Ascending | ✔

yangri द्वारा

32.4K 579 142

[Indefinite hiatus] After the Tournament of Power, one might expect peace to return. Maybe for another 7 year... अधिक

Power on, brave warriors!
Crossing the threshold
In saiyans we trust
Unexplored territory
The not so wicked witch of the East City
Let's fly to the moon
Brewing tensions
Sweet and sour
The flipside
Burning bridges
Legend of the Flying Wig
Wigs will fly
Wigs are last season
Children of the Lost
Peculiar things
Blurred lines
Warped minds
Meet the Parents
Secret Heart
Clues from the past
Chasing the wind
I'm cold
Little mishaps
Cold son, stiff canary
Sister Dearest


768 16 9
yangri द्वारा

"M-mom?" stammered Goten, staring at the blank screen. "MOM?!" He pushed Trunks away and floated up to the machine to shake it. "MOM! MOM! MOMMY COME BACK!" Tears pricked his eyes as he continued to shake it, dislodging it from its place on the wall. "DON'T LEAVE ME MOMMY!" A golden blaze erupted around Goten, sending papers flying all over the place.

"GOTEN!" Trunks shouted over the wind. "GOTEN, YOU HAVE TO CALM DOWN!"



Goten took a deep breath and forced himself to relax, trembling. He spread out his chi senses and, upon finding her chi, felt an overwhelming sense of relief. "Y-you're right..." He went out of super saiyan and floated back to the ground. "Sorry Trunks!" He looked around at the mess he made, wiping his tears away. "I'm sorry..."

Trunks simply sighed and threw an arm around his best friend's shoulder, bringing Goten closer to himself. "It's alright. I probably would have done the same thing if that were my mom..."

The two boys sat in silence, huddled together. Goten's transformation had reduced the machine to pieces and important looking flyers were now stuck in places that they shouldn't be. The blueprints Trunks had put away earlier was now plastered to the ceiling after a pot of glue smacked into the roof. Goten continued to sniffle occasionally, finding comfort in Trunks' brotherly embrace.

My mom's okay, he thought numbly. She's okay... Mommy's okay...

Suddenly, the door burst open and a livid Bulma stood at the doorway. "What. Have. You. Done." She gave the boys a hairy eyeball, making them quiver in fear. "Well?! What part of 'top-secret' did you not understand, Trunks?! And you too, Goten? I'm ashamed of you both."

"It was all me," Trunks piped, unwilling to put his best friend into trouble after the poor Son had gone through such a distressing experience. "I made Goten come in here with me."

"Of course it was you," Bulma huffed, a vein throbbing on the side of her head. "I would have been less mad if you hadn't completely trashed my lab!"

"Sorry..." Trunks muttered dejectedly. "It won't happen again."

"Damn right it won't, mister! Because you're grounded for a month! No video games or TV!"


"You heard me!"

Trunks clenched his teeth in anger but didn't argue. It would only lead him to be punished even more severely.

Bulma released a sigh and moved forward to hug Trunks. "Don't do it again. Ever. I love you so much Trunks and I don't want you to get hurt doing things that you shouldn't be doing."

Trunks blinked in surprise but snuggled into the crook of his mother's neck anyway. "Um, okay. Love you too, mom."

Goten watched on with large eyes, feeling a bit of remorse. When was the last time I hugged mom? He made a resolve to give her the biggest hug ever as soon as he saw her.

"Get out of here, boys," said Bulma, considerably less angry - she even smiled a little. "Don't let me catch you in here again."



Chi Chi was helping herself to a cup of much needed tea in the kitchen when a small body glomped her. The tea sloshed in her cup as she startled. She looked down at a mass of black spikes, blinking confusedly. "Goten?"

A sniffling noise sounded as Goten started crying into her the side of her cheongsam. Chi Chi picked him up and wrapped his arms around him comfortingly. She rested her chin on top of his head, allowing him to freely sob into the front of her dress. "What's wrong, sweetie?"

A muffled sob. "I... I love y-you, mommy."

Chi Chi was pleasantly surprised. She felt a warmth that she hadn't felt in a long time as her child's words sank into her brain. Love. Chi Chi kissed the top of Goten's forehead. "I love you too, my brave little boy. Now tell me what's wrong. Mommy will make it all better."

"Please don't leave me, mommy."

Chi Chi smiled, her eyes starting to water. When was the last time he called me mommy? "Oh, Goten. I'll never leave you. Even when we're apart, we'll always find a way back to each other, okay?"

