The Breeze [Tony Starks Daugh...

By stark-11-industries

869K 22.1K 28.2K

The Breeze | "I am your father." "I thought we were playing out a Star Wars scene." ... More

Lifes A Breez
1. Lil Intro
2. Star Wars Right?
3. Wake up! Shopping Time
4. Peter and Hero Time
5. School? Nah.
6. Bad Dreams = Hospital
7. LA
8. $Starks Daughter$
9. My mom is a bitch...
10. You promise? I promise.
Skylar's Foster Home Cast
11. Spider-Boy
12. Failure Tattoo
13. Orange Haired Stalker
14. Shocker
15. Didn't see that coming...
16. Washington D.C.
17. Captain America
18. Don't Trust Anyone
19. Ghost Story
20. Relationship Advice From An Assassin
21. Breaking Down
22. Big ol' Breakfast
23. Sit-Well in Hell
24. Fear
25. Peter Has Beautiful Abs.
26. Soldier
28. Secrets
29. Thinking
30. Academic Decathlon
31. Jelly Glass
Avengers: Age of Ultron
32. Dead Stars
33. Getting Better
35. New Girl, New Friends
Avengers: Age of Ultron
36. The Start Of Bad News
37. It's A Party Y'all
38. All I Want Is Honesty
39. Memory
40. Ew, Ultron
41. Normal
42. Africa
43. Africa Aftermath

34. Blossom

8.6K 289 309
By stark-11-industries

New York seemed darker than usual. The skyscraper lighting didn't shine as bright. I sniffed fighting the cold air that speared at my face. I caught a whiff of the rotting trash that from the rotting dumpster beside me. 

I swear, there needs to be a superhero changing site. I am tired of changing in alleyways.

 I jumped up, zipping my dark blue catsuit up as I was in the air. As I landed, my foot settled on a can near the dumpster, rolling me backward and onto my butt. 

Wow, that was attractive.

I stood up as the sound of a gunshot echoed across the brick buildings of New York.  I tugged my eye mask down, brushing up against the cut on my cheek. 

The Breeze was back bitches.

"Time to go fight some little assholes," I muttered under my breath, tightening my fists that cracked with blue energy.

I flew over to the sight where the gunshots were coming from and landed on a building close by. 

A shadow of a man towered over a younger looking woman. The dimmed light from the street enlightened the situation. The woman was young -probably in her late twenties. The man and the woman's eyes were rimmed with red. Drugs?

Probably an abusive relationship.

Or maybe he didn't get the money he was promised.

Well, whatever it was, the cops could deal with them when I was done. All I had to do was defuse the situation.

I marked out a plan in my head. I slowly levitated down to the alley.

"Hey, I don't think she wants that gun to her head dude," I spoke up with an uneasy chuckle as I landed on the ground. Both of the adult's heads snapped to me. The man was immediately defensive.

"Get out of here, kid. This is none of your business," The man growled, stepping closer. He kept the gun pointed at the girl shaking it around with a nervous look in his eyes.

"How is this not my problem? Just because the gun isn't pointed at my head?" I gradually stepped closer. My eyes shot to the woman. Her eyes were screaming for me to do something, or maybe to get out, but I took it as the first option.

"I said get out of here," The man said again.

"Wow, good one. You really like to change it up hmm?" The man raised an eyebrow.

I sighed and unfolded my arms. Can't people humor me?

"Okay, so this is the part where I run at you and steal your gun. And then you're all like 'Holy shit. How'd you do that'. And then I'm all like 'I'm the breeze bitch.' Okay? Do you have your roll down? Yeah? Okay." I sped over to him in a flash.

Everything slowed down. I could see the woman's freckled face trail with slow tears coming from her bright green eyes. The man had a steely glare pointed at my previous spot. His dark brown hair was slicked back with gel all the way to his tattoo on his neck, which was a green snake. Hmm. This guy must be into Riverdale.

I grabbed the gun out of his hand and ran back to my initial spot. I waved humorously as the man looked at his hand that had previously been holding the gun. "What the hell?"

