Sad Song (Lauren/You)

By Maclue

47.3K 1.5K 229

"I'm tired of feeling alone Lauren. " Y/N pulled her hips close to his hearing his favorite little gasp that... More

Part 1- Superheroes
Ch. 1 ~A Sky Full of Stars~
Ch. 2 ~The Edge of Tonight~
Ch. 3 ~One Of Those Nights~
Ch. 4 ~Middle of the Night~
Ch. 5 ~Stargazing~
Ch. 6 ~Passing Time~
Ch. 8 ~Standing in the Dark~
Ch. 9 ~Rock Bottom~
Ch. 10 ~Real Friends~
Ch. 11 ~Invisible~
Ch. 12 ~Flicker~
Part 2 - Hope and Despair
Ch. 13 ~Angel~
Ch. 14 ~Night Changes~
Ch. 15 ~Wake Me Up~
Ch. 16 ~Fix You~
Ch. 17 ~Love Drunk~
Ch. 18 ~Believer~
Update on the Update
Ch. 19 ~Nervous~
Ch. 20 ~Youth~
Ch. 21 ~Ghost of You~
Ch. 22 ~No Filter~
Part 3 - Purpose
Ch. 23 ~Complicated~
Ch. 24 ~Young & Relentless~
Ch. 25 ~Good Life~
Ch. 26 ~Heavy~
Ch. 27 ~Bad Liar~
Ch. 28 ~New Man~
Ch. 29 ~Two Ghosts~
Ch. 30 ~Demons~
Ch. 31 ~Always~
Ch. 32 ~So Close~
Ch. 33 ~Sad Song~
New story
Special Epilogue
I'm back!
New Fifth Harmony book?

Ch. 7 ~Hanging by a Moment~

1.2K 54 3
By Maclue

A/N: Well I found some free time to write this chapter but the next one is gonna be hard to write since I'm gonna do either something huge or.... Not. Enjoy this earlier planned update. Oh and Merry early Christmas and New Year.


"What's your picture perfect moment? "

Y/N turn his head away from the stars towering above them and turn a confuse look onto an amuse green eyed beauty. They both lay under the grass with no care in the world except for each other company.

"What's a 'picture perfect moment'? " Y/N ask with furrowed eyebrows.

Lauren grin, "There's just a moment in time where everything just. . .fits, you know? And your mind just captures the moment your in and will store it until the day you die. "

"Is it all good or. . .are there bad one's? "

Lauren's grin falter for a moment before changing into a soft smile, "There are bad one's I'll admit but that's just life. Everyone has problems but you can't let that dictate your life. It's like. . .having your favorite ice cream slip from your hands. You can't let that stop you from having another happy moment in life with an ice cream. You must fight for your happiness and not let it go. "

Turning his head away from the pair of eyes staring straight at his soul, he look at his pair of dirty fading sneakers.

"What. . .What if someone is just not meant for happiness? "

A soft and gentle hand touches Y/N taking him by surprise. Lauren gave Y/N a gentle smile that made Y/N thought about what Lauren said earlier about a 'picture perfect moment'. The smile would have been enough for Y/N to remember for days to come but a soft and warm hand encase with his and that smile that could entrance people like the sun entrance the flowers of spring made him think he could remember this moment forever.

"Everyone has the chance to be happy Y/N but not everyone takes the chance. Don't let your fear take control. "

"Its hard not to. . . " Y/N whisper but Lauren heard it.

Lauren look at Y/N with a look he didn't recognize, "Then I'll show you how to be free of your demons. "

"Mr. Y/LN stop daydreaming and get back to work! "

A person being jolted awake is not a good way to wake up especially after a whole week of waiting for someone in the middle of the night and not having them show does take a toll on a person.

"I'm up. . . I'm up, " Y/N groggily said, as he stood up from the steel chair he slept in.

Mr. Anderson shook his head as he pinch the bridge of his nose in frustration, "Your break was over 10 minutes ago. I only have much patience with your incompetence Mr. Y/LN. "

Despite his grogginess Y/N said, "It won't happen again Mr. Anderson. I . . . I Just fell asleep. "

"It better not happen again. I don't pay you to slack off. " With a last warning glare Mr. Anderson left the break room.

