My Master Skywalker - Book(2)

By RogersSkywalkerR5er

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Book (2) Sequel to Falling For Skywalker! Skywalker Series. Raina Starlight is the daughter a Commander in t... More

The New Republic
Weight of The Galaxy
The New Republic Consitution
First Padawan.
Together Again
The Balcony
Jedi Temple
Jedi Archives
First Mission
Growing Tension
Begining Of A New Order
The Corscant Festival Ball
The Chase
Letting Go
A Royal Birthday
Birthday Suprise
Tagged Again!
Star Wars Tag!!
Suprise Proposal
The Deal
Letting Him Go
Knighting Ceremony
The Search
A Feeling
The Truth
Pass On What You Have Learned
First Lesson
One Day Left
Royal Wedding
Visions and Negotiations
Wishes and Negotiations
Answers on Jaccu
Last Chance
Meeting Again
Return to Corscant
Pushed Away
No Longer Alone
What Are These Feelings?
Jedi Academy
Taken Back
Back On Endor
Late Nights
Beautiful Place
Trusting You
I Love You
Mysterious Presence
Back At It
Back Home
Telling Him and The Engagement
Making Plans
Our Secret Wedding


1.3K 41 4
By RogersSkywalkerR5er

Raina's POV.

The next day Raina, Luke and Artoo went to Jacen's home. They knocked on the door and it was answered by Jacen's mother. Raina and Luke smiled.

"Good morning Mrs. Rehala." Raina greeted.

She nodded to them both.

Good morning To you both. Please, do come in." She smiled.

Raina and Luke walked in as she closed the door.

"Mrs. Rehala I must apologize for my charade the other night. You see, I didn't want to reveal the truth to you until I was sure that your son was Force sensitive." Raina told her.

Mrs. Rehala nodded and smiled. "I understand. I must say I am very honored that you sought my son out." She smiled warmly.

Raina smiled back. She heard Luke clear his throat. Raina's eyes widened as she realized she had not yet introduced Luke.

"Oh! Mrs. Rehala I would like you to meet Master Luke Skywalker." She introduced.

Mrs. Rehala smiled at Luke and shook his hand. He bowed his head.

"It is an honor to meet you, Master Skywalker."

He smiled. "The honor is mine I assure you."

Artoo beeped, gaining everyone's attention.

Luke chuckled. "And this is our loyal droid R2D2."

Mrs. Rehala chuckled at the droid. "Hello R2D2."

Artoo beeped again.

Mrs. Rehala lead them all into her kitchen.

"Please sit. I have some refreshments for you."

Raina and Luke sat at the kitchen table. Jacen's mother put some fresh fruit and bread on the table along with a pitcher of water and two glasses.

"Thank you." Luke said politely.

Mrs. Rehala nodded and sat down.

Luke soon began to speak. "Mrs. Rehala, Raina believes he is strong with the Force and I myself can feel that it is strong within him. We believe he has the ability to be a very strong Jedi."

Mrs. Rehala nodded unfazed.

Luke looked at her in confusion.
"I'm curious. . .you don't seem shocked that we are Jedi, nor do you seem like a disbeliever in the Force, when most are. May I ask why?"

Jacen's Mother looked down. "My older brother Galen Erso was a genius even as child. My parents recognized his talent immediately. They supplied him with anything and everything to grow his mind. Soon he was out learning all the other children including me."

Mrs. Rehala took a breath. "One day some Jedi came to Grange the same as you to search for Force sensitives. They encountered my brother by happenstance and  believed him to be strong with the Force. Which explained why he was always able to focus and see something before putting it down on paper. It wasn't just an idea it was a vision." She sighed.

"They went to my parents and requested that Galen go back with them to Coruscant and become a Jedi. They told hem that Galen was strong with the Force. My parents on the other hand didn't want Galen to leave. They had always believe he would be successful and become a famous inventor/genius. The Jedi tried to persuade my parents, but my mother especially wouldn't have it. So they left without Galen."

"My parents hadn't known, but Galen had wanted to go with them. He believed that he was meant for more than just. . .genius. He wanted to be more, but because he was only child he stayed behind. Through the rest of his life he was always getting into trouble, not knowing which path was right or wrong. We lost contact eventually after he, his wife and daughter moved away, but I heard rumors that he did some terrible things." She told Luke and Raina.

