Chapter 7: Conflicts Emerge

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Several weeks have passed since my meeting with Death and I am glad to say that I haven't seen him during those weeks. But I have seen Damian everyday since I left him alone after I refused to consume the girl's soul. Of course, he told my parents of my defiance and they too tried to persuade me into eating one soul. All their attempts were in vain and soon, they learned to respect to my wishes and abandoned their efforts to convince me otherwise.

However, I had to stay with Damian to learn how to fend myself. So far, I ended up with a knife on my neck. I don't think the roles will be reverse any time soon unless I manage to actually figure out my fighting style that Damian always complain I lack of.

"Garrick, come on! Haven't you learned anything from our lessons?" Damian scolds with an amused smirk on his lips.

"If your lessons include lying face down on the dirt, then I say I'm passing." I retort as I spit out some of the said dirt out of my mouth when Damian tackled me on sight.

"The point of my lessons is to be able to protect yourself and so far, I could've killed you the last few times we fought." Damian notes and removes himself from my back.

"It's only been a few weeks since you began training me. I'm bound to learn how to fight soon enough." I remark, rising up from the ground.

"You should have made some progress by now. At least, expecting when I'm sneaking up on you." Damian scolds.

Ignoring his statement about his disappointment, I dust off some of the dirt. "If that's all you have left to teach me, I'm going to go hunt for some blood." I announce and made my way to the woods. However, I didn't make it far with my arm being held back.

"Where do you think you're going?" Damian asks while he drags me back to him.

"To find someone to drink from. Why?" I question and jerk my arm away from his grasp.

"Because every time you go find someone to drink from, you don't come back until the crack of dawn and when you do return, you go to sleep. I thought you don't sleep?" Damian asks. Bugger! He's gone suspicious!

"I don't but lately I've become weary with all this training you keep insisting I train harder than the day before!" I retaliate. I hope he doesn't question me any further, I have somewhere I need to be.

"For your own protection that your parents practically begged me to take you under my wing!" Damian snaps.

"Quit bringing that up! I know that you being here training me is all for my benefit and after that you'll disappear to do whatever the bloody hell you want!" I yell.

"Probably discovering another country and rule it but that's not the point!" Damian retorts. "The point I'm trying to make-"

"I know, you want me to stay cooped up in my house but I need to feed and frankly, demon blood isn't exactly my cup of tea." I interrupt but began my stride to the woods. "Don't follow me! I'll return soon!" With that, I took off into a sprint.

For added measure, I shifted into my raven form and began flying off. However, on my way to the castle, I spotted my vampire friend inside but he wasn't alone. There was another boy who looks exactly like him except his height is shorter than his and are his eyes a different color? This must be Alexandru's twin brother he mentioned before. . .

The two vampires seem to be in some sort of heated argument but I don't exactly know what it is they're fighting about. Well, the twin brother is the one doing most of the arguing while Alexandru attempts to comfort him. However, his brother doesn't want any sort of comfort from him. That is, until Alexandru goes up to him and does something I can't fathom despite witnessing it.

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