Goten mumbled something before looking up at Chi Chi's face with tearful eyes. "Okay. You promise?" He held out his smallest finger expectantly.

Chi Chi looped her own pinky finger around her son's. "I promise, Goten. Now, I'll reiterate. What's wrong?"

"I thought you were g-gone," Goten said, choking on a rising sob. "I don't want you to go."

Chi Chi hugged him even tighter, a hug that Goten gladly reciprocated. For what felt like an eternity they stayed like that - a mother comforting a son in a time of need. "Shh... hush, Goten." She began to rock him in her arms. "Hush. Mommy's here. Mommy will always be here." Twin trails of wetness ran down her face. "I promise."


"I don't know," Kale said, stepping out of the dressing room in that lovely red dress of hers. "I still think the plunge is too low..."

"We have to strike while the iron is hot!" declared Bulma, expertly walking in her high heels. She was hardly sweating even after dashing back and forth from her lab and the dressing room. "And boy, Kale, are you hot! If I were a guy and unmarried I think I would be buying you drinks right now."

Kale moved in a clunky fashion - she was not at all used to walking around in stilettos. "Can I at least go barefoot?" She rubbed her arm nervously. "I mean, if that's okay... I don't want to be a burden."

Bulma, clad in a purple dress that reached the top of her knees, turned around. "No way! Come on, Kale. Every girl needs to learn how to walk on heels. Think of it as a rite of passage."

"O-okay," Kale managed to say as Bulma grabbed her arm and dragged her off.

At the other end of the building, Cabba was admiring himself in the mirror. Was this really what he looked like wearing earth clothing? It looked better than he had expected it to look. He wore a white tailored shirt and a pair of tan pants complete with suspenders. It was... classy, in it's own way. Will Kale like it?

Finally, he exited his bedroom and made his way outside, where a bunch of powerful energy signals were gathered.


Tights wiped sweat off her forehead as she exited her car, a bag in her hands containing the surprise she had bought for her little sister and her new baby. She walked in a swaggering gait toward her old home, grinning with excitement. Bulma's not the only genius in this family!

She whistled merrily as she went on her way. I'll have to thank Jaco for helping me make it.


"MMM!" Beerus hummed in delight, his tail twitching in euphoria. "YUMMY!" He popped another six more octopus balls into his mouth, chewing all of them at once. When the gods had heard that a party was in order to celebrate Universe 7's survival, they really couldn't decline.

"Don't eat so fast, Lord Beerus," chided Whis. "You'll give yourself a bellyache. Don't you remember what happened last time?"

Beerus twitched slightly as he glared up at his attendant, not at all pleased to be reminded of that particular incident. Damn, he had looked badass when he smashed the menace Arale into the wall by simply tapping his foot. But then that was all ruined when his stomach did not respond well to 'all the most delicious foods in the world'. "Dammit, Whis. You just had to go there."

"Ohohoho! Maybe if you had actually chewed that time you wouldn't have come down which such a terrible case of diarrhea." Whis' eyes slanted slightly in amusement.

"Quiet, Whis. There are people listening." Beerus shot a nasty glare at Piccolo, who was famous for having extremely good hearing and had the misfortune to be nearby while they discussed Beerus' 'unfortunate incident'.

The Namekian, leaning against a tree, sighed. "I didn't hear anything, Lord Beerus."

"Good. I'm glad we're on the same page here." Beerus smacked his lips and moved onto a fajita plate and a burger all at once.

"Really, Lord Beerus!" exclaimed Whis, exasperated. "Did you just ignore everything I told you?"

"Mrrpphh! You're ruining my good mood, Whis!"

Just then, Bulma arrived with Kale in tow, the latter looking shyly at the ground. Bulma said something to Kale, making the younger girl nod. Then the heiress left her to look after her other guests, leaving Kale looking petrified. She moved to the side where she believed she wouldn't be in anyone's way, leaning on the opposite side of Piccolo's tree without realizing the presence of the Namekian on the other side.

Bulma caught sight of Cabba, who had just arrived also. "Don't you look dashing?" She sashayed over to him and whispered cheekily into his ear, "I bet Kale will love it!"

Cabba turned red. 'Y-you really think so?" He examined himself. "I was thinking she might say it looks ridiculous. Even if I think it look's good..."

