Bully (Larry Stylinson)

By stylinson_sluts

40.9K 1K 183

Its like a never ending thing. Everyone takes part in it. No one really cares. Its a problem that happens eve... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine

Chapter Twenty Five

900 27 7
By stylinson_sluts

Louis' pov:


I was sitting on Harry's bed watching him get ready. Today is his first day back to school after the accident. He took two weeks off because the doctor wanted him home and under watch. Anne and I took turns staying with him and making sure he took the prescription medicine. He has been a little snappy because he is sick of being watched but I was pretty good with relaxing him.


"So have you seen the house?" he asked as he pulled on a jumper.


"My house?" I asked confused. He nodded and flipped out his hair.


"Yeah, I'll have to take you to see it." I smiled and he nodded again.


"You sure you are okay to go today?" I asked. He shrugged and disappeared, going into his bathroom. I got up walking into the bathroom. I stood behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist, laying my chin on his shoulder.


"Baby, what's wrong?" I asked. He rolled his shoulder and unhooked my arms from him, going into the room mumbling that he was fine. I rolled my eyes and followed after him. "Harry, talk to me," I begged grabbing his hand to make him stop walking.


"You should really get ready babe, we need to leave soon," he mumbled and leaned kissing my forehead. I dropped his hand and sighed going into the bathroom to get ready. I just want this week to be over so winter break can start. I still have to get Harry a gift and be ready for the dance. I got dressed and pulled a beanie over my hair. I brushed my teeth and grabbed my bag, going downstairs.


"Harry?" I called.


"Louis?" Gemma asked. I spun and looked at her. "He left already. I didn't know you were still here." she explained. He left? What the hell? I nodded and grabbed my keys going out to my car. I slammed the door and grabbed my phone calling him. He answers after four rings,


"what the fuck Harry?"


"Why are you mad at me, I wanted to walk it's not a big deal!" he hissed.


"Alone? I could have walked with you." I explained.


"You weren't ready, and I just wanted to walk alone." he said quietly.


"What did I do?" I asked confused.


"Nothing, really I just-" he stopped.


"Just what?" I asked.


"Nothing never mind," he sighed. I groaned,


"bye Harry." I hung up and threw my phone at the other seat. I buckled my seatbelt and turned my car on but my phone started ringing. I reached over and sighed looking at Harry calling. I probably should answer. I opened the call and held it to my ear not saying a word.


"You can't just hang up like that." he mumbled.


"And why not?" I hissed.


"You didn't say you love me and you hung up mad. What if something happened to one of us? You would regret it." he explained.


"You won't talk so why should I? I have to go or I'll be late for first period." I explained.


"Can you come get me?" he asked.


"Where are you?" I asked confused.


"The coffee shop, I got you tea." he explained.


"I'll be right there." I sighed.


“Okay, love me?” he asked.


“So much,” I whimpered and hung up. I pulled out onto the road, driving to the coffee shop. He was waiting on the steps when I pulled up. He skipped down and got in handing me a cup of tea. I thanked him and pulled away from the curb driving towards school. It stayed silent as we sipped our tea and he just watched out the window.


"I thought you wouldn't want to show up together," he broke the silence. Oh so that is what this is about? I switched my cup into my other hand, keeping it on the wheel and used my other to grab his hand.


"You just need to talk to me about this stuff Haz, okay? Tell me what you are thinking?" I begged.


"I'm worried and you know that you don't have to do this right? Maybe we can go back to before an-"


"Absolutely not. I have had a lot of time to think about this Haz and I'm ready okay. We are going to get through this and if I get suspended for throwing a few punches then so be it," I winked. He giggled and shook his head,


"no fights please."


"No promises." I shrugged. We pulled into the parking lot and I parked. I took out my keys and took a sip of my tea, looking at him. He smiled and looked at the school.


"C'mon love," I instructed and grabbed my bag, getting out. I shut the door and looked around as a few people watched Harry get out of the car with me. I noticed his cheeks were a little red but wasn't positive if it was because of the attention or the cold. He shut the door and walked to my side, stepping into stride with me.


"They are looking at us," he whispered. I shrugged and noticed Zayn, Liam, and Niall approaching us.


"Hi Lou!" Niall called excitedly. I smiled back and stopped as they stopped in front of us. Harry was stood behind me, hands in pocket, head down.


"Missed you, what have you been up to the last two weeks?" Zayn asked.


"I've been with Harry," I explained and turned looking at Harry.


