The Dragon's Curse (A Hanzo X...

By KlaraRoman

216K 9.2K 4.3K

There's more to Hanzo than just being a Shimada. And there's more to being a Shimada than just controlling... More

Author's Note
The Other Side of the Tale
It All Started With A Genji...
Hold Your Heart Down
The Wrong Teacup
When Honor Bites Like A Wolf (Pt. 1)
When Honor Bites Like A Wolf (Pt. 2)
Anger (Pt. 1)
Anger (Pt. 2)
Satoshi the Little Bugger
Dance of the Masks
Starlight on the Holy River
Satoshi's Package
A Second Try
Contest (Not Update lol)
The Room of the Lost
Beauty in Simplicity
A Deal With the Devil
Stupid Cowboy
A Promise Breathes
He's Not All That Bad
Realizing Power
The Chrysanthemum Returns
Lineage of the Sun
The Emperor Ships Things
For Old Time's Sake
Falling Out
Forget Him
The Black Death
Sealed Away
No Mere Lust
The Final Blow
At Last I See You Again
Sitting Ducks...
The Cold War
Identity Theft
Y'all T-T
Unlikely Friendships
Much Ado About Genji's Kimono
That Time Hanzo Almost Killed Genji
Planning for the Future
Back Home but Back Alone
Something Special
From the Shadows
The Dead Returns
She Would Want You to Have This
Vows (NSFW)
Reflections (Still NSFW)
A Lover's Betrayal
The Devil with Angel Wings

The Clan Leader Rises

3.1K 136 52
By KlaraRoman

How are y'all doin? :3

Thanks so much for all the votes and support and comments I've gotten from this story. Y'all are amazing! :D

So here it is, another chapter! Sorry if it's too long!

Enjoy! :*

You mentioned nothing of your and Genji's late but memorable discussion that night and instead focused on making things right with Hanzo using his younger brother's options of civility and a deep sense of mutual awareness. You recalled your lover stuttering from the other line with a voice ladened with gratitude, fatigue, and remorse; you tried to calm him down several times, calling out to him in hush, quiet tones in the hopes of taming his agitated disquiet.

He finally relaxed for a little while to be able to listen to you, and you seized the opportunity to step forward and say every single thing that you've been itching to say for the past several minutes you've spent with Genji.

"I shouldn't have cut you off like that," you began with a lump in your throat. "It was rude of me...I should have put myself in your shoes instead, see how it would feel like to be you, staying alone all the way over there," you sighed, running your unoccupied palm up and down your sleeved arm. "I'm so sorry, Lord Hanzo."

"My love," he said with a clear smile radiating his words. "I am to blame also. I know I sounded rather...mean--unfeeling even. But I never wanted you to think that I didn't give my family any thought in all this-"

"It's okay. I never thought that. Sure it crossed my mind that you were clearly acting like an insensitive jerk towards your dad, but...I never thought of you as this really bad, beyond hope kind of person."

"So does that mean you won't kill me when I get back?"

You fondly rolled your eyes at that: You knew he was jesting, but there was clearly some truth that littered his playful demeanor, and you couldn't help chuckling at his unexpected attempt of appeasing you.

Oh, how the tables have turned!

"We'll see," you said with a victorious smile and a mere shrug of the shoulders.

The sound of his deep, raspy laugh made its way into your ears like a melody, and you melted like putty on the spot as the hot red that bloomed on your cheeks spread down to the pillar of your neck and then even further down your body. His laugh was the definition of perfection: masculine but not void of genuine emotion. You felt the happiness radiating off of him, and you blushed further upon realization that he was this way just because you said something so trivial.

If he were here you'd eat him up alive for being so cute.

"You shouldn't have to wait long. Before you know it, I'll be there."

"I..." you began for a moment before pausing, unconsciously fiddling with the nail on your thumb before continuing, "Do you think you'll go on more trips like this in the future when you're finally clan leader? The really long ones that'll last months?"

The fear and pain that swam in your voice didn't go through and pass the other ear, and Hanzo's chest tightened where he was as he tried to come up with words of comfort that'll hopefully bring a ray of sunshine on your crestfallen visage.

