Love of a Raven

By StoryTellers17

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"W-why do you turn others away?" He asks me again, worried and slightly afraid in his voice. "Because they w... More

Chapter 1: My Raven's Name
Chapter 2: The Witch's Prophecy
Chapter 3: My Lonely Master
Chapter 4: Angelic Encounter
Chapter 5: Demonic Ways
Chapter 6: Deathly Visit
Chapter 7: Conflicts Emerge
Chapter 8: New Tastes
Chapter 9: Infuriating Stand
Chapter 10: Secret Exposed
Chapter 11: A Ball to Infiltrate
Chapter 12: Evasion of News
Chapter 13: Another Side
Chapter 14: Friendless
Chapter 15: Goodbye For Now
Chapter 16: Newly Family Members
Chapter 17: Two Halves of Myself
Chapter 18: Results of the Outcome
Chapter 19: Contract Development
Chapter 21: Arguing in the Kitchen
Chapter 22: No Secrets Amongst Us
Chapter 23: Gathering Information
Chapter 24: Searching for Clues
Chapter 25: Deciphering the Truth
Chapter 26: Pleasant Envision
Chapter 27: Demonology Night
Chapter 28: Trust Must Be Earned
Chapter 29: There's Kindness in Hospitality
Chapter 30: Uncovering Hidden Secrets
Chapter 31: Magic and Its Unpredictability
Chapter 32: Limitations on the Body
Chapter 33: Meeting My Family
Chapter 34: My End of the Contract
Chapter 35: Twice the Murder
Chapter 36: The Odds Against Me
Chapter 37: Bringing to Light a Mystery
Chapter 38: The Final Victim
Chapter 39: Choosing a Different Suspect
Chapter 40: A Step Forward
Chapter 41: Revelations Come with a Sacrifice
Chapter 42: The Death of One Too Many
Chapter 43: My Actions Can't Be Undone
Chapter 44: Persistent Visitors
Chapter 45: The Dark Truth
Chapter 46: Live On For All
Chapter 47: Rising from the Ashes

Chapter 20: Better Left Unsaid

217 7 2
By StoryTellers17

"I'm sorry, but who the bloody hell are you?" Galvin asks, his eyes narrowing into a glare.

"None of your concern, human." Damian snarls which caused Galvin to flinch. Most likely because of Damian's hazel eyes dilating to their crimson demonic versions.

"Damian, not now. Please, I'll explain everything if you could wait for me to finish calming my new contractor down?" I plead exasperatedly as I bring my hand to the bridge of my nose, hoping to lessen my frustration a bit.

"Garrick, what's going on? Who is this man and why did he said that you were still a novice at being a demon? What did he mean by that? Are you not a demon?!" Galvin bombards question after question at the same time he starts to hyperventilate. At this rate, I'll have to take him home myself. . .

"Galvin, calm yourself. Otherwise, you'll faint." I state in the calmest tone I could muster.

"Then, I'll eat your soul as a snack." Damian announces with his mischievous smirk which only made Galvin more nervous than he already is.

I sent a cold glare in Damian's direction before I return my attention back to Galvin who, at the moment, is coming close to losing consciousness. Even the sound of his heart beating faster than what normal humans have can be heard loud and clear. "Breathe, Galvin. I'll explain everything if you lower your heartbeat. Do you think you can do that?"

"I-I think s-so. . ." Galvin stammers and takes a few breaths to compose himself. His breathing eventually helped slow his heart beat to what I'm assuming to be at a steady rate.

"Good, keep breathing while I talk to my friend here. Damian, follow." I command smoothly, walking past Damian. Galvin nods his head, but I doubt he actually heard me from the blank and confused look he's wearing.

"Whatever you say, Garrick." Damian complies while he walks after me down the street.

I lead Damian a few feet away from Galvin's range of hearing and whisper harshly to him, "How long were you watching me?"

"Oh, not long. Only to the part where you flew up to him and saved his life. Nothing important until I saw you branding him. You finally found a soul worth eating?" Damian replies nonchalantly, raising a brow up higher than the other.

"No, I didn't. I simply found someone worthy of my services." I scoff while I cross my arms.

"You're still not going to eat his soul?!" Damian shouts, flabbergasted.

"I will never eat a soul, Damian." I snap heatedly as I narrow my eyes into a glare.

"Then, what in hell's name are you getting in exchange?!" Damian demands, noticing his eyes brightening to their demonic versions and a low growl resonating in his throat as he spoke.

Rolling my eyes in slight annoyance, I turn my head to Galvin and see with my eyes focusing on him that he's calmed down enough to listen to me. I look back at Damian to find him still waiting for me to answer his question, but he can wait. Galvin needs more of an explanation which could include my lack of demon contract experience.

