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HEY im in a really bad mood and oh my god was my math homework HARD tonight.  I worked on it for 3 hours wowie

lOvE yOuS

//Hermione 3RD PERSON POV

A butterfly buzzed in Hermione's ear that morning.  With thinking the buzzing noise was her alarm, Hermione bolted up.  She swung her legs around the bed walking towards her closet, only to see that it was barely dawn outside.  She sighed, thinking of how her soon-to-be-husband was out with his friends for a Bachelor party.  He had told Hermione that he was going to be home very late, and implored her that he wasn't going to come home drunk.  She hoped he kept his promise, and that his best friends Blaise, Harry, Ron, and Nott would keep him safe.  Harry was usually on his best behavior, but sometimes, according to Ronald, he could be a bit scandalous.  So much for his ambition to become an Auror, Hermione thought with a laugh.  Her feet finally shuffled to the bed when she heard quite voices whispering in the hallway.  It was starting to get light out and Hermione could see the beautiful garden that Mrs. Weasley tried so hard to keep beautiful.  The floor creaked and Hermione jumped into bed, hoping she could pull off that she had been asleep all along.  

The door silently opened, but stopped when there was another whisper.

"Don't wake up the princess," a familiar male voice whispered.  Creaks on the floor came all around the big bed that she and Draco shared.  At last, Hermione heard a small thump as though a person had placed something on the side table next to her.  

"Night Harry," the voice came again.  She heard him take off his shoes, and sounds of clothing fell to the floor.  Hermione shut her eyes tightly, as the person got into bed.  She felt his warmth next to her, and in no time body was pressed up to hers.  Hermione felt his cold skin against her back, making her turn towards Draco.  She made sure to keep her eyes closed as she snuggled into him.  With one last memory before falling asleep in his arms, she felt his lips pressed up against her forehead.  The Burrow was surely the home of dreams, Hermione smiled cuddling up with the love of her life.  

The smell of freshly cooked eggs filed Hermione's nostrils as she walked softly down the stairs.  She had hardly noticed that Draco left the bed earlier that morning, she was so comfortable that she never even felt his warmness leave her.  A yawn came out of her mouth as she almost got to the last step, losing her balance.  In one second arms were wrapped around her, helping Hermione back up.  Hermione's eyes met bright brown eyes.

Jason Woods smiled, "Good morning Hermione."  Hermione sighed, watching as the room filled up loudly with everyone.  Ginny Weasley came in, being twirled by a slightly tired Harry Potter.  Her laughter filled everyone's ears, happy to hear someone's laughter to keep away the sadness of death's.  Ron Weasley walked in hand-in-hand with his girlfriend, Leanne.  Leanne smiled slightly, she had always been a quite girl.  She never spoke much, only around Ron, Hermione noticed.  Luna walked in dragging Neville behind her, talking about nargles and how many were outside.  Neville just smiled like a in an idiot in love, in which he was.  It didn't matter to Neville how stupid the things that Luna were talking about, he loved every moment she opened her mouth.

Rose Malfoy walked in, laughing with her best friend Piper, whose eyes shone like bright diamonds.  Hermione always admired her eyes.  Shyly walking behind Piper was Jenie, who was holding Piper's hand, though everyone pretended they didn't notice.  Jenie was still new with the whole being open to everyone.  Mrs. Weasley stood at the counter, making a cup of tea for her husband, Mr. Weasley, who was seated at the table.  He was telling tales of how he got promoted, and how excited he was.  Hermione slowly walked through the kitchen, looking for Draco.  Then, in walked George Weasley.  His sullen glaze wiped over everyone as they all tried their best not to stare.  Ever since Fred had died, George had been off.  That one time Hermione and Draco saw him in their joke store, their presence reminded George of Fred and became even more depressed.  Only then did Angelina Johnson walk in the door, George's mood lightened.  Angelina and George had been dating for a while now, which made Hermione smiled as she hugged George.  

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