And maybe a drop of reassurance in his young, burdened heart.

"It won't be often," Hanzo replied with uncertainty. "But I can assure you that I'll have less of these trips once I'm older. Not too old I hope though. I mean look at father--he seems to be doing fine for his age."

You spared a smile for his efforts and nodded in agreement.

"But anyway," he paused, the shift in his tone quickly turning southward. "How is father? Is he...?"

He couldn't stomach to finish his question, and you brought it upon yourself to save him the trouble.

"Don't worry. Genji said Shimada-sama was stabilized before anything really bad happened. He's just resting now, but he hasn't woken up ever since he fell."

"Is that so?" your lover sighed, massaging the center of his pale brow with two fingers. "Um, you think you could watch over him in my absence? If it isn't too much to ask of you."

"Of course not!" you exclaimed readily the second you picked up wind of his reticence. "I'll watch over your father for you until your return, Lord Hanzo. I and Genji will."

"Arigatou goza imazu," he replied. "Thank you for being there when I need you the most, (Y/N)."

"I imagine it's not easy being there, huh?" you asked. "If I could, I'd go over there right now and give you a hug. But alas, all I can do is call you and talk."

"Trust me. It's more than enough."

You looked back on what he just said, having heard a noticeable trace of gratefulness in his statement. It sowed uncertainty in your heart, and for the second time that day, you struggled on settling with what you wanted to say. A million things ran across your head, all of them heartfelt sentiments you wished to express to the only man you've ever been willing to give all of your being to--and cried over.

"Hanzo..." you squeaked.

"What is it, (Y/N)?"

Upon realizing that you had nothing more to say than what was needed, you shook your head instead. "Nothing," you muttered. "I love you. Be careful out there."

"I will," he answered back with a voice just as soft and heartfelt. "I yearn for your touch; never have I felt more lonely than now. And as much as I desire for you to stay and keep me company with your lovely voice, I fear that I may have exhausted you too much. You must be tired."

"I am," you confirmed with a giggle and a yawn. "But I like keeping you company."

"Perhaps tomorrow," he offered. "But for now you must rest."

"I guess so. Good night, Lord Hanzo."

"Oh, and (Y/N)-" the man exclaimed hurriedly from the other line.

"What is it?"

You then heard him sigh, "Hanaretaku nai. Itsumo kimi no koto wo kangaete iruyo..."

Your body froze, and you would have dropped the phone had you not had a tight grip on it beforehand. To your surprise, you managed to crack a grin amidst your awe, and you nodded though he won't see it, and returned the favor with something just as amorous.

"Kimi ga hitsiyou da." You smiled. "Zutto issho ni itai, Hanzo."


Every beep that came out of the heart monitor was another thorn plucked out from your chest, and though the feeling would let you breathe comfortably every once in a while, it never seemed to lapse the time. Lord Hanzo's return would still be in two week's time, and yet it definitely felt like there should be one week left at most.

How long have I been watching over Shimada-sama?

He hasn't shown any signs of consciousness at all, and you doubted he'd start fluttering his eyelids open the longer you'll look at his frail, draped body and sickly pallor.

Genji still hasn't lost all hope that this predicament was only a momentary phase brought upon by his father's old age and that he'd wake up again like nothing of the sort ever happened. The young Shimada would visit the quiet room on close intervals after he had finished a part of his duties, and would even sit by his father's side for how many hours in pure silence before going out and returning to finish whatever tasks the elders decided to give him.

But he figured it was better this way: for Sojiro to be unconscious but alive as opposed to the other outcome that could have happened had the nurses delayed immediate measures.

Right then it was your turn to watch over the clan leader and make sure that nothing shady went about with his treatment. Not that you really suspected anyone in particular to be doing such illicit agendas, but it was Genji himself who made that call.

And as far as you were concerned, Genji was technically your superior until his father fully recuperates from his illness or Hanzo returns from the States.

So you sat there by his bedside as soon as the nurses cleared themselves out of the cold, bleak atmosphere of hs quarters.

