Ascending | ✔

By yangri

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[Indefinite hiatus] After the Tournament of Power, one might expect peace to return. Maybe for another 7 year... More

Power on, brave warriors!
Crossing the threshold
In saiyans we trust
Unexplored territory
The not so wicked witch of the East City
Let's fly to the moon
Brewing tensions
Sweet and sour
The flipside
Burning bridges
Legend of the Flying Wig
Wigs will fly
Wigs are last season
Children of the Lost
Peculiar things
Blurred lines
Warped minds
Secret Heart
Clues from the past
Chasing the wind
I'm cold
Little mishaps
Cold son, stiff canary
Sister Dearest

Meet the Parents

765 13 0
By yangri

Fennel pored over paperwork, making changes and deletions where it was needed. She shuffled the pages, one catching her eye. The female saiyan glowered at the print slightly. Personally, she did not like the funeral home that Amara - Beet's sister - had chosen for her daughter. Granted, the company in question guaranteed the best service in their flashy advertisements, but that fact in itself gave away their second-rate amenity. Cabba's mother sighed; it couldn't be helped, she supposed. Amara... She was not in the right state of mind. One might even go as far as to call her mad. Mad with grief, Fennel amended. They say time heals all wounds... But that would be presuming that grief is finite. She pressed down hard on her pen, ink dripping through the pages. It was already too late for the funeral home to be changed; Amara had already met with the arrangers, prepared the relevant paperwork and had the body transferred - not that the childless mother had done much talking, relying on her mate to be her proxy.

"Again? Really?"

The flat voice of her mate broke Fennel out of her stupor. "What?" she said defensively. "Is there a problem?"

Beet, standing at the doorway of the study room, shook his head. "You go and cope however you want. But I will not have you overworking yourself. Have you forgotten what Cabba said earlier?"

"Of course not. It's not yet evening. We still have time."

"Fennel..." Beet glanced up at the digital clock embedded on the wall. "It's nearly sunset." At her horrified expression, he sighed. "You really need to stop losing yourself so much... It's a hassle."

"Oh no," muttered Fennel, pushing her chair back and standing up. "Oh, no, no, no..." She groaned, palming her face in frustration. "What have I done?!" She removed her hand, allowing Beet to see the dark bags visible on her visage. "I-I haven't prepared anything, nor have I cleaned the house -"

"Enough!" Beet said sternly. "No more of that. I've taken the liberty to do those things myself with Carago's help. All you need to do is freshen up and get some rest before they arrive."

"Oh... Oh, Beet, why didn't you call me? Pull me away from... From whatever the hell I've been doing!"

"Coping? Fennel, how could I possible tear you away from that?" He moved forward and wrapped his considerably smaller mate in his broad arms. "Amara is not the only one that is grieving, yet we leave her to it. You should be granted that same privilege."

"Hrggh... Why should that be? I hate it...! I hate this feeling." Fennel looked up desperately at her partner, her eyes silvery with unshed tears. "How do I make it go away? How do I make it go away, Beet?!"

Beet merely held her patiently as she sobbed into his shirt, demanding an answer from him. He ran a large hand through her hair and she shivered at his touch before being comforted by it.

There was a period of silence before Fennel pulled away from him, wiping her tears away. "God, I am pathetic... Please... Tell me, Beet, how do I make it go away?"

"You can't," Beet told her gently. "Grief is the price we pay for love, my dear."

She pouted almost childishly at him. "Then what is the use of love?" she demanded.

Beet sighed through his nose. "Believe me when I say this, Fennel... The pain of grief is but a mere shadow compared when compared to the pain of never risking love."

Something buzzed, the sound muffled by fabric, and Beet pulled out a rectangular object about the thickness of the average hand - one inch. "Cabba left a message," he informed his mate. "He's picking up the girl he wants us to meet right now. They'll be here in about thirty minutes."

"Only, thirty?" Fennel said in disbelief. "Have you got the dinner table set up, Beet?"

