Stealing the Heart of a God

Por -skies-

438K 19.5K 2.6K

Can the world's biggest player actually fall hopelessly in love?.... Well known in all the honey houses acros... Mais



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Por -skies-

A week later

As Lui stares at his reflection in the mirror and quietly listens to his heartbeats, he still couldn't believe that he is alive and still has a small portion of his powers left. The last thing that he remembered before fainting was the last bit of his god essence leaving him and a small weak glimmering light crying and pleading for him to hold on.

Now that he thinks more about it, he could have sworn that he heard the light tell him in a soft, whimpering voice "sniff... I will save you. Sniff.. sniff... please... please hold on for a little longer." Before the darkness consumed him. But lights can't talk, and he was so near to death that he could have just imagined it. But then again, if he did imagine the whole thing then who's god essence is in him.

It had to be the little light's doing, doesn't it?! But then again, the goddess of life and death did say that no one will be able to save him unless they give him their god essence (so basically die in his place). But if no one gave him their god essence then how is he still alive and even maintain a tiny portion of his powers. Furthermore, he is certain that the god essence he has right now is not his, but it did feel very familiar to his.

As these thoughts run through Lui's mind for the hundredth time, he still could not find an answer to his questions. Shaking his head, Lui starts to feel queasy again and quickly makes his way back towards the bathroom.


A few days after Lui woke up and learned from Aixin that Zhu An had found him unconscious in the garden, he began feeling nauseous and sick. Since Lui was a god and gods do not get sick, Lui had never experienced anything like that before in his life and was a bit scare. But seeing as Aixin and Zhu An both have their hands full with the twins at the time, Lui decided to keep it to himself.

As he rinses his mouth and stare at his tire face in the mirror, he hears Zhu An knock on the bathroom door and asks if he is okay. Quickly wiping off the droplets of water on his mouth, Lui opens the bathroom door and tells Zhu An that he's fine.

"but you look a little pale. Are you sure you're fine?" Zhu An asks with a worry look on his face. Since Lui did not want to worry Zhu An he tells him that he feels fine and even offers to go buy the herbs that Zhu An wanted from the store.


Although Lui initially offered to go buy Zhu An's herbs because he did not want Zhu An to be worry about his health, once he was out of the palace, he was quite glad that he offer to go. The difference in scenery did make him forget about the nauseous feeling in his stomach and all the worries that he has.

However, just as he makes his way back to the palace, Lui walks by a honey house and hears a familiar laughter echoing down from an open balcony inside the extravagant building. Quickly, Lui makes his way into the building and up towards the room where the sound echoed from, but when he turns towards the room where the laughter came from, four large, tall men blocked his path.

"Only esteem guest are allow in this room. We suggest you leave now." One of the tall, buff men told Lui in a stern voice, while the remain three scan Lui from head to toe.

Before Lui could even process their words, he hears a high pitch voice whine out, "General Zhanshi promised that he'll take Jini to his home? But General Zhanshi never did", followed by another equally sultry voice. "Hmp! General Zhanshi promised that he'll take Mika too. Why haven't you shown Mika your home?! You promise, remember."

As the name in those two voices ring in Lui's ear and he stood frozen and in disbelief, he hears a masculine voice chuckle out in an all too familiar playful tone, "where you two are is where my home is. ...You two are my heaven, don't you know that."

Lui could not even imagine how he would feel if he had also seen the look on Zhanshi's face when he said those words to the two girls, but knows that just hearing those words alone felt like someone had jab a serrated knife right into his chest. Therefore, as he feels tears beginning to form around his eyes, Lui quickly turn around to leave. But as he takes one step away from the room, he hears the two girls giggle out, "Well, much do you love me?" and then hears Zhanshi reply, "Didn't I say that you two are my heaven."

Those words made Lui realized that the pain he had felt before is nothing compare to this new pain. This new pain feels as if someone has just pierced his heart and then squeeze out all the life in it. So as the painful feeling makes its way into Lui's mind, he lost control of his sanity and quickly barged pass the four confused guards, into the large room.

As he stands in the doorway with tears pooling in his eyes, he hears the two girls shriek and then quickly bunch up the blanket to cover their naked bodies.

Lui knows that Zhanshi does not remember their relationship, but seeing him with someone else hurts more than Lui expected and he just couldn't control himself, just like how he couldn't control the tears that are falling from his eyes.

So just as one of the girls yell at him for barging into the room and call for security, Lui watch Zhanshi scan him from head to toe and attempt to say something. But before the words had a chance to escape Zhanshi's lips, Lui pull off his left shoe and smash it into Zhanshi's face as the tears that he felt before begin trailing down his face.

With the tears now falling freely from his eyes, Lui quickly whip his body around and storm out of the place.

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