did it missed a beat.

Taking a step from her, I look over at Galvin who has been writing the latest information I extracted from her. When he was done, Galvin tilts his head and raises a brow at me. I did not need him to ask his unspoken question and reply, "She's telling the truth. Will that be all?"

"Yes, I think I have everything I need." Galvin states calmly.

I turn my attention to Mrs. Long and order her to forget what had occurred earlier. She blinks her eyes and resumes as though nothing had happened. Galvin goes to her and thanks her for her services before we bid her goodbye. I watch her walk away until I believe she is far enough away for me to ask the one question that is burning inside my head.

"Why did you ask me to do that to her?" I question Galvin, following him down the street.

"I needed to be sure that she was telling us the truth." Galvin answers as he raises his arm up. However, his answer did not convince me that it was his only reason.

"I heard you say that, but that can't be all. When I first used this power of mine, you were aghast by the mere sight it. You looked as though I killed Lechmere in front of you!" I accuse in a low tone so as not to cause a scene.

"If you are implying that I was disgusted, you are sadly mistaken. On the contrary, I could not grasp that what you did to the poor man was real. I spent the rest of the day trying to make sense of it. Now that I have some faint idea of it, I am not as surprised as last time. With that power of yours, I do not have to doubt the evidence I collected." Galvin explains just as a carriage drives up in front of us.

I quickly open the door for Galvin while I allowed his words to sink in. He does make a rather good point on his part, but I really thought that my abilities bothered him. I am glad to see I was wrong after all that he has witnessed thus far. Yet, I know there are more for him to see. Some that I hope he would not take part in.

"Garrick! Are you planning to climb inside?" Galvin shouts, drawing me out of my thoughts.

Without much thought, I climb inside the carriage and sat down in front of Galvin. He leans out the window, shouts our next destination and we were off once again. There is no other person we have to interview as far as I can recall. But, while we are still free and there is no serial killer to search for at this time in the day, now seems to be a good time to bring up my end of the contract.

"Galvin?" I call out to which I received a hum in response. I bring my eyes in Galvin's direction to find him reading his notebook again. "Have you ever conducted extensive research on someone?"

"Extensive research?" Galvin quotes, setting his notebook aside so he turns his attention to me.

"Finding out where someone lives or where they work? Someone from the nobility perhaps?" I suggest and watch Galvin place the curve of his forefinger up to his chin while his gaze is to the floor. He hums some more, quite possibly from thinking hard about my question, but says nothing more.

Galvin takes a moment to himself to ponder while I sit there observing him. He has to have done something of the like before, for his interviews or something? What if he hasn't and what I ask of him to do for me will lead him into trouble? My family has access to many things that could potentially be of service for the country's security. I can go to any doctor's office and demand for someone's medical records if I feel that person is compromising the security of our country.

However, if I did that, my mother will immediately know that I had been investigating something and will piece together whose records I am searching for. To prevent her from discovering my intentions, Galvin will have to do it for me. Unless the twins have already told her Galvin's name or read his full name without my knowledge. If this is at all true, he'll have to provide a fake name. But then, Mother would know I have an accomplice helping me by going through the list of names and see that whatever name Galvin uses does not exist.

Bloody hell, this is becoming difficult! No matter how I look at it, Mother is going to figure out I'm behind all of this somehow! I thought in frustration.

"Garrick? Are you alright?" Galvin calls me from my thoughts. My eyes instantly met his and I noticed the worry behind his brown orbs.

"I'm fine. . . I was only thinking about something. . ." I mumble in response. He gives me a look that says he doesn't believe me, but didn't comment on it.

"I see. Well, to answer your question, I have done extensive research on someone. Only about two or three times. May I ask who is the person I'll be searching for?" Galvin questions, reminding me of what I wanted to discuss with him.

"A young man by the name of Alexandru Negrescu if it's possible. If not, then look for a noble family hailing from Romania." I answer thoughtfully since they might not use the same name for three hundred years. Then, I don't know exactly when they did travel here so I also add, "Sometime between this year and 1705."

"1705?! Why then?!" Galvin shouts in surprise.

"Because in 1703, I met him and stayed as his friend two more years. 1705 was the last time I saw him before I returned home." I explain, but he was still confused. I can see him trying to grasp how old I really am from the way he keeps staring at me in disbelief.

"You are asking me to look for a dead man from centuries ago?" Galvin wonders as I shake my head.

"No, not a dead man. He's very much alive. To the best of my knowledge, I hope he is alive. I'm quite certain he is alive." I ramble before clearing my throat. "I forgot to mention that he's a vampire."

"I beg your bloody pardon?!" Galvin yells so loudly that I had to place my hand over his mouth.

Galvin attempts to form a sentence while I listen to our driver. He didn't seem to have heard Galvin yelling and return my hand back to my side. He didn't start yelling again so I ask, "Are you alright?"

"H-How can I be alright when y-you told me that you want me to look f-for a va-vampire?!" Galvin sputters while he runs a hand through his hair.