"Nonsense!" Bulma said, waving off his concerns. "You could wear a trashbag and she'd still think you look good." She bumped his hip with her own. "Go get her, tiger!" The blue-haired woman gestured to Kale, who was looking a little lost stationed by the tree.

"Uuhh, I think I want a drink first."

"Pfft. Go on. But don't think you can avoid it forever!"

Piccolo, whose ears were good enough to catch every last detail of their conversation, smirked in amusement. Beerus noticed his change in expression.

"Hey," said the god, "what are you doing? Is there something on my face?"

Piccolo straightened instantly, his head banging painfully onto an overhanging branch. "There's nothing on your face, Lord Beerus. I just heard something interesting."

Beerus instantly relaxed. "Ah yes. My ears are big enough to hear that also." He twirled an octopus ball in his claws. "Those saiyans. They're from Universe 6, no?"

"I believe so," answered Whis. He glanced into his staff. "Their names are Cabba and Kale. A third saiyan from the same universe will be joining us soon." His scepter displayed a moving image of Caulifla and Goku flying through the air, both dressed smartly.

"Who invited them?" demanded Beerus. "I wasn't aware there was an open invitation to members of other universes. Have they somehow earned the right to celebrate their existence also?"

"I invited them!" declared Bulma, waltzing up with a champagne in one hand. "So don't go bullying them, yeah? They're my guests and I want to make sure they're treated right."

Beerus made a noncommittal noise. "Yeah, yeah, whatever."

Oolong, who was standing with Yamcha and Puar, witnessed the scene. He snickered and whispered to his friends, "Bulma's got that god wrapped around her finger." Luckily for him, Beerus was too far away to catch their discussion. "Man, I wish I was him sometimes. I would make full use of my godly position." He waggled his eyebrows, making Yamcha laugh and Puar sigh and shake his head.

Yamcha huffed a sigh. "It's really a shame that I wasn't invited to the tournament. I really could have done something." He glanced over at 18 and 17, who were talking with Cabba at the drink's table. "I could have been a hero like the rest of then."

"Aww, it's okay!" Puar said, trying to cheer his friend up. "You would have given Universe 7 an unfair advantage with your skills and power!"

Yamcha rubbed the back of his head, sweatdropping. "You're right. I would have decimated the rest!" Man, if only it was a baseball competition...

17 was busy chatting to Cabba with a deadpan expression on his face. "No hard feelings right?" he said, referring to how he had knocked the saiyan out of the Tournament of Power.

"Sure," replied Cabba, slightly unnerved by the android's unchanging visage.

"Good," added 18. "Because that wouldn't be nice, now would it?"

"No, it wouldn't sis."

"Definitely not."

"We already know how it feels."

"We were bad guys once after all."

"Remember when you broke Vegeta's arm?"

"Hah! Do I! What I wouldn't give to do it again."

Cabba sweatdropped as he regarded the android twins who seemed to be finishing each other's sentences. "R-right..." Please don't hurt me. If she was strong enough to break Master Vegeta's arm once...

Fortunately for Cabba, Kuririn, carrying Marron in his arms, unknowingly intervened. "Yo! How's it been with the wife and kids, 17?"

"Good." 17 took Marron from Kuririn. "Hello, Marron." This time, he made sure to pronounce the girl's name correctly, lest he face the wrath of his twin sister.

18 observed them icily as 17 bounced Marron up and down, the former's daughter laughing with joy. "You'd better not drop her. I will kill you if you do, make no mistake."

With that, Cabba slinked away, not wanting to hear this conversation anymore. Did she just threaten to kill her own brother?! What kind of people am I hanging out with? He looked around, desperate for some familiarity. His eyes were about to meet Kale's, but the giant, passing figure of Gyu-Mao caused him to miss her staring his way.

Vegeta finally made his appearance with Tights by his side, the two conversing.

"Are you really her sister?" demanded Vegeta, his eyes narrowed.

"For the last time, yes!" shouted Tights. "Have you finally got that into your thick skull?! So what if I'm blonde? I take after my mom!"

"Your eyes are strange. They're not blue like your mother's."

"Oh for goodness sake, we've been through his already. I have half of my genetics from my mother and half my genetics from my father. My father has dark brown eyes while my mother has blue. Dark brown is the dominant gene!"

"I was under the impression that your father's hair DNA was the more dominant one. So why is it that you take after your mother?"


"Vegeta, leave her alone," Bulma scolded, taking Tights aside. "Go brood or something - I want to catch up with Tights first!"

