my playable little heart..

By Tayjoy_

7.2K 252 14

Taylor is your typical adult women .. fun , loving .. But has been hurt plenty of times and she's tired .. Ti... More

my playable little heart..
1 . L E T I T B U R N .
2 . R E S E N T M E N T
3 . U S E D T O B E
4. N E V E R L E T Y O U G O
5. Y O U S M I L E
6. D O W N T O E A R T H
7. T H I S I S M E
8. S P E A K N O W
9. M E A N
10. C A N T S T O P T H E R A I N
11. M I N E
12 - A L L O F M E .
13 - R E M E M B E R .
Author's note.
14 - A L L T H A T M A T T E R S.
16 - B U R N
17 - L O Y A L
18 - B R E A K E V E N
19 - B A N S
20 - O N E W I S H
21 - G I V E S Y O U H E L L
Author's note

15 - T R O U B L E

202 6 0
By Tayjoy_

I wiped my eyes as I walked into the hospital waiting room.

I slowly walked up to the desk . "Rayan Lopez please." I said pushing my hair behind my ear.

She looked up from the computer and looked at me slowly "are you high ? because you know you can't be here,visiting the patients." she said with a attitude.

"Um no. I been crying .. that's why my eyes are red. can you just tell me what room my husband is in please."

"Mhm." She said before looking down again and finding his room number.

"He's in room 150."

I grabbed my keys and walked into the elevator, I pushed the button for floor 3.

"hold the door please!" A voice said from outside the elevator.

A lady around her 80's climbed in with me , her skin was wrinkled , she was brown skin she had gray hair with a little bit of black still showing and hazel eyes. you could tell she was gorgeous when she was younger.

"floor 3" she said smiling at me.

I pressed the button still staring at her, admiring her beauty. I guess she caught me staring because she looked at me with caring eyes and said. "why are you here honey?"

"My husband got into a car crash tonight, why are you here ?"

"I'm sorry to hear that,but my husband has leukemia, and he's blind."

I looked at her shocked. "leukemia causing blindness ?"

she chuckled "no sweetheart, my Robbie has been blind his whole life."

"Really? how did you marry him?"

"Well, I always knew who he was, in high school he was bullied, and I was popular as you can say, one day I got tired of seeing him get Bullied so I said something, I lost a lot of friends but fuck them. When I met Robbie he changed my life, after high school we got married and had three wonderful kids . We've been together 62 years. a long time I know. He's had cancer 20 years of those 62 . Robbie changes anyone he meets. that's why I married him." She said smiling.

"wow, I'm Taylor Lopez." I said putting my hand out.

"Nice to meet you Taylor, I'm Scarlett Fox."

The elevator stopped on our floor and we walked out.

"What room is your husband in?" I asked.

"Room 148,what about yours?"

"Room 150, if you don't mind could I stop by and meet your robbie?"

She smiled before walking into the room "I think he would like that very much."

I smiled and walked into the rays room before almost falling face first one the floor.

There was my husband, my smiling, laughing husband.. he looked so limp,beat up.

I walked up to the bed and sat in the chair.

"Ray.. Baby." I coughed holding back my tears.

He slowly turned his head towards me smiling . "T-Taylor."

I looked at him funny as i saw a smile creep along his face.

"What are you smiling for Lopez?"

"Because I got you." He said smiling.

I laughed , " And I got you. I met this lady today who was married to a blind man,there only two rooms down."

"Maybe when I'm well enough , we'll have them over for dinner." He said smiling.

"Yeahhhh." I said as I laughed.

"Well , well look at the Lopez."a voice said behind me.

I turned around and saw a face I hoped to never see again.

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