The Bonded: Lost And Gained

By Wolfcat500

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A prince who had no goal, no purpose in his life. Beside him, there was a girl who had lost everything, but g... More

~ Chapter 1 ~
~ Chapter 2 ~
~ Chapter 3 ~
~ Chapter 4 ~
~ Chapter 5 ~
~ Chapter 6 ~
~ Chapter 7 ~
~ Chapter 8 ~
~ Chapter 10 ~
~ Chapter 11 ~
~ Chapter 12 ~
~ Chapter 13 ~
~ Chapter 14 ~
~ Chapter 15 ~
~ Chapter 16 ~
~ Chapter 17 ~
~ Chapter 18 ~
~ Chapter 19 ~
~ Chapter 20 ~
~ Chapter 21 ~
~ Chapter 22 ~
~ Chapter 23 ~
~ Chapter 24 ~
~ Chapter 25 ~
~ Chapter 26 ~
~ Chapter 27 ~
~ Chapter 28 ~

~ Chapter 9 ~

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By Wolfcat500

"What the heck are you doing?" Noriko asks.

Her brow was twitching, her eyes glued on the three commanders. As of now, she had seemed to enter into a battle between three commanders in the middle of the forest. Mass destruction was everywhere, the threes were blown down, the Tamer Beasts were injured and small wounds were on the commanders. It didn't look good for all three of them. 

Rumon laughed nervously, uncharacteristically fanning himself quickly as if he knew that if he didn't say the right words, he might end up dead.

"Well, you see, Noriko," he began. "We were, uh, training ourselves... And what better way than to fight each other, right...?"

"When I came back, I was expecting you three to be doing serious work," she said.

Her eyes dilated into a dangerous, threatening look, making the commanders flinch at the malicious look in her eyes. They knew that she would never hurt them, but sometimes she looked like she would.

"Especially you, Takehiko; I didn't expect much from Rumon. But I end up coming back to damaged environments and injured Tamer Beasts - so what the heck were you doing while I was away?" 

They stepped back, scared of what the commander could do to them. It was rare for Noriko to snap, but when she did, it was best to stay clear. Sweat trailed down his face, but Takehiko was the first to step forward.

"Calm down Noriko, we can explain."

"Yeah, we can, so calm down, will you?" Mika said, unnerved.

Noriko shook her head, murmuring words in a dangerously calm voice.

"Fine, but you better make it quick. I've got a meeting with the King later."

The three looked at each other nervously, then seated themselves on the ground. She joined them with an expecting look, waiting to hear their excuse for the destruction around them and their injuries. 

Takehiko gulped, hoping that telling the truth will make sure they would live for another day and not end up dead by the hands of their comrade. 

"We were talking when you left, doing our usual thing as you know."

She rolled her eyes, clearly not believing them or expecting such a response from him. Both options seemed likely, but her foul mood made it difficult to distinguish which she actually believed.


"Unexpectedly, HoPaKa and Bleu began fighting with each other. We tried stopping them, and asking what was wrong - but they were too angry with each other to listen to us," Takehiko said, sighing at the end. "We resorted to try and stop them, Drake and Winter ran off saying that they'll leave them to us. The other Tamer Beasts tried helping them but they got themselves hurt instead. They stopped after a little while and now refuse to talk to each other."

She narrowed her eyes, glancing over her shoulder to look at the Tamer Beasts. True enough, Drake and Winter were nowhere in sight, and HoPaKa and Bleu had their heads turning away from each other with pouty expressions.

I guess they're telling the truth.

She sighs, shaking her head in what seemed to be disappointment. 

"You three are so troublesome - even your Tamer Beasts are," she said. 

The commanders sighed in relief, glad that she believed their word. 

"So, what does the King want to talk to you about?" Rumon asks.

Noriko shrugs, her angry aura gone and they hoped it would stay like that for awhile. If it did return, it would be too soon.

"I don't know the details, but I do know that it has something to do with Prince Arata and the werewolves from Lycanthropian ."

Takehiko said, "I see. It makes sense."


"You two have been getting along well - everyone knows that. The King probably knows that too," Mika answered. "You're also the same age too, so that gives you a boost too. He probably wants you to protect him while he visits the werewolves for the first time."

"But I'm still on my break."

"You know the King doesn't really care when it comes to his son - well, he does, but when he knows it'll benefit you, he probably won't care," Mika replied, "plus he probably forgot."

A sigh escaped the girl's lips, pushing herself to her feet and calling for her partners to come to her side. 

"Whatever you say," she said. "I've got to get going now. Try not to cause anymore problems while I'm away."

Drake and Winter came flying in, arguing who should go down to pick up Noriko. It seemed Winter had won the argument as she flew down, swooped the female off the ground and into the air.

The red dragon huffed, clearly upset about the outcomes. He reluctantly followed after them, leaving the other commanders to their own devices. Mika sighs, the fear that once resided within her dissipating into nothing.