Deciding to take a few seconds to get the sleep out of his eyes Y/N sat back down at the steel chair. He lean back at the cold chair and rub the sleep out of his eyes breathing out a tired sigh in the process.

"Why can't I just forget about her? " Y/N muttered. "She did it to me easily. So, why can't I do the same? "

Looking at the clock hanging against the plain white walls Y/N release another sigh.

2:23 pm.

He has another job to go to after this one.

Standing up, Y/N exit the break room and onto his shitty job.


Peeking out from the side of the wall, Lauren aim her gun on a familiar tan backside.

"Take the shot. "

Closing one eye to have a better sight on her enemy, Lauren takes a deep breathe. She knows she can't miss. If she does they will all be dead. Its do or die.

"I'm sorry my friend. " Lauren whisper as she pulled the hairlike trigger on her gun.

Not a second later a squeal erupted from the target. She turn around wet from head to toe with a glare and aim her water gun at a giggling Lauren.

"You're so dead Lauser! "

Leaning back on the side of the wall for cover Lauren look back at her teammates.

"Well we have angered the bull, now what? " Chris asked as he held his water gun tightly to his chest.

"We fight back! " Vero said waving her gun.

"Yeah! Let's show them who's boss! " Lucy cheered.

"We are all gonna die. " Taylor said shaking her head.

Lauren grin before raising her rifle water gun in the air like a military leader.

"For Narnia! "

All war let loose after those famous words. Team Lauren fought brave and hard but despite the numbers they had Team Dinah was more skilled and trained. 

"Give up Lauren! " Normani shouted.

"We have you surrounded Lauser! " Dinah shouted triumphantly.

"These girls. . . "Ally muttered shaking her head but nonetheless aimed her gun at a pale figure running.

Lauren rolled out of the way just in time to escape a spray of water from Ally. Turning around she shot Ally straight in the chest causing the older girl to pout.

"Win this Mani! " Ally shouted.

Hiding behind a wall, Lauren scan her surroundings but finding her target nowhere.

"Where is she-"

"Game over. "

The next thing Lauren knows cold water hits her face and her body. She let out a gasp of surprise of the coldness that drenches her face and onto her chest. From afar her team groans at their loss as Team Dinah celebrates their hard earned win.

"We won! " Dinah shouted as she smirk at the annoyed looks she got from Lauren friends. "Don't worry girls you were already losers to begin with. "

Lucy and Vero shared a look before aiming both their guns at Dinah.

Dinah's eyes widen, "Wait-"

Everyone laugh as Dinah ran away from the angry Duo.

Grabbing a towel from the tanning chair beside the pool, Lauren ran inside their apartment taking two steps at a time in the stairs. Opening the door to her room, she rummage through her belongings until she found her Polaroid camera---not noticing the napkin letter falling beside the floor.

"Found you! " Lauren grin as she ran back downstairs.

Leaning back against the the wall Lauren aim her camera at her little family. She couldn't help but smile at their joy but then frown a little at the person missing in her little family.


But she reminded herself he wanted to be here but had an emergency meeting with his boss. Then Lauren smile at Harry's promise for dinner tonight. She has everything she could ask for.

"This is life. " Lauren said smiling as she took the photo. Not even remembering about the person who took care of her when she was alone.

"Fuck! "

Y/N could feel the burning sensation traveling to his back then to his body like a forest fire. In a daze he could still make out the shape of the ladder he used to arrange the books of the library---still standing. A move of his arm made him regret it.

"Oh God, why? " Y/N mutter as his eyes held unshed tears. He didn't want to break down in a library he works in but his just so tired of everything. No one cares about him. Plain and simple. But thinking it and not caring about it is two different things.

"Oh my God! Are you okay? "

A curtain of brown hair invaded Y/N blurry vision.

"I. . .I'm fine. " He said in a hoarse voice.

He felt hands on his back then his head is suddenly place on something soft. A soft hand grab his injured one, making him wince at the stinging pain. After a few moments a relief sigh escape the person beside Y/N.

"Thank God it's not broken only bruise. " Surprisingly a chuckle escape the person's lips. "We really gotta stop meeting like this. "

Blinking back his teary eyes, he made out the beautiful face in front of him.