"Yes. Now what you need to do -"

"Yes, yes, I know! You've already said it once, Beet. Go make sure everything is in order, will you, please?"

"Tut tut... So demanding."

For the second time that day, she felt genuine happiness course through her body, more determined than ever to think so much about the misery but rather the beauty that remained.


She decided that, right there and then, that this was going to be one of the worst and best decisions she had ever made in her life. All afternoon, Kale had been left alone to ponder over her situation. When she had gone to Caulifla for help, she had found her resting in the arms of one Son Goku, who, conveniently, was also asleep. Kale was no fool - saiyans, especially one sleep-deprived as Caulifla - slept like rocks. She had even gone as far as to poke them both in the cheek but neither of them budged.

"What will I say?" Kale muttered to herself as she halfheartedly looked through her closet for anything appropriate to wear. She had a feeling that something like the dress Bulma had lent her for the 'Celebration of Existence' party would be going too far. Her current attire, the one she normally wore, on the other hand, wouldn't be good enough for such a prestigious meeting.

Hold up, Kale thought. Since when was this a prestigious meeting? The phrase literally sent shivers down her spine, terrifying her even more. Calm down, Kale... You can do this! Goku and Caulifla believe in you. She inhaled deeply before exhaling in a similar fashion.

"It's only a meeting between my fellow saiyans," Kale coached herself, attempting to sound as diplomatic as possible. "There's absolutely nothing to worry about. Nothing at all."

"Does it help?"

Kale startled as the door swung open, Caulifla stepping inside, looking well rested. "Oh, sis! You're awake. Where's Goku?"

"I left him in the other room," was the flippant response. "And before you ask, I tried waking him up. It didn't work."

The normally shy saiyan giggled. "Did you try cold water?"

Caulifla's eyebrows raised, impressed by her suggestion. "I have to say Kale, I'm really liking your style." She grinned wickedly. "Any other ideas?"

"No... Sorry, sis. Maybe I would if I could just stop thinking about this evening so much."

"Not this again. You seemed like you were doing fine just then, you know?" Caulifla put a hand on Kale's shoulder reassuringly. "Everything will be fine. You just need to get a hold of yourself."

"Will I be expected to act in a certain way?" Kale asked worriedly. "I don't know what I should say to them! They're highborns, sis. What if I sound uneducated?"

"Kale!" Caulifla reprimanded sharply. "If they don't like you then it's their problem. If I know, Cabba, he won't let anything as trivial as disapproval stop him from being together with you. And don't even start. You like him and he likes you. It's simple, Kale. I swear, why can't you two just admit it to yourselves? It's going to happen sooner or later."

Kale flushed, her face turning tomato red. "I-I-I...!"

"Tonight," Caulifla said. "I want you two to be together tonight."

"And if we don't?" Kale's eyes widened fearfully. "Y-you won't kick me out or anything, will you, sis?"

"Tch. Of course not." The older saiyan gave Kale a much needed hug. "We're family, Kale. And family stick together, no matter what. So what if I don't get my wish? I just want you two to move a little faster with each other... But to each their own, I suppose."

"I'll do my best," Kale promised, standing a little straighter. "I just need to figure out what to wear now."

Caulifla eyed the attire inside the closet. "Hmm... Those frilly dresses won't do... Why did I even buy them again?" She started rummaging through the closet, her hands swiping each dress aside deftly. "No... No, no, no..." After five minutes of searching, give or take, Caulifla pulled out an old maroon sweater that was still in wearable condition and a tan pencil skirt. "There we go."

Kale backpedaled slightly, having expected a more flashy garment to be fished out of the closet. "No dresses?"

"Nah. No need to be so formal, it's only a dinner at their house. Who cares if they're higher borns? From what I've heard from Cabba, they like to integrate with those," she struggled to find a word, "lesser than them in the social hierarchy, you know?"

"R-right!" She quickly changed into the attire Caulifla had picked out for her before examining herself in the mirror. The outfit fit snugly on her, hugging her curves while giving her a conservative image. "How... How do I look?"