"And do you believe the Jedi were right about Galen?" He asked.

"I believe that he was very strong with the Force indeed. I also believe that if he would have been allowed to go with the Jedi, he wouldn't t have made those terrible mistakes. He would have been more." She said.

Luke nodded. "I see."

"Galen did believe strongly in the Force, but because of his work he was never able to open himself to it."

"Is that why you are supportive of your son coming with us?" Raina asked.

Mrs. Rehala nodded. "Yes. I've always been able to tell that Jacen was strong with the Force. He would always have these incredible instincts. I knew it wasn't just coincidence. I don't want to fail Jacen like my parents failed Galen." She admitted.

"You are making a very honorable and generous decision Mrs. Rehala. We thank you. And your son is very lucky to have a mother like you."

Mrs. Rehala smiled. "Thank you."

Luke looked over to Raina, then back to Jacen's mother. "Well, is there anything you would like to know about the Jedi or. . .?"

"No. I can see that you are true Jedi and that my son will be safe with you. You have full permission to take him with you to Coruscant."

Luke smiled gratefully. "Thank you Mrs. Rehala."

Raina and Luke both stood. "I'm afraid we must leave now to get our ship ready and finish our packing. Let your son know that we will be back to pick him up around four." Luke told the woman.

She nodded. "I will. Good day, Masters." She bowed her head.

Luke and Raina both bowed. "Good day and May the Force be with you." Luke said.
"Come along Artoo." He told the droid.

The three of them left.

Later that day after they had packed Luke and Raina went back to the Rehala house to pick up Jacen. He was already outside waiting with his mother.

"It's time, Jacen." Luke announced masterfully.

Jacen nodded and turned to his mother. She had tears in her eyes, but looked very proud. Raina and Luke turned away to let them say there goodbyes.

After a few minutes Jacen walked to them. "I'm ready."

He nodded.

They said their goodbyes to Mrs. Rehala and headed off to their ships.

Jacen's mother let him take his fathers old one-maned ship while Luke and Raina took their X-Wings. After firing up their engines, they all left for Coruscant.

Once they arrived on Coruscant they were met by Han and Leia. Luke walked up to his sister and they embraced, while Raina stood back with Jacen. She could feel how uncomfortable he was and wanted to give him some comfort.

"That's Princess Leia, Luke's twin sister." She informed the young boy.

"Really? I wouldn't have guessed."

Raina laughed. He was right Leia and Luke looked nothing alike.

Just then Han came over to Raina. "Hey!" He greeted her.

She smiled and hugged him. "Hi, Han."

"So who's the kid?" He asked eyeing the boy.

Raina smiled and looked at Jacen. "Han, this is Jacen Rehala. Jacen this is General Han Solo."

Han reached out and shook Jacen's hand. "Good to meet ya' kid. So I take it you've come to join up with these two."

Jacen nodded. "Yes sir, I have."

"You'll have two keep an eye on these two. They have an untold history you know." Han teased.

Raina's eyes widened and she glared at Han. "Han. . ." She said in a warning tone.

He laughed. "What? I'm kidding!"

Raina rolled her eyes. Sure he was.

"Lighten up, Starlight." He joked.

"Only if you behave yourself, Solo." Raina shot back.

"Now when have you known me to ever behave myself?" He asked as Leia and Luke came up beside him.

"Never." Leia commented.

Han chuckled.

"Hey, Raina." Leia smiled fondly.

"Hi, Leia." She hugged her.

When they released she looked over at Jacen and smiled. "And who is this young man?" She asked.

Luke went over to  stand next to Raina. He smiled. "Leia, this is Jacen Rehala our new padawan. Jacen this is my sister Princess Leia Organa."

Jacen bowed respectfully to Leia. She smiled at the boy.

"It's a pleasure to meet you your highness." Jacen said.

"The pleasure is mine, Jacen." Leia answered sweetly.

"Well, we should be going to the temple. Jacen still needs to get settled in." Luke told the two.

"Alright. see you tonight at dinner?" Leia asked.

"Of course." Luke answered his sister

The five parted ways.

