Dark SonAmy Boom: 2 Differenc...

By flamyblue

16.9K 279 52

After another failure attempt of Eggman defeating team Sonic, he decided to retire for good. However, since E... More

Helping Him /Unknown Feelings
Hiding Something
More Trouble
I Need You By My Side/ Realization
And So The Deadly Pain Game Begin's
Where Are We?
Meeting the Family
My 'Boyfriends' A What!?
"She's.No.One's....But Mine!"
Souls to Pay/A Chat With the Demon Himself Part 1
A Chat With The Demon Himself/ The Rose With A Tired Soul Part 2

Scared /Vow to My Heart With A Promise

1.2K 22 3
By flamyblue

Do not play song til I say so 👿 and this video belongs to EternalRacingStudio😀

In Amy's Dream

(Amy's POV)
It's strange to say I was on a date with my one and only guy. Sonic. He gave me so much kisses and hugs until something strange happened. The scene of the horizons sunset began to darken. The air smelt as if it was filled with the scent of dead animals. That's when I looked back at a very dark figure. It had eyes that had pure anger and shined white without pupils, but held an evil grin as if it was saying I was its next victim.
It came closer to me. I began to shiver in fear thinking if it was my last.Then It looked at me with a devilish grin , except it leaned into my ear and said, "Oh, dear~, how can I assist you sweety?" it whispered in a demonic voice. It sent shivers down my spine until it came closer to me once more by grabbing my arm forcefully. "You will never escape me! You are to be kept with me! FOREVER!!!" Now I figured out who it was it was Sonic!
I began to get horrified and then.

Wakes up

6:25 A.M. Saturday

"Aaaaaahh!!!! " I scream at the top of my lungs which caused me to sit up. Then I saw Sonic sitting up,he looked worried. "Ames, is something wrong?" He asked. "Well, I just had......" I couldn't say what I meant because it sounded childish."A nightmare?" He responded. "Yeah, sort of..."he smiled sweetly. "Ames you don't need to hide it. Everyone has nightmares, look if you like we can go to the park later on. Would like that?" I agreed to his kind offer. "Sonic?" I whispered in a nervous tone. "Yes, Ames? What's the matter?" "Well, I had this dream where I went on a date with this guy I like, right?"I spoke. "Yeah, and ?"he said in a weird tone. Was he jealous of himself?

(Sonics' POV)
Guy!? Oh! They are so dead! I could just imagine myself gripping any guy by the throat.Though, I don't want to scare Amy. "Yeah, and?" I said. "In my nightmare-ish dream he said he was going to keep me all to himself....and I was scared. That's why you heard me scream." it sounds like she was about to cry herself out again. I didn't want that, so I approached her with a hug.
All of a sudden I didn't know what I was doing it's as if those eyes of hers controlled me. ".....*pur*" alright now I just sounded ridiculous. I snapped out of my own love trance. I'm not a cat at all!"Uhm!...Sorry...about that." I replied with a nervous laugh along with an embarrassed grin,and my left hand scratching my quills. Then, I heard... a giggle? I spotted Amy giggling at my embarrassment. "Sonic, *giggles* why are you embarrassed? I mean, isn't that what we hedgehog's do? Pur? *giggles and smiles calmly*
"Well, yeah,but it's so embarrassing how can you not find it embarrassing!?" I pronounced with a shocked face. "Well, that's because I'm known to be the cutest hedgehog around!" she spoke with confidence. "Hmm... now I know then" I was kidding I just wanted to tease her a bit, but unfortunately, she toke it seriously, and whacked me dead hard with her famous piko piko hammer.
"Sonic! You jerk!"she shouted."I'm sorry I just wanted to mess with ya'! Instead what do I get hmm...oh that's right." says in a upset tone. "A whack on the head!" "Fine, I come her" she swayed her hands to signal me to come over to her."Okey" so I did as she said. "Sonic lay down on the bed, and wait I need to get the items I need to get ready."she informed.( Wait what!? What does that mean!?), I thought to myself.
" Su-sure thing!"

5 Minutes Later

I saw Amy come back she had an evil grin on along with something behind her back. "Hi, I'm back so I got a surprise for you....wanna see it?" Okey , I'm officially scared I don't know if I should say yes, or no. (Think Sonic think ) I told myself. "Um..yes?" I replied. "Ok, close your eyes" she said in a creepy voice. So, I closed my eyes then I felt the bed move like someone was climbing in ,and I knew it was Amy. Then. SPLASH! I Jumped in fear. It was water!
"Aaaaaahh!!!!!!" I shouted so loud your ear drums might break. I immediately eyed Amy. She was laughing her head off. "Hahaahaahaahahaha!!!" "What the h*** Amy!?!" I said annoyed. "Well-hehe you gotta admit it was pretty funny *giggles*" "Well, hardy har har
" I spoke with a sarcastic voice."Aaw! Why so down? Didn't you say 'yes' to my surprise?" "Except, I didn't know it was water!" "Fine, sorry I didn't give you a hint, Sonic" it was hard to stay mad at her, even if she is my crush. "Fine. I'll forgive you. But. No, creepy voices! Seriously, it scared the bananas out of me!" D*** it!"Pfft!Hahahaha!! Bananas!?" That's it I hate myself now!
"Speaking of bananas...what were you really thinking when I said close your eyes?" "Um!... I don't know what your talking about?! *blushes* ". "Wait, a minute!"she said shocked. Uh,oh! I know what that means. "Sonic!!! You perv!!*blushes madly*" dang can she not break my ears."I'm sorry!" I shouted in a scared tone.

