Chapter 2

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I took a deep breath.  I saw Harry's flashing smile at me as i walked out of the girls locker room.  

"You will be great, 'Mione.  Listen, i would have never guessed that you would find a love for Quidditch.  In my opinion, i think its great opportunity to be Ron," he nudged my in my side, looking in Ron's direction.  He was struggling to tie his shoes.  My mouth suppressed together, and i nodded at Harry, starting to walk towards Ron.  We still haven't made up since our little fight, i thought it was absolutely absurd he was angry about that.  I mean, he was being mean to someone whose used to be our enemy.  But he needs to think, like um Snape?  He was the worst to us, absolutely awful, and he turned out to be the good guy.  Malfoy didn't kill anyone, i mean he disarmed Dumbledore, but Snape was the one who actually killed him.  In my opinion, i think it should be Snape we all should be angry at.  We all trusted and loved Dumbledore, now we can barely hear the mere mention of his name without getting all misty eyes.  I wiped one tear from my face and approached the poor boy.  He threw his hands up, but jumped when he saw me.  I got on my knees and leaned over to tied his shoes.  A small smile spread across my face as i stared into his big beautiful brown eyes.  I stood up, holding my hand out for him to take.  When Ron got up, i got on my toes and kissed his on his lips.  When i pulled away, his face was still frozen in a frown.

"I'm sorry..." i told him, rubbing my thumb on his cheek.  My arms wrapped around his body, and suddenly his arms reached around mine.  One arm reached up and started petting my hair.  In one swift motion, i unwrapped myself from him and grabbed the arm that was petting me around the wrist.  He was frozen, and a smile came across his face.

"I've trained you well.  Your forgiven, and i'm sorry too.  I shouldn't have overreacted.  So what are you going to be trying out for?"  Ron asked.  He slipped his hand out of my grip, and made its way around my waist.  I grabbed his arm, and pulled it from my body.

"You didn't train me nothing love.  But i'm trying for a beater," i told him walking towards Harry.

"Keeper," he nodded.  He put his arm around me and we approached Harry, who gave us an approving look.  My eyes rolled at the mere sight of Harry being obnoxious.  He really has changed since the war.  He really has.

Surprisingly, Quidditch has changed a lot too.  It was... it wasn't house teams anymore.  As Professor McGonagall wanted house unity, there were no longer house tables, teams, or classes.  Basically, if you wanted to try out for quidditch, you were split between four teams.  Well, four captains.  Whatever team you got on, that's what team your trying out for.  When all the players were chosen, they chose a name and a mascot.  Unfortunately, Malfoy was casted on this team.  But, he was really good i have to admit.  While i was trying to protect Ginny, i saw something.  The bludger was coming straight Malfoy, as he was searching for the snitch.  It was as if i was watching it in slow motion.  He turned his head slowly, and i saw his eyes widened as he saw it.  Immediately, right as it was about to hit Draco, he swung upside down on his broom.  The bludger flew right by him.  He swung back up, and flew after the snitch.  After i saw that, i hit the bludger as hard as i could, but i wasn't even looking at it.  I was still staring after Draco.  It was almost like it was reflex.  He caught the Snitch after that.  

"Mione, do you think you guys will come and visit me next year," Ginny asked Harry Ron and I during lunch.  I shrugged.  

"I don't know Gin, we have a whole year left of school.  It really depends on what job we chose after Hogwarts.  Or if we want to go to Wizard collage for teaching or something," i assured her.  She nodded, but looked unsure.  Harry wraped his arm around Ginny with a stupid grin on his face.

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