"I am aware that I haven't told you much about my end in our contract until now-" I try to assure him when he interrupts me in mid-sentence.

"Wait, is that why you didn't want to take my soul?" Galvin wonders as I try not roll my eyes. Honestly, why is it so hard to understand that I don't desire any soul?

"Yes, but I have no interest in consuming human souls." I admit and see him visibly relax from my answer. "Is there any questions you have for me?"

"A couple if I'm going to somehow find your vampire friend." Galvin confesses as he retrieved his pen and notebook.

Nodding my head, I lean back against the seat and wave my hand. "Ask away."

"How does this young man look like?" Galvin start off at the same time my mind conjures one of my fondest memories of Alexandru.

It was a year after the disaster of the ball. Alexandru went to hide in his room because he refused to spend another minute to greet guests with a fake smile and faux politeness. I had barely flew in through his window when he was pacing back and forth, a scowl on that lovely face of his. His azure eyes filled with anger and I did the only thing I knew would comfort him.

I perched on his shoulder and rubbed my head against his cheek. Beneath my talons, I felt his tense shoulders relax. His finger stroked my neck soon after. We stayed like this for a few moments before he took me down to the kitchen and fed me some berries. The memory isn't as unique as any other time he would feed me, but it was the only time I didn't want to reveal myself.

"He's a young man, no older than the average adolescent boy. His eyes are an ocean like color, his hair a light brown, and he has a sense of royalty to him. He is a prince of sorts to the vampires, a very important one. Soon to take the throne actually." I describe with a soft smile as I picture his smiling face vividly in my mind.

"That is quite an important person you want me to look for. What can you tell me about his family?" Galvin asks while he writes down everything I said.

"His family includes his twin younger brother and his father. His mother perished in a fire when he was young." I add, my voice taking on a dejected tone.

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry. That must have been awful for him. Er, how old was he when he lost his mother?" Galvin questions and lifts his head up to face me.

"He was three hundred years old when he lost his mother. From what I know, that is equivalent to a human child of five or six years old." I explain and take a glance outside. My eyes meet with the barely held together brick flats, ones that the killer had killed his first victim in. How did no one hear someone getting killed?

"That is very tragic. Well, with all of these, I will try to find your friend in the record departments around London. Is there anything else you want from me?" Galvin responds, shaking my head.

"I would like to accompany you to your next evening patrol." I request to which he releases a sigh. "Please understand that I am worried about your safety. A big part of my contract is to save you from dangerous situations you might find yourself in."

Galvin leans against his seat as his head turns away from me. I could see from the way he has one of his hands clenched in a fist and his jaw tightening that he was trying to think of excuses to not permit me in coming with him to his nightly walks. In that case, I have to show him why he needs me and add, "It'll be quicker and more effective to have another pair of eyes that can see better in the dark and ears that can listen to an ant crawling in the woods."

He doesn't respond for another moment or two and I was beginning to worry that he was going to reject my request again when he speaks up, "Are you feeling better? Do you need to rest some more?"

"No, I'm feeling better. I don't need to rest." I quickly reassure.

"Then, you can come along with me tonight. From there, I'll see if you're capable of coming every night." Galvin states while I smile in gratitude.

"I am more than capable. You'll see tonight." I reply which caused Galvin to roll his eyes.

Galvin chuckles softly as though what I said amused him and answers, "Perhaps you are."

Tonight will be the first night we hunt for that vampire. I hope he senses my presence and will refrain himself from murdering someone. Because if he doesn't, I don't know if I will be able to fight a vampire and protect Galvin. Protecting my contractor is main priority, but my fighting styles are all self defense. I don't know if I will be able to protect him.

*Nickole's Note*
Hey, guys! I did it it! I wrote this almost 10 page chapter for you guys! I have a ton of Facts for you guys today so let's get to that first. To the Fun Facts!

1. The picture and quote of the day above are from Google Images. I don't know who said this quote, but I chose it because it felt like it's something Garrick is feeling right now.

2. Dr. George Bagster Phillips was a real person who was also the one that believed the killer had some knowledge in either medical or anatomical. Everything he said in this chapter is true.

3. Everything Garrick says about the inquest or the corner is also true.

4. The part where the killer spoke to Annie Chapman is also true along with Elizabeth Long being a real person. Mrs. Long walked by when she heard what could have been the killer talking to Chapman just as I mentioned here.

5. To all you Fated to Be readers, you might remember this scene from "Chapter 34: Underlying Fear." I just didn't add the part with Elizabeth Long.

And that's all! Wow! I gave you guys another history lesson in this chapter. Oh well, it's part historical fiction anyway. I actually don't have any announcements for you guys today so I'll get onto my farewell. As always, I hope you guys liked the chapter and I'll try to get the next one up as soon as I can! If you have any questions about when I'll update or why I'm taking so long to update, check out my activity page. Until then, I'll see you guys next time! Enjoy~

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