Chapter 21: Arguing in the Kitchen

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"Are we going to have our tea party now, Garrick?" Lily asks innocently while I place her on the kitchen's island counter top.

"Lily, Garrick needs to sleep. He can have tea with you tomorrow night." Luka informs her at the same time I look around for the ingredients to make something sweet for me and Lily to snack on.

It comes to a surprise to my siblings- well, with the exception of Lily- that I find joy in baking sweets for me and my sister along with consuming them. Especially chocolate because it's not too sweet nor is it close to being bland. Chocolate in my opinion is the best human food I ever tasted and I don't know how I ever lived with myself before tasting it.

"Oh. . ." Lily breathes out sadly.

Turning my head over my shoulder, I see Lily bowing her head. "Don't be sad, Lily. I promised you that we were going to have a tea party and that's what we're going to do. I'm not even remotely close to being tired. Alright?"

That brought a huge grin on her face and wraps her arms around my neck. I have never once missed my little sister's tea parties and I won't start now. I love how a simple tea party can bring that smile of hers. There's nothing I wouldn't do to make sure my lovely sister smiles like that all the time. Absolutely nothing.

"Alright, but can you make the gateau au chocolat?" Lily requests with a tilt of her head.

Nodding my head, I place a soft kiss on her forehead and answer, "Of course. Would you like to help me make it?"

"Yes!" She shouts excitedly, releasing a short chuckle from me. I pull away from her so that I could grab the mold pan for the gateau au chocolat, a stick of butter, and flour before handing them to her.

"Cover the pan with the butter then put flour on it so that when the gateau au chocolat is done, it won't get stuck to the pan and be ruined. Can you handle this for me?" I instruct and tap her nose with my finger, making her giggle again.

"I can do it, Garrick!" She shouts joyfully and gets to work with her task while I began preparing the batter.

"Garrick, I think you should be resting right now. Did you even drink any blood while you were on your walk?" Luka questions, his voice not hiding the concern he's feeling.

"Burning hell, he didn't! Garrick! Why didn't you say something about that?!" Damian exclaims, almost peeved that I didn't spoke a word about my need to feed. I forgot he was here. . . Old habits die hard, I suppose. . .

Shaking my head with a soft sigh, I continue preparing the batter while I reply back to Damian's question with, "I completely forgot about my thirst. Lily, be careful with the flour. I don't want you covered in it."

"Right, you were too occupied with your little human contractor." Damian responds and walks over to me, dipping his finger into the batter. He licks the batter off his finger and smiles in delight.

"You have a contractor?!" A high pitch voice shrieks from behind. Jasmine's home and if she's home. . .

"I never thought I see the day where our righteous big brother would form a contract with someone. Human must be special if you broke your rule." Aidan's clip and cold tone comments quietly. I could practically feel a cold breeze through me from his voice alone.

Turning my head back, I see the twins walking towards me. Well, Jasmine makes her way to Damian. Aidan was the only one that walked to me and looked at the mess that I made in baking a pastry for Lily and me. His eyes, ever void of any kind of emotion, scan the contents on the counter before they were looking at me.

"You go on a walk, make a contract with some human, but the first thing you do when you come home is bake a cake." Aidan states in disbelief as a small frown starts to form. The only visible sign that reveals how he's feeling other than when he talks which is not often.

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