Chapter 44: Persistent Visitors

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Having seen Michael's look of horror was by far the most rewarding experience of my day. Although, a searing and burning sensation was coming from the pentagram I drew and had me screaming. When I looked down at the pentagram, I saw that it started to glow which further deepened the pain into my skin. I did not care how unbearable it is, I would endure it. Anything to keep him and the other angels from finding me.

"You cannot be serious. A mere abomination like you can't possibly be able to cast an untraceable spell! No creature on Earth could escape from our sight!" Michael shouts angrily in disdain.

"Pardon me, Michael. I think you should know—" Azrael speaks up, but was cut off again by the archangel.

"I told you not to speak!" Michael snaps, turning his attention to Azrael who flinched at his tone.

"I-I know, but there's something you need to know." Azrael stammers nervously while Michael continues to glare down at him.

"What? What could possibly be important that you needed to interrupt me?" Michael practically snarls and I began to wonder if this kind of treatment is normal for lower ranked angels.

How long did Azrael go through this? Was it recently or all throughout his existence? Did this abuse worsen when he became my guardian angel? That seems to be likely. However, I do not have any room to feel sympathetic for Azrael at the moment.

Despite the fact that I no longer feel amicable towards Azrael, I still do not like how Michael has been treating him. I was going to step in, but Azrael spoke before I could. He stated something that caused me to hold my tongue back, "I cannot trace him."

"I'm sorry, could you repeat that? I don't think I fully heard you." Michael requests in a restrained tone. His right eye twitched which was the only thing that signaled his irritation.

"I cannot locate Garrick even though he is standing directly in front of me. If you do not believe me, trace him yourself." Azrael states once again with a befuddled expression.

Did I truly vanish from their sight? I pondered as I looked down at my mutilated body. I wanted to see the scar I drew on myself for any sign of healing, but there was none. I watched as blood oozed out from the points of the star and the lower half of the circle. Aside from that, I couldn't distinguish whether or not the spell had worked.

"That is impossible! He is standing in front of us! How could we not track him?!" Michael yells at Azrael who took a step back from him.

"I-I don't know, Michael. His presence vanished instantly the second his pentagram glowed." Azrael replies which only confirmed the spell was working well.

Although Michael was peeved from Azrael's statement, Damian's laughter prevented him from speaking a single word. When Damian didn't show any signs of calming down, I scolded him. "Damian, that's enough."

"I-I am. . . not sorry at all! This is. . . too funny!" Damian chortles while he slowly calms down. I had to give him a slight glare in order to get him to cease his chuckling. Damian cleared his throat then said, "What I mean to say is that this is a first. Someone like Garrick has disappeared from your sights. It is remarkable!"

"Perhaps for you, it is! He can run amok for Lucifer without anyone noticing!" Michael snarls furiously, but I was extremely bothered by his last statement.

"I don't work for Lucifer. I never have nor will I ever." I corrected the archangel immediately.

"You probably can now since we cannot sense you at all!" Michael exclaims and completely disregards everything I said earlier.

"Um, M-Michael? There is something else y-you should know. . ." Azrael intervenes which brought annoyance to Michael.

The archangel turns to face Azrael and asks in a restrained tone, "What else do I need to know?"

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