Chapter 19

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It is currently 3:30 am and i can't obviously i'm on my computer.  Its also sunday morning, and now that i think about it, i won't probably post this chapter until like the middle of the week oops, because i have dance on monday, after-school singing program on tuesday, nothing on wednesday, nothing on thursday, andn othing on friday but imma be jam-packed with homework ugh plz throw me out of a window

lOvE yOuS

//Draco's POV

I've become worried sick.  Tori has been very sick, and missed two days, and I thought it was because of her disease.  I can't lose her, not as soon as i gain her.  Tori as been the best thing that has happened to me since Hermione Granger, and i can't lose Tori like i lost Hermione.  There have been rumors that Hermione and Ron were now a thing, and were going to the ball together, which sickened me even more.  To top it all off, Tori tells me that she is not wearing a green dress, but a red one.  Meaning, i have to wear a red tie, in which i don't want to do.  I've tried to tell her, but she was busy twirling, and just jazz walked away.  Yes, i loved Astoria, but...she could be childish.  And yes, she was two years younger than I, but that doesn't make a difference, did you even see Potter and Weaslette?  I mean come on, but i was glad we could invite someone younger to the ball, or else i would have to go alone and i wasn't about to embarrass myself.  

"Hey," Astoria greeted me as i walked by her and her friends.  Blaize and I were having a conversation, or more like I was complaining i had to wear red, so he just walked over to Daphne.  Daphne looked between Astoria and I, eyeing our hands intertwined, and turned to Hermione and Weaslette who were close by, whispering something to both of them.  I felt heat rush up, and i turned to Astoria who was patiently waiting for me to pay attention to her.  

"Okay, so the tie has to be a dark shade of red-"

"Tori, i don't even have any color or red, how am i supposed to have a dark shade of red," i complained, ripping my hand away from hers.  She stopped walking and put her hands on her hips.

"I wasn't finished," she snapped.  Her voice echoed through the busy hallway, causing some people to look our way.  She dirty eyed me, and i smiled weakly.

"Right, keep going love."

"Anyway, so i bought you one," she said, starting to walk again.  I could tell she was still upset, because she shoved the tie into my hands and turned around to go to Harper, her best friend.  I sighed, waiting for Blaize, playing with the dark shade of red tie.  Off in the distance i heard someone complaining.

"She wants to wear green, like why green?  I will feel like an idiot, i'm a Gryffindor, not a Slytherin.  But she insist that she looks better in green," i heard Weasley complaining.  I smiled, glad he felt the same pain as i.  Blaize slided in next to me.  

"Ready for the ball tomorrow?" he asks with a smirk, and i just groaned, thinking of having to wear a red tie.  

"You look so handsome," Daphne raised her eyebrows at me as i walked out of the boys, but i could tell she couldn't care less about me.  I heard the door open, and Daphne squealed running over to Blaize.  I turned to face them, watching as Daph obsessed over Blaize, giving him kisses and he just stared at her.  I heard the door open behind me, and my blood went cold.  Slowly, i turned around, and i stopped cold.  She looked beautiful, every inch of her body.  Astoria was wearing a very dark shade of red, which clung to her body.  The dress was very open, but i didn't mind.  A lot of cleavage was showing, as it opened up a lot over there, and in the middle was a white flowery design.  The dress was small and went down just above her knees, and was very poofed out  She looked amazing.  

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