Love of a Raven

By StoryTellers17

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"W-why do you turn others away?" He asks me again, worried and slightly afraid in his voice. "Because they w... More

Chapter 1: My Raven's Name
Chapter 2: The Witch's Prophecy
Chapter 3: My Lonely Master
Chapter 4: Angelic Encounter
Chapter 5: Demonic Ways
Chapter 6: Deathly Visit
Chapter 7: Conflicts Emerge
Chapter 8: New Tastes
Chapter 9: Infuriating Stand
Chapter 10: Secret Exposed
Chapter 11: A Ball to Infiltrate
Chapter 12: Evasion of News
Chapter 13: Another Side
Chapter 14: Friendless
Chapter 15: Goodbye For Now
Chapter 16: Newly Family Members
Chapter 17: Two Halves of Myself
Chapter 18: Results of the Outcome
Chapter 19: Contract Development
Chapter 20: Better Left Unsaid
Chapter 21: Arguing in the Kitchen
Chapter 22: No Secrets Amongst Us
Chapter 23: Gathering Information
Chapter 24: Searching for Clues
Chapter 25: Deciphering the Truth
Chapter 26: Pleasant Envision
Chapter 27: Demonology Night
Chapter 29: There's Kindness in Hospitality
Chapter 30: Uncovering Hidden Secrets
Chapter 31: Magic and Its Unpredictability
Chapter 32: Limitations on the Body
Chapter 33: Meeting My Family
Chapter 34: My End of the Contract
Chapter 35: Twice the Murder
Chapter 36: The Odds Against Me
Chapter 37: Bringing to Light a Mystery
Chapter 38: The Final Victim
Chapter 39: Choosing a Different Suspect
Chapter 40: A Step Forward
Chapter 41: Revelations Come with a Sacrifice
Chapter 42: The Death of One Too Many
Chapter 43: My Actions Can't Be Undone
Chapter 44: Persistent Visitors
Chapter 45: The Dark Truth
Chapter 46: Live On For All
Chapter 47: Rising from the Ashes

Chapter 28: Trust Must Be Earned

156 5 2
By StoryTellers17

All I have to do is go speak to the man in a civilized manner and ask that he releases the young boy from the relationship that he doesn't want to be involved in any longer. I thought to myself, mentally preparing myself for a rational conversation with the man. Of course, if talking fails, I have no qualms about defeating him in a spar.

I maneuver around couples dancing and people attempting to pull me into a dance with them, my eyes never leaving the couple. I nearly lost my temper along the way that by the time I reached my destination, all thoughts of having a civilized conversation was gone. Well, not entirely gone. I still have some sense to refrain myself from jumping into a fight.

The couple were still in the same place when I reached them along with the muscular man, who I now sense a demonic presence from him, continues to send threats to the younger boy. Having a clear head intact, I tap on the demon's right shoulder to gain his attention. However, he didn't seem to give any care about manners as he looks over his shoulder and send a cold glare at me before growling, "What do you want?"

"For starters, some manners. It's not polite for someone like you to be rude even if you are a demon. And please, don't try to intimidate me with any moot threats you could conjure because I don't scare easily." I greet, taking one quick look at the boy on the floor.

He's not human was the first thing that crossed my mind. I don't sense a human soul within him nor does he have that human blood scent. Neither does he have a vampire or demon related presence. What I do sense is an animal. Perhaps a werewolf? I haven't met any werewolves so I can't really be sure.

Then again, he could be a shapeshifter. They're a distant relative of the werewolves. The only difference between the two is that a werewolf must turn into a wolf at least every full moon to keep themselves in check. A shapeshifter can shift at any time without having to lose most of their humanity.

According to my mother who has lived longer than my father, there are different types of shapeshifters. The most renowned are the werewolves because of an old war between them and the vampires. Actual shapeshifters take kindly to any other type of shifters and view them as equals. They would permit the other shifters to join their pack if necessary, so why is this one all alone?

"Manners aren't my specialty." The demon snarls with what I believe is supposed to be an intimidating look on his face. However, I didn't feel any twinge of fear from a demon who clearly relies on his strength to cause fear into others.

"Might I suggest learning then? I don't mean to sound boastful, but I like to consider myself as a proper gentleman and I can tell that what you are doing to this young boy is no way to treat someone. So, I'm going to have to ask you that you release him from your clutches before I force you to." I advise as I took a quick glance at the boy held hostage.

