It's Only Logical

By TSTrashCaptain

46.8K 2.9K 6.4K

When Logan, a florist with a PhD in botany, decides to hire someone to work the counter in his flower shop, h... More

Prologue: Flowers and Fripperies
Chapter One: Introductions
Chapter Two: Misunderstandings
Chapter Three: Minny's Garden
Chapter Four: Memories
Chapter Five: Vent Nights and Revelations
Chapter Seven: Date Night
Chapter Eight: Grafting Lessons and Warnings
Chapter Nine: Best Laid Plans
Chapter Ten: Pirates and Disagreements
Chapter Eleven: Unwelcome Returns
Chapter Twelve: Theater and Parties
Chapter Thirteen: Apologies, Fraud and Friendship
Chapter Fourteen: Christmas, Roses and Confessions
Chapter Fifteen: Drama, Friendships Old and New, and Acceptance
Chapter Sixteen: Trouble and Loss
Star Wars, Invitations and Painful Thoughts
Early Wakeups, Babysitting, and Surprises
Parties, Scenes, and Moving Forward
Chapter Twenty: Mothers, Meetings and Roses
Chapter 21: Fights, Makeups and Engagements
Chapter 22: The Big Day
Chapter 23: Confrontations and Justice

Chapter Six: Landscaping Emergencies

2K 153 432
By TSTrashCaptain

Patton was cheerfully tending to a customer when his sister burst in the door, wild-eyed. He was immediately concerned, rushing from behind the counter.

"Val, are you okay?! Is it Thomas? What's wrong?"

"Thomas is fine, I think. Nobody at the school has told me otherwise, but I'm going to die if I don't talk to Logan RIGHT NOW!" As she spoke, Logan walked in from the back carrying a flat of pansies for the front window.

"LOGAN!!! I have never needed anyone in my life as much as I need you right now. I need your help, it's an emergency!" Logan stared at her, eyes wide, and carefully set down the flat he was carrying on the counter.

"How can I assist you, Valerie?"

"You know I'm engaged, right?" Logan nodded slowly glancing nervously at Patton, who shrugged his shoulders. He had no idea what was going on either.

"Yes, to....Michael, was it?"

"Yes! Well, his mother called today and she started making these catty comments about the house and the garden and how I don't keep it up, and I just kind of snapped and told her all this stuff about how I'd slaved away and landscaped and put in window boxes...."

"You lied?"

"YES, I lied!!! She makes me crazy, oh my god...she's going to be my mother in law one day. If I didn't really love Michael, it would NOT be worth it."

"I'm not seeing what this has to do with me...?"

"She's going to be here in two days, and she'll see that I lied. Logan, I need you to fix up my yard in the next two days." Logan stared at her, utterly gobsmacked.

"You want me to pull my crew, who are working on another project right now, to come take care of your yard...because you lied to your future mother in law?! And you're only giving me two days?!" Patton laughed now, thoroughly amused. Only Val would pull something like this.

"Come on, Lo! I know you can do it! You're the best at this. I'll pay whatever it costs! Just...please?!" Valerie begged, and Logan closed his eyes and mentally counted to ten. He pictured her yard. It was kept well enough, but hadn't nearly reached it's potential. He could picture it now, a nice four-season perennial garden, flower boxes on the two front windows, and along the back fence...dammit. Oh, dammit.

"Patton, it would appear I need you to manage the shop today, because I need to go rescue your sister from a mess of her own making." Val squealed and threw her arms around him in an enthusiastic hug.

"Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!! I knew I could count on you!!!"

"You won't be thanking me when you see my bill, Valerie. I can't pull Daniel, he needs to stay on the job he has, but I can pull a few of the guys and I'll work on it myself." Logan set his jaw, a determined look in his eye before turning and striding back towards the greenhouses, pulling out his phone and texting as he eyed different plants. He had a vision in his mind, and he cut a swath through his own stock to build on it, grabbing a cart and filling it. Plants, shrubs, ornamental trees, pots and planters.

"You didn't have to do this for her, Logan. She's a big girl, she could have dealt with it." Patton jogged after him.

"Agreed, but it's been a long time since I got my hands dirty, and I do so love a challenge." Logan was already there in his mind, could clearly see how it would turn out in the end, but he paused for a moment to give Patton his attention.