Vegeta grumbled something as the ladies left him to stand by one of the many buffet tables, which he really didn't mind as it gave him an opportunity to dig in to the delicious food laid out before him.

"Hey sis!" Tights said, looping her arm around Bulma's. "I have the surprise in here~"

"Just put it over there. I want you to meet Bra first. She's resting in her room but it's nearly time for her to wake up."

As the two ladies walked back into the building, Goten and Chi Chi came out, the former holding a cookie in his hand and smiling up at his mother. Chi Chi lovingly swept some crumbs off his mouth before giving him a kiss on the forehead and letting him go play with Marron, who was now out of 17's arms and clinging to her father's legs. The Son matron smiled as Kuririn gave Goten a hair ruffle before sending his daughter off with the other child.

"Gohan, Videl!" Chi Chi called to the young couple. "Oh my, Pan looks like she's gotten bigger already!"

"I know!" Videl said with a smile, tickling the baby who was in Gohan's arms. "I can tell she'll look just like you in the future."

"I can't wait for my granddaughter to grow up. I'll teach her how to cook, how to sew, how to clean..."

"And if she wants to be a martial artist like dad?" asked Gohan.

There was a pregnant pause.

Then Chi Chi giggled. "Don't be ridiculous Gohan! If she looks like me, she'll be like me!"

"Ah, right..." Gohan and Videl exchanged a glance. Despite what Chi Chi said, if Pan wanted to be a fighter like the rest of the males in their family, then they would support their baby girl every step of the way.


Caulifla narrowed her eyes as the sunlight reflecting off the Capsule Corp. building glared at her. "Is that the place? I can sense a lot of powers down there."

"That's the one," Goku answered as they flew down to the backyard, where a number of figures could be seen.

They descended and landed softly on the ground, the grass billowing around their feet. Goku raised a hand in greeting. "Hey everyone!"

Almost the entire party stopped. Then;


"Oh my gosh, it's Goku!"

"Uncle Goku!"

"Who's that with him? She looks familiar."

"Goku, try some of these octopus balls."

"Hey! Don't touch those. They're mine. If I find you near them again I'll destroy you."

"Really now, Lord Beerus. Please refrain from doing so at a party to celebrate existence."

"Goku, long time no see, no?"

Caulifla removed herself from him as his family and friends swarmed over him in the friendliest greeting she had ever witnessed in her life. Only a few hadn't joined in on the practical dogpiling of Son Goku. Androids 17 and 18, Piccolo, Vegeta, Kale and Cabba were standing aloof. And then, of course, there were the gods, Whis and Beerus, who were too busy chowing down on food.

"Oi. Cabba," Caulifla said as she walked up to him. "Never thought you'd subject yourself to wearing that."

"Says the one wearing an earthling dress."

"Hn. Touché." Caulifla glanced over at Kale. "Why don't you go talk to her? That green man's no good company."

"No, it's okay, she's better off there..."

Caulifla crossed her arms and glared nastily at him. "Are you trying to make some sort of statement?" She leaned forward. "You're not saying you're too good for her, are you?!"

"Eep! No, no, of course not. That's not what I meant at all." He shuffled his feet. "I just get so nervous around her..."

"If you don't talk to her by the time the party ends I will castrate you with a rusty carving knife," threatened Caulifla, shoving a finger in his face to emphasise her point. "Got it? Either you grow a pair or lose one."

"Ah! Right!"

Caulifla watched him stumble over to where Kale was standing and couldn't suppress a smirk. She still had it. She turned around and met back up with Goku, who was standing in a circle with Kuririn, Yamcha and the two shapeshifters Puar and Oolong.

"Wow, who's the babe?" Oolong chuckled. "I saw you fly in with her."

"Guys," Goku began, "this is Caulifla. I don't know if you remember her, Kuririn, but she was a competitor in the Tournament of Power."

That statement alone made Oolong back off, leaving the circle of friends with the excuse of "I need to use the bathroom suddenly".

"So this is the famed Kuririn," mused Caulifla. "You're shorter then I remember."

"... At this point, I'm just glad someone remembered me at all."

They all laughed, even Caulifla, who was glad the diminutive man didn't take her words to heart. She could guess that he was already used to this kind of thing, recalling how 18 had mercilessly ripped him to shreds when he had been sent to the bleachers. "You call yourself my husband?" the blonde android had snarled coldly.

"Tournament of Power, huh?" Yamcha let out a low whistle. "You must be pretty strong. You're a saiyan right? Does that mean you can turn into super saiyan too?"

