Blazing Love // FaZe Fanfic

By MysteryChic123

12.8K 170 150

(Mostly a Blaziken fanfic....) Description Danni is a normal 18 year old. She lives with her mom and her litt... More

Introducing People
Boring, Old Day // Chapter 1
New Friends // Chapter 2
Wait.....What?! // Chapter 3
Maybe? // Chapter 4
Video Chat // Chapter 5
Oh My Gosh // Chapter 6
I Cannot Wait // Chapter 7
Anticipation // Chapter 8
FINALLY // Chapter 9
Cutie // Chapter 10
The Mall "Date" // Chapter 11
Best "Date" Ever // Chapter 12
Kiss? // Chapter 13
Surprise // Chapter 14
Thank God // Chapter 15
Danni....Please // Chapter 16
I Will Not Ever // Chapter 17
Gym Day // Chapter 18
Presents // Chapter 19
New Guy // Chapter 20
Stop! // Chapter 21
Moving? // Chapter 22
Rushed // Chapter 23
Travel.. // Chapter 24
Settling In // Chapter 25
Jealousy // Chapter 26
Patient // Chapter 27

Come Back // Chapter 28

180 4 4
By MysteryChic123

I grab my phone out of my back pocket and shakily type in Lucas' number. The sounds correlating with my slow button taps.

I press call and hold it up to my ear. After 3 rings, it stops.

"Dammit" I whisper, i call again.

This time it was 5 rings.


2 rings, then a firmilar voice answers.


It was Lucas.

"Oh my god Lucas where the hell are you?!" I nearly yell.
"I'm sorry, Danni, but i'm not coming back, which means i can't tell you where i am."
"Please, baby, come back.."

There were a few seconds of silence. I missed him. I wanted him home so I could ask him what has been going on.

"I'm sorry"

"Lucas pl-"

I was cut off by the noise of an ended call.


I run back to Nordan, who was searching his room.

"I got ahold of him." I say, out of breath.
"Really, What happened??" He doesn't turn around to talk to me.
"He- He um said he isn't coming back..." I say, shaken up.
"No-nononono he has to come back- he can't just give up on FaZe like that!" He says, running his fingers through his hair.

I got mad that all Nordan cared about was youtube right now. Lucas could be anywhere, and he cares about that? I had to find him. But i can't do it without the guys.

"I don't care about youtube right now. We are finding Lucas one way or another. Get the other guys into the other car and let's go." I said sternly, Nordan did as instructed and ran down the stares, knowing that i was serious about this.

It was like a flash and i was in the passenger seat of the car, Nordan driving.

'Should we call 911?!' Jakob yells from the backseat.

'Uh...yeah sure go ahead' I say quietly, unsure.

This is crazy. I was in love with Lucas a couple days ago, it's all falling apart. i still love him...does he even feel that way anymore? he has to take his pills to love me? i dont know anymore.

i hear the loud tone of 3 numbers being dialed and some slight ringing.

' of our friends ran away and we think he is delusional right' Jakob sounds very scared and is sad when he hangs up the phone.

'They can't help find him since he is over 18 and a legal adult' Jakob says after a long silence.

'What the HELL' Nordan yells and hits the steering wheel.

I jump.

'What??' I ask quickly

'It's stupid! He doesn't care enough about us to tell us where he's been or take his pills! It's all stupid!' He yells

'Hey he is your friend you can't get mad at him!!' I yell back

'Yeah bro he has issues, we are here for him.' Jakob says, leaning forward.

'Where are we even driving??' Nordan asks

'Turn left right up here...' I say as we slowly drive onto a road.

'Yes but D-'

'Just take a left.' I sternly say, but not yelling.

We were going to the only place where i could guess where Lucas could be right now. I don't know what's going on but this is the best bet at the moment.

The park where me and him first met.

'Why are we at a park?' Nordan questions
'This is where we first kissed...i thought maybe he would be here... i- i don't know why...' I respond
'Well i guess we can get out and search?' Jakob asks.
'uh-yeah sure' I say hesitantly

Jakob, Apex, Nordan, Alex and I get out of the car and just stand there for a couple seconds, not knowing what to do.

'I'm going to go an search over here guys' Alex says, walking to the woods that are placed around the park.


But anyway since i just downloaded the app i'll try and post more :,)

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