"You'll be alright, won't you? I hate to leave you on your own so soon." Patton's heart melt a little. The man was about to spend two days doing an impossible landscaping job for his little sister, and Logan was worried about leaving HIM alone?! There was definitely a growing part of him that wanted to sweep Logan up in a fierce hug and never let him go.

"I'll be fine, don't worry. Do you have everything you need?" Patton raised his brows at the full cart Logan had, blinking when he got a firm head shake in response.

"Not even close. I'll need to bring the truck around and load it up. If I need anything else, can I get you a list to bring after you close up?"

"Of course! I'd be happy to lend a hand, too. I haven't worked on a garden in years, and I miss it." The warm, small smile Logan gave him made his heart flutter in a way he hadn't felt since Liz.

"I would not be averse to another pair of hands. This is going to be a challenge."

"Do you really think you can get all of this done in less than two days, Lo?"

"I will get it done in two days because that's what I've got."

Logan loved a challenge. And there was nothing like digging in the dirt to take his mind off things. He got to work as soon as he pulled up to her house. Alex and Sean were already setting up the metal trellis he's brought, and now that he was here, he could really see how his vision would come to life. Logan measured, marked, tilled, dumped peat moss, and raked.

"Normally, I'd wait a little longer, take more time to prep the soil before starting a new bed. It's an important event."

Val stood off to the side, chewing her lip nervously. "But you can do it?"

"There isn't much I can't do with dirt and plants, Valerie. It's my gift. And you're going to learn something today. Put those gloves on. You're going to slave away a little today, and then you won't have lied." Logan grinned, tossing her a pair of pink gardening gloves.

"I don't give a good goddamn about the lie!" But she obediently put on the gloves, then raised her brows, waiting for instructions. He explained, in basic terms, what they'd be doing for the garden. It would impress even the most persnickety in-law no matter what time of year they showed up. Iris and dianthus, campanula. Bleeding heart and columbine for instant bloom. With spring bulbs, craftily placed annuals, and the foliage from late bloomers filling in the row.

And once the massive flower boxes he'd selected were done and exploding with colors, the garden would be a showpiece. Probably the nicest in the neighborhood. He left Val setting in crested cockscomb and dusty miller, then moved off to fix up the already established beds.

Logan organized, planned, and moved his men with military precision. It was getting hotter and hotter, and they were all sweating under the sun. Val had been granted a reprieve to pick up Thomas after school, and Logan was in the midst of digging a hole for one of the ornamental trees he'd chosen when he heard car doors slam and a very enthusiastic voice cry out "Wow, Aunt Val!!! It's just like Bob the Builder!!!"

Logan glanced up to see Patton's son running towards him with a blinding smile. He paused, leaning on the shovel. Val grinned and shook her head, already heading inside.

"Mister, mister! Can I help, please?! I have my own hammer and everything!" Logan peered down at the plastic hammer in the child's beltloop.

"I can certainly appreciate a man who brings his own tools to the job. What's your name?"

"I'm Thomas!"

"Well, Thomas, I'm Dr. Williams, but you can call me Logan."

"LIKE WOLVERINE?!" Logan laughed now, charmed.

"Exactly like Wolverine, yes."

"You're a doctor? Can you fix people?"

"Nope, only qualified for plants, I'm afraid."

"DOCTOR PLANT!!! Like Doctor Doom! That's so cool!!! Oh, please can I help you, PLEASE?!" Thomas was bouncing up and down, vibrating with excitement. Logan could see Patton had really stamped himself on his son.

"You sure can, Thomas. I'll tell you what, why don't I get you your own little shovel, and you can help me dig this hole?"

"YEAH!!! Can we fix it? YES WE CAN!!!" Thomas shouted happily, and Logan chuckled before turning back to the truck and pulling out a small spade. Properly equipped, Thomas happily settled in to help him dig, getting absolutely filthy in the process. As the afternoon wore on, Logan gave up on propriety, stripped off his shirt and helped his crew muscle an arbor into place. He had his new assistant help with the power drill, and he didn't think he'd ever seen a child so thrilled in his life.

At some point, Logan looked around and realized he'd used everything he had and needed more. He grabbed his cell and called Patton, rattling off a list of plants and other items they'd need.

" that Thomas I hear in the background?"

