Chapter 23

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HEY ITS WEDNESDAY NIGHT AND I JUST WANT IT TO BE FRIDAY.  Its not that i have friends to hang out with or anything, but i want to sleep in.  I just want to not go to school.  But, tell me, how is your week going?

lOvE yOuS

//Piper's POV

I dreamt badly.  Flashes of Trixi laying stunned with her eyes wide open, Jason falling to the ground in pain, and flashes of my best friend being cruico'd.  The images were so overwhelming that i hit the floor with a thud.  My arm was still upon the couch, in which flopped back and hit my head.

"Ouch!" i hissed, opening my eyes, staring right at the dirty floor that Kreacher never bothers to clean.  I poked my head up, lifting myself off of the ground with my arms.  The kitchen was empty.

"Hello?" i called out.  No answer.  I started to walk forward, maybe everyone was upstairs?  Was it even daytime?  Walking over to the windows, i ripped the curtains open, showing the bright sunlight of daytime.  Definitely daytime.  i scratched my head, yawning, wandering over towards the kitchen.  Maybe Hermione and Draco were upstairs, and also Harry and Ginny.  Maybe Luna went out to get some food, and Ron is on a walk with Neville.  Well... never mind about the walk, maybe Ron was eating more of Kreachers snacks, and Neville was out with Luna.  Yeah... Yeah probably.  I grabbed a piece of bread on the table, and started to walk up the steps, stifling a yawn.  I passed Hermione's room, expecting her and Draco to be snogging, but the room was empty.  I walked past Harrys, and i expected the same thing, but the room was also empty.  They were probably in the other rooms then, i sighed to myself.  When i passed their rooms and found them empty, i got worried.  I hurried down the stairs, my heart beating fast.  Where are they?  I started to run through every room, and even when Kreacher hides things to himself, and found the entire house empty.  I was alone.  

As soon as my head hit the pillow for the third time that lonely day, there was a bang on the door.  Excitement ran through me. 

"Guys!  Where were yo-"  I looked up and found one lady with crazy black and white hair all over the place with crooked teeth, and a wild dress one, and a man in a suit. 

"Hello darling," the women greeted, twirling her wand in her hand, giving me a crazy smile.  

"Wh-who are you?" I asked, my teeth chattering.  This lady looked crazy, and i wanted to slam the door on her.

"Now now Bellatrix, lets not play with our bait," the man sneered.  My eyes widened at the bait part, and started to close the door, but he put his foot in the door and pressed his hand against the door pushing it all the way open.  I stumbled to the ground, catching my self with my hands.  The man looked down upon me, and smiled.

"Hello Piper, welcome to your death," he said.  The women named Bellatrix came behind him, over the shoulder and started to cackle.  

"Wh-what do you mean?" i asked, frightened.  I started to scoot backwards, away from the two.  

"Get her Bella," the man ordered Bellatrix, who jumped after me.   I quickly jumped up and ran.  

"Cruico!" Bella screamed, trying not to run into walls.  I ducked and turned behind me, pointing my wand at her.

"Stupefy!"  Bella went behind a wall to get away.  She turned the corner and i looked her dead in the eyes.

"Expelliarmus!" i shouted, and her wand went flying out of her hands.  Bella smiled, licking her teeth.  She started to laugh.

"What are you laughing about?" i hissed, still pointing my wand at her.

"What are you going to do, little Pipes.  Are you gonna kill me?" she teased, biting her lips. 

"Bella!" i heard the man yell.

"Rodolphus!" Bellatrix laughed, standing up.  The man stood behind her shoulder and kissed her on the cheek.

"You did well my love," Rodolphus sneered, and pointed his wand at me.  Everything inside of me froze.  What was he going to do?

"Stupefy!" Bella cackled, and a lard stream of blue came at me, and i felt everything hurt.  I screamed out in agony.  Then, everything went black.

A/N so sorry for such a short story!  What do you think Bella and Rodolphus are going to do with Piper?  What do you think Hermione, Harry, Ron, Ginny, Draco, Luna, and Neville are going to do when they figure it out?  Its also thursday night and i can't wait to go to sleep, yet its 11 and i cant fall asleep so here i am, hello how are you?

lOvE yOuS


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