(Amy's POV)

It's 7:10 A.M. now, Sonic and I are setting in a field of flowers. After 1 or 2 hours of Sonic saying 'sorry' a bunch of times. I gave in and forgave him. He used his grin against my will. Which caught me to saying 'I forgive you Sonic'. Ugh! Darn it! Why does he have to be so cute!
"So, Amy" he started. "Hmm?" I hummed. "I was wondering...who is your dream guy?" Whoa! Why does he want to know!? I can't say it's him it'll just turn out awkward! And it will ruin our friendship.Oh! I need to come up with something, and fast too!
"Oh, well it's just a guy whose funny,quick-witted,nice,and everything ! *sigh* " "Everything?" Sonic responded, though in a rather bothered voice. "Hey, Sonic? Who is your crush? You have to tell me now. Who's the girl or what do you like about her?".Sonic, then began "Hmm..they know how to make up brilliant ideas that and other stuff." he said rather happy. I began to think who the girl might be. I am going to kill them! If I see Sonic and a girl, boy are they in for a world of pain!
"Sonic, if we we're to be against another new villian who would you choose to be your battle partner for that day only? Anyone from the team?" "See, this is why I will never like to answer questions like these....hmm...well the best I would choose between would be you and Tails'. So,yeah, both of you would be excellent. Knuckles' and Sticks' are alright, but then again if we were to be stuck in a problem involving technology and hard objects then you and me would take care of the hard or heavy objects while Tails' does his hacking, and tech ideas. How's that?" Wow! Impressive even though I said 'partner' as in 1 person. He included both me and Tails' along with himself.
"I say you are beginning to sound smarter."I had to smile at how his ego actually got him to think instead of staying plain old cocky.
"Amy,but if you were to ever get hurt I vow and promise to stay,protect and help you through the pain any day. *smiles*" "Thanks, and I vow to my heart that I Amy Rose will protect even stay by your side at anytime. *smiles back*

They both raised their hands in the air and spoke in unison "I here by promise and vow to my friend that I will be by their side no matter what the future may bring,pain or sickness I will be there." They then shook hands with a smile on each their faces.
"Ames, I mean every word and I will be by yours and our friends sides too. Remember that."
"Alright, I will, thanks for everything Sonic even when you had to stay at my place to help me calm down. I really do appreciate it. Thank you *smiles*.
"It's what I do,and your welcome *smiles back*".
"Hey, Sonic can you sing a song? I like it when you sing. I think it's cool you and the guys did dude-titude. Although,that 1 month away concert had to wait 'cause you and the guys thought to early.
"Sure, anything for a friend." That hurt me so bad because I wish I was his girlfriend. Except, I let it slide. "Yay! Start!" I smiled.

Play Song Now

Sonic begins now

Can we pretend that airplanes
in the night sky are like shooting stars?

I could really use a

wish right now

Wish right now

Wish right now

Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars?

I could really use a

wish right now

Wish right now

Wish right now


I could use a dream...

or a genie...

or a wish...

To go back to a place much simpler than this

' Cause after all the partyin'

And smashin'

And Crashin'

And all the glitz

And all the glam

And the fashion

And All the pandemonium

And all the madness

There comes a time you fade into the blackness

And when you're staring at the phone in your lap

And you hope but them people never call you back

But that's how the story unfolds

You get another hand soon after you fold

And when your plans unravel in the sand

And they sayin' what would you wish for

If you had one chance

So airplane

Airplane sorry I'm late

I'm on my way so don't close
that gate

If I don't make that then I'll switch my flight

And I'll be right back at it by the end of the night

Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars?

I could really use a

Wish right now

Wish right now

Wish right now

Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars!

I could really use a

Wish right now

Wish right now

Wish right now


Somebody take me back to the days

Before this was a job

Before I got paid

Before it ever mattered what I had in my bank

Yeah ,when I was tryin' to get into the subway


And back when in was rappin' for the hell of it

But now a days we rappin' to stay relevant

I'm guessin' that if we can some wishes outta airplanes

Then maybe yo

Maybe I'll go back to the days

Before the politics that we the rap game

And back when nobody listened to my mixtape

And back before I tried to cover up my slang

But this is for the Cuba what's up Bobby Bay

So can I get a wish to end the politics

And get back to the music that started this sh**

So here I stand and then again I say

I'm hopin' we can so wishes outta airplanes

Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars?

I could really use a

Wish right now

Wish right now

Wish right now

Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars?

I could really use a

Wish right now

Wish right now

Wish right now

I could really use a

Wish right now


I could really use a

Wish right now

Like shooting stars


A wish

A wish right now

(Amy's POV)

"Woah! Sonic that was incredible! It sounds even better without doing it in a concert!" *happy* "Thanks, Ames! To tell the truth I didn't think it would sound awesome without a concert. Also, I've never heard you sing before well aside from that giant rock monster. That day was terrible, who knew Sticks was helpful to the monster ,but not to us."
"Yup,especially when it hurt our ears. I have to say that,that day has been the worst day of my life. I still hate that monster I mean I don't sing bad!"*pouts* "Amy, at least you tried and I liked your singing." *both blush* "um..thank...you.." "No,prob Amy". I began to tell Sonic to go hangout with the others. He said I should call him in case if an emergency and I nodded with a 'yes'. After that he ran off, probably to Tails' workshop.
I feel so lonely again,but a list of chores won't just finish themselves. Eventually, I completed the chores which left me time to cook something for everyone of my friends. *smiles*

I hope you enjoyed the series so far and please👍,💬or share your thoughts about the story 💭 until next time Gotta Go Fast!!🔵💨😁

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