Child of the Dark Knight

By Eingana_Danu_Ngalyod

197 2 0

‼️Currently re-writing this as the story didn't make a lot of sense before, thanks for the patience!‼️ Bruce... More

Author's Note
The Beginning
Meeting Future Friends and Enemies
Strange Friends
Bad Influences
A Vendetta
Development 2
Development 3
Happy Birthday
Fully Formed
Kidnapped again
Holding Grudges
Teaching a Lesson

The Tests

6 0 0
By Eingana_Danu_Ngalyod

Batman's Perspective

I get in the bat mobile to chase after Joker; people are blaming him for a murder; but I can't say he did it until I have evidence. He's killed a man; but I don't know why. I stop when I see cop cars in front of an alleyway; I get out of the bat mobile and talk to Commissioner Gordon. "Hello Batman." He said; "What's going on?" I ask him; "Well; we have a dead body with a slashed throat and a smile on his face; and Joker's knife hanging off the victim's mouth." Gordon told me.

I walked over to the body; and saw exactly what Gordon had described to me. He did have a slashed throat; but I don't remember Joker ever doing something like that; and the smile is the same; and Joker wouldn't leave his knife. "Was it Joker?" Gordon asked me; "I don't think so; it could've been Linda; his daughter." I tell him; "He has a daughter?!" Gordon asks shocked "Yes; she's known to have blackouts when she gets really angry." I told Gordon.

I wouldn't be surprised if Linda only did that because Joker abused his own kid! I thought to myself. I tracked Joker to an abandoned pillow factory; I guess he was in too much of a rush to think of somewhere joke related to hide! I thought. I park my car and walk into the factory; "Joker! I need a word with you about that man you killed!" I shout out; "It wasn't ME!! It was that brat!" Joker yells out in response.

"I honestly didn't expect her to do that though!" Joker chuckled; "Why did she do it?" I asked as Joker jumped in front of me; "Don't ask me!!!" He shouted; "Why don't you ask HERR!!!! I don't know where she is in case you were about to ask." Joker said; I left to go back to the bat cave. "Well bye to you too!" I heard Joker shout.

I need to find out where Linda is... "Alfred; can you find out where Linda is located?" I ask him; "I believe Kate invited her over; don't you remember? She asked you for permission." Alfred replies. Damn... She did...

Kate's Perspective

DING DONG!!! I hear the bell as I lay on my bed. SHE'S HERRRREE!!! I jumped off my bed and raced down stairs; I opened the front door. "Hi!" Linda greets me; "Hellooo!!" I reply; Linda skips into the house. "What do you want to do?" I ask Linda; "Let's watch a scary movie!" She replies excitedly. I get the TV ready and put the DVD in; I sit next to Linda holding the bowl of popcorn.

The movie starts; Linda and I are risking having nightmares watching The Scream. We were watching and eating popcorn; a quarter of a way through the movie I got a blanket and put it over Linda and me. Then we jumped up and screamed when The Scream popped up out of nowhere in the movie! "Hey girls!" Linda and I screamed again; "Whoa it's only me!" Daddy said; "Whoops; sorry sir!" Linda apologized; "It's nice to finally meet you!" daddy told Linda; "Hi nice to meet you too!" Linda said cheerfully. "How are you getting home Linda?" Daddy asked her; "I'll walk; it's not far." Linda said. "Ok; have fun you two!" Daddy said leaving the room.

"I should probably go home now..." Linda sighed; "Ok; I'll see you later?" I replied. Linda nodded and she hugged and I showed her to the door. The next morning; I had to get up; it was Friday. I got up and got changed; I was still tired because I didn't go to sleep until one in the morning.

But last night was fun; even though Linda was only over until midnight. The drive to school was quiet again; Tim was looking out the window. Why the heck did he kiss me?! I asked myself; I looked out the window hoping I would not see that man again. "Hey; why did you kiss me last night?" I asked Tim; he just went red in the face and stared hard out the window. Did he hear me? Was I loud enough? I saw Tim blushing. We dropped Tim off at his high school; because he asked us to; and then Alfred dropped me off.

I walked into the school grounds and waited for Ginnie. "Hi!" Ginnie says scaring me half to death; "Guess what?! Harry didn't bother me at all last night or this morning!" She said. Well that's something! I thought; "Wow; that's really good!" I cheered. The bell rang and Ginnie dragged me into class; "Is Linda here yet?" I whispered to Ginnie; "I don't see her." She replied.

The man named John was there too; "Class; this is John Howard. He's the new teacher." Miss said. Mrs Fouch got John to call the roll; after a few names; he got to Linda. "Linda?" John called out; "Here!" Linda called out slamming the door behind her; "Sorry I'm late!" Linda said handing John a note; then continued with the roll. "Today we are going to learn about Ancient Rome!" Mrs Fouch tells us; the class does a little cheer. While we were learning; I felt like the new teacher kept looking at me. "The new guy is looking at me..." I whisper to Ginnie and Linda; they both give me weird looks.

The recess bell rang; and Ginnie dragged me to our table. "Where's Linda?" I ask Ginnie; "She was at her bag when I saw her last." She replied. Ginnie and I sat at our table; "Oh look here comes my brother!" Ginnie smirked; but Harry had an evil grin on his face. "Run Ginnie..." I whisper to her; "It's ok Kate! Harry's too scared to hurt me;" "Go!" I silently shouted. Ginnie saw his smile; and ran to Abby and Dean. "Leave her alone Harry." I said to Harry; anger rising inside me. "Why? Linda won't be here anymore to save the day..." Harry smirked. "I said... LEAVE HER ALONE!!!" I roared; causing him to fall then stumbled as he ran off.