He seems to be around my age in appearance, though he could be older than me if he's some type of shifter since they tend to live longer than humans. His hair is dark brown and completely in disarray from being man handled. His eyes are close to being black, but there was still tints of brown in them. However, they were filled with terror as he's staring up at me.

"Do you have any idea who you're talking to?!" The demon shouts and walks right up to me. His face leaning down to my level, but I'm still not afraid of him.

"A sadistic man that was torturing this young lad." I answer bluntly which only infuriated him even more if it were possible.

The demon growls in anger and swiftly takes hold of my neck in a rather tight grip with both of his hands. He held on so tightly that it would've killed a normal human being instantly. I'm not a human being. I'm half vampire and half demon whose had a demon knight of hell train me in close combat for self defense. This is where his training is useful because as soon as I felt the demon's skin touch my neck, I turn my whole body to my left while my left arm hits both of his arms until his arms were away from my neck. Except, I wasn't done.

As I expected, he is bewildered from my sudden actions and I took that opportunity to move my left arm toward the back of his neck. Next, I push my left knee out while I drag the demon down to my leg until his back is resting against my thigh and his neck completely exposed to me. He struggles to free himself from my hold, but I clench my hand into a fist and punch his neck so it knocks the air of him. As a demon, it would leave him breathless which is my intention. I don't kill anyone unless it's completely necessary.

Releasing the demon, I look down at him and slam my right foot on his chest. I lean next to his ear and mutter a threat to him, "Get up and I won't hesitate to kill you if you try to take me from behind. I'm taking that boy from you and if I ever see you mistreating another person as you did tonight, I will exterminate you."

The demon simply wheezes and nods his head frantically that I take as understanding. I straighten myself up and slam my foot again, but much harder than the last that I heard some bones crack. Was it absolutely necessary? Yes, because it should make my point clear to him. If it didn't, there's always other methods to getting it through his large muscles for brains.

I head over to the frightened young boy who is now shivering in fear that I hold my hands up while lowering myself in front of him. Up close, I notice that he's of Asian descent and also filthy. Has he not been allowed to take a bath? Just what sort of living conditions did the demon put him in? Actually, does he have anywhere else to go? I suppose not. No matter, he can stay with me if need be.

"Evening, lad. Can you understand me?" I greet gently so as not to frighten him more than he already is. He nods his head once, but his posture is still defensive from the way he's curled himself into a ball.

"Do you have a place to call home?" I ask to which he shook his head and sniffs. I thought so. . .

"Would you like to come to mine then? You can take a nice hot bath there and maybe have a hot meal as well? I'll even lend you some clothes." I offer with a soft smile.

The boy in front of me gazes at me with caution, as though he were trying to determine whether my offer was sincere or not. Perhaps he's deciding if I was worth trusting. I wouldn't be surprised if he declined, he might trust issues from what that demon have done to him in the past. The thought of what that demon damaging this boy to the point he can't trust anyone now has my blood boiling with rage. I feel rage spreading all throughout my body that my vision is turning red along with stinging sensation on my demonic eye.

"Wh-why should I tr-trust you?" The boy quietly whispers, his tone showing me how scared he is.

Before responding to him, I take in a deep breath and slowly calm myself down as I exhale. I can't scare him off with my pent up rage and it'll only make him more distrustful of me. I bring my unique set of color eyes up at him and reply, "You shouldn't trust me, but that's why I want to help you. What that demon has done to you, it's unforgivable and he doesn't deserve to be alive. However, I don't kill unless it's absolutely necessary and if you come with me, I will do everything that I said earlier. But, you'll need to trust that I won't hurt you."

I didn't think it was necessary for me to tell him that he had to trust me because he doesn't. Trusting someone has to be earned and saving him from that demon isn't enough reasons for him to automatically trust me. I haven't experienced what he did, but even I'm aware how selfish it sounds for someone to ask that I trust them. The best response I can give him is that he risks allowing me to care for him without hurting him.

And so, I waited patiently for him to answer me while I kept my ears out for the demon in case he decided to surprise me with an attack. He hasn't as of yet, but I keep my guard up since he didn't look like the sort to give up that easily to someone physically weaker than him. For the boy's sake, I hope he remains on the ground until he goes somewhere far away from that lowly demon.

"Th-then. . . I. . . I'll go with. . . Y-you. . ." The boy whispers softly with his head hung low, a sniff following after.

