Chapter 26: Pleasant Envision

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Bloody hell! I'm late! I'm bloody late! He's going to be absolutely crossed with me! How could I forget about our date tonight?! Today is an extremely important day for me and I overslept! Out of all the days I could've slept in, it had to be today! I thought frantically while running through the woods.

Fortunately, my accelerated speed helped me arrive to my destination. An open clearing with a luscious grass field covering the entire area and in the center of that clearing is a young man sitting with his back towards me. His head tilted back a bit so he could stargaze at the night sky while his posture is relaxed as though he doesn't have a care in the world. He looks absolutely peaceful like this.

Without wasting another second, I walk up the last few steps and crouch behind him where I wrap my arms around my love. His body jumps slightly before easing back to his relaxed state. He chuckles softly and murmurs, "You're late."

"I'm terribly sorry for my tardiness. I overslept, but I'm here now. I hope I didn't keep you waiting long?" I apologize as I place a soft kiss on the spot of his neck just below his ear.

"You did. You made me wait for you for a whole minute." He states firmly.

Gasping in shock, I pull away from him and walk around him until I was squatting in front of him. Sure enough, he has a look of annoyance on his handsome face. His azure eyes were glaring at me while his arms are crossed in front of his chest. Although he looks angry, he looks bloody adorable to me that I ended up chuckling softly.

"What are you laughing about?! Whatever it is, it's not funny, Doru! Don't you know how cold it is out here? I didn't bring a coat for myself!" He complains with a scowl forming.

Ever since I told Alexandru of my identity as his pet raven, he had a hard time referring to me by my real name that I told him that he could continue calling me Doru if he wants. It made things a lot more easier for us after that. Alexandru doesn't continue to stumble over his words and I no longer have to remind him that it didn't bother me when he calls me by my old pet name. I find it sweet that he continues to say my raven name because then it means he saves my actual name for only important matters.

"I'm sorry, I know you're upset but you look so adorable, Alexandru. Please, forgive me?" I ask once I calmed down.

"No, it's our anniversary today and you were late. What would have happened if I froze to death? Sitting here waiting for you? Or got eaten by some animals?" Alexandru protests as his bottom lip juts out into a pout.

Shaking my head at him, I bring my right hand up to his left cheek and lean towards him until my lips met with his. From the contact alone has my heart soaring even if Alexandru doesn't kiss me back immediately. But since he hasn't pushed me off of him, I could only assume that he's not entirely mad at me. Nevertheless, I break away from the kiss and stroke his cheek with my thumb which effectively brought a faint shade of pink on his cheeks.

"I highly doubt that in one minute you would have either freeze to death or get killed by a hungry animal. You can't freeze to death nor would you allow any animal to eat you. I fear more for the animal than you." I note, causing Alexandru to huff.

"You're still late. . ." Alexandru repeats in a low murmur while he tilts his head down.

"Yes, I'm still late. I spent five seconds checking the time, twelve seconds to fix my bed hair mess, twenty-three seconds in changing into this outfit I'm currently wearing, seventeen seconds to run from my house to the clearing, two seconds to admire you from afar, and finally one second to run to you." I comply and smirk a bit mischievously from my attempt of an explanation.

"You counted all of that, but you couldn't wake up earlier?" Alexandru counters.

"Sleeping is a luxury for me! I don't have the urge to sleep every night or day like you do and whenever I do have the feeling of being tired, I take full advantage of it. Unfortunately, it happened to be last night and I just barely woke up in time to meet you." I argue as I sit down on the grass.

Love of a RavenNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