Caulifla opened her mouth before closing it. "Speechless."

A faint blushline appeared on Kale. Speechless good or speechless bad?

"You look wonderful!" Caulifla praised. "I've really outdone myself, heh. You should let down your hair too, if you want."

Kale moved her hand up to where her hair tie was, tapping it with her finger contemplatively. "Umm... I think I'll leave it up this time."

"Whatever you want." The older saiyan smirked at her protégée. "Cabba's going to bust a nut when he sees you."

"Sis!" cried Kale, turning redder than ever. "D-don't s-say that!" He wouldn't!

"Okay, okay. I was just teasing, Kale." Caulifla perked up as she was alerted by an approaching power level. "Ah... There he is now. Right on time. Come on Kale, let's go greet him!"


Cabba did not know what to expect when he rolled the warehouse doors to the side. What he definitely didn't expect to see was an goddess staring back at him with her dark angel by her side. While the angel undoubtedly lovely in her own way, Cabba only had eyes for the lovely goddess dressed in a such alluring attire. It wasn't as if her outfit was revealing - far from that actually - but... Cabba inhaled. Beautiful.

"Hey, Cabba!" called Caulifla. "Are you just going to stand and stare?" She nudged Kale forward.

"S-sorry!" Cabba said hastily. "Where are my manners?" He walked up to them, keeping his eyes fixed on Kale. "You... You look stunning," he said, his breath hitching slightly.

Kale blushed and looked down. "T-thanks."

There was an awkward pause before Caulifla thumped them both on the back. "Come on, you two! Off you go; don't want to be late now, do you?" She laughed. "Get out of here, you guys. And don't forget to enjoy yourselves." When Kale wasn't looking, she glared sharply at Cabba, sending a message to him loud and clear: Hurt her in any way and I'll string you by the balls on the kitchen ceiling fan before mounting your corpse on my wall.

Cabba swallowed a lump in his throat and laughed nervously. "You're right, Caulifla. We'd better get going before we're late."

As they flew to the home of Fennel and Beet, Cabba zoned out into space, silently fretting over how their meeting would go. How would someone as shy as Kale react to his eccentric mother and his stoic father? He shook his head. Never mind his mother, she'd be less energetic than usual. Organizing a funeral and coping with the loss of her niece, whom she had been close to, was obviously taxing. I hope father doesn't intimidate her too much. That stare of his could have made Frost sweat, never mind Kale! And mother... She took Parsley's death so hard... Hell, we all did. I don't want Kale to carry that burden on her shoulders either. I just hope none of them mention it.

Cabba gritted his teeth in anger as he thoughts started focusing on Parsley more. He vowed to punish whoever had killed her. He did not care if there were twenty people involved that were all stronger than him; he'd make them all pay one way or another. He would start training hard - harder than Vegeta had ever been on him during the past month. I'll grow strong... Stronger than ever before! I already have good control over super saiyan two. I just need to work on controlling super saiyan three and make it stop draining so much of my energy. If Caulifla can master it, so can I! The female saiyan, after a month of fierce spars with Androids 17 and 18, had finally mastered the transformation that was just out of Cabba's reach at the moment. She had revealed it as her trump card one time when she and Cabba and tag teamed against 17 and 18 on one of the rare days Cabba got a break from Vegeta's constantly demanding training.

He still remembered how raw and powerful her energy had been. It was only with that transformation she managed to fight 17 evenly, the android having gotten a mysterious power up prior to the Tournament of Power.

"Cabba, is everything okay?" Kale asked quietly, the wind carrying her voice away.

"Fine," Cabba replied. He turned to look at her. "Kale, are you nervous?"

"W-well, yes... Are you mad?"

"What! No, of course not. It's okay to be a bit skittish about this. If I were in your position, I'd feel the same way." He smiled encouragingly at her. "Word of advice, Kale: just be yourself. And that would be enough."

Kale grinned back, dimples that Cabba had never noticed before forming. "Okay. I-I guess I can do that. But will they like me?"