"Oh, parents force you again," Zayn chuckled, "you can go now Harry. Stop following him around." Harry bit his lip,


"actually I drove him."


"Cool, doesn't matter. Seriously Harry go somewhere so I can talk to Lou. Sorry you failed to kill yourself again but not our fault, bye." Zayn waved his hand for Harry to go and I saw him take a step, ready to leave. I grabbed his arm holding it tight as I looked back at Zayn.


"Do not talk to him like that. You are part of the reason why he thinks life isn't worth living and if you seriously feel better for making his life so hard, you are sick. Back off before you end up in the hospital," I hissed.


"Woah bro, relax I was only kidding," Zayn smiled.


"No, see that's the thing. You think it's funny, think it's a joke, but it's not. Harry has been through shit that no one should ever have to go through. The fact that you pick on him cuz he is gay is wrong. Maybe you should open your eyes because Niall and Liam fuck behind your back. So guess what, you are surrounded by gay people. Not to mention that you fucking kissed me not once but twice. I'm not putting up with this shit anymore. Leave my boyfriend alone, seriously." I hissed and grabbed Harry's hand yanking him with me. He stumbled for a minute then fell back into stride.


"Louis," Harry hissed. I pulled him inside with me and didn't stop until I was at my locker.


"Are you okay?" I asked.


"Lou I think I'm doing better then you are. Just relax okay?" he smiled. I smiled back and started giggling.


"That was brave of you, thanks. Although you spilt some secrets." he pointed out.


"I was going to tell you about the kisses but they meant nothing and he told me not to bring it up. Sorry," I sighed and opened my locker. He shrugged,


"that's whatever I guess, I meant about Liam and Niall?"


"Oh yeah I'm not even positive about that, but when we were all together sometimes they would go off together so I just figured, they don't look at each other like I noticed how you look at me though." I explained.


"What do you mean how I look at you?" he asked crossing his arms.


"Like all lovey dovey," I explained.


"I'm offended," he pouted.


"Hey why? I'd like to think I look at you the same way. It's cute really." I smirked.


"You do," he winked and turned walking off. I shut my locker and jogged back after him,


"I what?"


"You look at me different from everyone. You have really soft eyes when it's me. Like I mean something," he explained. I smiled and grabbed his hand,


"that's because you do mean something baby!" He blushed and I leaned up a little kissing his jaw. "I'm really not enjoying the fact that you are now taller and seem to still be growing," I pouted. He smiled,


"I like it. A lot actually! Guess who is the big spoon!" I groaned,


"this is unfair, I'm older."                 


"Cry me a river," he chuckled, "I guess it's my turn to take care of you."


"What no! Why would you say that?" I rolled my eyes.


"Because just think. You will need my help now to reach high things, you have to cuddle with me and now I can top." Harry smirked.


"What? Oh hell no, I don't bottom and we haven't even done that yet." I pointed out.


"We should," he shrugged. I stopped walking making our hands fall away from one another and him turn to look at me.


"Did-but-could-you didn't-huh?" I struggled. He stepped forward closing the gap between us,


"spit it out Louis!"


"Did you just suggest what I think you did?" I asked. He shrugged and smiled,


"I've just thought about it and I would like for you to um, make love to me soon." I smiled and bit my lip,


"you thought about it? Wait, you want me to? Us to? Really, lovely, I don't want you to feel pressured or anything we haven't even done other things. I'm good with wanking, honestly!" He snapped his gaze on mine,


"that was not funny."


"I was kidding! Really I was. Kind of. Sorry, but anyways I will. If you want. Just give me some time so I can make it special." I smiled.


"Special?" he asked as the bell rang.


"Yeah course, for our first time. I'll see you in second baby, text me." I smiled leaning up to kiss him.


"Love you," I smiled and pulled away.


"Love you," he smiled back. I winked and turned going down the hall to my first period class. As I sat I got a text.


Zayn is pissed mate. Keep an eye on Harry xx -Liam


Shit okay thanks, really truly sorry about spilling the beans. If I did spill them -Louis


You did, but he isn't mad about us. He is mad that you mentioned the kisses and put him in his place. He is bi, I think he is just jealous that Harry got you and not him -Liam


I ignored his message deciding I could answer him later and opened one for Harry.


Liam said Zayn's really mad. I'll come get you from every class and text if you need me baby, understood? -Louis


Understood, Liam isn't mad? -Harry


Guess not, now pay attention to class so I don't have to take notes for that one -Louis


I'm starting to think homework help is the only reason you keep me around -Harry

Well duh;) -Louis

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