The dancing queen meet her ki...

By N0nanaxxx

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a enemy .....a love story More

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We Got Married special

58 4 2
By N0nanaxxx

hyo's room

yuri:wow this is finaly came...

donghae:what took you that long..?

hyuk:bian i got lost...

hyo:now with not any minute less start the movie...

kai:gree..(close the lights and open the tv and the dvd..)

after some time hyo wanted to lay down since she felt tired....when her head was about to reach the bed hyuk put his tights to support hyo's head...

hyo;(turned her head to see him....boeh?)

hyuk;(just shhh the others enjoying the movie...)

hyo:axxa thats yuri....

yuri:ndeka ondtse?

donghae:axxaxax you did i remeber it axaxxa

hyuk:axaxax this is funny xaxxa


after 20 minutes when the movie was about to end ,eunhyuk notice hyo's butt was showing up since she wear that he took off his jaket and put it on her ....

hyo:(ika bouyah?whee?look at hyuk)whee?

hyuk:ndo not cold?(dont show your body like that ,is for me and only me)

hyo:aaa a bit...(bit her lips and turned back to tv to avoid his eyes....)

yuri:oppa your ears are so red ...(hyo sit up and saw his ears as well)

hyo:wow sindja red ...(touch his ears)and hot oppa kenchana?

hyuk:ooh..(got embaressed )

yuri:oppa why are they red?

donghae and kai were laughing hard since they knew the resson.....

hyo:why are you laughing?

kai:ani noona is something you will not understand...axaxax

yuri:whee?we are not that stupid...

donghae:axaxa is not that ...xaxaxxa

hyuk:yah lets continue with the movie...its getting late....

hyo:oh...(what happen that he is acting like that...?)

hyuk:phew...(hyo cant you move a bit down?you hair are on my privet part..aigoo....)hyo nda cold can i put my hand in the jacket?

hyo:oki(try to give him his jacket back)

hyuk:its ok...(put his hand inside the jacket while he accidently touch hyo's hand)

kai:wow is finished....(open the lights....)it was nice..

donghae:yah boehh?(look at hyohyuk )

yuri:wooouu are you two dating?

hyo:(let go of hyuk's hand and got up)bousoun bariahhh i just tired....

hyuk;gree since we are firends i helped her support her head....nothing else...

kai:gree what you say...

ace:edra...did you finished?

hyo:nde omma...(they all get downstairs..)

donghae:hyo...will you drive us back?

hyo:i...well ...kai(act cute)

kai:bian...(got scared at his dad's death glarse)

sparta:i will take you home dont worry...lets go...

yuri:(wispered)will they be ok?

hyo:nda boula...(hit kai)

kai;mbohh?didnt you see?


hyuk:komsamita for the dinner we had a great time...(they both bow and left)

sparta:i will be back honey...(left)

hyo;omma...what appa is planing?

ace:dont worry they will be ok...

at the car

sparta:so like hyo?


donghae:bouyah you told him?

hyuk:shh...i told her parents... girl is pretty ....why didnt you confess her yet?

hyuk:ehh?well i wanted but it was always a bad timing...

sparta:mbo?bad timing?is there a good and bad time?you just say it and wait for an answer ...

donghae:sir when he says bad timing is beacuse she was going out with someone or he got in the army...

sparta;gree...i see...what are you doing now?isnt she free?

hyuk:xaxa ndee she is ...but i dont know i wanted first to get to meet you in person and ask you if i can ask her out before anything ....

sparta:you didnt ask her out you just said you love her and left....

hyuk:nde...gesoumita i didnt want this to happen at our first meeting gesouamita...

sparta:gree...i have to say this...i like you....(the boys shocked)you are like me at my teen age when i first saw hyo's omma and couldnt go any near her axxaxa

hyuk:you did sir?

sparta:gree...i couldnt be near her for a second ,i was always messed things up....

donghae:then how you started dateing sir?

sparta;well she asked me first "whats wrong with you ","do you like me?"

hyuk:did you answer her sir?

sparta:ani i was just staying there and looking at her like stupid...but she knew it and said"lets go to a date "

donghae:wow hyong will that work for you too?

hyuk:ani...hyo is diferrent she would never say it i think..

sparta:ani she did the past she asked that boy out....but you should not let her do that hurting....


sparta:she is my daughter ,nda shroo see this...especialy when she always get rejected or date a few days weeks and then they broke her up...if you love her do it right...

