Simply Annoying//// Dramione

By dracomilfoy_

133K 2.6K 1.3K

The war is over, Hermione and Ron are happily together, going back to Hogwarts for their 7th year with their... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 5

6.8K 128 97
By dracomilfoy_

No day should end with you screaming at someone your trying to be friends with.  I had bent down to get my books after giving Malfoy his books, and he chucked one at my head.  My HEAD! You could imagine my anger, i turned around clutching the book.  I didn't show angry i was, well not yet.  Malfoy started howling with laughter, clutching his stomach.

"You think this is funny?  This is not a bloody bludger Malfoy!" i growled.  Slowly, i put the book down and gathered my books.  He stopped laughing, surprised how i had taken it.  A smirk appeared on his face.  He dipped his quill in ink, still smirking.  He continued to smirk until the very end.  I had written 3 pages, while Malfoy had only written one.  I frowned at his paper, and he looked at me, pouting.

"I tried my best," he said sticking his lip out, and giving me the puppy eyes.  I ripped the paper from his grip and stuffed it into his bag, turning to leave.  I started walking through the rows o books, with Draco following along.

"Where are you going Granger?" he asked playfully.

"Back to Gryffindor Common Room," i told him, turning around.  My face was completely blank, as he was annoying me.

"Well, you see i wrote something for you... its still drying, i hope you don't mind?" he asked.  A small genuine smile appeared.  For once, i believed him.  I smiled lightly, nodding.  Trying to hide his laughter while walking away, i got nervous.  Why was he laughing?  He appeared again, holding something behind him.  

"Here.  For the beautiful Gryffindor Princess," he said with a smiled.  I cocked my head, but i wish i hadn't.  It had given him the perfect angle to throw... ink in my face.  A strangled scream came from my mouth, and i heard a loud shush from the librarian.  The ink started dripping all over my shirt, pants, and in my hair.

"Malfoy!!! Oh my god you stupid git!" i screamed, holding my hands up, as i watched the ink drip into my bag.  Freaking out, i threw my bag on the ground, as Draco was cracking up.  I sat on the ground, pulling my books out, shaking with anger.  All of a sudden, i gasped.  Ink covered Paint.  Malfoy, who was rolling around laughing on the ground, looked at the book.  He stopped.  His laughter disappeared as tears rolled down my face.  I loved this book.  It was the first romance book, or fictional book i have ever enjoyed.  Malfoy, still frozen, shook himself, and crawled over to the book.  He looked me in the eyes, and i nodded as he took the book.  All the pages were covered in dark black ink.  He flipped through ever pages, getting more angry as he flipped through the entire book.  He slammed the book on the ground and screamed out a loud inappropriate word.

"Draco!" i hissed.  He looked at me, his anger slowly fading away.

"This is all my fault..." he whispered.

"Yeah," i snarled, grabbing the book.  Malfoy stared at me, as i stood up, as walked out of the library, apologizing to Madam Pince for all the noise.  She nodded, as i walked out of the library.

"Where were you?" I heard a a soft voice from behind me, a few minutes later.  I turned around, facing Luna.

"I was tutoring Malfoy.  Professor Cairns told me i had to boost my grades up," i told her.  I only half-lied to her.

"Are you sure thats what she was making you do?" Luna asked, stepping forward, pulling out her famous pink and purple glasses.  I froze, as she tilted her head.

"Wh-what do you mean?"  I asked.  We stood a few feet from each other.  This was so awkward... 

"You stuttered.  There's something else going on.  Your not very good at hiding things, Hermione.  I can help you," she suggested.  I felt pressured.  

"No.  I'm just off edge, Malfoy is... he is frustrating," i told her.  Nodding, trying to persuade myself more than Luna, i walked away.  I rubbed my head and continued towards Gryffindor.  

This was too confusing.  I had to try to become friends with Malfoy, but i can barely stand him.  The cold wind blew in from the open window, and slowly i crept up to close it.  There were only two other girl gryffindors staying.   Slowly opening my journal and muttering 'lumos' so my wand shone light, i started writing.  There were things that i had written before my best friends left, and immediately i crossed them off.  This was going to be harder than i thought...  My hand went up to hit my head as i realized something.  Malfoy loved the book.  His face when he saw that the book was covered in ink.  It was unmistakably upset, and sad.  But how was i going to make the book help me with becoming friends with Malfoy?  Ron, Harry, and Ginny were coming back in four days.  One day after Christmas.  Shoot!  I needed to get them presents!!  