"Smashing. Can you stand?" I ask as I rise from the ground. The boy nods and stands up as well. However, when he gets on his feet, his legs shake that he almost fell to the ground if I didn't caught him in time.

"I-I-I'm so sorry! I-I didn't-" He apologizes quickly before interrupting him.

"Don't apologize. There's nothing for you to apologize when your legs can't support your weight. I'll carry you." I cut in and swiftly lift him into my arms.

The boy's body tenses immediately after I have him settled in my arms, but I made sure he didn't have any sort of contact with my chest by giving him a bit of space away from me. Afterwards, I scan my eyes for Damian who is nowhere to be found and the demon I took down remains where I left him. Good, he got the point.

As for Damian, I'm going to have to go look through each room until I find him. He better not be in the middle of having intercourse with someone here. I'm not going to drag him out of that with a frightened boy present. I'll bloody leave him there, I have no problem returning home to care for this boy on my own.

"Wh-where are you taking me?" The boy practically whimpers, his fear present in his voice.

"To look for my friend. He was here with me, but left me a little before I went to help you. Do you mind if I search for him or would you rather I take you to my house now?" I explain while I continue to roam for a black haired demon.

"Take me away. . . Pl-please. . ." He begs in a soft whisper as his body begins to shake again.

Nodding my head, I redirected my walk towards the nearest exit I could find which was a little over to my right but across from a crowd of people. I'll be receiving a few looks from them by walking through them. However, if I summon a portal, it won't take so long but it would draw people's attention towards me. Not to mention that the boy in arms is eager to head anywhere from this place.

"Certainly then. We won't take long, I promise." I declare and maneuver around everyone blocking the exit from me. Very few of them didn't noticed I was carrying someone as I pass them. The ones that did kept staring far longer than necessary that by the time I left the licentious establishment, I was in a irritable mood.

"Where do you live?" The boy asks at the same time I began to run in my usual accelerated pace.

"In the middle of the woods close to London. Do not worry about that demon trying to follow us, he won't be capable of entering my property without invitation from either me or my family." I assure, sprinting through the familiar path I have memorized over the years since moving to our home and teaching my three siblings every possible route to return home.

The boy nods his head, but says nothing more to my answer to his question. I continue to head home with the boy in my arms without tiring myself out since I can lift any object beyond my weight with ease. At least, according to my mother, I'm perfectly able to lift Buckingham Palace on my own and I wouldn't be exhausted. So comparing the two distinct weights, the boy weighs the same as a feather for me.

My house appears before me within seconds before I set down the boy due to the fact he's neither a human or an animal to get pass my mother's barriers around the premises unless invited by name. With that being said, I pondered whether or not I should use my demon eye to read his soul as I have done to Alexandru a long time ago but I don't think it will sit well with him if I did. Tilting my head down to face the boy, I notice he was a few inches shorter than I am and he was either malnourished or he has a lean figure shape. I believe it's the first.

"I have to invite you inside if you want to pass through my mother's barriers around my house." I announce and see his expression turn to confusion.

"Isn't it normally when you're in front of the door to do such a thing instead of being this far out?" The boy notes as he looks up at me.

"Yes, that it is the usual custom. But, this in particular requires either me or someone in my family to allow you access to step foot into our home. The protection spells around the house are quite powerful and could vaporize you if you're not either a human or an animal." I explain while his body stiffens towards the end.

"How will you invite me inside?" He asks with a bit of fear in his voice.

"I'm going to need your name." I state, watching his expression returning to confusion again. He probably thought I'll need to do something drastic to invite him. The thought of him coming up with such a thing brought out a small chuckle from me before I add, "I know, not exactly the best way to learn someone's name and it's certainly a bit odd. Do forgive me for laughing."

Oddly enough, a small smile made its way on the boy's face and not one of those forced type of smiles. It was a genuine one, perhaps even the first genuine smile he has made in who knows how long. I'll have to remember to ask him how long he has been in that demon's captivity once he has done what I promised to him. Maybe after he has a good night's sleep as well.

"My name is Jeong Kang-Dae." The boy declares.

"A pleasure to meet you, Jeong. My name is Garrick Gastrell." I respond and hold my hand out to him.

"I seem to have forgotten that in England, you introduce yourselves differently than I do back when I lived in Korea. I'm sorry, but my first name is Kang-Dae and my last name is Jeong. I'm assuming that your first name is Garrick?" Kang-Dae clarifies as he shakes my hand.