"I'll tell you soon. Let me take my contractor home without you there to give him some bloody panic attack." I inform as I stride back to Galvin.

My new contractor looks tired and worn out. No doubt that he hadn't gotten any sleep tonight since he heard about the dead body. I must take him home before he collapses from exhaustion. He would have been on his way back by now if it weren't for Damian coming in and rudely interrupted us by telling him that this is my first ever contract.

"Is everything alright?" Galvin asks once I stand a foot or two away from him.

"Yes, everything is fine. But, I think you should go home now. You look as though you would lose consciousness any second now." I note and brace myself to catch him any second. Galvin nods his absentmindedly, probably not realizing it, while mumbling a few words that my high sense of hearing manages to catch.

"Yeah, okay. . . You're right. . . I'll head home. . ." He mutters sleepily and turns away from me. Most likely in the direction of his home somewhere there.

"Do you want me to walk you there?" I offer as he begins to walk away with me following close after him.

"I can manage. . ." Galvin replies with a long yawn. I don't think he can return home in this state. . .

"Galvin, allow me to escort you home. It's one of the benefits of having a contract with a demon." I attempt for him to accept my offer. Galvin slows down his walk to a halt, almost as though he were thinking it over. I was going to plead him to see reason when someone else cuts in.

"One of them being that we are capable of being in another location miles away from our original position within a blink of an eye." Damian speaks up cheekily with, of course, a smirk.

"Is that true?" Galvin mumbles curiously while he looks over at me. His entire body may look as though he's on the brink of collapse, but his brown eyes show a sense of wonder.

"Erm. . . I suppose it is, but I have never tried to create one. . . I, um. . ." I answer honestly as I contemplate whether or not I should tell him that the hybrid demon he formed a contract with is a novice as Damian said so bluntly.

"Give it a try, Garrick. You'll never know what you can do if you don't try." Damian suggests, shrugging his shoulders.

"Alright. . . Galvin, where do you live?" I ask, turning back to face him. Galvin jolts himself awake before he gives me his address located in the heart of the city in London.

To summon a portal, I need to know where I would like to be. That part isn't difficult. The tricky part is actually harnessing my demonic powers to form the portal. This is crucial for any demon who could possess that skill because it could take us to Hell or even Purgatory if we're not careful. Since this will be the first I attempt to summon a portal, I'm hoping I'll at least get us somewhere close to our destination.

"Focus on the location, Garrick. Have that clearly in your mind and the rest should be easy." Damian instructs as simple as that. If only it was that simple.

Nodding my head, I shut my eyes closed and picture the address Galvin told me. I can practically see Galvin's flat in the city from the times my family and I would travel there when I feel a slight tingle appearing in my right palm along with a cold rush along my arm. Slowly, I lift my right arm in front of me and squeeze my eyes as that tingle spreads all throughout my hand before it explodes out of my palm.

"You did it! Garrick, look! Open your damn eyes, Garrick!" Damian cheers while I hear Galvin whisper a few light curses.

I flutter my eyes open to find a large black and purple circle shape hole floating about a foot in front of me. The portal doesn't look like much, but it's usefulness is something to behold. Now that I'm know I'm capable of harnessing it, I'll be using it as often as I deem fit. Probably when Galvin calls for me.

"Bloody hell. . . I did it. . ." I mumble with a sense of joy quelling up inside my chest. I want to shout for all the world to know that I created a portal, but I held myself from doing so.

"Impressive. Now, let's get the human home, drink a bit of his blood, and head back home before your mother starts to send the evil twins after us." Damian announces and flashes a grin which only made Galvin uncomfortable. Then again, when hasn't he in the entire time he was here?

"Dr-drink my b-b-blood?!" Galvin stutters in fear. I swear, I'm going to get him inside a ring of salt and beat the hell of him!

"Don't pay him any mind. I wouldn't drink your blood under any circumstances. I can find my own meal." I assure him while I shoot a glare in Damian's direction. The nutter shrugs his shoulders before he walks inside the portal.

"Right. . . Do I step through it or run towards that thing?" Galvin questions and points to the portal.

"We walk right through it. Almost like we're stepping through a door from one room to another. Same concept." I reply in reassurance, sensing his discomfort.

I stretch my arm towards the portal, silently ushering him to the portal, with a small smile. Galvin takes a brief moment to think about it before he strides to me. He looks over at for a split second then stares worriedly at the portal in front of him. After a minute, he takes in a sharp inhale and goes through it. Once his body disappears within, I step inside where my entire skin senses a cool feeling similar to diving into cold water.