It was like being alone with a corpse, the only difference being that you were more worried than petrified with fear. You didn't know where to look: It would be disrespectful to just burn holes into his face as he slept! To top it off, there was a minimalistic style in the air of the furniture, providing little to look at save for the golden filigrees that snaked from the bottom of the wall all the way up to the base of the ceiling. Your neck ached from gazing at your lap for too long, and so you sighed, deciding to get up to stretch and pace about for a good few minutes.

You were on the verge of taking your fourth step when there was a quick successive rattling of wood against wood coming in from behind you. Over your shoulder, everything was as still as you expected it to be, and you lifted a brow at what could have caused the unmistakable sound.

Turning your gaze back to the entrance in front of you, you resumed your casual pacing and even decided to brush off the whole thing as a mere figment made up by your tired, hazy mind.

However, you'd soon find a biting chill shooting up your spine when you heard the same mysterious sound once more.

Only this time, the commotion picked up to a frightening volume.

And you found the great leader, squirming and rolling and writhing under his gray comforter; his calm sleeping face contrasted the painful twisting of his body, and his eyelids remained shut. It reminded you greatly of those demonic possessions you'd watch in horror movies.

Immediately, the bright lines that ran on the screen of the heart monitor jittered as well, its once steady peaked readings becoming a messy array of flats, and both high and low sharp points.

You gasped, jumping in to wake Sojiro up once you realized the full stake of the situation.

"Shimada-sama!" you yelled at the top of your lungs, grabbing the old man by the bony shoulders to give him light, but forceful shakes. "Shimada-sama, please wake up!"

It was no use. You knew there was no way he could possibly hear your voice, no matter how desperately you pleaded.

With haste, you grabbed at the telephone and dialed the hospital number that was already plastered nearby for convenience.

"What happened here?" Elder Togashi cried out as he slammed one of the shoji screens to the side.

He must have heard your screaming. Meaning this could be the perfect and only opportunity for you to go ahead and spread the word of urgency!

"Togashi-san," you began, still holding the phone in a death grip, "it's Shimada-sama, he's having a seizure!"

"I'll stay by his side," he offered sternly. "Go call the nurses."

Your mind was in the gutters, and all you could really do was nod and concede to the elder. With a quick bow from the waist, you ran out of the master's room, eyes darting side to side for any sign of Genji or the white garbed nurses.


"Lord Genji!" you called out to him that afternoon as you sprinted the extent of the hallway.

He was facing back, holding a black phone in one hand, the phone you knew to be the one the Shimada associates would use for contact on business matters, and not the usual wide flat screen the lad would slide his thumb against repeatedly for most of the day.

"What is it, (Y/N)?" he asked, turning to you the second your frantic voice reached his ears.

"Come quick!" you implored. "It's Shimada-sama-"

"What happened to otou-san?"

"He was convulsing in his sleep; he looked like he was having a heart attack or something!"

"What?!" Genji exclaimed, shaking the walls that surrounded the two of you. "Well, has anyone called in an ambulance? Who's with him now?"

"Elder Togashi is staying with him, and I've called the nurses already as he ordered."

"Shit," he muttered under his breath as he picked up his pace and briskly walked towards his father's room, which was fortunately situated just a few turns away.

"Dad! Dad!"

Genji ran to his father's side and even intended to reach on to the limp hand hanging by the bedside.

But all that greeted the young Shimada when he finally crossed the distance between them was the steady robotic shrilling of the cardiac machine and the nurses all shaking their heads in incorrigible defeat.


Day by day after the incident, Genji would sit by one of the smaller temple rooms inside their palace as he'd sort out his thoughts through mindless meditation, gazing intently upon the wispy grays of smoke that rose out from the dripping candles and slender sticks of fragrant incense.

"Lord Genji." Your voice was dry as you approached him cautiously on his usual spot. You wrapped your sleeved arms around your black garbed person and tightened the hold on where the thick collars met at the base of your throat. "It's time to say goodbye. They're all waiting for you outside."

In response, all you got was a mundane drooping of draped shoulders and a hollow sigh. Standing up without so much as a drag, Genji turned to you with cold bloodshot eyes and exited the holy room without so much as a regard your way.

