Chapter 29: There's Kindness in Hospitality

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"Kang-Dae, I can explain. But I need you to calm down first." I request calmly and place my hands on his shoulders. However, once I did, he shrugs them off and took a few steps back from me.

"Calm down?! You saved me from that demon and took me here where there are other demons living here!" Kang-Dae counters hysterically as my ears pick up on his heartbeat accelerating faster than it should have been. To be fair, he does make a rather excellent point. . . How am I going to convince him that it's nothing as he's imagining it to be?

"I know. However, you asked me why you should trust me and I gave you my answer as you shouldn't except to trust that when you do come with me, you do so at your own risk. You've made it this far into my home without any harm to befall on you, didn't I?" I retaliate in an even tone since getting angry or frustrated would only make things worse. I still have to earn his trust and I haven't earned it by bringing him into a house filled with one fully grown demon, four demon-vampire hybrids, and a vampire-demon hybrid.

Kang-Dae glares at me for a second before releasing a sigh of defeat and nodding his head, "Yes."

"Then allow me to explain why my house smells like other demons. Afterwards, if you wish to leave, you may do so and I will not give your location to anyone. Agreed?" I suggest while taking a step towards him.

". . . You'll let me leave?" Kang-Dae repeats with uncertainty clear in his voice. As though, he couldn't believe a word I said to him. So, I simply nod my head as my response. "Then. . . Continue. . ."

"Thank you. But first, you have to promise to hold all questions and judgement until I finished. If by then you find me or the rest of my family revolting, then you may leave. However, I ask that you keep my family a secret from everyone. No one must know about us." I request which brought a confused expression to appear.

"I will. I have no one to tell your secret." Kang-Dae declares, my heart feeling heavy from hearing the sadness in his voice. He doesn't have a family? Or were they. . . No, I can't jump to conclusions about this. . .

Without thinking of a better response to that, I nod my head then began walking towards my bedroom where we can talk more peacefully. I know Kang-Dae is following from hearing his footsteps trailing after mine, but I'm surprised that he didn't stop me. Nonetheless, I don't question his silence and enter my room. I going straight to my bed and sat down with Kang-Dae standing by the doorway, looking unsure what to do.

"Sit down with me, I might take awhile to explain." I offer, gesturing to the available space next to me.

It took Kang-Dae about a minute or so for him to join me on my bed and when he did, silence filled the room. This being because I didn't know where to start. I noticed his dislike for demons the moment he accused me for taking him into another place filled with them so by telling him about my family without frightening him?

"Um, are y-you going to explain?" Kang-Dae questions which effectively broke the tense silence between us.

"I am, I was trying to gather my thoughts. But there doesn't seem to be any reason for me to beat about the bush on something like this. I'll come right out and say it: I'm a vampire-demon hybrid. My siblings are demon-vampire hybrids, my father is a vampire, and my mother. . . She's a demon." I answer cautiously and watch his face for any change in his expression.

There was only one slight change in his expression and I wouldn't have noticed it if I wasn't watching him. His eyes widen just a tad as the rest of his body stiffens, giving him the appearance of one being paralyzed. Therefore, I decided it would be best if I gave him a moment to collect his thoughts. He needs time to process this before he could comes to a conclusion on what to do. If he chooses to leave, I'll show him the quickest route to London to him and we'll go on as if we never came across one another.

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