"No. That's not your line." I groaned and rolled my head back. Do you see what I have to work with? "Okay, you know what? You're bothering me. I'm gonna call the cops."

The man tried to charge at me, but I just ran to the side. I held up a hand to my mouth as I let out a yawn. "Bro, for real. I'm tired, and I just wanna go to sleep."

I grabbed my phone out of my combat boot. As I began to dial a red and blue spandex fell into the alley.

"Yo, Spidey!" I called out with a smile as I dialed the last digit. His head snapped to my voice, and if I could see his face, it would be one of shock. He stumbled backward and the lenses of his goggles widened immensely.

"Sk-What? What -What are you -" He cut himself off as he stared at me, rubbing the back of his neck. I raised an eyebrow at the weird teenager.

Why does he sound so flipping familiar? God, it's starting to bug me.

How much you want to bet he's going to my school, might even sit next to me in one of my classes. God, I would hate myself for being so stupid.

"I'm calling the cops on the guy behind you. You might want to watch out -" The man charged at Spider-Man and threw a punch to his eye. I winced, that must have hurt. Spidey fought the guy and eventually knocked him out, while I talked to the woman on the phone.

"Hey, lady. Are you okay?" I asked walking over to the overly shocked woman. She stood there speechless with her mouth agape. "Everything is going to be okay. If you just want to talk to the police and tell them what happened -"

The woman cut me off with a scared look in her eye. "I-I can't talk to the police. I-I have drugs on me a-and I -" The woman held her hand against her mouth, holding a choked sob. "I-I have kids. I can't go to jail."

I was frozen for a second. My heart stopped, and I fought the tears that wanted to spill. How could she get into this nasty business when she had kids? I understand that you have to do bad things sometimes to survive, but she's not only risking herself -she's risking her kids. If she's gone, they'll go into foster care.

"Yeah -uh. I understand. Then we gotta get you out of here."

I turned to look at Spider-Man. "Hey, Spidey, I gotta get her out of here."

"What are you talking about? The police need to talk to her," Spider-Man stepped closer placing a hand on my shoulder. I squinted at him. We weren't that close -we had only fought crime a couple of times together.

I shook his hand off of my shoulder. "She's got kids, dude. I'm not letting a kid go into foster care because of me."

Spider-Man shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Just go. I'll deal with the cops."


I had led the woman back to her apartment where her kids had greeted her with big smiles. I yanked on the woman's wrist before she could leave. "You need to quit the drugs. Next time I might not be there to save you. You don't want these kids growing up wondering why their mom abandoned them for something as stupid as drugs."

She nodded quickly as tears ran down her cheeks. "Thank you."

I left, glancing back only once. The kids hugged their mother and wiped away her tears.

So many questions erupted inside of me.

What if someone would have smacked some sense into my mother?

What if she would have stopped all of the drinking and the drugs?

But I guess, in the end, that was all just a bunch of what ifs.

And anyway, I like my life now with the Avengers and my dad.

I tiptoed back into my house, passing the kitchen and the living room. It was much more dangerous to sneak out of the house these days with five Avengers living on the same floor and the enhanced security Tony put in. I already knew Jarvis would alert all of the Avengers that I snuck out, so I hacked into Jarvis to make it seem like I never left.

"Skylar, you're up late."


My breath hitched, and I turned around mid-tiptoe.

Steven freaking Rogers. I hate people that wake up early -or stay up late. It was only 12:00 am.

"I'm a teenager, Steve. Teenagers stay up late. Old people go to bed early -maybe you should try that," I said, walking over to his seat on the couch.

"I'm gonna have to tell your dad that you snuck out... again."

"Straight to the point, huh? Well, you actually don't have to tell him..." I trailed off with a mischevious look. Steve glared at me and stood up, walking down the hallway towards the rooms.

"You don't have to tell him right now!" I whisper-shouted, waving my hand around to get his attention. At least I didn't have my superhero get-up on still. Tony would freak out if he knew I was fighting crime again. I sunk down into the couch, trying to get the waterworks going -he always fell for them.