"What's there not to like?" countered Cabba. He flushed when he realized what he had just said. Way to go, Cabba...

His words were not lost on Kale; the girl's cheeks turned pink and she looked down at the world passing beneath them. "R-really?"

"Really," Cabba blurted without thinking. Oh, screw it. We've already established common ground. "Kale... You already know that I like you. And, well, you told me you felt the same way."

Kale nodded, sweating slightly in anticipation. W-what does he want? Where is this going?

"How..." He swallowed and forced himself to make eye contact with the girl. "How do you feel about... Letting me court you?" Before she couldn't answer, he added hastily, "Y-you don't have to decide now! You can make your decision at the end of the night. And, uh, if you really don't want to, that's perfectly f-fine..."

"Courting..." Kale murmured, feeling as if her heart were going to explode from happiness. "D-do you really mean it?"

"Huh? Of course I do."

She glanced at him hesitantly. I'd better get his parents' approval first... "I'll tell you at the end of the night. Is that okay?"

"S-sure. Like I said, you don't have to make up your mind now."

The conversation stopped there and they landed in front of a sprawling mansion, complete with an elegant fountain and a neatly clipped lawn. Kale couldn't help but gape in awe at the residency. S-so big...! Just how wealth are they? Suddenly, she felt small compared to Cabba and his privileged family. What was she, an orphaned street rat turned gangster, in the face of Sadala's rich and noble?

Under Cabba's guidance, Kale walked up to the door. She reached up to knock, hesitating.

"Go on," Cabba encouraged.

Steeling herself, Kale moved her fist forward...

And punched Beet right in the face.

"Father!" Cabba cried as the older saiyan was knocked on his ass.

"Oh!" yelped Kale, becoming near hysterical. "Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

Cabba helped his father up, asking him questions in concern to his physical state.

"I'm fine," Beet reassured his son, looking slightly winded. "I must say, your lady friend is quite strong."

"I-I-I d-didn't mean to," Kale stammered over her words. "I-I'm sorry...! Please forgive me!" She clapped her hands together and bowed to him at the waist.

"That's alright," Beet said, looking a bit disbelieving st how such a shy, timid girl her size could pack such a huge punch. "There was really no harm done. I suppose I shouldn't have opened the door before you knocked."

Kale couldn't help but stare at Cabba's father intensely as he led them inside. He... He's nothing like my father was... Now that she could see him better (it was quite difficult to pinpoint his features when he was but a blur flying backward in the air) she could guess that Cabba inherited most of his genes from his mother. The saiyan elite's father looked nothing like his son, having brown, flat, sleek hair tied in a casual bun as opposed to the short, unruly spikes Cabba had. He wore the traditional robes of a nobleman but Kale could not identify the coat of arms printed on his back of his garb.

"I'm glad you decided to come," Beet said to Cabba. "You're mother..." He shook his head. "We need you around right now, especially her." The elder saiyan gave Cabba a small smile. "And I'm glad you brought her too." His eyes widened slightly when he realized something, turning to Kale. "I'm sorry, I never caught asked for your name."

"It's Kale," the saiyan in question said, hoping she sounded confident enough. What if Beet didn't appreciate emotionally weak females? Little did she know, Fennel could be described as just that.

"It's good to meet you, Kale. My name is Lord Beeticus The Third but you may call me, Beet." At her flustered face, he smiled gently. "Do not let something as trivial as a title intimidate you, Kale. I certainly don't."

Kale nodded timidly, trying her best to heed his advice. H-he's a lord?! Oh my... What have I gotten myself into this time?

"Father's right," Cabba told Kale. "He only wished to introduce himself properly. Everyone just calls him Beet, even mother."

"If you say so..." She tried smoothing down her slightly wrinkled skirt as they entered the drawing room, where someone was waiting. Kale couldn't help but stare at the female saiyan, who looked completely out of place as Beet took her by the arm. The woman was even shorter than Cabba and had wild, untamed hair that stuck out in all directions. Unlike her husband, Fennel was dressed more closely akin to the kind of casual clothing Kale was wearing (Cabba was simply wearing his usual armor).