I looked back at Ginnie; Abby and Dean; they all stared at me; "What? He was going to hurt Ginnie." I said; "That was... Awesome!!!" Dean said; "I think the earth shook a little!" Abby said with a half-smile; Ginnie ran up and hugged me; "Thank you Katie!" She said. "That was cool what you did." Abby told me; "Thank you." I said. The bell rang so we headed to class. Linda; Dean and Abigail were in my class.

Next; we had English; and that was fun. We wrote stories on the computers; mine was about a girl who lost her dog. Lunch came and I sat with Ginnie at our usual table; Harry looked over at one point; I death glared him and he looked away.

"Hey guys; I'm here." Linda said sitting down at our table; "where were you?" I asked her curiously; "I had trouble with my bag." Linda said; it sounded a bit suspicious. Then we had choir and that was fun; apparently I have a good voice. But then Miss Goss saw Linda; "Linda come with me please." Miss said sternly; Linda swallowed hard and followed Miss.

"You're not supposed to be here; Linda. You're expelled!" I heard Miss say to Linda in a calm voice. I saw them walk into the office; and I heard every word. "Linda; you are expelled from this school. I will notify your parents that you are still here; and to take you home." The Principal said; "Yes sir..." Linda said sadly.

"Please take a seat while I call your parents." The Principal said to Linda; then that was it. The bell rang and we had to go to our classes. I had science again; and we were mixing something specific this time. We were going to mix a powder; a liquid and a familiar looking flower.

"Good afternoon; class. Today we will be experimenting with chemistry." Miss said; then began talking about chemistry and mixing chemicals while writing instructions on the board. Ginnie turned on the Bunsen burner; and then we put the liquid in after the water was hot enough. We then put in the powder thirty seconds later; "Ok; now I want you to put a petal of the flower you all have; and remember to use the tongs!" Ms Harriet said; "What is the flower called Ms Harriet?" Tim calls out; "It's called wolfs bane; another name for it is monks head!" Ms Harriet explained.

Oh no... I knew the flower was familiar... I thought. "But Miss; isn't this flower bad?" A kid asked. Wait... If it is why is she making us do this?! I thought; "Ah; well... Yes; but that's what the powder is for; it makes the flower non-toxic as it mix's; but you do need to use the tongs; please." Miss said. Ginnie put in one petal of wolfs bane; and after a few minutes. I smelled something odd; I braced myself... "Are you ok; Kate??" Ginnie asked me; nothing happened; I was fine! Why was I fine?

The lesson was nearly over; we turned off the Bunsen burners and packed our things away; And then Ms Harriet started explaining sciency things to us. The wolfs bane mix was taken from us and put in a cupboard... Why wasn't I affected... Doesn't it affect werewolves? I asked myself. Then the bell rang; I walked out with Ginnie; "Bye Kate; I'll see you on Monday!" Ginnie said to me running out to her mum's car; I waved to her.

I can't wait to get home! I'm ready for two days of relaxation. We got home; and I walked through the door; and there was Richard; my older adopted brother; talking to daddy. "Katie; how you doin?" He asked me; "Hi; I'm gooood!! I haven't seen you in like FOREVER!!!" I replied hugging him tightly; practically squeazing him to death; "Oh-k let-let me go now!" He struggled to say.

Then I realised I needed to talk to daddy; I tapped him on the arm; "Dad I need to talk to you about today!" I said to him; "Sure; what happened?" He asked; I told him about science class; and what I thought was going to happen; even though I'm prepared to hear 'What are you talking about?'.

Daddy and Richard looked at me; daddy then looks like he's about to say something. "Come down to the bat cave with me; you too Dick." He said; we all went to the bat cave. Daddy sits on a chair; Richard is leaning on it; I sit on the floor next to them. "Katie; have you noticed how you hear better than others; or see things clearer?" Daddy asked me; "Yeah; why?" I replied; "Do you know why?" Daddy asks. "Maybe; why?" I said. "Do you know what werewolves are?" He asked me; "Yeah; but I don't think I'm one of them..." I said.

"There is this new teacher at school; his name is John Howard; he keeps looking at me and it freaks me out." I said. Daddy looks at me with a worried shock on his face. "What does he look like?" He asked me; "Well; he has brown hair; and brown eyes; he is skinny; and I think he's Scottish." I told him.

Daddy looked at me for a few seconds; and then turned to the big computer. He opened up a file; and I instantly recognized the picture of a man. "Hey! It's the new teacher!" I pointed out; "Kate; you need to be extremely careful; he's dangerous." Daddy said; "Oh; uhm... Ok..." I said.

"Do you have a teacher named; Janica Harriett?" Daddy asked me; "Yeah; my science teacher." I replied; "Be very careful with her too; she's working with John." Daddy said. It makes sense that Miss Harriett is a werewolf hunter now that I think about it; I think she taught us how to make a potion that reveals werewolves. Is that what John meant when he said tests?

"Ok." I replied; "I just want to check your blood." Daddy said; "Okey dokey." I replied; daddy took a sample of my blood. "Now go outside or something." Daddy said leaving the cave. "Yeah; I'm gonna run outside." I said.

"Hugs for Ricky!" I said squeezing him tightly; and then ran to go outside. Outside; I see the trees in the distance; I could smell the different woods and leaves; the wind was blowing their scent. I then smelled something familiar; I looked and saw a girl walking; it was Linda. I ran up to her; she was a few metres away from me.

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