Caulifla responded by doing just that, forcing a wind up into the air. "Does this answer your question?"

"Wowza!" exclaimed Yamcha, clearing not expecting her to go super saiyan just like that. "What Universe are you from? You weren't part of Universe 7's team."

"Universe 6. So are Cabba and Kale." She gestured over to where Cabba was awkwardly offering Kale a drink. Caulifla had to stifle a laugh. Kale didn't drink alcohol! Cabba, you fool...

Out of the corner of his eye, Goku noticed Chi Chi going back to the building by herself. Chi Chi! Now's the perfect time to talk to her. ... But do I really want to? She'll probably get mad again...

He had made up his mind to go after her when she returned carrying a gigantic pie with one hand. She had a small smile on her face - it was the type of scheming smile that was rarely seen on Chi Chi's face.

Goku perked up in alarm as she made her way over to them. No one else had noticed Chi Chi storming toward them like an angry baby rhinoceros. Caulifla was out of her super saiyan form and busy having a meaningful conversation with Yamcha ("You thought that a weakling like you would be invited to Zeno's tournament! Don't make me laugh!") while Kuririn was guffawing at Yamcha's dejected expression. Puar was trying his best to comfort the scorned Yamcha.

"Chi Chi -" Goku started but Chi Chi pushed past him.

The Son matron stood in front of Caulifla with the pie in her hand. "You made a promise to me. And you broke it."

Caulifla raised an eyebrow at her. "What the -"



Kale stood at the tree, sighing through her nose as she observed the party guests. They were all having fun - everyone except for her. Bulma had dressed her up nicely but nobody had really noticed her.

That was until she saw Cabba walking up to her. She had to refrain from staring at him for so long. That was Cabba?! Well, it had to be. He looked exactly the same, except that he was dressed like a male model. He held two glasses of spirits in his hands.

While Cabba walked to her, his heart started beating more erratically as he noticed the changes she had done to her appearance. She... she let her hair down! She looks to beautiful... He blushed. It wasn't like he hadn't seen her with her hair unbound before.

But this... this was different. And that dress... He was now standing in front of Kale. "Nice to see you again, Kale..." He cleared his throat. "You look lovely."

"R-really?" Does he really think so?

"W-well of course!" He laughed nervously. "Anything you wear looks beautiful on you. " Gyaahhh! Why did I say that?! What if she doesn't like forward men? This is me being forward, right?

Kale shyly looked down. "Thank you, Cabba... You look very nice as well." A small blushline appeared on her face.

"Thanks..." He remembered the two drinks he had with him. "Oh right! Want a drink?" He held out one for her.

"Oh, no thank you. I don't really drink."

Cabba threw the drinks across the courtyard. "Me neither!" he declared hastily. The two drinks landed on Muten Roshi's head, making him cry out and alerting the waitress to his perverted actions.

Roshi's cries could be heard by all as the waitress smacked him over the head with her metal tray.

"Umm, Cabba... That was a little unnecessary..."

Cabba sighed. Obviously this pussyfooting around was getting him nowhere. "Listen, Kale. I..." He swallowed. "I really like you and I want to get to know you more."

"Really? Umm, I like you too... And I'm not just saying that! I really do." Uh oh, did I go too far? What if he doesn't like me that much?

Cabba gaped in disbelief. "What? Man, and all this time I thought you wouldn't like me back..."

Kale moved forward to capture him in a warm embrace. "Well... I do."

Cabba reciprocated her hug, blushing when he realised how low the back plunge was on her dress. Bulma was definitely responsible for that outfit.

"Do you want to go to the mall with me tomorrow?" Cabba blurted. "I can convince Master Vegeta to let me go for a day."

He wasn't kidding when he said he wanted to spend time with me! A small smile crept onto her face. "It's a date."

Just then, all the talking ceased as everyone watched a massive banana pie smash into Caulifla's face, courtesy of Chi Chi. They watched as Caulifla wiped the gunk off her face. They watched as Caulifla threw said gunk into Chi Chi's face. They watched as the two women glared at each other, then stormed off in opposite directions.


The silence was broken by Beerus, his ears twitching in amusement. "The entertainment is certainly prime today."

Slowly, everyone returned to their own devices.

"Should we go after her?" wondered Cabba, referring to Caulifla.

"I think we should give sis a chance to cool down first."

"Yeah, that's probably a good idea."