Grounded for the whole month. That was my punishment for saving a woman and making sure her kids didn't go into the foster system.

Don't you just love how life works out? I know I do.

Was that too much sarcasm? Cause I could practically feel it vibrating off of me.

"So, can I maybe, finally, go back to school?" I asked Tony with a gleaming smile. Tony glanced up from his breakfast with an uninterested look.

I kept the sigh from blasting out of my mouth. Whenever Tony gave me that look, it usually meant no way you dum squirrel.

"How about we wait another day?" I scoffed.

"No. That's what you said yesterday, and the day before that," I whined, crossing my arms over my chest. I haven't been to school in three weeks.

Do you realize how long three weeks is? It's almost a month. Almost a whole freaking month.

It's like he wants me to be stressed with how much homework and other assignments I need to do when he finally lets me go back. Cause stress is the best thing for a fifteen-year-old with PTSD. Yeah, okay.

"I'm still wondering if it would be best for you to go to a new school. A private school-" I began to argue, but Tony quickly held a finger up. "Just let me explain. They have better security at a private school, and that means what happened to you won't happen again. Don't you want to be safe?"

They can't possibly have that great of security. Tony could barely stop the orange haired lunatic.

"Yes, of course, I want to be safe, but I shouldn't live in fear of what might happen. Dad, I just want to go to school. My school. Midtown High." I breathed in after delivering my hopefully eyeopening speech. Tony frowned and shook his head.

"I've already signed you up for Riverdale Prep's School of New York." I wanted to laugh. I would be going to Riverdale. The name of the school in one of my favorite comics, Archie. I think there's a higher source trying to make life comedic.

Well, to whoever you are, it's not funny.

"No. No way. I won't do it."

"I've already paid for it. So, unless you want that large amount of money that I spent to get you into the school in the middle of the year to go to waste, then you're going." Tony smiled in, knowing he had won. He knew I didn't like when he spent large amounts of money on me -and he knew I wouldn't waste his money.

"Fine. But I'm not wearing a uniform."


I had to wear a uniform.

I crossed my arms in the principal office as Tony, and I waited for the principal -or headmaster- to come. I looked down at my plaid red and green skirt and ruffled out my long sleeve white shirt. I folded my black jacket and placed it on my forearm. I can't believe this was happening to me.

God, I was wearing a black bow in my hair for Christ's sake.

"Sorry for the wait. I was finding a student that could show you around, Ms. Stark," A man suddenly reported, walking into the large room. He looked quite old, and I assumed he was the headmaster. His pale forehead was creased as he went through a folder in his hands, flipping pages. "I hear you are quite smart, one of the reasons we were able to accept you into the school in the middle of the year."

"And my dad's money," I murmured loudly, casting my eyes down to my knee-length black socks and black shoes.

"Sorry, she's got a bit of an attitude. I'm sure she shouldn't be a problem though," Tony concluded with a grimace.

"Really?" The headmaster questioned looking down at what I assumed was my records. His eyes widened as they reached the end of the paper. "Well, I hope not. We do not stand for rule breakers at Riverdale Prep."

An uncomfortable cough was sounded from the door, gaining our attention. It was a boy.

He looked about my age, maybe older - I couldn't tell with his height. He had short orange hair that stood up in the front and achingly blue eyes. The exact opposite of the boy I loved.

His mouth was twisted to the side as he glanced to the headmaster and then back to me. "This is Jason Carter," The headmaster informed," He will be showing you around the school." I quirked an eyebrow up. Wow, a Jason attending a school called Riverdale. At least his last name isn't Blossom cause if it were I would be on the floor laughing till I was dead. I'm not exaggerating. That's how funny it would be.

I nodded. The boy stepped aside, telling me silently that the tour was starting now. I walked ahead, taking only one look back. Tony had a smile of encouragement, but I just glared in return. His face dropped, suddenly saddened, but I didn't care. If I had to go through this shit, then it wasn't going to be easy on him.

