Chapter 11

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I had to do something.  The more time i spent with him, the more i wanted him.  Ron was out of picture, for every time he touched me, i felt slightly uncomfortable.  Draco slowly started to notice that every single night that we were fixing wands, i threw up.  Still, he didn't dare ask, for he knew of the anger i possessed.  One night, he had proceeded to ask me how me how my relationship with Ron was going, and that filled me with such rage.  So angry, that i threw down the wand that i just fixed, and screamed some very nasty things at him, and then proceeded to bring my wand upon him, threatening to hex him if he spoke one more word.  He didn't talk to me for the rest of that night.  Yet, he saw that every night when he would do something, something little as hold my hand, or talk softly to me, or even sit right next to me, i would end up running away to my little friend, named the trashcan.  I saw the curiosity burn in his eyes every time i came back apologizing, that i knew he couldn't hold it in any longer.  And i knew that i couldn't answer, for i didn't know the answer myself.  

"Hermione," Draco asked, one night.  He was starting to use my friend name, making me more intrigued.  

"Yeah," i answered, nervously fumbling around with unicorn hair, for i knew what he was going to ask.  I hadn't thrown up yet, but the way he looked at me, i knew i was going to.

"I know i shouldn't ask," and with that i shot him a glare of anger, "but i was wondering.  Why do you... you know, throw up every night?  But its only when we are here?" he asked nervously.  I took a deep breath, and sighed.

"I don't know Draco, to be honest.  I think i might be allergic to one of cores," i told him shrugging.  He knew i was lying.  Trying to convince him, i reached over to grab a really broken wand that i knew had a different core which was all the way over at Draco's side.  I had to move next to him and grabbed the wand, smelling the core.  Instantly i grabbed my stomach, pretending for it to hurt.  Draco sighed, grabbing a wand that was next to me.  He reached his hand across me and dropped it right in front of me by accident.  It cracked a bit more, and i heard him sigh even louder and harder, and when he looked up, he was right in front of my face.  Kay moved.  He looked deep into my eyes.  

"I know you have feelings for me," he whispered, not looking away from me.  I raised my eyebrows, not looking away from him either.

"No, i think you have feelings for me, sir i can't keep my hands to myself," i told him, pointing my finger at his hand which was placed on my thigh.  I saw him go a little red, and still only inches away from each others face, i smirked.  

"Are you sure, miss i can't stop staring at him?" he chuckled.  I opened my mouth in offense, but he looked away, sitting up, and turning to face me.

"Admit it, you like me."   i shook my head.  

"Your so narcissistic," i hissed.   He gave me this weird look, of confusing.  

"I'm a what-"

"A narcissistic, you have an  excessive or erotic interest in oneself and one's physical appearance.  Meaning, you think that everyone is in love with you.  Draco, has it ever occurred to you that i think we are just friends?" i groaned.  I saw the anger in his face.  He dropped the wand that was in his hand, in shock.  He looked confused, but leaned towards me, letting his messy beach wave fair fly in front of his face.  

"Friends?  Do friends kiss?  Do friends stare at each other?  Do friends hold hands?  Do friends smell each other in Amortentia?" he hissed.  I had a sudden urge to run my hands through his messy beautiful hair, and sighed, looking him in the eyes.

"That's what i thought."  Draco threw his nose in the air, and turned to work on the wands once more  I looked down at my feet, even though i was sitting down.  All of a sudden Draco turned to me, and cocked his head at me.

Simply Annoying//// DramioneWhere stories live. Discover now