Though heartbroken at his sudden detachment, you tried your hardest to understand and tolerate whatever came out of him because of crippling grief. The one person who never looked down on him, cherished him wholeheartedly, had just been taken away from him so suddenly--so unexpectedly--the lad never had the chance to say goodbye.

You teared up at the thought.

Following him outside to where the private memorial was to be held, you kept your eyes downcast on the floor beneath you as fresh tears streamed down the length of your face by the droplets. It dawned on you just how weird and eerie and surreal it all felt--feeling Sojiro's whole body trembling on the brink of death when you held him by the shoulders on that day.
You never thought that his illness would get so bad in a matter of days...


Stopping in your tracks, you looked up with wet, glazed eyes to be face to face with the last person you expected to be there.

"H-Hanzo," you gasped, lurching forward to make sure he wasn't an illusion, a mirage. Oh how you nearly cried your heart out once you felt the thick cloth of his black kimono brushing against your trembling palms. "Lord Hanzo, you're here!"

"(Y/N)," he sighed, grunting a little when you held onto him for dear life in an embrace. He breathed in the scent of your hair as he returned your hug, and a wave of comfort lulled him out of the dark world. "It's m

"B-but how? You weren't going to be back until two more weeks were over."

"They informed me of father's death. new business partners were flexible, thankfully, and they let me and Uncle Shintaro return earlier than what was originally planned."

"Will you be going back?" you asked quietly, pulling away from him.

"Not anytime soon." His reply was music to your ears. "With father gone, then technically I am now the leader of this clan. He had many tasks, many projects that he didn't get to finish, and I see to it that I finish them for him."

"You must be tired after that long journey," you mumbled in a whisper.

"It is rather exhausting, but there's no time to rest. They are holding a ceremony for father's parting and I can't afford to miss it."

"There's a long life of stress and responsibilities already laid out before you from now on," you mumbled, laying a soft palm on the man's broad shoulder. "Are you scared?"

The question came off as a surprise to Hanzo, but nonetheless, he kept his face straight and answered, "Not so. I am confident in the skills I have equipped myself with for over the many years I've been trained for leader. But I know that unexpected things happen...accidents for one, and those I suppose are the things that I can never be quite sure of.

"I'm unnerved of uncertainty...I guess I am a little afraid. For the longest time, I knew that this day would come, and now that it's here, I don't even know what my first decree as leader would be. There's so much I want to do, so much I want to prove to others."

You watched as he leaned himself over one of the wooden railings to peer into the meticulous gardens below. He soughed, and you knew the man wasn't letting off as much as his chest really carried.

So you went over to him and wrapped your arms around his torso from behind.

"I know you'll do great, Lord Hanzo. Don't be scared."

The warmth of yourself pressing against the expanse of his muscular back beckoned Hanzo to stand straight once more, and you feared you've crossed the unspoken boundaries of your intimacy with him.

You jerked your person off of him, shrinking back and expecting a scolding or at the very least a chiding, but instead he turned around to face you, only to pull you back to him and plaster you against his beating chest.

"You have so much faith in me, I pray I do not ever disappoint you," Hanzo uttered, repeatedly stroking the expanse of your long hair.

"I know you won't. I'm...I'm sorry for what happened to Shimada-sama," you said after recovering from your daze. Then you settled in the simple comfort of his embrace.

"We'll all move on someday. But right now, my concern is Genji's well concern is my people's quietude. My concern is the future."

"Whatever the gods have in store for you, you can always guarantee that I'll be there." Lifting a hand, you caressed his fair face as he nuzzled into your touch. "I'll serve you well, Lord Hanzo."

"No." He shot up to grab a hold of your wrist. "As your leader, I serve you now. I'll protect you as I would my people. Oh, you are precious to me. I wish for you to stay by my side always."

"You don't have to ask, Lord Hanzo. I'm always going to be here beside you," you promised with a sad smile and a tired sigh.

I'll always be here beside you.

Hey y'all! Thanks for reading. I guess our man's the official new clan leader now, so how bout that?

Tune in for the upcoming chapters, and if you haven't added this story into your library, well what are ya waitin' for?

Anyhow, peace loves! :*


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