When they got to the temple Luke and Raina lead Jacen inside. Raina watched as Jacen took in the beautiful temple.

"Artoo, you can go on to my room. I'll be there in a bit." Luke told the droid.

Artoo whistled a reply and rolled off.

Luke, Raina and Jacen all went to the dorms and came to the room that Luke had prepared beforehand.

"This will be your permanent dorm room from now on. Raina's room is just down the hall and mine is on the next level." Luke told Jacen.

Jacen nodded. Luke opened the door to the room and they all walked in.

"Well, we should let you get settled. If you need anything just come find me or Raina. We'll all be going to the palace to have dinner with my sister and her fiancé tonight, so be ready by five." Luke told him kindly.

"Yes, Master Skywalker." Jacen answered.

"Very good. We'll see you then. May the Force be with you." Luke said in a masterful tone.

"And with you." Jacen answered.

Raina and Luke left his room.

Luke sighed heavily as hey walked down the hall. "So. . .our first padawan." He commented.

"You mean your second padawan. I was your first." Raina reminded.

Luke smiled. "I know, but now your a Jedi Knight. So this is our first padawan together." He told her.

Raina felt a strange feeling when he said our padawan together. She needed the feeling to go away.

"Um. . .don't you think he should be. . .your padawan? I mean you are a full Jedi Master. I'm only a Knight." She told him.

"A Knight can train a padawan. If you succeed you can become a master. And well. . . I've actually been thinking. A while back I made the decision that after successfully training you, as I had promised, . . .I would then begin training Leia." He told her.

Raina nodded. "So your taking her on as your new apprentice?" She asked.

"I would like to, yes. Whether Leia will agree to learn or not. . .I don't know."

"So who will teach Jacen if Leia becomes your new padawan?" She asked.

Luke stopped walking and turned to her.
"Well, I was thinking. . .you could teach him." He said surprising her.
"I would of course be there for you whenever you needed advice or anything." He added.

Raina was shocked. Train a padawan of her own? She had just become a Jedi Knight. Was she ready to take on such a task? Luke must have noticed Raina's anxiety, because he looked at her seriously.


She turned to meet his eyes.

"Your ready. I can feel it. You won't fail Jacen. I know it. Your a excellent Jedi. Your ready." He told her.

Raina looked away from Luke, to the ground. After thinking about it she looked back at him. "Well, if you think I'm ready then. . .it would be an honor." She said professionally.

Luke smiled. "It would only happen if Leia agrees of course." Luke assured her.

Raina nodded. "Of course."

The two walked to Raina's room.

"Well, I'll see you later this evening." Luke told her, as she opened her door.

"Yeah I'll see you."

As she began to close the door she decided to stop and ask. "Are you going to talk to Leia tonight about training to become a Jedi?"

Luke nodded. "I am,. . .or at least that's the plan."

"I see, well. . .I better get unpacked. See you later." Raina said.

"Alright. See you."

Raina closed the door.

Luke's POV.

Luke walked into his room and was greeted by Artoo.

He smiled at the droid. "Hey, Artoo. Let's get you charged up." Luke said as he dropped his pack on the bed and headed over to the charging station with Artoo.

He plugged the droid in and sat down on his bed.

"Now I just have to convince Leia." Luke said taking to himself.

He sighed. "I haven't mentioned it to her since I went to go face Vader. What if she decides she doesn't want to learn? What do I do then?" Luke asked.

Artoo beeped from his charging station. "Why does she need to learn? Because Obi-Wan told me that she was strong with the Force just as I am. I can sense it in her even now. If she doesn't learn it would be a great waist. She's so strong and patient. She has the perfect qualities for a Jedi." Luke explained. Luke sighed. "I just hope she can see it too."

Later that night Luke, Raina and Jacen all went to the palace to have dinner with Han, Leia, and Chewie. Han and Jacen got to talk quite a lot. Eventually Jacen seemed to get comfortable with everyone including Chewie. Luke could sense him relaxing more and more throughout the night.

He could also still feel Raina's anxiety. He knew she was insecure about training her own padawan, but he knew she could do it. She was a better Jedi than he was already.