hyuk:nde sir i will not let her do that or get hurt again i promise you...

donghae:hyong dont promise anthing yet you dont know her fellings

sparta:is ok since you promised i will support you but have this in mind until you confess i cant avoid sent her on dates ...

hyuk:what dates?

sparta:blind dates...she is getting older and we want to see her happy and married not leave alone all her life...

donghae;ohh gree...thats right...

hyuk:sir i understand(he was sad now)

sparta:we are here...(i shook you up didnt i?hehe)


hyuk:komsamita...and thank you again for the dinner....

sparta:ani is ok i am glad i get to know you better....(drive off)

at hyuk's parents house

appa:you are late...

hyuk:biane appa I know it....

omma:did you eat anything?

hyuk:nde don't worry hyo's parents prepare diner for us..

appa:wait what?you were at her house?

omma:how did it go?

hyuk:oh...they invited us for dinner after we finished filming ,bian I don't tell you the reason...

omma:so what happen ?everything went well right?

hyuk:aishh...kind of....

appa:what kind off?marrehh

hyuk:(sit at the sofa)well her father was kinda scary in the start...he was asking a lot of questions about me and the songs I write...aish....

omma:so what is something a parent would do to get to know their kids friends.....

hyuk:ani is not that when I left alone with him he asked about my friendship with hyo long it is and if I had any other felling for her as a woman...because he don't believe in man ,woman friendship...

appa:what did you told him?what he said?

hyuk:well I told him that I have felling for his daughter ....

omma:omona what he said?

hyuk:well I didn't stay long since hyo came in...they waited me and kai to see a movie...

omma:and...after that ?

hyuk:well her dad drive us home...

appa:he sure said something right?

hyuk:oh...he said that he will support me since I am like him in his teen years ,but he said that he cant do anything about sending her on blind dates since I didn't confess her yet ....

appa:gree .....she have to date a bit too....

omma:at least he support you ...good job baby...(hug hyuk)

hyuk:whats the point...she will meet other men ,and I don't know if I ever be able to confess to her aish...(get to his room)


appa;let him be...he will manage it ...(hug his wife)after all he is our son ...

omma:what is that?

appa:dont you remember me getting after you ...everyday until you said yes?

omma:aish...(hit him)why you remember that?

appa:because it was the best waiting and trying I ever did....(eunhyuk hear that and make him release that he have to fight harder to prove his love for her)

the next day

at sm

chairman:call all the groups to come today at the big preference room...(don't know if the word is right )

secretary:yes sir....

tae;so why he want all of us there?

soo:nda boula all she said is to go there...

hyo:oh kai?exo,red velvet ,tvxq,shinee,super junior,nct,boa uniee...?why we are all here?


yuri:hey are you?

kai:ok...noona do you have any idea why he called all of us here?

hyo:ani....maybe another sm town concert?

tae:ani...he said that this year we have only that one we did ....

secretary:please have a sit and wait ,the chairman will be here any minute...

after 10 minutes the chairman enter the room all the stars stand up and bow to him ......then they all took their sits...

chairman:aa long time no all together right?oh..well we gathered you all here today to inform you that our company got a big job all know we got married right?



hyuk:didnt it end?

tae:gree...whats that about?

chairman;i know that it ended years ago but their group came and ask us to be part on their special season....where all the companies will take place ......the couples as I had informed will be made by our own votes and your fans choice ...

secretary:any questions?

boa:who are the couples?

chairman:we don't know yet ...all we know is that we will take place as a company ...also they will hold a big press conference where they announce some of the couples might get chosen...

yunho:how we will vote?or the fans?

chairman:mmm well they will make a big concert where we all take place and each person or idol can vote at the entrance will vote only you have to think careful...

lee:when will they announce it?

chairman:this week ,they already started preparing for the adverts ...the first teaser will be shown tonight.....tomorrow the press conference will be live so be ready...

secretary:ok thanks for coming ...(she left with the chairman)

hyo:xaxax that was fast...

tae:nde axxaa...

tiff:who you think will be?

soo:from what I know they don't let idols that are dating or joined in a previous one....

sunny:so seo-tae-soo-yuri out...

yuri:who cares we are happy ...

yoona:you forgot me ....

hyo;gree and tiff me and sunny left...?badoualde...

sunny:gree...whats not us definitely...we are not that popular ...I don't think is us..

lee:so edra chances?

yuri:we said from our group is a chance a bout hyo and sunny ,from you?