"You know, she's scary when she gets pissed off."

"We know we know," Rumon said, sounding bored. "Sometimes I think she doesn't have a single fun cell in her."

Takehiko said kindly, "You know she's having a hard time with everything. Let's just let her be and hope for the best."

"You said that three years ago and nothing has changed," Mika mumbled. "She's warmer now, but how long is it going to take before she acts like her normal self? You know, the short-tempered, calm one that allows fun to happen almost all the time, oh and smiles too. Not the serious one that says - work, no fun and doesn't smile at all"

Rumon pointed out, "Well, she's got some of the short-tempered part back - but I don't think she's going to let it go around wildly like she use too. She's still calm too, she's just added the serious into her composure now and no smiling rule..."

"Well, I suppose she's only trying to follow after him," Takehiko said. "I'm sure she'll get over it. With The Bonded thing going on, and the Prince's new entrance into her life. I have a feeling things are going to start changing."

"I hope you're right," Mika said, "I don't know how much more I can take this before I decide to snap."


"Do you think she knows that she's going to be a personal guinea pig?"

"Uh, no... I don't think so."


The blackette opened the grand doors to the Throne room. She placed one foot in front of the other, entering into the room and connecting eyes with the King.

"Ah, Commander Noriko, welcome," a deep voice greeted.

She bowed at the King politely, staring at the ground with a blank expression. She lifted up her head to look into his eyes once more.

"Hello your majesty, I see you haven't changed that such since I last saw you."

"Which wasn't too long ago, Commander Noriko."

He laughed, enjoying her blunt antics.

"Noriko?" three male voices called out.

Curious to who voices they could be, she turned on her heel to see the three princes having looks of surprise on their faces. She bowed to them politely, greeting them as well.

"Hello my princes. Could you kindly tell me why you've called me here, King?"

"Ah, right," he said, stroking his beard. "I've decided that Arata, Aoi and Red will be meeting the werewolves with me, and I would like you to keep an eye on them: make sure they don't get into any trouble."

The Commander blankly looked at the King, her eyes seemingly to reflect the idea that she thought the King was crazy. However, she still bowed for her loyalty and gave her his word that she would do as she was told.

"As you wish, your majesty. Although, why does it have to be me? I'm sure you have other candidates for this job?"

"Hmm, I did," he affirmed, "but I thought you would be the best since you've got to know the princes personally and know the werewolves that are coming to visit us too. To add, you're also the same age as Arata, so you're perfect."

I feel like he's putting me into a corner... Stupid King, she thought. 

"I see... I will see what I can do to protect your sons."

"Good. The werewolves will be coming anytime now."

What? He's putting me on the spot now? Geez King...

The doors swung open with a slam, revealing four people dressed in somewhat modern, casual clothing. There faces were shadowed by the glare of the sun behind them, a loud, cheerful voice ringing out in the room as a greeting.

"Yo yo yo, Maho! We, werewolves, have come to visit ya like we've promised!"

Noriko sighs, covering her ears with a distress expression on her face. 

Why him of all werewolves?

Stepping forward, a ash-blonde haired teenager came into view. A huge grin on his face as he gave them a peace sign with his right hand. He wore a pirate-styled outfit with a dragon tattoo visible on his arm and chest, an eyepatch over his right eye. Scanning over the people in the room, his eyes landed on the black-haired female.

"No-Ri-Ko!" he yelled happily, emphasizing each syllable of her name. 

He ran over to her, coming to a stop in front of her and opening his arms.

"I've see you haven't changed one bit in appearance! Come and give Big Brother Kazuto a hug!"

"Big brother?" Arata squeaked out, surprised.

She rolled her eyes, reluctantly giving him the hug he wanted. Though, the expression on her face said that she really wanted to run away. 

She muttered, "I thought I told you that you weren't my 'big brother,' Kazuto."

"Oh, how you hurt me so, Noriko!" Kazuto said drastically.

He placed a hand on his heart, faking to be 'hurt' by her words but he quickly went back to his usual composure with a grin plastered on his face.

"You really need to lighten up, it's no fun when you're being so mean."

"Would you two stop with the act already? It's annoying," a female voice stated.

A figure stepping forward from the door, revealing to be a brown-haired woman with brown eyes. She wore a red dress that was similar to Mika's, an annoyed expression complimenting her 'fake' face. The black-haired female shrugged, having no care in the world for what the woman had to say.

She retorted, "When you decide to grow a pair, I might consider giving you some respect, woman."

"Still going on with that nickname huh, Chibi?"

"Like you're one to talk."

"Just shut your trap."

"When you shut yours first."

"Enough with your bickering, we're here on important business," a female voice said in a ladylike tone.