"Yes, but I'm the one that should be sorry. I didn't know that there were different customs in other countries." I apologize bashfully since I never knew about other countries' cultures. Actually, I don't really know much about other countries' history other than England's and those that were under England's rule.

My mother has been the one who taught me and my siblings everything there is to know about England since she was there when the Anglo-Saxons settled in Britain. Over the years, she has helped the ruling families become one of the strongest nations in the world. In return, they appointed her and her descendants as the Viscountess of Gastrell under her request since a viscount is ranked below an earl but above a baron in the nobility and my mother didn't want to draw attention to herself. I'm going to have to do a some more studying on other countries after I finish my contract with Galvin. Starting with Korea.

I walk pass the barrier's border and turn to face Kang-Dae as I shout clearly, "I, Garrick Gastrell, invite Jeong Kang-Dae to my home and become the sole person responsible for him."

Kang-Dae turns his head left and right as though he were expecting something else to happen before he lands his eyes on me. I nod my head encouragingly and he takes one hesitant step forward, passing the barrier's border in doing so. When nothing continues to happen, he walks to me with more confidence in his steps. Once he reaches me, I lead him to the front door and step inside.

"Your house is big. . . Is it just you and your mother?" Kang-Dae questions as we pass through the large foyer, heading straight towards the curve staircase on the right.

"No, I have four other siblings- two brothers and two sisters- and my father here as well. However, one of my brothers is out with his contractor right now so it's really me, my three sibling, and my parents. Oh, and the friend I mentioned earlier stays here from time to time." I answer while reaching the top of the stairs then going to my right where we have one of the large bathrooms aside from the one in the master bedroom my parents use.

"Are all of you demons?" Kang-Dae questions, but it sounded more like an accusation. I stop in mid step before I turn around to face Kang-Dae's fearful expression. How did he knew I was part demon?

"How did you-" I begin to ask before he interrupted me, as though he expected me to ask that particular question.

"Because the place you rescued me from is only for demons and their pets. I can smell other demons in this house! Where did you bring me?!" Kang-Dae demands with a look of fear and hurt while tears begin to fall down his cheeks.

A demon establishment? That explains why no one said a word about the vulgarity taking place inside because demons are known to be incredibly sexual along with spreading evil and causing havoc around the earth. It also explains why no one would help Kang-Dae from being mistreated by that demon man. It's as Damian said, demons long to submit to someone or dominant someone to their will.

Kang-Dae was unfortunately victim of having a demon dominating him to their will with no other demon showing interest in helping him. I brought him here in a house full of demon hybrids' scent which must have triggered a horrible memory for him. The only bright side to this situation is that no one else is home which should give me enough time to calmly explain to him what we are before my family returns. Seeing if he's not afraid of me yet.

*Nickole's Note*
Hey, guys! I did it! I wrote this super long chapter for you guys! You're welcome! I have a few Fun Facts I want to go over and an announcement to make. Okay? Good! Here we go!

1. The picture above is how Jeong Kang-Dae looks like and the model portraying him is Korean actor Kang Ha-neul.

2. The way Garrick took down a demon bigger than him is true! I looked up some self defense videos so I could accurately describe how to get out of a situation rather than trying to make them up and I found one video that has a way to get out of a choke hold that way. I would have send you a link but I forgot where I found it, sorry!

3. If you guys don't know, some Asian countries like Korea and Japan introduce themselves by last name then first name. So, Jeong Kang-Dae's first name is Kang-Dae and his last name is Jeong.

4. The whole part with Anglo-Saxons settling in Britain is true! Along with the viscount's ranking is true and yes, this means Garrick is also a viscount.

And that's all! Wow, a lot more facts today than the last chapter I believe. Now let's talk about today's chapter. First off, the ending was not how I wanted it to end. I got so into writing that Q&A thing between Kang-Dae and Garrick that I could've gone on and on, but I had to end the chapter somehow and that was the best place for it. The next thing, Kang-Dae will be a recurring character from now on and you'll see why in the next chapter. We'll be learning more about Kang-Dae in the next one and where his role will be in the story. As always, I hope you guys liked the chapter and I will try to get the next chapter up as soon as I can. If you guys have any questions about when I'll update the next chapter or why I'm taking so long, please check out my activity page for more information. Until then, I'll see you guys next time! Enjoy~

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