Chapter 22

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A/N hey guys!  I just posted chapter 21 and now i'm right onto chapter 22!  excited for this weekend, and i start new UA's tomorrow (like art and tech-ed) and i start music and im so excited because art was awful  


lOvE yOuS

//Hermione's POV

I hated myself.  And I hated Harry.  How could he just leave Draco?  Did Harry even have a heart.  I felt myself pull in every direction, and fell to the floor with a thud.  I looked around me, and recognized the ground i was laying on, was right in front of Sirius's home.  I got up, and immediately looked for Draco, and his hurt sister Rose to help her.  

"Harry..." i threatened, continuing to turn around myself.  Harry put his hands on my shoulders to stop me from spinning any longer.  I froze, realizing what Harry did.  I pointed my finger at him, and started to walk after Harry very angrily.

"WHY DID YOU LEAVE DRACO THERE?" I screamed, tears streaming down my face.  Harry backed up, and ran into a fence.

"I- I didn't-"

"SAVE IT.  Harry James Potter, you will regret this?  WHAT IF HIS FATHER KILLS HIM?" I shrieked, pulling my wand out of my pocket and shoving it in Harry's face.

"Hermione!" Ronald snapped out of nowhere.  I forgot he was there, and lowered my wand.  Harry took a deep breath and pushed himself off of the fence that was jabbing him in the back.  Ron opens the door to Grimwald place, and i took a deep breath when we got inside.  I went to the girls room upstairs, and heard Ron and Harry clanging dishes.  But i was angry.  My blood boiled every moment i was alone, without Draco.  I needed him in my life, whether i wanted to accept it or not.  I was in love with him, and every passing moment without him in my sight, i felt hurt.  I needed to get him.  Tears silently streamed down my face, and fast.  I ran down the stairs, and grabbed my sweatshirt from a chair that i threw it on when we first walked in.

"Where are you going?" Ron sighed, setting down the Daily Prophet.

"I'm going to get Draco, whether you like it or not," i snapped, grabbing my wand from off of the table.  

"Hermione, your not going back there, you could get killed!" Harry said worriedly.  I looked at him as if he was stupid.

"You left Ginny," i stated.  Harry's mouth dropped, as if he just realized this.  He grabbed his coat, and i sighed, grabbing his hand, and apparating back to Hogwarts.  

As soon as my feet touched the ground, i ran off.  My feet glided off, looking everywhere for Draco.  The fight was only getting worse, for more and more Death Eaters, and evil people from Azkaban were coming to Hogwarts.  Lucius was attacking people, but not Draco, so that was a good sign.  Trolls, Dementors, Giants, Goblins and Werewolves were everywhere.  I took this as a good sign, Lucius hadn't killed Draco yet.  He was still bringing in forces, looking for Harry, Ron Draco, and I.  I ran right to the middle, adrenaline rushing through my blood.  My eyes searched for the bleach blonde boy.  There was no sight except for Luna, but i heard loud sobs.  Only one noise caught my attention.

"ROSE!" A desperate voice screamed, and i turned on my heel to see Rose Malfoy was being held in the air by Bellatrix.  Bella was laughing hysterically at how Rose was dangling in the air helplessly.  My feet took off once more, but skidded to a stop.  Off in the distance i saw the blonde bolting right towards Rose.  My heart skipped a beat, but i had no time to waste.  I started to run after Draco and his sister.  

"DRACO!" I screeched, running right into him.  He turned around and frowned.  

"Shut it, Granger.  I have to help my sister, why don't you run along and find your best friends and leave without me again," he sneered.  Draco turned around, and started to scream at Bellatrix.  Everything went out of focus, what did he just say to me?  Did Draco just call me Granger?  Why would he call me Granger... I just stood there, unfazed, and completely unaware that Rose was still dangling in the air screaming, and Draco was losing miserably to Bella.  I was just so confused... I didn't want to leave him, and i came back for him.  I came back for him!  I could be back at Grimwald place with Harry and Ron relaxing.  Not worrying about Draco, nor Rose.  I came back into focus only when someone screamed my name.  I looked over at Draco who was staring at me, screaming my name.  I saw everything as if it was in slow motion.  What was he saying?  I couldn't really hear anything.  Draco started to wave his hands around, trying to distract me or something, but i saw a bit of green coming towards me.  I looked at Draco confused, but a searing pain came in my hip.  I grabbed my hip, screaming out in pain, and fell to the floor.  I saw Draco standing over me, crying and screaming.  He started to unfocus, and soon i could just see the outline of his face.

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