Honeydukes was super busy the nest day.  Kids from school buying presents, and even just townspeople getting Christmas gifts.  I decided to get Ron Berties Botts of Every Flavor Beans, a chocolate frog, acid pop, chocolate that Lupin bought,  and ton-tied toffee in honor of Fred. I also bought Harry chocolate that Lupin bought, and ton-tied toffee, since Fred and George gave that to Dudley, Harry's cousin.  For Ginny, i bought Berties Botts, and an acid pop.  Travelling to each store, i bought Ginny a necklace and earrings, and a new broom.  For Harry, i bought a scrapbook in which i was going to make, 'Quidditch, A History', and some felt to make him a pillow.  And lastly for Ronald, i bought him a book on Chudley Cannons (one of his favorite teams), a necklace with my name on it, a stuffed spider to torture him, a chess set since his old one was ruined in the war, and PolyJuice Potion.  It wasn't actually PolyJuice Potion, it was just a drink that was called PolyJuice Potion.  I bought my mum some perfume and my dad a tie, and was going to send it to them in Australia... i knew i was going to have to say it is anonymous, because they   had no clue who i was.  It was hard to not give them a present, so i bought them presents and shoved them into my bag.  It was hard to buy all this stuff, but Harry gave me some money.  I owed him but he said i didn't need to.  

Errol, Ron's owl flew into my window.  I jumped up, and grabbed the letter from Errol.

Dear Hermione,

 I hope your holiday break is going to be great.  We all miss your terribly and mum freaked out when you didn't show.  She made you like five sweaters, she misses you.  George gives his hellos, but we don't see him much.  He's usually in his room sulking or working on Weasleys Weazes.  Its fine, thought Ginny is kind of lonely since your not here.  We went shopping at Diagon Alley for Christmas.  Ginny told me what she got for Harry, which was the most adorable thing ever.  Also, did you find someone for the project?

Love you, Ronald

P.s. i miss you a lot.  I cannot wait to get back to you at Hogwarts.  I love you

 I read the the letter smiling.  I missed Ron a lot.  I wrote back that no, i haven't found anyone because he knew it was Malfoy, he would kill me.  I also said that i missed him too much, and that i was also lonely, and that i missed him with all of my heart.  Giving and attaching the letter to Errol, he flew off.  I stared at the distance until i realized that i was hungry.  

There was still one table.  Malfoy was sitting next to Professor Cairns, and again no one sat next to him.  Trying not to be obvious, i sat down next to Draco.  I stared at my plate, as Draco did the same.  I felt someone looking at me, i looked up into the excited eyes of Professor Cairns.  She raised her eyebrows, and gestured to Malfoy.  Panic rising, i started to violently shake my head.  My bushy long brown hair started to hit the table as Professor started to laugh.  All of a sudden, i shook my head once more, and my hair smacked Draco in the face.  Cairns covered her mouth, trying with all of her might to not laugh.  Malfoy lifted his head, and eye contact was made.  My smile disappeared as he stared at me.  Out of the corner of my eye, Cairns was smiling.  

"Sorry..." i muttered, turning to look at the food that was now being passed around the table.  Something inside fluttered.  Was this nervousness?  Why did i feel as if there were butterflies in my stomach.  My hand reached for every piece of food that it could get to.  My plate was pilled high-sky, when a hand was placed on my arm once more.  The object moved inside my stomach again.  

"You should stop," the deep voice of Draco Malfoy said.  I looked up into his misty grey eyes, and immediately saw Cairns smirking, and with that i nodded, pulling my arm away, glaring at Professor Cairns.  Everyone started to stuff themselves, while Professor McGonagall spoke to us all.  After her speech, we all continued to eat.

"Are you going to give the book back to Madam Pince," Malfoy leaned over and whispered into my ear.  His voice tickled my ear, and the object moved even more. Faster.  Faster.  

"I- i don't know... Madam Pince would probably kill me, so i don't know..." i muttered, trying to keep the object down my throat.  Professor Cairns started to messily eat, so Draco scooted closer to me.  With his side pressed up next to me, the object slowly started to rise.  My hand went down to my stomach, as i dropped my fork.  Slowly, i felt it climbing up the throat, and with a loud clang of dishes and chairs, i jumped up.  Turning around, i felt my feet starting to run.  I covered my mouth, clutching to my stomach, hearing someone run after me.  I only pulled my hand off of my mouth to throw open the girls bathroom and dashing into a stall i stumbled.  The object reached my mouth, and instantly, i threw up.  There was loud panting as it just kept coming up.  Slowly, as i continued to throw up, i started to cry.  

I sank to the ground of the stall, crying.  After throwing up for a good bit, i sank to the ground wiping my mouth with toilet paper.  I pulled my knees up to my chest, and i started crying.  No idea why i was crying, but i just felt so upset.  Then, i stopped crying.  An image flashed a cross my eyes.  I couldn't tell what it was, but a shiver ran through my body.  A strange different feeling came through my body.  Slowly, i stood up.  Opening the door, i went over to wash my hands.  When i was done, there was a loud cough and i froze.

"You okay?" A soft voice came from the corner.  I turned around, wiping my mouth, facing Luna.

"Yeah, don't know why i threw up..." i said wiping my forehead of sweat.