"Indeed! Your son has been an excellent helper. If he keeps this up, I may promote him from slave labor to unpaid worker." Logan smiled as he said it, watching Thomas gleefully dig another hole with Sean, watching intently as the other man planted a small shrub.

"I hope he's not causing you any trouble?"

"Not at all. I like your son, Patton. He's a good kid."

"Well...I...well! I'll bring everything over after work then. Have fun!"

"I shall certainly endeavor to." Logan hung up, pocketed his phone, and turned to the others. "Thomas? Would you like to assist me again?"


As the sun was starting to sink down, Thomas was clearly getting tired, and Logan scooped him up, laughing as the child squirmed in his hold. "Eewww, you're sweaty!"

"You're not much better, Thomas."

"That's true." Thomas snuggled in against his bare shoulder, and Logan felt something warm and fragile sprout in his heart.

"Come on, you can settle in here and supervise us. Have to make sure we're doing a good job for your Aunt Val."

"Okay, Doctor Plant."

Logan grinned down at the nearly asleep child. He was covered in dirt and sweat, Patton was probably going to kill him. But it had been...surprisingly enjoyable, having such an enthusiastic student. Thomas was curious about everything, sucking up knowledge like a sponge. He was fascinated by all of the different plants, the tools, even the mechanics of why certain things went where. He really was quite bright for his age.

Logan walked to the back fence, already planning out his next steps. He'd plant cannas, along with blue salvia and African daisies. He was just settling in to do more digging when Val walked up to him with a glass of lemonade.

"I made fresh lemonade from scratch, to atone for my sins. My manicure is trashed and I'm aching in places I didn't even know I owned. How the hell do you do this every day?" Logan gratefully accepted the glass, bolting down half the glass in one go. He'd probably sweated out a gallon today.

"I don't know how you lock yourself in your office and write all day, so to each their own I guess."

"I owe you so much more than the check I wrote you."

"Oh, you'll be writing me more checks before I'm done, Valerie." He smirked as she winced and closed her eyes.

"Michael is going to kill me. He's going to actually murder me."

"I don't think so. I think he's going to be pleased and proud - and touched - that you would go to all of this trouble, ruining a manicure on top of it, just to make your home more beautiful for his mother's visit. To show them both how much you value the home he's helped provide for you." Valerie's grin was slow and appreciative.

"Oh. Oh that's sneaky and clever, and I'm a little mad I didn't think of it first." Logan silently toasted her with his glass before drinking the rest of it down.

"Alright, I need to get back to work if you want this done by tomorrow. Patton should be by any time with the rest of the materials we need." As he spoke, they started walking towards the front of the house.

"Speaking of Patton, how's he working out for you?"

"Like an answer to a prayer. I'm very grateful he applied for the position." Val made a hum of agreement, keeping her eyes on him as her brother pulled up. When she saw Logan's eyes heat and run over her brother, she grinned. Gotcha!

"You know, it's been three years. I wonder when he'll bring a new girl or boy home for us to meet." Logan's head whipped to look at her so quickly she swore she heard his neck crack.

"Oh? Didn't you know? Pat's pansexual. Always has been, always will be." Val giggled to herself as she flounced over towards Patton. The look on Logan's face? Worth every penny she was going to pay him.

When Patton pulled up in the driveway, he nearly put the car in reverse instead of park. Oh. My. God. He pulled himself out of the car and stood by it, frozen in place. He was staring, he knew he was staring, and he really needed to stop that and go help. But seeing a sweaty, shirtless Logan made his mouth run dry. Logan was built like a swimmer, all lean and muscular, and Patton knew it was unprofessional but holy hell would he do unspeakable things to that man if given half a chance. He hadn't felt heat like this in a very long time, and he wasn't entirely sure what to do about it.

"Pat! Patton? You gonna stand there all day, or are you going to come help?" Val's voice snapped him out of the daze he'd been in, and he felt his cheeks flushing. Why, oh why, did his boss have to be so freaking attractive?!

"Hello, Patton. Did you bring everything I asked for?" Logan's voice was smooth, low and even, and Patton fumbled a bit, feeling flustered as he tried valiantly to keep his eyes trained on Logan's face.

