Chapter 17

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Ello!  Its the weekend so i might post a bit more, since i'm feeling better!  I'll prolly post this either saturday night, and maybe monday since i have off school and idk if i have dance or not oops

lOvE yOuS

//Draco's POV

I took a deep breath.  I had to do this, and Potter understood, even though he and Weaslette almost strangled me when i told them.  Hermione stood in front of me, wand out at Potter.  I had to pretend to be on his side, so i put my wand out to stop her from hurting him.  

"What?" she asked, as my face paled.  I was getting good at pretending, but it hurt me as fear rung through her eyes.  I wondered what must of been going through her head, as she started to take deep breaths.  

"Hermione... I'm gay."  CLANG!  Hermione dropped her wand.  She looked down at her wand, which was exactly what i needed.  I couldn't give it back to her, for i needed to scare her out so she would forget about her wand.  She just stared at it, but looked back at me.  Her beautiful face went pale, and her soft hands started to shake.  She stared at me in the eyes, and slowly, i was the tears form at the bridge of her eyes.  

"W-what?" she said, looking from Harry to me.  I saw her hair on her arm stand up, and she started to rub her arm, backing away from us.  I grabbed Potter's hand, feeling disgust through my body.  

"Hermione... please don't-"  Potter was cut off by Hermione screaming, putting her hands over her ears.  She was clearly crying now, and i lept forward, almost dragging Potter, but he held my hand firm.  I basically got pulled back as she screamed louder and louder.  I pulled my grip from Potter and felt freaked.  I couldn't do this.  I needed to tell her the truth, i couldn't do this to her.  Not to my Hermione.  Not to my Mione.  Not to her.  

"Hermi-"  She screamed even louder, squeezing her eyes shut, and then burst out running of the door.  I heard her screaming until i heard another loud bang of doors, predictably the girls dorm room.  I heard loud screams, heard, and loud bangs.  People were yelling, and i heard something smash.   There was an even louder scream, that i recognized as hers.  I felt hurt, like i couldn't do anything.  I sat down on my bed and put my face in my hands.  Potter took a deep breath.

"I can't believe we just did that," he sighed, putting his hands in his hair, visibly shaking.  He took a seat on his bed, across the room.  I turned to look at the wall around the bed, which was filled of things she gave me, and pictures of us.  I felt the need to keep them up, but if i did, i had a feeling someone would tell her and out of anger, she would come and tear them down.  I gradually got up and started to take thing down gently, laying them on my bed.  I felt defeated.  

"Why did you agree to this?" i sighed, as a tear lay on Hermione's face as she smiled brightly, kissing me on the cheek after our first game.  

"I don't know, why did i?  Hermione's face... she doesn't even know that Ginny was faking.  She looked even worse than Ron, mate i think she actually loved you..." Potter stated angrily, standing up and looking at me.  His eyebrows furrowed, and he stepped forward.  

"What?" i hissed offendedly, standing up.  I took a step backwards as Potter pointed at me, fury clear in his face.

"You did this to her!  I can't believe you would hurt my best friend.  I hate you, and you will regret doing this to her.  This is all your damn fault!" he screeched, still pointing at me.  His face turned red, but i knew what i did wrong.  I knew.  Yet, he was acting like all of this was my fault, when it was my fathers.  

"Get out."  Potter scoffed, but turned around, and slammed the door behind him.  I felt defeated.  I couldn't believe i did this to her.  I didn't want to her hate me, i already missed her.  I missed the soft way she talked to me, i missed smelling her bushy hair that was tucked into my face when we cuddled.  I missed everything about her.  In that moment, i changed my mind.  There was no going back to before, but i could apologize.  I needed to get her forgive me, and i could forget everything about my father.  He can go give himself some bruises, i didn't need anymore than i had.  Standing up, i knew i had to talk to her.  I knew that i could never leave her, i was in love with her.  But, as soon as i opened the door, everyone looked at me.  I was used to all of the attention, for i was the most attractive person, but this was the wrong kind of attention.  This attention was the attention i got after the war, when everyone stared at me, whispering about me.  Not drooling, and fantasizing about snogging me.  I passed Weasley and Potter, who both looked at me.  Potter gave some kind of flirty wave, creating a disgust look from Weasley.  I suffered a small smile, but continued forward.  At least, i was standing behind Pansy, ready to go forward with my new and improved plan.

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