After dinner everyone was standing around talking with one another. Han and Chewie were in the middle of talking to Jacen, while Raina and Leia were talking to one another. Meanwhile Luke stood by a window with a champagne glass in his hand.

Finally Luke felt like it was the right time to talk to Leia. He walked over to Leia and Raina. Raina and Luke made eye contact. She knew what he was doing.

"Hey, Leia. Can I talk to you for a minute?" He asked his sister.

She looked up at him. "Sure, Luke."

He lead her out onto the balcony. "Luke what's going on?" She asked in concern.

Luke turned to her. "Leia. . .do you remember when I told you that you had the same power as I do? And that in time you would learn to use it as I have?" He asked.
Leia thought back for a moment and nodded. "I do, but what does-"

"It does. Just listen."

She nodded.

Luke took a deep breath and continued. "Leia after taking some time to think about it I believe that you are ready to begin your training to become a Jedi." Luke announced.

Leia's eye's widened. "What?"

"Yes. Leia the Force is strong in you. I can feel it. You already have the qualities of a great Jedi. Patients, self-control, kindness, generosity and so many other great qualities. You would make a wonderful Jedi!" Luke exclaimed.

Leia looked as if she were in shock. "Luke, me? A Jedi?"

"Yes, Leia. You. I could teach you everything I know. Everything I taught Raina. You'd be my second apprentice. And if it seemed too hard we could start out slowly and take as much time as you need." He encouraged her.

Leia shook her head and put her fingers to her left temple. "Luke, I'm getting married soon. You can't just ask me to give up marriage to become a Jedi."

Luke shook his head. "I'm not, Leia. You can get married and still become a Jedi." He assured her.

"What? But I thought Jedi weren't allowed to get married and that you were sticking to that rule."

"No. I'm not. Only some Jedi can't, but most can."

Leia nodded thoughtfully. "I see."

Luke walked closer to her. "Look, the Force has always been strong in our family. You know that. It would be a waist if you didn't learn how to use it."

Leia shook her head unsure about it all. "Luke. . .I just don't know. . .Darth Vader he-"

"He wasn't strong. You are. Leia, I stand strong against the Dark Side. I didn't fall. If I could do it, you can too. Your the strongest of us both." He reminded.

Leia sighed.

"Please, Leia." Luke begged. She looked up at him. "Fine. I'll try it for a while."

He smiled widely and hugged her.

Leia patted his back. "But only because your my brother and I hate to see you when your unhappy." She joked.

Luke chuckled and pulled away. "It's really a pitiful sight and doesn't look good on the Grand Master Jedi." She teased.

Luke chuckled. "Thanks, Leia. You won't regret it."

She smiled still unsure. "Your welcome. Now let's go back inside. I'll need to break the news to Han. He'll most likely have a fit."

Luke breathed a laugh and nodded. Once they went inside Leia took Han by the arm and began to talk to him, while Luke took Raina and told her.

"What is it?" Raina asked.

Luke smiled. "She said yes!" He exclaimed.

Raina's smile faltered ever so slightly. "That's great, Luke!" She exclaimed half-heartedly.

Luke looked at her, sensing her fear. "Raina, please believe me. You'll make a wonderful master. Trust me."

She nodded reluctantly."Thanks."

"No problem. Now why don't you go and tell Jacen." She nodded and went to Jacen.

Raina's POV.

Raina walked over to Jacen who was standing by the doorway.

"Enjoying yourself?" She asked.

He nodded. "Yeah, I really like your friends. They seem nice." He commented.

"They are. So. . . I have some news." She began.

"Really? What news?" He asked.

"Luk-Master Skywalker and I just discussed who your master would be and. . .he came to the decision that I would be your master from now on."

Jacen nodded. "Sounds good."

Raina smiled. "Luke would teach you, but he already has a padawan of his own and it would be a lot to take on another one." She explained.

"He does? Who?"

"His sister, Leia." "Really? Why doesn't she live at the temple?" Jacen asked.

"Because she's also a politician and because of her title she must live here at the palace."

Jacen nodded. "I see. Well, I promise you won't regret being my master. I won't fail you." He said seriously.

Raina smiled. "I know you won't, Jacen." She patted him on the shoulder.

'I just hope I don't fail you.' She thought.

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