Enraptured | Jungkook ✓

By -tasfiah

343K 21.3K 19.9K

The psychotic stalker; completely and irrevocably head over heels in love with the heartless murderer? It was... More

Love Letter to Satan
Love is Passion, Love is Obsession
Are You Always Watching Me?
Park Jimin
Let's Play a Game Called 21 Questions
An Interesting Café Encounter and New Revelations
The Duality of Kim Taehyung
I Believe in Soulmates, Do You?
The Black Goat's Egg
First One to Lose the Bet, Dies
The Silence of Loving Someone, But Never Telling Them
Sacrificial Lamb
Forever Is a Long Ass Time
All The Best People Are Crazy
A Very...Interesting Seating Arrangement
Who Could Love a Psychopath?
Black Swan
Clair De Lune
And Lead Us Not Into Temptation
If Jungkook is the Devil, I am His Advocate
What Are We?
Seductive Lies or Hard Truths?
You're Not My First But Be My Last
I've Got Scars From a Life Before You
A Madman's Addiction
Meet the Parents
There's Nobody Like Us
Good Girls Go Bad
Forgive Me, Father, For I Have Sinned
Love's Philosophy
England Bound, Brother!

Revelations and Reconciliations

5.7K 474 390
By -tasfiah

In a flurry of panic, Taehyung scrambled to gather his robe, his silver locks tousled and his neck adorned with vivid, unsettling bruises. With a deep breath, he draped the robe over his naked form, steeling himself for the confrontation ahead. Across the room, the stranger lay oblivious, lost in slumber; Park Hyungsik.

With cautious steps, Taehyung approached, ensuring the man remained undisturbed. Satisfied, he slipped out of the room, closing the door with a hushed click. Downstairs, he busied himself in the kitchen, the aroma of brewing coffee filling the air.

His heart raced as an unexpected knock echoed through the house. Who could it be at such an early hour? Surveying the remnants of the night, Taehyung hastily concealed any evidence of his visitor. Another urgent knock shattered the silence, prompting him to answer before it could repeat.

At the threshold stood Jungkook, his expression a mix of apprehension and remorse. Taehyung's heart softened at the sight of his dear friend, though the circumstances remained unclear.

"Jungkook?" Taehyung's voice wavered with uncertainty as he welcomed his friend inside.

Jungkook's demeanour betrayed his inner turmoil as he hesitantly met Taehyung's gaze. "Hi...Hyung..."

Their exchange hung in the air, laden with unspoken emotions and uncharted territory. Taehyung, ever the anchor, sought understanding amidst the tension.

"Jungkook...what brings you here?" His voice, though gentle, held a hint of curiosity, a silent invitation for honesty and reconciliation.

Jungkook's brow arched in confusion, a bag of delectable food in hand as he stood at Taehyung's doorstep. Their silent exchange brimmed with unspoken tension, until Jungkook's nervous smile broke the stillness.

"Are you going to invite me in?" His voice, tinged with uncertainty, pierced the quiet air, prompting Taehyung's realisation that Jungkook sought entry into his home, where Park Hyungsik lay sleeping, unaware.

Taehyung's confusion lingered as he processed Jungkook's unexpected visit, unearthing the thread of forgiveness woven into his friend's plea.

"Wait..." Jungkook's confusion mirrored Taehyung's own, igniting a spark of realisation. "Didn't you get my text? The one where I begged for your forgiveness?"

Taehyung's admission of ignorance hung between them, a rift of miscommunication begging to be bridged.

"I...didn't," Taehyung confessed, his mind racing to account for the gaps in his memory.

"Busy?" Jungkook's suspicion sliced through the air, prompting Taehyung to concoct a hasty excuse, shielding the truth from prying eyes.

As the sound of footsteps descended the stairs, Taehyung's pulse quickened, his need for diversion urgent.

"Just the painter," Taehyung improvised, his words masking the truth with practiced ease, steering Jungkook away from the impending revelation.

Jungkook's offering of their favourite food became a lifeline, its aroma a testament to their shared history and unspoken bond.

"Japchae," Jungkook announced, his plea for companionship laced with vulnerability. "Let's talk. I need your advice."

"You need...my advice?"


Jungkook's plea resonated with urgency, his eyes betraying a vulnerability Taehyung couldn't ignore.

"I need you to come with me," Jungkook implored, his voice tinged with desperation. "Please, I really need you right now."

I need you.

Taehyung's resolve softened at Jungkook's earnest plea, a sigh escaping his lips as he relented.

"Okay, fine," Taehyung conceded, his voice carrying a trace of resignation. "But only because you brought Japchae, knowing it's my favourite dish in the world."

Jungkook's grin widened, a testament to his victory over Taehyung's stubbornness.

"Alright then," Jungkook replied, satisfaction evident in his tone. "Let's go, Hyung!"

• • •

"You want to tell [Y/N] that you're in love with her?" Taehyung exclaimed in complete and utter shock.

Jungkook's revelation hung in the air, a weighty confession that neither of them expected. Taehyung's mind raced, trying to process the unexpected turn of events. He should have felt something—jealousy, sadness, anger—but instead, he felt a strange sense of detachment, as if he were observing the scene from a distance.