donghae:well...we have ...yesung-shindon-eunhyuk and siwon

hee:but he cant join because of his penalty ....

soo:so have big chances to join the show...


chen:noona...long time no see..

hyo:oh anio edra have you been?


d.o:we should go to a camping again...

hyo:gree..good idea....

lee:so edra from you any chances join the show?

sehun:well ...we all have pretty much chances....right?

kai:well yes ...we are all singles and we didn't participate in any of this red velvet and nct....

hyo:ahhh was part of the show well the others have pretty high chances ...

joy:ahh uniee...xaxax

kai:mboh?she is right had your chance

they all started a big family...

the next day they had that press conference where all the idols ,snsd-red velvet-black pink-twice -suju-exo-nct-bts ......ect...

tae:wow is huge....

tiff:ottoke....there are many people here...

sunny:shh just bow and look pretty

yoona:gree lets go to our sits ...

hyo:palee is embarrassing....(smile and bow...)anioseo ...anioseo...

black pink:wow snsd came too...

bts:wow they are pretty....

hyuk:ohh they came...

donghae:calm down there are many reporters here...

kai:hyung....they will sit next to you.....from the labels I saw...

hyuk:move...I will sit last ....


kai:ahh noona didn't you have anything longer to wear?(saw how short her dress was)

hyo:axxaxa don't make me laugh hard as it is....

tae:oh edra we are here...sit..

yuri:oppa ......anio...(wave)

donghae:xaxax anio...sit don't stand you will get hurt again ....

yuri:xaxax hard to control the pain from the heels xaxa

they all sat down ....

hyuk;so what time will it start?

hyo:i hear that it will start at 9.....what time is it?

yuri:9 ....they should be here...

donghae:ohh they are here...(as they all turned and saw the chairmen and the crew of WGM enter)

wgm planner:hello and welcome to our special wgm press conference....before we start I would like to thank all the chairmen that help me and allowed their idols to join our you know this WGM session will be different from the others since the couples will be made by the fans and the idols themselves...we already have some couples that are in our minds ,of which only 4 couples will be selected by voting .....before we announce the candidness are there any questions?

reporter1:you said that there will be will that work?

wgm planner:the voting will be running in the concert we are planning to do next week with all the kpop groups .....there would be a big board with all the couples and some cameras.....each idol will vote once by drawing a for the fans we prepared a special site for them to vote their favorite couple....they can vote only once as well .....

reporter3:how will that be made?and what is the reason ?

wgm planner:well the fans will join the concert they will get an id number ,that number is their number they will need to enter the voting section ......that id numbers will be given as well to any other kpop store.there we have put our people in order to make sure they get one id number only....the reason we doing all this is because we want this competition be fair and clear .....

reporter 2;can we see the results before the real show?and how long will the voting be take?

wgm planner:well the voting will start the date of the concert ,the next Friday....and it will last one week ...(from Friday to next Sunday) for the proses of voting any one can see it in our site ,but on the last day of voting there not be any results so we keep the mystery between the couples but and the fans.....

wgm writer:if there are not other questions .....we will announce the couples ........ lisa &jungkook,tzuyu&mark,........etc.........(just any couple you want )and last eunhyuk&hyoyeon....(continue talking)


hyuk:krotsio is funny to think us like that axxaxa

donghae:what about the other options you have hyo?

hyo:well key is a dongse to me ,boom oppa nda shrooo....he will not act as a boyfriend but as a clown .....onew oppa he is not my type and we tried before it didn't work ,basically I don't like be in this show with any one from sm....

yuri;yah what about junho or doojoun or mir?

hyuk:you have so many choices.....

hyo:yah what are you talking about? mir oppa is not in the list....


lee:what about the others?

hyo:well junho is ok....he is in my ideal type ...doojoun oppa not that much in my ideal type...but choua....

hyuk:yah you dated junho before and it didn't work so talla...

tiff:he is right ...talla....

tae:so the only choice you like is doojoun oppa...?

hyo:ehh?ani is not I like him or anything just inside my ideal type and not from the same agency...

hyuk;gree ...I have a lot of girls too.....

soo;ehh?oppa you are out the place...

hyuk:axxaxa(laugh awkward.)I was thinking who might be my partner if it work out for me axaxax

after a few minutes they all left .....

did you like it ?please comment...

I am sorry for the delay is just I have so many homework to do and with my upcoming exams......

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