"Welcome!" Fennel said, throwing her arms in the air. Had there been any other respectable nobleman or noblewoman around, they would have covered their faces in shame. She grabbed a stunned Kale by the hands and grinned. "I'm so glad you could come! It's really about time Cabba got himself a girlfriend. He's already twenty three. How old are you, dear?"

Kale could only stare and do an impression of a fish at the onslaught of questions.

"Mother!" Cabba chided. "One question at a time, remember?"

Fennel laughed raucously and passed her hand through her hair. "Sorry, sweetheart. So, what's your name, lovely lady friend of my son?"

"My name is Kale," Kale said politely. "It's nice to meet you, ma'am."

"Pssh! No need for such formalities. We're all family here; you can call me Fennel! Everyone else does - even Old Man Quash who lives next door does."

"O-oh, okay."

"Please, dear," Beet murmured into Fennel's ear as they all made their way to the dining room. "You're scaring her."

"Oh, tiddly-tosh, Beet. I'm simply trying to get her to open up," Fennel hissed in response. She threw Kale, who was walking behind them with Cabba, a concerned glance. "But I suppose I couldn't tone it down a bit... She obviously has the wrong idea about us." The saiyan woman elbowed Beet in the side. "Why did you decide to wear that of all things, Beet? She thinks we're stuffy nobles now!"

Beet merely shot Fennel an amused glance. "I have my own reasons, dear."

Fennel scoffed and let out a tiny 'hmph' in response. "I ought to couch you."

"... You wouldn't."

"We'll see how you go during dinner, dear," Fennel replied smoothly, a triumphant smirk on her face.

They all sat down at the humongous dining table that stretched across in the entire room. Kale and Cabba sat next to each other on one side while Fennel and Beet were on the other.

Though she didn't know it, Kale was visibly shaking in her chair. Fennel and Beet pretended not to notice, choosing instead to talk amongst themselves.

"Kale," Cabba said quietly. "It's okay. My parents aren't what you think. You'll see soon enough." Underneath the table, he took her hand, surprising her. "Try to relax Kale." He smiled at her. "Can you do that for me?"

"I guess I can try..." I have to! Otherwise, I won't be able to let Cabba court me if they don't approve.

"So, Kale," Fennel said, breaking out of her conversation with Beet. "Tell me about yourself."

"Uhh, um..." She glanced at Cabba for help. How was she going to explain to Fennel that she was technically part of an infamous gang?! When she didn't get any help from him she said, "I... I'm a student." That's technically not a lie. Caulifla is my teacher after all.

"That's wonderful!" exclaimed Fennel, clapping her hands together in delight. "How lucky you must be to receive an education. What do you study?"

"... Martial arts... And, um, cooking...?"

"Martial arts? You've got me intrigued. I used to be a fighter back in days of old. Now I have other things to take care of."

"Who is your teacher?" Beet inquired. "Him or her must be very accomplished judging by the strength behind that punch of yours."

Fennel burst out into laughter. "Haha! Kale, you punched him?!"

"Y-yes," Kale said, preparing to apologize profusely for the umpteenth time that night. "Fennel, I -"

"I like you," declared Fennel. "Not many people have the guts to punch my mate. You sure know how to pick 'em, Cabba."

"M-mother," Cabba stuttered. "I-It was kind of an accident... The punch that is! Kale wouldn't have done it on purpose."

"Whatever. What matters is that she did it and I'm pretty damn proud of her."

Kale sighed in relief, glad that the matter of the identity of her teacher had been forgotten. She had a feeling that Beet and Fennel would not react well to her having the leader of an infamous gang as her sensei.

Luckily, Kale was also spared from having to answer any other questions when a Namekian of all things walked into the room walked into the room, several dishes hovering behind him as he held them up with telekinesis.

"Entrée is served," the Namekian announced, placing all of the food on the table.

"Thank you, Carago," Beet said politely, making the Namekian nod and return to wherever he came from.