"Precisely," Jungkook confirmed, his admission hanging between them like an unspoken truth. "I want to tell her when we go to England. It feels right, you know? And she deserves something special."

Taehyung nodded, taking in Jungkook's vulnerability with a newfound perspective. This wasn't about him; it was about Jungkook finding his happiness, even if it wasn't with Taehyung.

They strolled through the bustling streets, surrounded by the vibrant energy of the city. The eclectic mix of shops and tourists provided a backdrop for their conversation, each step bringing them closer to Serendipity, the quaint jewelry store that held the promise of Jungkook's heartfelt gesture.

"So, is this why we're here?" Taehyung asked, genuine curiosity colouring his tone. He couldn't deny the flicker of warmth he felt witnessing Jungkook's determination to express his love.

Jungkook's gaze lingered on the storefront, a mix of anticipation and uncertainty dancing in his eyes. "I suppose it is. I want to make it perfect for her."

The bell chimed as they entered Serendipity, greeted by the warm smile of the store associate. Taehyung couldn't help but admire Jungkook's earnestness, even as his own heart wrestled with conflicting emotions.

As they perused the sparkling display, Taehyung couldn't shake the pang of bittersweet realisation. Jungkook was ready to give his heart to someone else, and Taehyung had to accept that reality, no matter how painful it felt.

Jungkook's voice brought him back to the present, his determination shining through his words. "I need this to be perfect, Taehyung. She means everything to me."

Taehyung forced a smile, masking the ache in his chest. "She's lucky to have you, Jungkook."

Their conversation was interrupted by the enthusiastic greeting of the store associate, her warmth enveloping them like a comforting embrace.

"Welcome to Serendipity!" The old woman's warm greeting enveloped the two men as they entered the elegant store. Her graceful bow and gentle smile set a tone of hospitality and charm.

Jungkook returned the greeting with a disarming smile, effortlessly charming the sweet old lady. His charisma seemed to radiate, drawing people in with its magnetic allure. "We're in search of a diamond necklace," he explained, his voice smooth and confident. "Something simple yet elegant. It's for my girlfriend, and I want it to be a surprise."

The old woman's eyes sparkled with delight at the prospect of young love. Her reminiscence of her own romantic past added a nostalgic touch to the moment, painting a picture of enduring affection. "How thrilling!" She exclaimed, her excitement palpable. "I remember when my husband first confessed his love to me. It was a moment I'll cherish forever."

Taehyung's smile mirrored the sentiment, his eyes reflecting the old woman's nostalgic reverie. "Love is indeed a beautiful thing," he agreed, his voice carrying a soft undertone of fondness.

The old woman's curiosity piqued as she observed the two handsome men. "Are you his friend?" She inquired, her eyes twinkling with interest.

Taehyung nodded, his gaze meeting hers with a hint of camaraderie. "Yes," he confirmed, a subtle pride evident in his voice.

"You two are very handsome!" Her compliment washed over them like a gentle breeze, their modesty humbled by her words.

"Thank you," Taehyung replied graciously, acknowledging her kind words with humility.

Jungkook's request for a necklace within a specific price range caught the old woman's attention. Her admiration for his thoughtful gesture resonated in her words. "Your girlfriend is truly fortunate," she remarked, her genuine warmth embracing the moment.

Their interaction, steeped in sincerity and genuine connection, painted a picture of shared humanity and mutual respect. As they embarked on their quest for the perfect necklace, the old woman's presence infused the air with an aura of timeless elegance and heartfelt sentiment.

"I'll be right back," she said, scurrying away like an excited little mouse. After a few minutes, she returned with a silver tray bearing an array of necklaces, each shimmering with its own unique charm.

Jungkook carefully draped the necklaces over Taehyung's neck, their playful banter adding a touch of levity to the solemn task. Despite Taehyung's initial reluctance, he couldn't deny the thrill of the moment as they sifted through the sparkling treasures.

It wasn't until they reached the eighth necklace that Taehyung felt a spark of connection. "I think this is the one," he said, admiring the delicate diamond pendant. "It's simple, yet elegant. She'll love it."

Jungkook studied the necklace, its beauty captivating his gaze. The old lady shared its history, adding a touch of prestige to their selection.

"How much is it?" Jungkook asked, concern flickering in his eyes.

"It's a bit beyond your original budget," she admitted, citing the price.

Taehyung's eyes widened at the cost, but Jungkook's resolve remained unwavering. "I'll take it," he declared, brushing off any hesitation.

The transaction completed, the necklace nestled in its velvet box, a symbol of Jungkook's unwavering commitment. Taehyung couldn't help but marvel at his friend's determination, even as they left the store.

As they walked, the sunlight danced around them, casting a golden glow on their surroundings. Seagulls soared overhead, their graceful arcs a fleeting distraction from Jungkook's resolute steps.

"Jungkook," Taehyung began, his voice soft but earnest. "Two million won is a significant amount. Are you sure?"

Jungkook's smile was bright, his conviction unwavering. "She's worth every penny."

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