I flipped my phone out of my pocket as the boy's deep voice went on and on, telling me about the history of the school and where everything was. I sent a text to Peter. I hadn't been in contact with him for three weeks since Tony took my electronics away from me. He probably thought I fell off the face of the Earth if it wasn't for the magazines that plastered my face, showing where I was seen last.

To my surprise he texted back right away.

Wonderful Amazing Skylar
Hey Pete. I have a lot of explaining to do. Text me back please. P.S. Tony took my phone that's why I didn't call you.

Hot Dude With Abs
Where have you been?

Wonderful Amazing Skylar
At home mostly. Therapist sometimes -not anymore. I've been going through PTSD shit.

Hot Dude With Abs
Are you okay?

Wonderful Amazing Skylar
I'm fine. Feeling a lot better, but you're going to be mad.

Hot Dude With Abs
I won't be mad at you - whatever it is.

Wonderful Amazing Skylar
Not at me... Hopefully.
Just in general

Hot Dude With Abs
Okay, you're freaking me out. Can you just tell me?

Wonderful Amazing Skylar
I don't attend Midtown anymore
I'm at a private school
I didn't want to, but my dad made me
I tried to talk him out of it, but he already paid for it

Hot Dude With Abs
WHAT? You're not going to midtown.

Wonderful Amazing Skylar
I know. But don't worry, we can still hang out, just after school

Hot Dude With Abs
I hate this.

Wonderful Amazing Skylar
Me too. Don't go finding some other girl in midtown, please

Hot Dude With Abs
That won't be a problem. Don't go finding a stupid dude at your new school, please

Wonderful Amazing Skylar
I don't know; these guys are quite good looking...

Hot Dude With Abs
Not funny.

Wonderful Amazing Skylar
Kind of funny. I got to go bye. See you after school? Delmar's?

Hot Dude With Abs
Sounds like a date.

I smiled down at my phone. Peter wasn't mad. That was one good thing to start my day off with, and I would be seeing him later, so that was also good.

"And here's our first class," A deep voice spoke. I looked up suddenly aware of what was happening. Jason's creepy blue eyes looked down at me as he gestured to the classroom. I looked up, sliding my phone into my pocket. Science. One of my better subjects.

"Thanks, Blossom," I told Jason before walking into the classroom.

"Blossom?" I heard the boy muttered under his breath.

"Aha. Our new student, Skylar Stark," A middle-aged man spoke with a friendly smile that I already hated.

"You can take a seat right behind Allison," The teacher pointed to a brown-haired girl in the middle of the room. She wiggled her fingers at me, with a polite smile. I quickly crossed half of the room and sat in my seat.

"Is your dad Tony Stark?" A boy asked in a hushed whisper as I sat down. He had large squared glasses that made his eyes look like big bubbles.

"No, that would be my mother," I told him with a sarcastic smile. The boy furrowed his eyes in confusion and tapped his chin before grinning at my joke.

"Jeremy's kind of a slow processor when it comes to humor," A sweet but strong voice spoke. I looked over at the brown haired girl that sat in front of me. "Allison."

"Skylar," I said, even though my name had already been announced. "So does this school suck as much as I think it will?"

"It's worse." Her blue eyes flashed in amusement.

 The teacher began to talk, and all the students quieted down. I listened to the teacher drone on for awhile till I got bored with hearing the same thing I had already heard at Midtown. Apparently, Riverdale was just now starting the energy unit, while Midtown had already finished.

I drummed the point of my toe on the ground, rocking it up and down. Watching the clock didn't seem to make the time go any faster here. I was tempted to jump out of my chair and leave the classroom as I would usually do in Midtown, but something stopped me.

Tony wanted this to work. He wanted me to be safe. So, I have to try for him.

This was going to be a living hell.


How much do you hate me? A scale of 1-10? 

Is it 100. 

Yeah, I thought so.










wAIt I jUsT ThOuGhT oF sOMEthING ThAt wOUlD mAkE YoU gUYS hATe ME. yay I love being an author



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