"C-Camila? "

She cheekily smile, "In the flesh. "

Y/N slowly stood up with Camila's help. The burning pain in his body has subsided---which his thankful for---but the pain in his hand remained.

"Are you sure your alright to stand? " Camila ask as she stood beside Y/N in case if he falls.

"I'm fine Camila. " Y/N said smiling tiredly as his body ache for sleep.

Camila frown, "No you're not. I can see the bags under your eyes and I'm sure you didn't slip because the ladder was wet Y/N. "

Y/N only looked down at the ground, feeling to tired to deny anything.

"C'mon let me take you out for a break. " A hand grabs Y/N uninjured hand shocking him in the process.

"Wait! I can't just leave Camila. I'm still working. " Y/N said but he could barely continue any of his tasks he is assigned to.

Camila stop and turn around with a smile at her lips but her brown eyes tells a different story.

"You and I both know you can barely stand Y/N. I'm sure your boss will understand after explaining tomorrow. "

Y/N sigh knowing she's right. He could use a break after the tough week he had.

"Fine, take me out of here Camila. "

Camila smiled widely showing off her teeth, "You won't regret this Y/N! "

I won't regret anything as long my mind is not filled with green eyes, Y/N thought as Camila dragged him away from the library.


Lauren patted her dress down as she takes a look over at herself in the mirror. Her green eyes look brighter than normal, as her dress hugs her curves perfectly while her red lips completes her seductive but killer looks.

"You look perfect Laur. "

Turning her head away from the body mirror she saw Ally smiling brightly at her. Her cheeks blush brightly at the comment.

"Thank you Ally. "

Ally giggle before waving her off, "I'm just telling the truth Laur. But I wanted to ask you a question before you go off to your mystery date. "

Lauren nodded for her to continue as she finalises her makeup.

"Who's Y/I? " Lauren stare wide eyed at a familiar napkin letter Ally held in front of her.

Everything freezes for Lauren. It was like getting a reality check in life. She could feel dread, guilt, and regret building up inside her body.

"I. . . I need to go! "


Y/N practically moan at the delicious exploding flavor that fills his taste buds.

"I'm guessing you skip lunch also? " Camila ask with raise eyebrows.

Y/N avoided Camila's eyes. It wasn't that he skipped lunch that made him moan at the delicious pizza in his hand but it was because it's been too long that he had a delicious meal that wasn't canned goods or cup noodles or just plain bread.

"So. . . how was your day? " Y/N ask as he change the subject.

Camila stares at him for a moment before answering him to his relief.

"It was good, yours? "

Y/N sigh as he place the half eaten pizza on his plate. "As bad as any other day I had. "

"What's the problem Y/N? " Her soft voice comforted Y/N.

Y/N look up warily at her but the look on her face is only. . .concern? Maybe he could trust her? What else does he have to lose anyway? He's short on people he could talk to and maybe talking to Camila might make him feel better.

Y/N sigh as he lean back on his chair, "I met someone a few weeks ago. I don't know anything about her. . .but we became close? I think. We only know each others name and meet up at a park in the middle of the night to talk then leave in the morning. Everything was. . . perfect until about a week ago she stopped coming. " Y/N rubbed his tired eyes as he tries not to choke on his words. "Now all I can do is dream about her at night and try to forget her in the morning. It's like. . .I'm hanging by a moment with her just to stay sane. "

It was silent for a minute before Camila spoke, "Whatever it is that's troubling you, it won't last forever. I know it's hurting you but what leaves scars heals itself after the process of hurting. "

Y/N thought about Camila's words slowly. Why is he hurting in the first place? He barely know's anything about Lauren? Why should he even bother waiting for her in the middle of the night again?

Y/N may not know the answer but one thing is for sure: He cares about her. That's all he knows and bothers to think about.

Y/N looks at his watch and was surprised to see the time that passed.

11:37 pm.

"I gotta go Camila. " Leaving a couple of dollars for his meal Y/N ran out of the pizzeria ignoring Camila's calls.


Our two main protagonists ran towards their fated meeting place with yearning and beating hearts. They passed one challenge in life but more yet are too come.

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