Chapter 17: Two Halves of Myself

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Just beyond these doors holds the key to my goal: to find Alexandru Negrescu. The test will play a major role in searching for him, but only if I pass. If I don't, there's a chance that I could die from it. But, that's a worst case scenario. A lighter case would be that I fail the test and live. Except, I might be sick once again. However, whatever illness falls upon me will be the worse I would ever endure.

The test I'm about to conduct requires the use of blood magic which is one of the most riskiest form of magic. Even necromancy can't compare to the damages done by blood magic. Necromancy can result in death to whomever is casting the spell, but only if he or she is inexperienced and there was something missing. An ingredient, the location, or the time the castor conjures it. The outcome can be the resurrection of the deceased as they were before or become a mindless servant to the castor.

With blood magic, the castor ties themselves into the spell. If a mishap occurs during the spell, it can lead to drastic changes. A physical wound or a loss of limb if they're fortunate. Otherwise, the effects can become mental and often times, turn one mad. Jasmine came out of her test unscathed. That is, as far as I'm aware, she's the same as ever. Now, I only hope for the same results to myself.

The difference between Jasmine and I is that she is a natural. I'm assuming that Mother used more of her blood to create the twins which could explain their likeliness to consume souls rather than drink blood. I don't think I have seen them drink a drop of blood before. I have asked them once if they drank from anyone, but they replied with they ate their soul.

What if I don't pass it? I could die or go mad. . . Jasmine seems to be alright, but I can't use her as an example. We're nothing alike. No, stop it. Thinking that way will not help me pass the test. Take a deep breath and open the bloody doors, I instruct myself and place my hands on the doorknobs. I take a deep inhale, slowly exhaling before twisting the knobs open.

Stepping inside, I shut the doors behind me and take in the dark room with my vision adjusting to see clearly in the darkness. The room is bare, the furniture were probably removed earlier so that we could use the floor. Acantha is standing at the center of the room while my family are standing close to the walls as a extra precaution. I walk towards Acantha until she holds her up, signaling me to halt.

"Garrick Gastrell. You have finished your training with Violet Gastrell and have decided to try your hand at the final mastery steps of magic. This test will determine not only your capabilities of performing such high magic, but it will also have an effect on you. Whether or not this effect will be good is up to you. Are you certain you want to go through with this? The price of failure is death or madness." Acantha announces.

There was no hesitation in my answer. I look directly into Acantha's misty grey eyes and announced in a clear voice, "I am certain."

"Then step into the center of the circle." Acantha commands, her hands gesturing to the floor in front of her. Gulping down any last minute nerves, I stride to the circle.

"Now, kneel and draw your pentagram with your blood." Acantha orders and steps out of the circle.

Blood. . . I'll try to hold down my disgust. . . I thought silently as Acantha hands me her silver training angel blade. Taking hold of the blade with my left hand, I place one side of the blade on my right palm and drag it across. Blood begins to pour out of my palm along with the excruciating pain searing all over the incision. I quickly slap my hand on the floor and draw out my pentagram.

Once my pentagram was complete, Acantha mutters an incantation which caused my pentagram to glow brightly. I've been told that when my pentagram glows, I have to recite a different incantation that Mother taught me. This incantation is a sort of summoning spell that will unlock all of my demonic magic in which it will determine whether I have the potential to use the higher levels of magic.

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