"Ta da!" Tights exclaimed with a flourish, revealing the surprise. "What do you think, Bulma?!"

Bulma stared at Tight's unusual gift. She certainly hadn't been expecting that. She thought Tights was going to give her an endless supply of babywear and diapers like most normal aunts did. But then again, what had given her the idea that her family was normal?

Tights gift rolled over on the ground, its tail wagging. The blonde Briefs had gotten her niece a robot dog. A robot dog of all things.

"I made it myself," Tights said proudly.

Bulma deadpanned at her.

"We~ell, okay, with a little help from Jaco too..."

Bulma continued to deadpan.

"Alright, alright! Jaco helped a lot. Happy?"

Bulma giggled and picked up the robot animal. She scratched it behind the ear, eliciting a happy response from the metal dog. "Extremely. You're the best aunt ever, Tights! Bra will love it."

"Yeah, you'd better believe I'm the best aunt ever!" huffed Tights with mock irritation. "At least I'm not like Uncle Boxer. Do you remember what he gave me for my twelfth birthday?!"

"Oh, yeah! I remember it very well, in fact."

Tights groaned and pushed her face into her hands. "Math tutoring! He got me math tutoring for my frickin' birthday."

"In Uncle Boxer's defence, you certainly needed it."

Tights glared at her and threw a pillow at her, making her little sister giggle as the pillow hit her chest with a soft thump.

It was at that moment that Bra chose to wake up, cooing. She blinked curiously at a Tights, who was now hovering over Bra's crib. Bra gurgled happily and reached up at her to try and touch her face.

"Hi there, sweetheart!" squealed Tights, enveloping the baby's hand with her own. "I'm your auntie Tights! I'm the coolest aunt around so if you ever want something your parents won't give you, just come to me."

"Thanks," Bulma said dryly. "If she starts rebelling before she hits her teens I'm pinning it all on you."

"Hee!" Bra said.

"You're soooo cute," groaned Tights. "You make me want to have kids! Even though we both know that's not happening." She directed the last sentence at Bulma.

Bulma hummed sympathetically. "I know." She stood up from her place on the floor and stretched. "I'm going to see what I can salvage from my lab. The boys made a mess of it earlier."

"Oh my!" said Tights. "I'll join you. That reminds me, I haven't ever met Trunks before. He's got lavander hair like dad right? So why didn't I see him outside?"

"Trunks is grounded," Bulma told Tights as they walked to her lab. "And rightly so!" She opened her lab door. "Just look at this place!"

Tights let out a low whistle. "Wow. It looks like a war zone." She started picking up papers with complex equations on them, not understanding a lick of it. The elder Briefs sister was putting it on a nearby desk when she heard Bulma shriek. Quickly, she dropped the papers and went over to where the scientist was standing in front of what looked like a broken television.

"This was my latest invention!" moaned Bulma. "And it's ruined! Urrgghh..."

"What did it do?" asked Tights. "It looks like some flashy TV to me."

"This baby," Bulma gestured to the broken machine, "was going to be used so I could talk to my future son. It's like an inter-dimensional telephone." She glared at the scrap metal that it was now. "Remind me to extend Trunk's ban from all things good by another month."

"Duly noted," Tights said, though, inwardly, she wouldn't. She had to keep up her reputation as the cool aunt after all.

Bulma grabbed a tarp and was about to hang it so that it covered the broken device when suddenly an image flashed on the screen. Bulma froze, staring up at it. "D-did you see that too, Tights?"

"Yeah... It looked like a rabbit?"

The image flashed again, this time accompanied by sound. "Niifa's log... oh how the mighty have fallen..." The anthropomorphic bunny fought to keep her eyes open, her blonde curls flat and dirty. "This... is former Head Technician Niifa reporting..." The camera moved so that the Briefs could see a metal crowbar impaling the bunny's chest. "So... much... death. And... she's responsible..."

"Turn it off!" screamed Tights, unable to see the gore in front of her without freaking out.

But Bulma didn't. She continued to stare in horror.

"I see you, earthlings," Niifa rasped, coughing out blood. "Just... make sure it doesn't get this far... Not even... the gods... were spared." Her eyes started to dull as life seeped away from her. "Not... even.. the gods..."

Bulma switched it off, knowing that Niifa had died and that they weren't going to get anything else out of a corpse.

Tights collapsed to her knees, breathing hard. "What the hell was that?"

"I don't know, Tights... I don't know."

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