"Ummm, hi! Yes, I think I have everything. I'll the trunk." His voice was a little too high, and he could actually see Valerie hiding a laugh behind her hands. Shut UP, Val!!! Oh god, oh no, he's leaning over to get ass god he's turning around, eyes UP Patton! He pasted on a sunny grin, again riveting his eyes to Logan's. Can't stare at things he shouldn't if he's looking at those eyes.

"So, where's my son and what can I do to help?"

"Pretty sure we wore him out, since he's napping on the chair over there, and you can help me plant along the back fence whenever you're ready." Logan gestured towards the porch with his elbow, then hefted the flat of flowers and started walking back to the fence. Patton did NOT watch him go, and he did not suppress a whine at the view.

"You are a mess, Pat. Why don't you make a move already? Never known you to hesitate to go after something if it's what you want." Valerie whispered to him, and Patton tore his eyes away to focus on her.

"I...he hasn't even shown any interest in that. And, he's my boss. If I make a pass and it doesn't work out, it would be really not good."

"Hasn't shown you not have eyes in your head? Oh wait, you were so busy drooling over him, you probably didn't notice. Not that I blame you. He does make a very nice picture right now." He did not like that smirk, it was his least favorite of Val's facial expressions, and Patton had come to that conclusion just now.

"What are you talking about?"

"When you were getting out of the car, he 100% checked you out."

"He did not!"

"I saw it with my own eyes, Pat. Full once over. I could actually see the moment he shook himself before he walked over. He's interested. And he was amazing with Thomas today, you really should have seen it. He's hot, he's smart, and your kid loves him. Patton, what exactly are you waiting for?" Shaking her head, she walked back to the house, Logan's empty glass in hand.

Patton stared, blinked, then slowly walked towards the porch. Okay. Okay, that was something he could work with, but not right now. Thomas first, sexy boss later. He grinned as he found said son, his Steven Universe shirt liberally coated in dirt, obviously sweaty and disgusting. He leaned down and ran a hand through greasy hair, smiling as Thomas blinked his eyes open.

"Hey there, kiddo! Did you have fun today?"

"Hey Dad! It was so awesome! Doctor Plant's name is LOGAN, just like Wolverine! And we dug holes, and he let me use the drill just like Bob the Builder, and we made an ARBOR!" It was said with such reverence, like Logan had allowed him to help build a rocket ship. "He is SO COOL, Dad! Can he come over all the time?!" Well, so much for worrying Thomas wouldn't like him.

"We'll see. Okay, kiddo. You need a bath, then I need to help Logan in the garden. I think early bedtime tonight, what do you think?"

"Okay, Dad. Can Doctor Plant read my bedtime story tonight?"

"I'll ask him. Let's get you cleaned up first." Patton scooped him up and carried him inside. Half an hour later, a clean and sleepy Thomas was snuggled into his Avengers jammies. Patton assured him he'd be sending Logan in shortly and headed outside.

"Logan? Sorry to interrupt." Logan sat back on his heels, wiping his brow on his forearm. Patton handed him a bottled of water, which he gratefully accepted and rapidly gulped down.

"Thank you for this, god." Patton nodded, finally allowing himself to quickly run his eyes over his boss. He really was a damn good-looking man.

"You're welcome. Thomas is very taken with you. He's asked for you to read his bedtime story tonight, if you're willing?"

"Me...? I...I would be honored. But, there's still a lot of work to be done here-"

"Go on. You read some of 'George's Marvelous Medicine' and I'll keep this going. I haven't been able to play in the dirt since my first day with you."

"Are you sure?"

"Definitely. We've still got another hour or so of light, I'll make the most of it."

"I'm sure you will. Well...bedtime stories. This will be an adventure." Logan smiled, then walked a few paces away and grabbed his discarded shirt. Patton couldn't help one last look before the shirt went back on. When he glanced back up, he saw Logan grinning smugly at him, one brow cocked. Well, he'd obviously been caught. He offered an innocent smile in return.

"I'd ask if you were enjoying the view, but I think I already know the answer."

"Subtlety isn't my thing, Logan. If it bothers you-"

"I never said that." Now it was Patton's turn to grin. Val had been right? Well...son of a gun.

"Good. Now go read my son a bedtime story. We can talk about this," a gesture between the two of them, "later." Logan laughed and walked away, and Patton could swear there was an extra sway to his hips as he did. Patton sighed appreciatively, then shook himself and started digging, humming happily to himself.

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