A second later, I find myself standing outside what I'm presuming to be Galvin's flat. It's a grand building, one that a middle class or a lower ranking noble can afford to buy. How did Galvin manage to walk from here to the scene of the crime? Especially at this time of night?

"You actually did it. . . We were in Whitechapel Road just a second ago and now we're standing in front of my flat. Fascinating, truly fascinating." Galvin comments in awe.

"We are, aren't we? I don't know if Garrick told you, but you can't say anything about him being a demon. Even if he's half demon. Tell anyone and Garrick will have to kill you and anyone else you told along with your families and friends that might have known you." Damian forewarns lightly, but his eyes show how serious he is.

"Wh-what?" Galvin blurts out as he turns his head to Damian.

"Stop scaring him, Damian." I dismiss, placing my hand on his shoulder and dragging him away from Galvin.

Damian simply rolls his eyes, but took the hint of my silent plea for him to put an end to his threats. I bring my attention back to Galvin who is looking around for the portal that disappeared the moment I stepped out of it. An amused smile forms on my lips as I say, "It's gone, Galvin."

"Where did it go?" Galvin asks with a tilt of his head.

"Disappeared. Back where it belongs, but there's something I have to tell you before we part ways." I declare and watch him walk up to me.

"Do you mind if we save that for another night? I have to go write my story then get some sleep if I can." Galvin suggests almost excitedly, showing no sign of exhaustion. Had stepping through that portal got him that ecstatic?

What about my lack of experience as a demon contractor? I can't keep this from him. . . I thought, wishing to voice it out loud and I came close to doing so when Damian decided to speak for me.

"Good idea, human. You go do that and we'll see you when we see you. Night, human. Sleep tight and do watch your back for hungry demons tonight!" Damian banters with a smirk as he places his shoulder on my shoulders.

"Wait, what?" Galvin responds, but all he received was Damian's hand ushering to head inside the building of his flat.

"We. . . Will talk another day. . . Go do your report and sleep well." I restate and nod my head.

With much reluctance, Galvin bids the two of us good night and walks up to the building before he disappears behind the front door. As soon as Galvin stepped inside, Damian took hold of my arm and drags me back to the woods. Almost carrying me from using his accelerated speed to run until we came close to my front yard where Damian tosses me to the ground.

"Again with throwing me around when I've done something you think I did something wrong." I point out without so much of a groan. Honestly, I didn't felt any pain that came with it. Aidan and Jasmine have thrown me around during training so I've grown accustomed to it.

"You made a contract without getting a soul! Do you have idea what this means?! Or what you have done?!" Damian demands furiously as he walks over to where I was laying.

Meanwhile, I rise up from the ground and dust off the dirt on my clothes since I know he's about to give me another lecture about it. However, by the time Damian came within a foot next to me, I heard my sweet little sister's voice yelling my name. Looks like I'll have to listen to his lecture tomorrow.

I head toward my house where I see Lily waiting for by the front door with Luka right behind her. As always, Damian stops me from moving whenever he's upset with me. Except, he doesn't give me his usual glare like before. Rather, all he tells me was, "We'll talk later then as well. You did good tonight, Garrick."

"Thank you, but I didn't get to tell him that he's my first contractor. What if I can't perform most of his commands because I'm only half demon? He deserves to know the truth about me!" I reply frantically, images of everything that could go wrong appearing in my head.

"Garrick! Relax, alright? Demons in contracts look for solutions, not all the possibilities for failure. You're in a contract right now and that means if he asks you about your previous contracts, you answer him honestly. For now, it's better if you left that unsaid for tonight. Do you understand?" Damian assures that actually made me feel better.

I nod my head slowly in understanding and release a breath that I didn't know I held in. "I understand. . . Thank you, Damian."

"You're welcome. Are you going to bed?" Damian questions as we both head to the front door.

"No, I have a tea party to attend. I'll sleep afterwards." I answer while I stride up to my siblings who are waiting patiently by the door. I'll have tea then worry about my contract with Galvin after a good two hours worth of sleep.

*Nickole's Note*
Hey, guys! I'm back with an all new chapter! Though, I'm sorry that this chapter was just a filler. But hey, you guys get to see my version of demons and contracts and all that other jazz. Let's get to the Fun Facts since I have at least one, like now!

1. The picture above is how Galvin Cassian Rickman looks like and his model is Robbie Amell. You guys might recognize him in the movie The Duff or in the CW's The Flash as Firestorm.

That's actually it. The whole portal thing is made up inside of my head. So, yeah. As always, I hope you guys liked the chapter and I will try to get the next chapter up as soon as I can. If you guys have any questions about when I'll update the next chapter or why I'm taking so long, please check out my activity page for more information. Until then, I'll see you guys next time! Enjoy~

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