Chapter 42: The Death of One Too Many

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Everything around me fell silent except for the sound of someone's distorted screams. When I turned my head to where I heard Lily's voice earlier, my eyes widened from seeing her run towards me. Her arms reached for me while her face held a beautiful smile. My youngest sister was still smiling when the flame went through her tiny body, but it did not last long. After the fire emerged from her back, Lily's eyes widen and her smile faltered.

My body felt heavier than usual, I could hear the pounding of my heart becoming louder with each step I took towards her. In an instant, I crouched to her as I barely caught her body before she would have touched the ground. There was a hole through her chest, narrowly missing her neck, but her heart took the most damage.

"G-Garrick? I fe-feel strange. . ." Lily struggles to say as I try not to break down in tears.

"Y-you're fine, flower. I need you t-to close your eyes. Can y-you do that for me?" I ask her while I brushed a stray strand back in place.

Lily nodded, but she began to tilt her head downwards so I placed my hand under her chin to prevent her from seeing how much damage she took. "No, no. Look at me, flower. You're fine, but you need to go to sleep. The odd feeling will go away when you close your eyes."

"C-Can we have a tea pa-party when I wake up?" Lily requests, my heart shattering to pieces as if it hadn't already.

"Of course, Lily. We'll have a tea party all day long after you get some rest." I promise despite how meaningless it sounds.

"D-don't forget it. . . All day lo-long tea party wi-with delicious snacks. . ." Lily states while also gasping for breath.

"Of course! I'll make whatever you want a-after you wake up from your nap!" I declare as I pulled her close to me. Shortly after, her body went limp in my arms as her heart stopped beating.

In that moment, I finally allowed myself to cry without bothering to care if those hybrids had seen me sobbing. Lily was killed and I couldn't save her. I had to lie to her when she died because I did not want her to panic. I will never forgive myself for not doing anything to save her. Neither would I forgive Aidan for having thrown that wretched ball of fire in the first place.

It is Aidan's fault. . . He killed her. . . He was the one that caused that flame to go through Lily's body! I thought as a strange calmness began to replace my grief.

I carefully set Lily's lifeless body on the ground then turned to glare at Aidan. He had the audacity to look mortified when he was the one that sent that ball of fire through her body. The simple act of having seen him made my blood boil and my anger grow.

"You did this." I state, staring directly at Aidan.

"No, I. . . That was meant for you! I did not know Lily was here! I would never have laid a hand on her!" Aidan snarls as he bared his teeth at me.

"You shot the fireball! You threw it at me! Our sister is dead because of you!" I counter with tears pooling in my eyes.

He killed Lily. It's all his fault. He's responsible for her death. Lily is dead because of him! Yes, Aidan has to expiate for killing Lily! I thought as anger filled my entire body.

That was when I noticed that half of my vision turned bright red which I can only assume that my demon eye has dilated. In addition to that, everything around me blurred out of focus and the only thing I saw clearly was Aidan. As soon as I locked eyes with him, I immediately ran up to him until that we were mere inches apart. I rapidly shot my arm to his stomach with such force that it sent him flying back five meters.

Aidan knocked down all the hybrids that were standing behind him whereas others moved away in time. I heard Jasmine shriek while snowflakes began to fall. Footsteps came at me from an incredible speed. I heard a crackling sound which I was fairly familiar with. When I looked up, I saw Jasmine had summoned a long shard of ice in her right hand. Almost like a sword.

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