A female stepped forward, revealing a dark-blue haired woman who had her hair tied into a high bun with a small ponytail sticking out under the bun. A large side fringe on her left. She wore a beautiful, classy blue dress that spells noble. In her hands she held a red fan with white fluffs on the edges of the fan.

Kazuto greeted, "Oh, Miss Classy has arrived. How's life for you?"

"Like I've said before, Kazuto, I don't talk to people like you."

Her face turned into disgust, as if she was thinking of someone that made her want to cringe into the nearest corner. 

"Especially from a low class division."

The blonde huffed, bending down and cupping a hand over Noriko's ears.

"This is one person I don't like."

"Surprise surprise," Noriko muttered, "I never thought there would be a person you didn't like."

She rolled her eyes, clearly not caring for what he did or didn't like.

"Noriko, I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not," Kazuto teased, "can you try to be a bit more specific?"

She shook her head, playfully punching his arm.

"That's enough," a male voice rang out. 

Everyone looked over to see the last werewolf, a man with white hair and wearing what seemed to be a school uniform. He growled lowly, seemingly to be angry but none of the other werewolves seemed to care for that factor.

"Do you have to be so loud? We're at a meeting."

Kazuto laughed.

"Oh lighten up, Ryoto! We're seeing some pals and meeting the princes of Maho! You should be happy, not a grumpy pants!"

What kind of people are Noriko being mixed up in...? Arata wondered, shock and confusion present on his face.

The King greeted, "Werewolves of Lycanthropian, welcome. It's been awhile, has it not?"

"Yes, it has," Ryoto said.

He crossed his arms, his black eyes scoping out the area and landing on the three princes that stood near the Commander of the Knight Unit. 

 "They are?"

Noriko stepped towards the three in a protective manner, her eyes glued to the movement of the werewolf. 

"These are the princes of Maho, Alpha King Ryoto."

"I'm Arata, the oldest brother."

"I'm Red! The older twin," the redhead introduced himself calmly.

"I'm Aoi! The younger twin," the other redhead said, but more cheerfully.

Kazuto said, "Ooh! They're just like me!"

"No they're not," Noriko murmured under her breath. "They're more mature than you are, idiot."

He puffed up his cheeks and hugged the twins as if his life depended on it. Though, to Noriko, it seemed like he was just trying to prove a point.

"No one is more mature than me!"

"Whatever you say," the girl said.

She sighed, then turned to the noble woman in question to her name.  Though, she could quite tell that she wasn't going to like the woman.

"And you are?"

"I am Etsuko Borin, heir to the noble family, Borin," she introduced herself.

Noriko bowed to her, deciding to introduce herself to the newcomer that had arrived. The others just watched in silence, waiting for a response.

"I'm Noriko Lillinight, Head Commander of the Knight Unit."

"Oh?" Etsuko asks in a suspicious tone. "That is quite a rank for someone as young as you."

Not again, the black-haired female thought. She's got that tone that suggests she's underestimating me. Stupid high class woman.

She only turned her head away from the woman, looking at the princes and deeming them of more importance than questioning Etsuko about her suspicious tone.

"Prince Arata, Prince Aoi, Prince Red, please meet Kazuto."

She pointed to the blonde.

"Hey there!"

"Reina - but you can just call her woman," Noriko introduced the brown-haired woman.

The woman huffed, clearly not happy about the idea of being called something so blunt and plain as 'woman'.


"And Ryoto, the Alpha King."

The King intervened, "Now that the introductions have been done. Let's go down to our usual area, shall we?"

"Of course."

The princes looked at each other, confused. 


Seemingly to notice their looks of confusion, Noriko only gave them a few single words that made them the more curious.

"Everything will be explained soon enough, Princes."


They all walked out of the castle, arriving at a clearing in the middle of the forest with a bunch of people surrounding the outskirts of it. All of them were guards, with three familiar Commanders standing in certain areas with blank expression. However, it was clear that they were trying to contain their laughter. They had known.

You can't be serious, Noriko thought. They're using me as their personal guinea pig!

"Hello my army. I am King Andrews Killinfall!" the King introduced. "We will now start the annual battle between one of the werewolves of Lycanthropian and one of my soldiers of Maho!"

Noriko punched the nearest tree, causing some leaves to fall to the ground. She sulked at the tree that wasn't being 'guarded' by a guard, punching it repeatedly. It was out of character in many people's opinions, but the Commanders only found it as enjoyment to see a reaction out of her.

I can't believe them. The King lied to me! Guard the princes my ass! It's more like a battle to see who's stronger for the fun of it!

The King continued, ignoring her silly actions.

"This is a tradition passed down for years ever since our alliance has begun! A fight to determine who is stronger, yet it is a way for the Maho's and the Lycanthropian's to get along. We all understand the concepts of fighting, to which makes us all have something in common. Whether we are humans or not, we are still heartfelt people! This will be a good-natured fight for our 20th anniversary of our alliance! Everyone enjoy!"

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