"Who was that?" Kale asked Cabba as she spooned food onto her plate, finding it a hard to reach the dishes placed in the middle of the table.

"The butler," Cabba informed her. "Though I wouldn't really call him that. Father has been friends with him since young ever since he spaceship crashed onto Sadala during the Great Namekian Migration. Carago is practically family in this household."

"Oh, right." Kale nodded understandingly. The Great Namekian Migration was a particularly hard time in Namekian history, their planet having been blown up in mysterious circumstances. Only about a third of the entire population managed to get off the planet in small spaceships before it exploded, and even fewer made it to a new home. She supposed that Carago, who would have been very young at that time, had been flying too low and had his spacecraft pulled into the planet's atmosphere by its strong gravity field.

The first half of the meal was mostly uneventful. It was when Carago was cleaning up the table after the main course when Kale was bombarded with questions from Fennel once again.

"You know, Kale," Fennel began. "You have a very lovely sweater."

"Oh. Thank you."

"It reminds me..." She shook her head. "Never mind. It couldn't be."

Kale was curious about what she was about to say but did not press the matter. "So, umm, Fennel... If you don't mind me saying... You're, uh, very different to your husband...?"

"Heh. I was wondering when you were going to bring that up."

"Mother," Cabba said in a warning tone. "Please don't be too graphic."

"That only happens when she's drunk," Beet pointed out. "No need to worry, son, I'm sure your mother can control herself."

"Damn right, I can!" Fennel snapped irritably. "Golly, you two, no need to speak as if I'm not here."

"Sorry," both males apologized in unison.

"Ahem, anyway, Kale, to answer your question... I wasn't born into a high class family. I simply married into one. In my youth you could almost call me," she grinned, "a wild child."

Beet coughed.

"I was what one would call a pirate," Fennel clarified. "And not a space pirate know, but a real pirate of the seas. There was a captain, a crew; everything I could possibly want! Riches! Booze! Sex! And I murdered and pillaged my way into those things." At Kale's shocked expression, she chuckled. "Oh, calm yourself, dear. I'm not like that anymore." Her eyes glinted. "Not all the time anyway."

"So how did you and Beet meet?" Kale asked.

"Mm, yes, that's a long story... But to put it short, he saved my ass when me and the rest of our crew were brought before the King for trial. All of them were executed except for me, thanks to Beet. And before you ask, yes I was inconsolable. I grieved for years." Her eyes flashed sadly. "But I bury the dead in my heart."

"Dessert is served," Carago reported as he levitated several sweet delectable onto the table. "Enjoy."

"Ooh!" Fennel licked her lips and scooping pudding into her bowl. "My favorite part! Come on everyone, let's eat!"


"Thank you everything, mother; father," Cabba said with a small bow. "It was nice being with you again."

"It was an absolute joy having you and Kale here," Fennel said with a smile. "But if you don't mind, we'd like to speak with Kale for a moment."

"M-me?" Kale pointed at herself. "O-okay."

Damn! Cabba cursed in his head. What do they want...? Are... Are they going to give approval or something like that?

Meanwhile, Beet and Fennel had led Kale back to the drawing room.

"So," Fennel said. "You like my son, eh?"

They'd caught her. There was no use lying. So Kale sighed and nodded. "Yes, I do, Fennel."

"Pfft, you look so downcast!" Fennel lifted the girl's chin. "Come on now, I'm sure you can guess why we're here." When Kale remained silent Fennel nodded to Beet. "You tell her."

"We're here to give you our blessing," Beet declared. He removed his robes, revealing attire just as casual as Fennel's. "You've got our approval, Kale. We can tell that Cabba has been planning on courting you." He threw the robes to the side. "We don't really care for these kinds of things in case you couldn't already tell. Forgive me, I just wanted you make sure that you weren't after more... Frivolous things."

Unsure of what to say, Kale simply nodded again. I'm no gold digger, she thought indignantly, her pride wounded slightly.