"You sure you aren't... pregnant?" she asked, stepping forward.  I frowned.

"No.  I- I'm still a virgin..."  


(Draco's POV)

Granger ran out of the Great Hall as if her life depended on it.  I felt her shiver a few times during breakfast.  I sat still facing the entrance, hoping she would come back.  Dang... a sudden thought passed through my mind.  Was she pregnant?  I stared at my plate, hoping she wasn't.  Loony Lovegood stood up and started to dash after Granger, when i grabbed her arm.

"Ask her if she is pregnant.  Make sure she is still a virgin..." i muttered.  She nodded and chased Granger out of the room.  If Granger was pregnant then everything will go wrong.  If she is, then its Weasleys.  If its Weasleys, she won't be around and i won't be able to get close to her.  I sighed, but caught Professor Cairns making googly eyes at me.

"What?" i asked.  I tried my best not to snap, for i was annoyed.

"So, you and Hermione?" She asked, with a smile on her face.  Anger passed through me.  I put n my mean Draco Malfoy face, and looked at her.

"No.  And we never will be.  I'm sorry Professor, she's dating Weasel," i told her sarcastically.  She rolled her eyes at me, i pushed out my chair and stomped out.  

The slytherin cough was way to hard.  I felt like i was sitting on an actual rock.  I was trying to get comfortable, when i heard a little giggle from behind.  My eyes rolled to the back of my head.

"Pansy i thought you left..." i growled.  The giggle turned into a loud fit of laughter.

"I came back for you..." she muttered.  Pansy got her knees behind the couch and snaked her arms around my neck.  Before i could stop her, she bent her head around kissed me on the lips.  Struggling, i finally got the girl off of my lips.  She grunted, and stood up, pulling her arms away from me.  As she walked around the couch, i was caught by her beauty.  Pansy's hair was long, and  dark brown.  It came to at least her belly button, and usually it was wavy or curly, but it was straight.  She was wearing short black shorts, showing her legs very much, as she was a tall girl.  My eyes followed up to her shirt, which was a yellow crop top sweatshirt, with the words 'babe' on it.  A little bit of her flat stomach was showing, and finally i looked at her face.  She had her big cute glasses on, and had makeup on.  I sucked in my breath.  Pansy smirked.  

"Like what you see?" she asked, sitting on the couch, crossing her legs.  It was obviously clear she was showing off, trying to seduce me.  But it was working.  Immediately, i leaned over, getting off of the couch, getting close to her.  I smirked, before kissing her.  She laughed, as she knew where this night was headed.

(Hermione's POV)

Madam Pomfrey was overreacting.  She had me sleep in the Hospital, and take medicine for my stomach, even though i said i was fine.  After arguing with her, she finally let me go to breakfast to see how i feel after.  

My breath sucked in, as i saw Pansy sitting next to Malfoy.  I was forced to sit next to her, as i hated her with all of my heart.  She wanted Harry to sacrifice himself to Voldemort, and in my opinion, he should be able that choice on his own.  I went to grab some pancakes, when i noticed that Pansy and Malfoy were holding hands.  The pancake dropped from my hand, and made a loud noise from hitting my fork.  Everyone looked at me.  Fumbling with the pancake, i got myself together.  I kept my eyes down, as every time i looked at Pansy, i felt like i was going to throw up again.  Then, i realized it was December 24th. 

(earlier that year)

Professor Trelawney made her way up to me.  

"Look into the Crystal Ball?  What do you see?" she asked.  She got up in my face as i looked ins to the ball.  Slowly, something formed.  

"Uh, i see someone crying in a corner..." i slowly said after staring at the ball for a few minutes.  Her eyes widened, and she looked into the ball, pulling it away from me.  Slowly, she set it down.

"My dear.  On December 24th, of this year, something will make you very sad.  Someone will hurt you, cheat on you maybe?" i looked over at Ron, whose eyes widened. "Noo... someone that you don't know you care for, will do something that will make you very upset.  Beware..." she muttered, walking away... 

I looked over at Draco and Pansy's hands, and felt a pang of pain in my heart.  I don't like Malfoy thought, i was dating Ron!  Maybe it was because i'm sick, and its messing with my head.  Yes.  Yes that's it.  Its probably a fever messing around me.  All of a sudden, Malfoy leaned over, grabbing Pansy's face, making out with her furiously.  He was looking right at me, as they moaned.  My mouth flew open in defense.  Soon everyone at the table was making out with someone else.  Panic rose inside of me, and i started making a strangled noise.  They were all looking at me, kissing their partner, while staring at me, as if they were smirking.  A scream escaped my mouth, and everything went blurry.  I got up stumbling.  No one was making out anymore.  Everyone was staring at me, as if i had just imagined it all.  The worst part was what i said before i passed out on the floor.

"Don't forget tutoring draco...," and my head hit the floor.  

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