Living With The Player

By Kamix3

175K 4.3K 1.2K

Living under the same roof with the school's player is like hell to Connie Colls. Connie Colls: So-called a n... More

Living With The Player
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Randall's POV
Chapter 4
Randall's POV
Author's Note
Chapter 5
Randall's POV
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Randall's POV
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Randall's POV
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Randall's POV
Chapter 20
Author Notes
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Author notes
Chapter 27
Chapter 28


1.5K 49 22
By Kamix3


Twenty minutes later, a familiar looking truck pulled over at the entrance. I climbed in and smiled at him.

"Sorry for disturbing you," I looked down at my feet. "You're the only one i knew who had a vehicle."

"No worries. Now, would you mind telling me why you're all the way here?"

"Let's go somewhere else first," i sigh.

"I doubt you want to head back to yours. Let's go to mine then,"

"Joey would hate me for going to yours. She would misunderstand."

Riley raised his brow and sighed, "What if i told you Joey's at my place? When you called, she told me to go get you. Let's just go." Riley stepped on the accelerator and sped off.

I stepped into Riley's apartment and was immediately pulled into the embrace of my best friend. She held me tightly in her arms like as if she was holding on to dear life.

"What happened?"

I wanted to be strong in front of my best friend but all the will power to hold my tears back vanished. I couldn't pretend to be strong in front of her and i knew she wouldn't want me to hold back.

I proceeded to brawl my eyes out, letting everything out. I was pretty sure i had snort all over her shirt but she didn't say a word. She continued patting my head and urging me to continue to let things out. I laid on her lap and hugged her waist like a child. I kept ranting and crying until i passed out due to fatigue for the second time.

When i came to, I found myself lying next to Joey. Her hands were holding mine tightly. Riley was lying on the sofa, snoring away.

A wave of guilt gushed over me. I ruined their date night. I felt a lot better after the long night of ranting and crying but i had to do something to make up for destroying their date.

I sat up slowly, pulling my hand out of Joey's grip. I got out and went down to the empty kitchen. I decided to make breakfast for them as an apology. I managed to find some pancake mix in the cupboard, eggs and bacon in the fridge.

I whipped up a couple of pancakes for them each, followed by frying them each some eggs and bacon. I chopped up a couple of strawberries as toppings and i was done. By the time i was done, Joey and Riley came down together hand in hand.

"Hey lovebirds," i called out to them.

"Connie! I thought you left since you weren't in bed when i woke up." Joey rushed forward and hugged me. She looked over my shoulders and noticed the two big plates of food on the counter. "You made breakfast for us?"

I nodded, "yeah, i felt bad for crashing your night. I hope you guys like it."

"Oh Connie," Joey shook her head, "It's alright. I'm always here for you when you need me."

"Same here," Riley hooked his arm around Joey. "We're always here for you,"

"Thanks," I smiled a little. "Have a good meal. I really ought to be heading back now." Riley picked up his car keys, preparing to give me a ride back.

"It's okay. I think I'll walk back. I need some fresh air anyways." Riley nodded and put his keys back down. I hugged Joey once again and walked myself out.

The way back was about 30 minutes but i didn't mind. Physical pain in my feet was able to temporarily distract me from the emotional pain i was experiencing. Soon, i got home. I dug around my pocket for my keys but before i could find it, the door flew open.

A panic-strickened Randall appeared in front of me. He had dark circles around his eyes, as well as a little bit of stubble. His usually well arranged hair was in a complete mess. Bits and pieces were sticking out. He was wearing a yellowing tank top and turtle boxers. It was clear he didn't cared about how he looked at the moment. It was also clear that he was exhuasted.

"Where have you been? I trying contacting you so many times!"

"Sorry, my phone died." I brushed past him, wanting to escape to my room but he wasn't having it. He grabbed my arm and forced me to look at him.

"I was so worried about you. Where have you been?" He stared at me.

"I was with Joey and Riley." I gulped.

"I thought something bad happened to you. I couldn't sleep all night." He pulled me into a tight hug. I could hear how fast his heart was pounding. He must have been really worried.

I could feel my heart growing soft and myself giving in. As much as i wanted to, i was constantly reminded of that note i found. I rested my hand on his chest and sighed.

"Now that i have returned. Could you let me go?" I could feel him gazing down at me but i refused to meet his eyes. I just kept my head down. After a minute or so, Randall released me from his arms.

"Won't you give me a chance to explain myself? Everything's a misunderstanding."

No, i don't wish to hear it.

"Please, just hear me out."

"Fine. If you score 80% and above for every single subject during finals, I'll hear you out. Finals are in a month, so you have exactly 30 days to prepare."

I knew i was asking Randall to achieve the impossible. He was barely passing and yet telling him to score that high with little preparation time is simply not possible.

"If it gives me a chance to talk things out, i accept. I'll see you in a month." With that, Randall turned away and made his way up to his room.

From then on, i never saw him around the house. When i woke up, Randall would already be out. When i got back, he would either be in his room or still out.

Whatever he was doing, i prayed deep inside he would be studying hard instead of going out with other girls. I would take the challenge back but i wanted to see how sincere he was.

A bitch move, i know.

I would sometimes hear sighing coming from his room, sometimes even loud banging and slamming of books against the wall or table. One night, after the noise died down, i turned the knob gently. I peeked into his room. He was lying on his bed with a french textbook in his hand. Books were lying all around the room. It was evident he was working hard and getting very frustrated in the process.

I walked over to his side and pushed the loose strain of hair behind his ear.  I missed his touch so much. I was tempted but i can't.

Please work hard, dearest Randall.


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