"He's already asked you, hasn't he?" asked Fennel. When Kale blushed, she laughed. "Knew it. And he gave you till the end of the night to decide, right?" A nod. "Hah! Cabba can't pull a fast one on us. Well, since you have our blessing, you can go ahead and accept his proposal."

"R-really?!" Kale flushed a little when she realized how excited she sounded. "Thank you. Thank you so much."

"Go on, now," Fennel said. "Don't want to keep my son waiting." Just as Kale was about to exit the room, Fennel winked at Beet and called after her, "You're pretty lucky to have Caulifla as a teacher!"

Kale gasped in surprise and whipped her head back, eyes wide. "H-how did you know?"

"We know everything," Beet said in amusement. "Why don't you tell her this time, Fennel?"

"That sweater gave it away," Fennel explained. "I knitted it for her and sent it to Lotuce when she was still alive. That sweater was supposed to be Caulifla's when her body was mature enough. But I'm glad she passed it on to you."

"And you don't mind?" Kale said, twiddling her thumbs. "I... I don't exactly come from respectable places..."

"How many times do we have to tell you? We don't care about that, sweetheart! You and Cabba are really in love... You're practically family at this stage."

Beet nodded in agreement and Kale felt hot tears sting the back of her eyes. She turned away, not wanting to show them her moment of weakness. "Thank you... Thank you..." Family! I... I have family!

Kale bowed to them once more and ran out the room with a bounce in her step.

"Kale?" Cabba said in disbelief as he watched her skip out of the house with a beautiful smile on her face.

"They said yes!" Kale announced, flinging her arms around Cabba. "And... And they said I was family...!"

Cabba broke into a grin. "What did I tell you?"

Kale pulled away from him and smoothed down her skirt. She looked down shyly. "I'd... I'd like to accept your proposal for courtship. I... I love you." W-was that too fast? Oh no... But her all insecurities were swept away as Cabba moved forward and embraced her tightly.

"I love you too." There's no 'think'. Forget Lime. There's no 'think' anymore.


Both of them whipped their heads around to see a laughing Fennel and a silent Beet standing at the doorway.

"Mother!" Cabba cried, flushing crimson. "Really?!"

"Make sure you use protection, son," Beet warned unhelpfully.

"You too, father?!" As the older couple laughed, Cabba groaned and palmed his face. "Sorry you had to hear that."

Kale let out a small titter. "It's okay..."

"Kiss!" Fennel cheered! "Kiss her!"

Beet put a hand on his mate's shoulder. "Dear... We should just leave them to it."

"Oh poo... You're no fun. Fine." She whispered in his ear, "We'll watch them from the window."


After they left, Cabba turned back to Kale, his face hot from embarrassment. "Kale... Do you mind if... I kiss you?"

Oh god. Oh god, oh god, oh god...! 'No!' she wanted to tell him. But she struggled to get the words out. "No-no..." She leaned in closer to him. "I don't mind." The clarity of her voice surprised her. "I... I don't mind, Cabba." Please kiss me.

In the safety of their mansion, Fennel was observing the couple through a pair of binoculars she had pulled out from somewhere. "Come on," she muttered, watching their shadows move closer to each other. "Hurry up! It certainly didn't take you and I this long, Beet."

"Really, dear..."

A triumphant yell could be heard from the mansion when their lips met, but neither of them bothered with it, focusing instead on what was happening between them. For Cabba, Kale's lips were certainly indescribably soft, whereas for Kale, she found that she liked the feeling of his chapped lips. She shivered slightly when she felt his tongue brush over her bottom lip.

This... This is amazing... Is this how it always feels? Kale wondered, Cabba thinking something similar.

When they broke apart, a disappointed Fennel threw her binoculars on the carpeted floor, though Cabba and Kale didn't know that. It had been too chaste and quick for the saiyan matron's taste and she said as much to her mate.

"They're pretty new at this," Beet commented. "They'll get the hang of it soon."

"Can... Can we do that again?" Kale asked timidly, rubbing her arm shyly.

Cabba merely smiled. "Of course we can."

Their lips touched again.

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